February 13, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN, 371 CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages Abstracts of Contracts Open. Bournemouth, February 18—Coal for the Corporation. Forms from the borough surveyor, Mr. F. W. Lacey. Bournemouth, February 19.—Welsh smokeless coal (washed peas), household coal, and gas coke to the Tram- ways Department, for the Corporation. Forms from the general manager (Mr. I. Bulfin) on deposit of £1 Is. (return- able). Bradford, February 17.—Engine coal for the Corpora- tion. Forms from the Town Clerk. Carlisle, February 20.—Coal, for the Watch Committee of the Corporation. Particulars obtainable at the Police Office, West Walls. Darlington, February 18.—About 10,000 tons of small, rough small, or single nut steam coal, for the Corporation (Electricity Committee). Forms from the borough elec- trical engineer, electricity works, Haughton-road. Hols worthy, February 17.—About 40 tons of Cocks- head coal, for the Guardians. Tenders to Mr. Claude Kinsman, clerk, Union Offices, Holsworthy. Leeds, February 21.—Steam coal (small slack, smudge, or similar material) required for the electric ^ghting department, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. C. Nelson Hefford, manager, electric lighting department, 1, Whitehall-road, Leeds. Leith, February 16.—About 3,000 tons washed singles or washed dross, and 11,000 tons washed singles or washed dross, for the Corporation. Forms from the Burgh Electrical Engineer, Great Junction-street, Leith. London, February 26.—About 15,000 tons of coal, suitable for burning with chain-grate stokers, for the Hackney Borough Council. Forms from Mr. N. Scorgie, deputy town clerk, Town Hall, Mare-street, Hackney, N.E., on payment of .£1 (returnable). Peterborough, February 19.—About 1,000 tons of small nuts, for the Electricity Committee of the Corpora- tion. Forms from Mr. John C. Gill, city electrical engineer, Municipal Offices, Peterborough. Redditch, February 24.—About 6,000 tons beans suit- able for Babcock’s chain grate stokers, for the Urban District Council. Forms from the engineer, Electricity Offices, Summer-street, Bedditch. Stockholm (Sweden), February 21. — Tenders are invited by the Swedish State Railways for the supply of 627,300 tons of coal and 9,100 tons of coke.* Weymouth, February 21.—Steam coal for the electricity works, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. J. H. Bolam, M.So., borough electrical engineer, Stavordale-road, Wey- mouth. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, &c. Auckland (New Zealand), March 26.—Hydro-electric Power Plant.—For the directors of the Dominion Portland Cement Company Limited, New Zealand (Wairua Falls) :— Hydraulic equipment (including turbines, 1,500-horse power each, governors, penstocks, valves, &c.) ; generators, 1,000 kw. each, exciters, automatic regulators, &c. Specifi- cations from Messrs. Walker, MacEwen and Co. Limited, 7, Princes-street, Westminster, S.W., on payment of «£2 2s. (returnable). Bishop’s Stortford, February 24.—Gas Engine,