318 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 6, 1911. for the reconstruction of bridges. Specification from the secretary, Amiens-street Terminus, Dublin, on payment of £1 Is. (returnable). Greenock, February 11.—-Crane.—A 150-ton electric crane, to be erected on the south quay of the James Watt Dock, for the Greenock Harbour Trustees; Specification obtained at the engineer's office. Municipal Buildings, on deposit of £1 (returnable). Llanelly.—Drift-driving.—For driving drift 8 ft. by 6 ft. through coal dipping 12 in. in yard, for 80-100 yards. Tenders to Ffosfach Colliery Company Limited, Castle- buildings, Llanelly. London, February 25.—Cooling Towers, r laying water mains extensions, fcr the Llandilofawr Rural District Council. Specifications from the Council's engineer, Mr. H. Herbert, Brynmarlais, Ammanford. Port Said, March 5 —Plant.—Tenders are invited by the Egyptian Ministry of Public Works on behalf of the Municipality of Port Said for the supply and erection of air-compressing plant required for the air-compressing station of the Main Drainage Department. Particulars from Controller - General, Main Drainage Department, Ministry of Public Works, Cairo. Pretoria (South Africa), March 2. — Structural Steelwork—Tenders are invited by the South African Railways Administration for the supply and delivery of structural steelwork, &c.* Westonzoyland (Somerset), February 17.—Boiler.— A steel Lancashire boiler, 22 ft. long by 6 ft. 8 in. in diameter, for the Othery, Middlezoy, and Westonzoyland Drainage Board. Specifications from Mr. W. Lunn, 65, Wembdon-road, Bridgwater, on payment of £2 2s. (returnable). * Specifications, particulars, &c., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C. COIL, mo® MD EMBW C0EPMIES. Auto Wheels (Foreign Patents) Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £42,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of ironfounders, mechanical engineers, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with Auto Wheels Limited, A. M. Wall Limited, and Stern Bros. Signatories: G. Dickson, 20, Lovelace-gardens, Southend- on-Sea ; and J. E. Waller, 167, Brondesbury Park, Crickle- wood, N.W. Avery (W. and T.) Limited.—It is stated that Messrs. W. and T. Avery Limited and Henry Pooley and Son Limited have arranged to amalgamate. Subject to approval by the shareholders as a whole, and the preference and ordinary shareholders at separate meetings, the directors of Henry Pooley and Son Limited have approved of the terms of an agreement for the sale of the company's business as from September 30, 1913, to W. and T. Avery Limited. Bangham and Brooke Limited.—-This private company has been registered, with a capital of £3,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of dealers in all kinds of metal, ironmasters, smelters, converters of iron and steel, mechanical and general engineers, electricians, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with E. B. Bangham and E. H. Brooke. First irectors, Emma B. Bangham and E. H. Brooke (managing director). Qualification, £100. Remuneration of managing director, £100 per annum. Registered office, Temple-buildings, Goat-street, Swansea. Bessemer (Henry) and Go. Limited—The directors recommend a final dividend on the ordinary shares of 5 per cent., making 71 per cent, for the past year. For the preceding year 10 per cent, was paid. Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Limited.—A dividend at the rate of 12| per cent, per annum on the ordinary capital for the half-year to December 31 last, making 10 per cent, for the year, and also a bonus of 5 per cent, for the year, making 15 per cent, per annum, have been declared. Briggs (Henry), Son and Co. Limited.—The directors announce an interim dividend cf 5 per cent. Bristol and South Wales Railway-Wagon Company Limited.—The directors report that for the year ended December 31, 1913, including £1 851 brought forward, the net profit is £21,861. Out of this an interim dividend of 10 per cent, per ar num was paid on August 14 last (£7,500), and the directors have carried to the contingent fund £4,000, leaving a disposable balance of £10,361. The directors recommend payment of a further dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, making 10 per cent, for the year, less income tax (£7,500), and a b> nus of 6d. per share, less income tax, leaving a balance to be carried forward of £1,611. The contingent fund now stands at £60,000. British Insulated and Helsby Cables Limited.—War- rants for dividend to December 31 last on the 6 per cent, cumulative preference shares have been posted. British Wagon Company Limited.—The forty-fifth annual report states that the profits) for the year 1913 added to the balance brought forward, amount to £67,070 14*. 4d., out of which debenture and other interest has been paid, amounting to £42,679 5s. 9d., and it is proposed that the balance should be applied as follows :—Interim divi- dend, paid July 28, of 4s. per share on the shares with £3 paid up, and of Is. 4d. per share on the shares with £1 paid up, less tax, £8,161 2s. 3d. ; further dividend of 4s. and Is. 4d. per share on the above shares respectively, less tax, £8,161 2s. 3d. ; transfer to the reserve fund, £7.500 ; leavin g to be carried to next year's account, £569 4s. Id. With the above addition the reserve fund will stand at £160,000. Owing to the death of Mr. Edward Drabble, a vacancy arose on the board, and Mr. Thomas R. Chislett was appointed in his place. The directors also announce the resignation of Mr. James Cowan Smith, after 27 years’ service on the board. Mr. William Dyson, of Rotherham, has been appointed to fill the vacancy. Caxton Engineering Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £1,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of engineers, Ac. First directors : C. W. von Roemar and R. Pepe. Registered office, Caxton House, Tothill-street, Westminster, S.W. Dorman and Smith Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £50,000 