400 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 20, 1914 THE “ PROTO RESCUE APPARATUS. Mr. J. R. ALLOTT’S free on request. THE ALL-BRITISH APPARATUS ---- is --- THE SAFEST APPARATUS IN THE WORLD. No Injector employed. Always under positive pressure there- fore no danger of drawing poisonous air into breathing circuit. Our “BULLETIN” of actual work done in serious cases will be sent free on request. For further testimony as to the efficiency of the “ Proto,” please see paper read before the Institution of Mining Engineers on Sth June, 1913—copy sent MINERAL BORING. Thomson Bros. (Dunfermline) U. (On Admiralty Lint), Prospectors for Minerals, &c., by Diamond Drill and other Systems. Deepest Bore, undertaken. Several already executed to depths from 2,400 to 4,536 feet. Quotation, given for all kinds of Boring, Sinking Artesian Wells, Proving Foundations, Ac. 121, West Regent St., GLASGOW. SIEBE, GORMAN & CO. LTD., “Neptune” Works, LONDON, S.E. Telegrams—° Siebe, Lamb, London.” Telephone No.—251 Hop. Agent for North America ano Mexico-H. N. ELMER 1140, Monacncch Block, Chicago. VT JOHNSON & SONS -------- (LEEDS) LTD., -- CASTLETON FOUNDRY, LEEDS. “FIRE KING” SPRINKLING SHOVEL. FOR BOILER FIRING (Patented). Similar, but better effect than with Mechanical Stcklrgr. Spreads the Fuel. No Caking. LESS SMOKE. Great number of REPEAT ORDERS. Increased Efficiency. Saving in Fuel. MORE STEAM GENERATED. ftzzzzzzzz: C. A. FELL, Dronfield, nr. Sheffield. MANY . REPEAT ORDERS. “ Perfect-Combustion ” Superheat Furnaces, The LEADING FURNACE for Collieries, &c., on account oi (1) Their exceptional STEAMIMG POWERS (2) Ability to burn ANY FUEL. (3) EFFICIENCY & ECONOMY. PILLATT <& CO. LttdL, Stapleford, Nottingham. 'Tel. No. 20 Sandiacre. AIR COMPRESSORS. REAVELL 1 CO. LTD., — IPSWICH. Illustrated Catalogue C12 post free. Stone-Dust Grinding Mills. Patent Fuel Plants. Brick & Cement Machinery. f Jbstab. 1823. WILLIAM FIRTH L™ — ■ w -r-,,.mini■ .mm.. LEEDS (also at Doncaster). Iron & Steel Bars, Angles, Tees, Channels, Zeds, Convex, &c. PLATES and SHEETS. with Fishplates and all Accessories STEEL GIRDERS. Sections—3 x H to 24 x 7 NEW & SECOND-HAND PLANT For CONTRACTORS & COLLIERIES. Locomotives, Cranes, Wagons, Skeps, Pumps, Mortar Mills, etc., etc. Established 1818. Telegraphic Address—** Glovers.” Telephone No. 39. Wm Jas GLOVER & C° Orufinal and ^ole Makers of “Glover's fteid” ®teel Wire Ropes. Works—ST. HELENS, LANCS. SECTION ‘•‘A.” NON-TWISTING LOCK COIL WINDING, SINKING, CAPSTAN ROPES, &c Lang’s Lay and Lock Coil Ropes of Greatest Length without Joints in Component Wires REPRESENTATIVES—CARDIFF—A. E. GRANT, I & a, Western Mall Chambers, St. Mary's Street. SHEFFIELD—W. WALTON PITT, 6, Osborne Road, Nether Edge. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, T. W. ANNS. Ward’s Buildings, High Bridge.