February 6, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 317 literally correct. He did not know whether it was even possible to take steps by way of regulations, because if they made regulations in the matter probably the men would not read them. A great deal more good would be done if gentlemen like Mr. Smith, who represented the miners, would take them in hand quietly and enlighten them. By a regulation in North Stafford- shire men were not allowed to draw timber from the gob without the usual appliances, and in some cases it was difficult even with the prop drawers, the mechanical appliances, to withdraw these props. Consequently, it was a constant temptation for a man not to spend too much time over it if it was difficult to draw. He could put up a face pack and hide it. Naturally—it was human nature—he was tempted to do it, and it was done frequently. In some cases in Warwickshire they were very stringent upon that point. They were working there very steep, but not so steep as North Staffordshire, and it was no uncommon thing for them to require men to go back and redd out a prop which was buried in the pack. Again there was always a risk with prop drawing, but the risks got minimised. (To be continued}. THE FREIGHT MRKET. There has been a fair vo'ume of business in the outward freight market this week. On the north-east coast, rates are based on from 2s. lO^d. to 3s. to London from the Tyne, and from 3s. 4|d. to 3s. 6d. to Hamburg. The North French ports are being done at from 4s. 3d. to 4s. 4|d. to Havre. The Baltic is worth 5s. to Stockholm, and the Bay 5s. to Bordeaux. The Mediterranean has been fixed for at 7s. 3d. to Genoa. At South Wales orders are extremely scarce, although a good many fixtures were reported earlier in the week. Mediterranean rates are weaker; those for the River Plate are inclined to ease. There is no change of importance in the shorter trades. At the Clyde, business is quiet and figures favour charterers. Homewards, Australia is somewhat easier. The nitrate ports are rather firmer. The rice ports have been busy at rather irregular rates. The East Indies are dull. The Baltic is inactive, but rates are inclined to strengthen. There is a dearth of orders in the American market, but figures are faiily well maintained. The River Plate is very dull, at rates which are upheld with difficulty. Tyne to Algiers, 1,800, 6s. ; Bilbao, 1,500, 5s. 10|d. ; Barcelona, 3,000, 8s., two loading places ; Bari, 3,100, 8s. 3|d, option coke and goods 2s. extra, two loading places ; Bordeaux, 3,500, 4s. 9d. ; 3,500, 5s. ; 2,100, 5s. 2d. ; 2.200, 5s. 0|d. ; 2,200, 5s. ; Boulogne, 1,550, 3s. 9d. ; Brest, 2.300, 4s. 7|d. ; 1,400, 4s. 7|d. ; Catania, 2,800, 7s. 9d., 600 ; Ci vita Vecchia, 4,800, 7s. 10|d. ; Constantinople, 2,900, 8s. 6d. ; 4,200, 8s. 3d. ; Calais, 2.000, 3s. 9d. ; Dover, 1,000, 3s. 3d., f.d. ; Fredrikshaven, 720, 4s. 10|d. ; 700, 5s.; Genoa, 5,000, 7s. 3d.; 4,300, 7s. 3d.; Hamburg, 3,000, 3s. 6d. ; 3,300, 3s. 4|d. ; 2,800, 3s. 4|d. ; Holtenau, 1,600, 4s. 9d. ; Havre, 1,400, 4s. 4|d. ; 1,700, 4s. 3d. ; Kiel, 1,700, 4s. 9d. ; L’Orient, 1,100, 6s., 500 ; Leghorn. 2,600, 8s , Genoa terms ; London, 2.500, 2s. 10|d. ; 1,800, 3s. ; Las Palmas, 1,800, 6s. 9d., from Dunston ; 1,900, 6s. 9d. ; Lisbon, 3,300, 5s. l|d., 350 ; Marseilles, 2,500, 7s. 6d. ; 5,000, 7s. 3d. ; 4,000, 7s. ; Memel, 2,000, 4?. 