February 20, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 395 COAL MINES ACT, 1911 3rd Schedule, 6th Section. “ A suitable appliance or appliances for the destruction of horses requiring to be destroyed shall be provided and kept readily available for use.” I SPRING BOLT KILLER. ---- 30/- carriage paid. The most humane and satisfactory appliance for killing injured or decrepit horses and ponies in mines. No cartridge or explosive used, absolutely safe in any part of the mine. Send a postcard for an illustrated booklet on the subject, which will be sent gratis on application to the Secretary, R.S.P.C.A., 105, Jermyn Street, London, S.W. YOU HAVE NOT YET APPLIED 11 FOR SPACE AT THE SECOND NORTHERN COLLIERY AND MINING EXHIBITION. The Exhibition is being held in the City Exhibition Hall, Manchester, FROM JUNE 12th to 27th, 1914, UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE NORTHERN MINING INDUSTRIES EXHIBITORS’ COMMITTEE. H 98 ■ For the FEW remaining spaces APPLY TO W. R. JONES, Secretary, Exhibition Offices, 196, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. TANGYE’S “T’ Type Gas Engine With “VARIABLE ADMISSION” GOVERNING. WORKS LIKE STEAM ENGINE. FOR DRIVING ALTERNATORS IN PARALLEL. SINGLE CYLINDER OR COUPLED ENGINE. Catalogue, with full particulars, on application to — TANGYES L™ BIRMINGHAM. No. 205 D