February 13, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 339 COAL MINES ACT, 1911 3rd Schedule, 6th Section. “ A suitable appliance or appliances for the destruction of horses requiring to be destroyed shall be provided and kept readily available for use.” HAULAGE GEARS. * ILLUSTRATION represents Haulage No. 458, a self-contained portable endless rope haulage of 25 h.p., with the motor mounted direct on a heavy cast-iron bed attached to main steel bed frame. The main spur wheel and pinion have double helical machine moulded teeth—90 teeth, 2 in. pitch, 7 in. width of face with strong box section arms of strong tough cast-iron. There is no clutch on this gear, but one can be fitted if desired. The brake is of the differential type, so that, on the lever being dropped, it engages at once with the wheel and is self-holding, gripping harder as the load increases. It may be gradually applied, and is also self-releasing, similar to a pawl, on the motor being set away, or may be released by hand. SPRING BOLT KI.LER. ---- 30/- carriage paid. The most humane and satisfactory appliance for killing injured or decrepit horses and ponies in mines. No cartridge or explosive used, absolutely safe in any part of the mine. Send a postcard for an illustrated booklet on the subject, which will be sent gratis on application to the Secretary, R.S.P.C.A., 105, Jermyn Street, London, S.W. The intermediate wheels are machine-cut, the driving pinion being of Raw Hide. The bearings are of the self-oiling type, with the exception of the main shaft, which has syphon lubricators. The bedplate is composed of strong rolled steel joists and channels braced together with strong gusset plates and angles, bolted together for easy re-erection underground. By Appointment Tronfonnder-* to H.M. The King. Write for No. 27E Illustrated Catalogue, post free on request. Qirron Qompanx Incorporated bv Toval Cha'ter, 1773. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, CARRON, STIRLINGSHIRE. E tabii