3d. ; Middlefahrt, 1,600, 4s. 4|d. ; Naples, 2,600, 7s. 9d. ; 4 900, 7s. 3d., 700 ; 4,000, 7s. 7|d. ; Ostend, 1,200, 4s. 3d. ; 1,900, 3s. 9d. ; Porto Ferrajo, 5,200, 7s. 6d. ; Port Said, 8s. 3d. ; Palermo, 2,600, 7s. 6d. ; 2,700, 7s. 9d. ; Roche- fort, 2,200, 5s.; Rouen, 1,000, 4s. 9d.; Rotterdam, 2,000, 3s. 3d. ; Stockholm, 2,200, 5s. ; Savona, 2,400, 7s. 9d, from Pelaw ; Trapani, 2,000, 8s. ; Venice, 5,000, 8s. 9d.., 500; 6.200, 8s. 4|d.. option one-third coke 10s. 4£d. Cardiff to Ancona, 5,700, 8s. 6d.; 4,500, 8s. 6d., 500, February 9; Antwerp, contract, 50,000 tons, 3s. 6d., February-April; Alexandria, 4,700, 8s.; 5,700,7s. 9d., 500; 4.500, 8s., 400, February 10; Azores, 1,800, 7s 3d., mid- February; Algiers, 4,100, 7|fr., February 12; Bari, 4 300, 8s., 500; Brindisi, 5,000, 7s. 3d., 800, February 10; 5,000, 7s. 9d.; Barcelona, 2.300, 8s. 3d.; 3,500, 7s. 10|d.; 3,000,8s.; Beyrout. 3,600, 9s. coal, 9s. 9d. fuel, 400, 10d.; Bordeaux, 3.200, 5|fr.; 2,200, 6fr., 500; Calais, 1,700, 3s. 6d.; Cadiz, 1 800,6s. 3d., February 7; Civita Vecchia, 8s., 400, February ; 5.800, 7s. 93.; 4,800,7s. 9d.; 3,200, 7s. 7|d., February 10; 4,000, 7s. 7|d, February 16; Campana, 4,600, 15s. 9d., February; Colombo, .7,000, 9s. 6d.; 5 800, 9s. 3d., Feb. 10; Chantenay. 1,750, 6 fr.; Genoa, 4 500, 7s.; 4,000, 7s. 3d, February 9; 6,600, 7s., 700, February 15; 2,000,7s. 7|d.; 5.500, 7s.; 6,400, 7s.; 3,200, 7s 3d.; 5,000, 6s. 93., Feb. 13; 4.500, 6s. 10|d.; Gibraltar, 2,200, 6s., 500; 1,700, 5s. 9d , 500; Granville, 680, 5s. 6d.; Havre, 2 900, 3s. 93.; 1,500, 3s. 10^d.; Honfleur, 900, 5s.; Ibicuy, 5,000,15s. 6d.; Leghorn, 3.800, 7s. 3d., 500, February 10; Lisbon, 2,600, 5s. 7|d., 350; 2,600, 5s. 6d., 350; 1.300, 5s. 6d., 350; 4.000, 5s. 3d., 500; 2.600, 5s. 4|d., 500; 2,800, 5s. 3d., 500, 5s. 6d., 350, Feb. 9; 3,200, 5s. 6d.; 2,700, 5s. lid*, 500, February 11; La Rochelle, 2.500, 5|fr. ; London, 2,2o6, 3s. 6d.; Monte Video, 5,000, 13s. 9d.; 4,700, 13s. 10|d.; Malta, 4,200, 6?. 6d.; 2 600, 6s. 9d.; Madeira, 4,000, 7s. 9d.; Marseilles, 3,000, 8| fr.; 4,000, 8| fr. ; 2 800, 8| fr., reported; 2,100, 81 fr.; 6,500, 8% fr., February 9; Maddalena, 4,600, 7s. 9d.; Nantes, 1,450, 6 fr. ; Naples, 5,500, 7s. 6d., or 7s. 7|d. with 500 delivery; 5,600, 7s. 6d., 500, February 9; 5,000, 7s., 800; 1.600, 6 fr.; 5,000, 7s. coal, 7s. 9d. fuel, February 9; Novorossisk, 8s. 3d, February; Odessa, 8s. 3d., February; Port Said, 6,200, 7s. 6d., February 10; 7s. 3d., February; 6.300, 7s. 6d., February 11; 2,600, 7s. 6d.; Palma, 2,700, 7s. 3d.; Palermo, 1,800, 8s. 3d.; 5,500, 7s. 6d., or 7s. 7|d. with 500 delivery; 4,000, 7s. 6d.; Para, 4,400, 12s. 10£d., February 10; Plymouth, 550, 5s.; Piraeus, 3,900, 7s. 9d., February 9; Rosario, 4,800,15s. 6d.; 4,600,15s. 9d., February ; River Plate, 4,000. 