February 6, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 319 Keith Induced Draught Fans Extensively used at COLLIERIES AND STEEL & IRON WORKS. NOTE 1 ! Six Keith Induced Draught Fans have been installed by one firm alone. iA-X'.. i.l'f Il ■ '<• r INDUCED DRAUGHT PLANT for FOUR LANCASHIRE BOILERS. Fans of all sizes for any drive. Complete Plants also for MINE VENTILATION, DUST REMOVAL, HEATING & VENTILATING, FORGE & CUPOLA BLOWING &c. &c. Highest Efficiency, with Strength and Reliability. James Keith & Blackman Co. Ltd., 27, Farringdon Avenue, LONDON, E.C. AND AT NEWCASTLE, MANCHESTER, LEEDS, CARDIFF, GLASGOW, &c.