444 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 27, 1914. BELT PULLEYS, Spread Arms. Strong, Flat or Convex. Douglas FRASER & SONS Ltd., C. Dept., Westburn Foundry, ARBROATH. 'z’/ZZ/Z '7////7777T777 FLUE. Patent “Accessible” Flue Covers and Small Surface / Contact / Seating Blocks./ Space filled with broken clinker & ashes. Stops air leaking into side flue. Cones are in 4 pieces and may be fixed in one hour when cleaning flues. They may be turned half round on swivel provided. PECKETT & SONS, Bristol. Speciality—TANK LOCOMOTIVES. Locos, of various sizes specially designed for Collieries. ironworks, Contractors, Ac always in stock, Ready for Immediate Delivery Photographs, Prices and Specifi- cations ON APPLICATION. Telegraphic Address—“ Peckett, Bristol.” Telephone—No. 6 Fishponds. ESTABLISHED 1864. BRISTOL J'.' v Patent Fire Brick Cones t0 SECTION. fO/? PRICES AND PARTICULARS WRITE- Divert Hot Cases against Tube Plate of Boiler. J Increases Circulation at rear end of boiler. Lowers waste gas temperature and saves fuel. Cones as seen through furnace tubes. Messrs. JOHN KNOWLES & Co. (Wooden Box) Ltd., Wooden Box, nr. BURTON-on-TRENT. USE STEAM WAGONS FOR ECONOMY. ICO OL'.d STEAM WAGONS, to carry 3 or 5 tons. MANN’S PATENT STEAM CART and WAGON CO. DTD., HUNSLET, LEEDS. London Office— STEAM CART, to carry 5 tons. 9, Fenchurch Avenue, E.C. HAULAGE AND WINDING GEARS Main and Tail Haulage Gear fitted with Friction Clutches and Squirrel Cage Motor, thereby doing away with Controller. ■ IF . OF ALL TYPES AND SIZES, ALSO THREE-THROW PUMPS. VERTICAL SHAFT FRICTION CLUTCHES. M. B. WILD & 0° LTD NECHELLS, BIRMINGHAM. Telephone—208 East. Telegrams—Hauling, Birmingham. ABC (5th Edition) and Lieber’s Code. LONDON OFFICE—37, WALBROOK, E.C. Telephone—7476 City. Telegrams—Clutching, London.