14s. 91; 14s. 6d., February; 4,500, d.w., 14s. 7|d., February 15 ; 6 000, 13s. 10|d.; 4,700, 14s. 9d., mid-February; 4 300, 14s. 7|d., February 14; 5,000,14s. 6d., mid-February; 5 200, 14s. 7£d., February 9; Rio de Janeiro, 6,000, 13s. 10|d , February; Savona, 2,000, 7s. 7|d.; 3,200, 7s. 3d.; 7s., February; 4,000, 7s. 3d, February 9; St. Michael's, Azores, 900, 9s. 6d.; 1,800, 7s. 3d., 250, February 9 ; Sierra Leone, 2,800, 10s. ; Spezzia, 3 200, 7s. 3d.; 4,000, 7s. 3d., February 9; 5,300, 7s., 600, 6|d., February 10; 6,600, 7s., 700, February 15 ; 2,000, 7s. 7|d. ; St. Nazaire, 3,000, 5| fr., February 12; 2,300, 5| fr.; St. Brieux, 650, 5s.; 650, 5s. 3d.; Sables, 1,600, 6 fr.; St. Malo, 2,400, 4s.; 1000, 4s. 3d.; Syracuse, 2,700, 8s., 350, lOd.; Sicily, 2,800, 7s. 6d., 400, February 20 ; Torre Annunziata, 8s., 400, February; 4,000,7s. 7|d.,February 10; 3.200, ditto, ditto; Tunis, 1,900, 9| fr., 700 ^Venice, 5,700, 8s. 6d.; 4,400, 8s. 61.; 4,500, 8s. 6d., 500, February 9 ; Villa Constitucion, 4,600, 15s. 9d., February; Valencia, 1,100, 6s. 6d. Newport to Alexandria, 5,000, 7s. 6d., February 12; Marseilles, 4,600, 8| fr.; Fecamp, 1,000, 4s. 9d.; Torre Annunziata, 8s., 400, February; Civita Vecchia, 8s., 400, February ; Bahia Blanca, 8,000, 14s. 6d., February ; Ibicuy, 4,900, 15s. 6d., February 20-28 ; Bordeaux, 1,800, 6^ fr., 400. Swansea to Rouen, 1,090, 5s. 6d.; 1,600. 5s. 4|d.; 2,300, 4s. 9d ; 1,180, 5s. 3d.; La Rochelle, 2,300, 5f fr.; 1,500, 6 fr.; Rochefort, 2,300, 6 fr.; Havre, 1,600, 4s. 3d.; 1,400, 61 fr. ; 1.200, 43. 61.; Stettin, 1,300, 5< 6d.; Honfleur, 1,100, 4s. 7ii. ; 850, 4s. 10|d. ; Alexandria, 3,200, 8?. 3d.; Alexandria, 5,500, 8s., 500; 8s. coal, 8s. 9d. fuel; Civita Vecchia, 2 800, 7s. 9d. coal, 8s. 3d. fuel; 1,600, 8s. 3d. coal, 9s. fuel; 3.500, 7s. 9d. coal, 8s. 6d. fuel; Leghorn, 3,000, 7s. 6d. coal, 8s. 3d. fuel; La Pallice, 2,600, 5|fr.; Chantenay, 2.200, 6 fr.; Rio de Janeiro, 15s. 6d., 250, 16s., 200, fuel, coal 9d. less, February; 5,000, 15s. 6d., fuel; Port Said, 1.300, 9s.; Catania, 2,400, 7s. 9d. coal, 8s. 6d. fuel; Nice, 1,600, 8s.; Bremerhaven, 1,200, 4s. 6d.; Valencia, 1,200, 7s 3d., '96 tax ; 2.600, 7s. 6d., fuel, 350, ’96 tax, February 15; Bordeaux, 1.200, 7^fr., February 12; 1,500, 7 fr. Wear to Konigsberg, 2,600, 4s. 9d.; Bordeaux, 2,300, 5s.; 3,200,4 ’. 9d.; Genoa, 7s. 6d.; Savona, 7s. 6d.; St. Nazaire, 3.200, 4s. 6d. Hull to Middlefahrt, 1,600, 4s. 4|d., 350; Reval, 3,600, 5s. 7|d. Rotterdam to Coquimbo, sail, 1,940 reg., 15s. 9d., 100, coke, May; 20s., 100, coke, May; Bilbao, 4,200, 4s. 3d.; Savona, 4,000, 7s. 3d.; Bagnoli, Porto Ferrajo, 4,500, 7s., February 13-15; 5,800, 7s., 4,000, 7s.; Porto Vecchio di Piombino, 5,100, 7s. 6d.; 2,700,7s, February 13-15; Chan- tenay, 2,500, 4s. 6d.; St. Servan, 1,400, 4s. lOjd.; St. Malo, 1,400, 4?. 10|d.; Genoa, 4,200, 7s. Drammen to Melbourne, sail, 52s. 6d. Hull to Rouen, 1,750, 4s. 6d.; 1,300, 4s. 10|d.; 1,700, 4s. 7|\; Cronstadt, contract, 20,000 tons, 4s. l|d., handy- si z id steamers, during new season ; East Norway, 600, 8s. ; Reval, 3,600, 5s. 7|d.; London, 1,200, 3s. 7|d. Leith and Tyne to San Francisco, sail, 19s. and 20s. respectively. Llanelly to Rouen, 1,000, 5s. 6d. Wales to direct nitrate ports, sail, 15s. 3d., April-May; 16 a, May-June ; 15s. 9d., April-May ; Chili, sail, 16s., May- June. Immingham to Genoa, 3,600, 7s. 6d. ; Savona, 3,600, 7s. 6d. Warkworth to Poole, 1,000, 4s. 6d. Grangemouth to Honfleur, 1,050, 5s. 3d. Fife lo Dieppe, 1,700, 4s. 3d.; Genoa, 3,300, 7s. 10|d. Hartlepool to Leghorn, 4,300, 7s. 6d., Genoa terms; Bordeaux, 2 300, 5s.; 3,200, 4s. 10|d.; 3,700, 4s. lOld.; St. Nazaire, 3,700, 4s. lOld.; Alexandria, 3,600, 8s. 6d., 400. Amble to Poole, 1,000, 4s. 