342 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 13, 1914. Wrought Iron and Steel Tubes. Special Joint These Tubes are specially suitable for use in Mines, being both light and strong. FITTINGS OF ALL KINDS SUPPLIED. Improved Albion Loose Flange Joint. for Collieries Joints are easily connected, and a Tube can be removed without disturbing the run. PRICE LISTS SENT ON APPLICATION. STEWARTS and LLOYDS LTD., GLASGOW—41, Oswald Street, BIRMINGHAM-Nile Street. LONDON-Winchester House, Old Broad Street. APPROVED MINERS’ LAMPS, GLASSES. Colliery Stores. W. E. TEALE & CO. LTD. SWINTON, LAW. Telegrams—“Teale, Swinton, Lane.” Telephone—No. 124 Eccles. GORES’ GORES! GORES’ GORES! THE New Calyx Drill & Boring Co. Id. 120, East Ferry Road, Millwall LONDON, E. Boring for Coal and Mineral Prospecting, Artesian Wells, &c. Large Cores a Speciality. Patent Appliances for ensuring the verticality of bore. Contracts completed to date- 60,000 ft., from 500 to 3,600 ft. Core of 8 in. dia. has been produced at a depth of 3,000 ft. by this system. Estimates Given for any depth or size. Complete Drilling Outfits Supplied for Foreign Contracts. JSTOW READY. Published February 9th. TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. Containing all the latest information up to within a few days of publication THEE MINING MANUAL AND MINING YEAR BOOK 1914. By WALTER R. SKINNER. The Standard Reference Work on Mines. Price 15/- net. Post Free (Inland), 15/6. Post Free (Abroad), 17/- 1,500 pages. In Demy 8vo, bound in RED cloth. The Mining Manual and Mining Year Book is now the only booh published giving complete particulars of Mining Companies operating in all parts of the world. A RECORD OF INFORMATION concerning 2,620 Mining Companies (Gold, Diamond, Silver, Copper, Tin, Iron and othor Mines, Collieries, Land, Exploration, and Mining Investment Concerns, &c.), arranged in two sections : 890 AFRICAN (including Transvaal, Rhode-da. Cape Colony, Natd, Nigeria, West Africa, &c.) ; and 1,730 MISCELLANEOUS (including Australasia, Mexico, India, America, Europe, Russia, &c., and the Coal, Iron, Tin, and other Mining concerns of the United Kingdom). In addition, Tables of Crushings and Gold Outputs are given, alsi lists of Mining Directors, Secretaries, Mining and Consulting Engineers, Mine Managers and Agents, their Name-, Addresses, and Descriptions, and Names of the Companies with which they are connected, and a Dictionary of Mining and other terms. THE PARTICULARS given of each Company includes the Directors and other officials ; date of establishment; seat of operations ; description of the property, with the purchase con- sideration ; plant erected or in course of erection; present working results; ore reserves ; details of capital; calls; dividends paid; and the financial position as disclosed by the accounts. Highest and lowest prices of the shares for the last four years, also latest price. THE INDEX, which forms a highly important feature of the book, contains the names of over 5,220 Companies, consequently active, private, or dormant companies can easily be traced. CRUSHING TABLES and Gold Outputs from tha principal mines are given at the com- mencement of the volume, showing tons treated monthly, results obtained and yield per ton ; also annual yields. Lists of DIRECTORS (6,001), SECRETARIES (1,360), Mining and Consulting ENGINEERS and MINE MANAGERS (1,300) include their addresses and descriptions and names of the Companies with which they are connected. To be obtained from all Booksellers, or direct from the Publisher, WALTER R. SKINNER, 13, Clements Lane, London, E.C. AND “FINANCIAL TIMES,” 72, Coleman Street, London, E.C. Kep-Arrangement “ System Beien *1 Unsurpassed in Easy and Absolute Reliable Working-. Strong and Durable Construction. No Breakdowns ! Hundreds in Use ! Moderate Prices. Apply to D. BENTHAUS, 45, Bank Street, Sheffield. Coal-Cutter Picks “MAGIC” Files & Steel Tool Steel of all kinds / H. & R. WATERFALL & BARBER, Bridge Street, SHEFFIELD. the HOPPERS’ PATENT BYE-PRODUCT COKE OVENS AND NEW SYSTEM OF RECOVERING THE BYE-PROOUCTS GIVE RESULTS WHICH HAVE NEVER BEEN EQUALLED BY ANY OTHER SYSTEM. See large advertisement appearing in alternate issues of this Journal. All communications to be addressed to— The Keppers* Coke Oven & Bye-Product Co., 301, Glossop Road, Sheffield. Tel. No. 1935. Tel. Address—" Koehn, Sheffield."