in £1 shares, to acquire the business of manufacturing electrical engineers, now carried on at Salford under the style of Dorman and Smith, and to carry on the business of iron and brass founders, &c. Also to enter into an agreement with C. M. Dorman and R. A. Smith. First directors : C. M. Dorman, R. A. Smith and H. G. Baggs. Registered office, Ordsal Electrical Works, Middlewood-street, Salford. Duchy Collieries Limited. — This private company has been registered, with a capital of £25,000 in £1 shares, to acquire any mines, mining rights, and metalliferous lands in the county of Glamorgan, and elsewhere, and to carry on the business of colliery proprietors, miners, smelters, engineers, ironmasters, and ironfounders, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with T. E. Maddock, J. Maddock, F. E. Jacob, and J. P. Jacob. First directors: F. E. Jacob, Ffrwdwyllt House, Port Talbot ; J. P. Jacob, Rock- leigh, Pentyla, Aberavon; T. E. Maddock, 1, Richard- street, Pontyoymmer; and H. W. Henderson, Bank-chambers, Station-road, Port Talbot. Fisher Malleable Foundry Company Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £3,000 in £1 shares (1,000 preference), to acquire the business of malleable iron founders and general engineers, &c, now carried on by J. Fisher and H. Fisher, under the style of John Fisher and Sons, at Bertha-road, Greet, Birmingham, and to carry on the business of millwrights, wheelwrights, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with J. Fisher and H. Fisher. First directors, M. Docker, G. Merrett, and J. Fisher. Registered office, 6, Bertha-road, Greet, Birmingham. Flagg (Stanley S.) and Co. (England) Limited —This private company has been registered, with a capital of £2.000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of mechanical engineers, manufacturers of malleable iron and steel castings, &c. Judge (T. W.) and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £1,000 in £1 shares, to acquire and carry on the business known as T. W. Judge and Co., coal merchants, the Great Western Railway Depot, Southall. First directors, T. W. Judge (managing director) and J. A. Judge. Registered office, the Great Western Railway Depot, Southall, Hampshire. Knowles (Andrew) and Sons Limited.—The directors’ fortieth annual report for the year ending December 31, 1913, shows a net profit for the year of £29,139 18s. An interim dividend at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum was paid on August 1 last, and with the amount brought forward from last account the amount now available for distribution is £16,122 13s. lOd. This it is proposed to dispose of as follows :—To pay a further dividend, making 5 per cent, for the year, £15,000 ; to carry to next account, £1,122 13s. lOd. Mr. Robert Millington Knowles, owing to advancing years and ill health, retired from the board on November 1 last. The directors accepted his resignation with regret, and they wish to place on record their sense of the valuable services rendered to the company by him as a director since the formation of the company in 1873, and for nearly 20 years as chairman of the board. Mr. Edward Ferdinand Melly, managing director of the Griff Colliery, Nuneaton, has been elected to fill the vacancy on the board. The proposals of the directors referred to in the last report as to the division of the shares and the revision of the articles of association have been carried out. Leeds Forge Company Limited.—The report for the year ended December 31, 1913, states that the directors propose (after providing for debenture interest and the interim dividend on the preference shares) to write off lands, buildings, patents, machinery and plant, &c„ for depreciation £25,000, to pay a dividend on the preference shares for the year ended December 31, 1913: at 7 per cent., less tax (less interim dividend already paid), and a dividend on the ordinary shares for the year of 10 per cent, (free of income-tax), setting aside for directors' remuneration £2,500, and carrying forward £19,591. Midland Rolling and Haulage Company Limited—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £3,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of general engineers, and dealers in machinery, &c.; also to enter into an agree- ment with A. W. Moore. Signatories, A. Raybould and C. A. Gardiner. Registered office, Aitken-chambers, Cannon- street, Birmingham. National Boiler and General Insurance Company Limited.—The directors have declared an interim dividend of 6s. per share. New Monckton Colliery Company Limited.—The directors have declared an interim dividend at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares, free of income-tax. New Rotoplunge Pump Company Limited.—This private company has been legistered, with a capital of £50,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of manufacturers of pumps and hydraulic apparatus and appliances of all kinds, toolmakers, boilermakers, metallurgists, iron and brass founders, metal workers, and smiths, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with the Rotoplunge Pump Company Limited for the purchase of (inter alia) certain British and colonial patents. First directors : J. Browne-Martin, C. Lakin- Smith, L. Morgan, and H. A. Moore. Registered office, 24, Broadway, Westminster, S.W. New Sharlston Collieries Company Limited.—The directors recommend the payment of a final dividend for 1913 of 10s. per share, free of tax. This, with the 1| per cent, interim paid in July, makes 3| per cent, for the year. In 1912, 5 per cent, was paid, with l-< per cent, bonus. Normanby Ironworks Company Limited.—The directors have declared an interim dividend at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum on the preference shares, and 6 per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares, for the half-year ended December 31 last. North British Electric Welding Company Limited.