6d. Seaham Harbour to Hamburg, 2,800, 3s. 6d.; 2,700, 3s. 4|d.; Fredrikshaven, 700, 5s.; Fairwater, 2,100, 4s. 6d. Emden to Bagnoli-Porto Ferraj ?, 5,800, 7s. 3d. Glasgow and Liverpool to River Plate, p.t., February. Barry to Rio de Janeiro, 15s., February. Glasgow to Buenos Ayres, p.t., February. Blyth to Rouen, 1,600, 4s. 9d.; Marseilles, 5,000, 7s. 3d.; Havre, 1,800, 4s. Burntisland to Rosario, 16s. Port Talbot to Rochefort, 1,800, 6| fr.; Rouen, 2,000, 4s. 9d.; Tunis, 1,800, 9| fr.; Lisbon, 1.300, 5s. 6d. Forth to Lubeck, 2,250, 4s. 10|d ; Banders, 1,350, 4s. 4jd. Newport River to Algiers, 3,200, 8|fr.,fuel, February 15. Methil to Fiume, 3,300, 9s., 500, 8d.; Rouen, 1,500, 4s. 9d. Homeward Charters :—Bayonne, 1,800, Bristol Channel, 5s. 9d., February; Bordeaux, 2,500, Rotterdam, 3s. 8d., February; Genoa, 4,300, West Hartlepool, 500-500, ppt.; Huelva, 4,200, Rotterdam, 6s. 3d., f.d., February; 3,400, Dunkirk, 6s. 6d., February ; Seville, 1,800, Swansea, 6s. 3d., February ; Passages, 3,000, Rotterdam, 4s. 3d., ppt.; Bilbao, 3,700, Rotterdam, 4s., February; 2.100, Cardiff, 3s. 10|d., February 9 ; 1,850, Middlesbrough, 4?., ppt.; Virginia, 2,531 net, Rio de Janeiro, 15s., ppt.; 1,854 net, River Plate, 14s. 6d., ppt.; 6,500, Naples, Ils., 800, February; Gulf, I 896 net, United Kingdom-Continent, Ils., net form, February-March; 1,980 net, p.p., 35 Form O, end February; Buenos Ayres or La Plata, 5,000, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent ; 7s. 9d. o.c., no reduction, ppt. ; Santos, Rio de Janeiro and Victoria, 65,000 bags, New York, 25 c., coffee, March 1-25; San Lorenzo, not above, 4,600, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 14s. 6d. o.c, less 6d., May 20-June 20 ; 4,500, 10 per cent., 10s. o.c., less 6d., option Santa Fe Is. more spot; 9s. 7|d. o.c., no reduction direct, ppt.; South Australia, 5,800, Sweden, basis 28s. one port, February-March; 2,393 net, United Kingdom-Con- tinent, 26s. 3d., with option, February; Bomb y, 6,900, United Kingdom-Contir ent, 16s. 3d. one port, 16s 9d. two ports, on d.w., February-March; 6 300, United Kingdom- Continent (p.p. including France), 16s. 6d. one port, 17s. two ports, on d.w., March-April; 6,500-7,000, Philadelphia or Baltimore, 17s. 3d. ore, February; 2,766 net, Manchester, 15s. 6d., ore, March ; 2,463 net, United Kingdom-Continent, pp., 17s. one port, 17s. 6d. two ports, on d.w., March; Nico- laieff, 16,000 qrs., 10 per cent., 492, 7s. 9d. n.c. or any, 8s. 3d. Hamburg, February; 4 300, London or Rotterdam 7s. l£d., Emden or Weser 7s. 4|d., Hamburg 7s. 7|d., with 3d. less barley, ppt.; 2,207 net, Rotterdam, 6s. 3d., ppt.; 1,922 net, 5s. 9d., ore, 2,000-2.000, February; 4,600 max., Hull, 7s., mid-February; Newcastle, N.S.W., sail, 18s. 3d., direct nitrate port, 17s. 6d., May-June; 21s., West Coast range; 20s.; 25s. one port, 26s. two ports Peru; 22s., Pisagua range, March, Is. less if April; 22s., Taltal, Talcahuano range, March ; Dunkirk, sail, 7s., New York; time charter, States and West Indies, 3s. 6d., three to four months, delivery and re-delivery States; 2s. 2d., one trip, delivery Plate, re-delivery States, ppt.; 3s., one trip and round trip delivery Cuba, re-delivery north of Hatteras, Feb.; Port Pirie, 26s., Antwerp, ore; Pensacola or Mobile, 76s. 3d., Holland and Hull, option Antwerp and Hull 77s. 6d., March ; Tunis, 3.300, Rotterdam, 5s., ppt.; S^nte Fe, 5,000, 10 per cent., U K.-Cont., Ils. 3d. o.c., less 61., ppt.; 4 500, 10 per cent., 17s.6d., less 6d. direct, less 3d. further if p.p., quebracho, March 20-April 20; Theodosia, 5 000, Antwerp, 6s., ppt.; Eupatoria, 4,600, Riga, 10s., salt, February 10-25; Carthagena or Porman, 3 600, Mary port, 5s. 3d., ppt.; La Calera, 3,000, Middlesbrough, 6s., ppt. ; Port Pirie, 2,336 net, West Hartlepool, 26s. 6d., ore, March ; 2,453 net, Antwerp, 25s. 6cL, Dunkirk, 26s., February ; Burmah, 5,500-6,000, United Kingdom-Continent, 21s. 6d. o.c., with 6d. less clean rice or [Holland, early March ; 2,771 net, 22s. o.c., with options, March ; 21s. 9d., Trieste, with Mediterranean options ; New York, sail, 16| c, Australia ; time charter, trans-Pacific trade, 3s. Id., 12 months, delivery Newcastle, N.S.W., 30 days coal and hire ; Wilmington, 25s. Liverpool or Bremen, 26?. 3d. Havre, spot ; Norfolk, 2,375 net, Monte Video, 13?. 6d., option Buenos Ayres or La Plata 15s., April; Port Tampa, 2,800-3,000, Boucan, 14.?. 6d., February ; Bahia Blanca, 4,500, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 10?. 9d. o.c , less 6d. option Marseilles or St. Louis du Rhone Is. 6d., ppt.; nitrate ports, 9,500, United Kingdom- Continent or United States, 20s. 6d., February ; 20s., charterers paying extra insurance, 2s. spot; 3,006 net, 21s. 6d., ppt. ; 4,500, 20s. ; 7,500, 20s. 6d., February ; 20s. 9d., March 1-15 ; West Australia, 4,000 loads, Algoa Bay, 32^. 6d., jarrah, February-March ; Calcutta, 2,468 net, Colombo, Rs.4’4, February ; Bulgaria, 5,700, Antwerp or Rotterdam, 6s., with 3d. less barley up to 1,000 tons, 200 tons bran 3s. extra, ppt.; nitrate ports, sail, 23s. 3d., United Kingdom- Continent, September-October; 22s. 3d., July 15-September 15 ; time charter Transatlantic trade, 4s. 3d., one trip, delivery Gulf, re-delivery United Kingdom-Continent, February ; Taianta Channel, 3.500, Middlesbrough, 5s. 7|d., ppt. ; Hornillo Bay, 3 600, Cardiff, 4g. 3d., ppt.; Algiers, 3,300, Tyne,4\ 3d., ppt.; New York or Philadelphia, 3,546 net, North China, 20| c, February-March ; Azff, 6,000,10 par cent., basis Rotterdam, 8s. 6d., with 3d. less barley and options, March 25-April 20 ; 5,800, 8s. 9d., with 3d. less barley and options, April 1-30 ; Mauritius, 2,331 net, Bom- bay, 8 annas, March 15-31 ; West Australia, sail, 22s. 6d., United Kingdom-Continent, ppt. CONTRACTS OPES FOR COAL ARD COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages Lancaster, February 14.—The Corporation Gas Com- mittee hereby invite tenders for the supply of 24,000 tons of rough, caking gas slack, to be delivered at their Gasworks, St. George’s Quay, Lancaster, extending over a period of 12 months, from April 1, 1914, to March 31, 1915. Tenders, endorsed “ Gas Coal," to be delivered to the Town Clerk, Lancaster, not later than February 14 next. Forms of tender may be had on application to C. Armitage, A.M.Inst.C.E,, engineer and manager. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Bournemouth, February 18—Coal for the Corporation. Forms from the borough surveyor, Mr. F. W. Lacey. Carlisle, February 20.—Coal, for the Watch Committee of the Corporation. Particulars obtainable at the Police Office, West Walls. Grimsby, February- 12.