— This private company has been registered, with a capital of £4,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of fusers of metal (electrically and otherwise), for welding or repairs in all its branches, metal workers, boilermakers, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with L. T. Taylor and P. Hutchin- son, who are the first directors, residing at 610, Royal Liver-buildings, Liverpool. Qualification, 100 shares. Rogers and Forster Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £5,000 in £1 shares (500 founders'), to carry on the business of iron plate and tin- plate makers and workers, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with J. Forster. First directors: J. Forster, H. Rogers, C. T. Barlow, and W. W. Hackett. Registered office: Paddock Works, Oldbury, Worcestershire. Rowell (David) and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £15,000 in £1 shares (5,000 preference), to acquire the business of constructional engineers, carried on by J. B. Rowell, under the style of David Rowell and Co., and to carry on the business of ironfounders, &c. First directors : J. B. Rowell and W. T. E. Barker. Registered office, 33, Old Queen-street, Westminster, S.W. Scottish Waggon Company Limited.—The report for the year ended December 31 last states that the revenue account shows a balance of £21,523, out of which an interim dividend amounting to £8 305 was paid in August, leaving a disposable balance of £13,218. The directors recommend a further dividend, making 7 per cent., less tax, for the year, place £4,500 to reserve (raising that fund to £57,000), and carry £412 forward. The company's rolling stock now consists of 17,568 wagons, &c. Scott (Walter) Limited.—The directors recommend an interim dividend on the ordinary shares at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum for the half-year ended December last. Steel Developments Limited.—The report for the period ended December 31,1913, states that, although the company was not incorporated until May 16, 1913, the effect of the agreement entered into between the liquidator of the Talbot Continuous Steel Process Limited and this company was to transfer the whole of the assets and liabilities of the Talbot Company as at December 31,1912, to this company, and the shareholders were to have the benefit of any profits from January 1, 1913, up to the date on which the shares in the company were allotted to them. The accounts, therefore, embrace the whole of the profits for the year 1913, and amount to £17,705. The interim dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum for the half-year to June 30 absorbed £3,744, sundry expenses in connection with the formation, &c., of the company, written off, £384, and amount written off for depreciation of investments £944, leaving £12,631, which the directors propose should be applied as follows :— In payment of a final dividend for the half-year to December 31 at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, free of income tax (making 10 per cent, for the year), £3,744; in providing for depreciation, £5,000; carry to reserve account £3 000; directors' remuneration to December 31, £300; leaving to be carried forward £587. Watsons (John) Limited.—After placing £10,000 to depreciation and £15 000 to reserve, the directors have decided on a final dividend of Is. per share, making 10 per cent, for the year, and a bonus of 3s. 6d. per share, both free of income-tax, leaving a balance of £33 970 to be carried forward. Last year the dividend was 10 per cent., and the bonus 4s. per share. Yorkshire Electric Power Company Limited. — The report for the year ended December 31 shows that the gross profit on revenue account for the year ended Decem- ber 31 last was £22,139 17s. 6d. The net profit after payment of mortgage interest is £15,401 7s. The balance brought forward from 1912 is £644 Ils. 5d.; which gives a total of £16,045 18s. 5d, and deducting the dividend paid on the preference shares, leaves a disposable balance of £12,738 3s. 8d. The directors recommend that this balance should be dealt with ss follows :—To pay, for the half-year ended December 31, at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, on the amount paid up on the cumulative preference shares a dividend amounting to £3,550 Is. 3d., transfer to general reserve fund £5,000, carry forward £4,188 2s. 5d. The report adds that the generating station at Barugh, in which waste gases fi om the by-product coke ovens is used instead of coal, has been at work since October last; it shows a satisfactory saving, and is a valuable auxiliary at Thorn- hill. The generating plant of 2 000 kilowatts is being supplemented by additional machinery, which will bring the total capacity of the station to 5,000 kilowatts. In order to consolidate the capital of the company the directors ask the shareholders to approve the further issue of £50,000 of the 6 per cent, preference shares, to be offered to the holders of the second mortgages of the company in exchange for their present holdings, any balance not so taken up being issued to the shareholders and others, and the remaining second mortgages paid off. Notice is given in the London Gazette that the names of the undermentioned companies have been struck off the register and dissolved:—Connaught Coal and Iron Syndi- cate Limited. Engineering Digest Publishing Syndicate Limited, Hadfield's Limited, Kourna Iron and Akoumiani Yalia Coalmines Limited. Grimsby Goal Exports.—The quantity exported from Grimsby during the week ended Friday, 30th ult., was as follows :—Foreign : To Aarhus, 1,295 tons; Antwerp, 424 ; Christiania, 921 ; Christiansund, 639; Copenhagen, 589 ; Dieppe, 1,063 ; Esbjerg, 330; Hamburg, 791; Kallund- borg, 1,315; Malmo, 802 ; Rotterdam, 357; and Ystad, 1,423 ; total, 9,949 tons, as compared with 13,578 during the corresponding week last year. Coastal: To London, 96 tons, as compared with 1,460 tons for the same week last year. ..........‘‘................"f ‘ >' '...............................