—Coal, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. W. A. Vignoles, borough electrical engi- neer, Corporation Electricity Works, Grimsby. London, February 10.—About 300 tons of house coal, for the Managers of the Poplar and Stepney Sick Asylum District. Forms at the clerk's offices, Bow, London, E. Leeds, February 21.—Steam coal (small slack, smudge, or similar material) required for the electric lighting department, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. C. Nelson Hefford, manager, electric lighting department, 1, Whitehall-road, Leeds. London, February 26.—About 15,000 tons of coal, suitable for burning with chain-grate stokers, for the Hackney Borough Council. Forms from Mr. N. Scorgie, deputy town clerk, Town Hall, Mare-street, Hackney, N.E., on payment of .£1 (returnable). Milford Haven, February 14.—About 1,500 tons of large gas coal; 500 tons of large cannel; 80 tons of anthracite washed beans; 50 tons of large steam, for the Urban District Council. Forms from the clerk, Mr. T. H. Lewis. Stockholm (Sweden), February 21. — Tenders are invited by the Swedish State Railways for the supply of 627,300 tons of coal and 9,100 tons of coke.# Valletta (Malta), February 12.—About 4,500 tons of coal to the Government of Malta. Forms from the Treasury, Valletta, Malta, or the Crown Agents for the Colonies, Whitehall-gardens, London. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. C0ISTRACTS OPEH FOR EMmEERm, IR0H MD STEEL WORK, &c. Ballyconnell (Ireland), February 14.— Gas Engine, dfc.—For the Ballyconnell (Co. Cavan) Electric Light and Power Company, in connection with the electric lighting of the town:—(1) Horizontal gas engine and suction plant; 18-kw. dynamo and motor-dynamo; storage battery and accessories; switchboard and connections. Specifications from the secretary, Mr. James F. O’Kane, Ballyconnell. Bishop’s Stortford, February 24.— Gas Engine, ^c.— For the Urban District Council: Supplying and erecting a 44 b.h.p. gas engine and suction gas plant, and making certain alterations and repairs to the existing pumping machinery; and erecting an engine-house, and making certain alterations to the existing buildings. Specification from the engineer, Mr. Robert S. Scott, Council Offices, Bishop's Stortford. Bradford, February 19.—Cooling Towers.—Natural draught chimney type cooling towers, and induced draught plant, for the Corporation. Specifications, from Mr. Thomas Roles, city electrical engineer and manager, Elec- tricity Offices, Town Hall, Bradford, on [payment of £1 Is. (returnable). Bristol —Electric Travelling Crane.—A 2-ton electric overhead travelling crane, for the Docks Committee. Specification from Mr. W. W. Squire, engineer, Engineer's Office, Cumberland-road, Bristol. Burnham - on - Crouch, February 16. — Service and Primping Main.—For the laying of 726 yards of 4 in. and 1,750 yards of 3 in. diameter cast iron service and pumping main, with hydrants and sluice valves; also pump connec- tion at the existing waterworks pumping station, Burnham- on-Crouch, for the Urban District Council. Specification from Mr. J. Cook, the surveyor to the Council. Dublin, February 23.—Steelwork.—Steelwork, for the directors of the Great Northern Railway Company (Ireland),