284 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 6, 1914. W. IS. TEALE & Co. Ltd., SWTNTOK, LANCS. --- APPROVED - MINERS’ SAFETY LAMPS, GLASSES. COLLIERY STORES, &c. ALFRED ALLEN & SON IVIsaL>5ie*?i3 ot LTD. MF* and COLLIERY TUBS in IRON, STEEL and WOOD. Lower Gomal, nr. Dudley. Telegrams—** Allen, Lower Gornal.” Telephone—106 Dudley. Polish Certainty—Economy—Cleanliness. TAUFFERS LUBRICANT Regd. Trade Mark. TAHDARD MACHINE GREASE AVINC 80 to 90 °/« over liquid oil. OLE MAKERS: TRIER BROS. CUMBERLAND WORKS, CAMBERWELL, S.E. j t j Office: Caxton House, Westminster, S.W. ) LOlHlviL Patent STAUFFER and “ TELL-TALE ” Lubricators. Agent for Northern Counties— Messrs. JOHN YOUNG & SONS, St. Nicholas Chambers, Newcastle-on-Tyne. GEORGE FLETCHER & CO. LTD.. MASSON . ATLAS WORKS, DEBBY, are now the Sole Licensees & Makers of THE Capell Fan ENQUIRIES PROMPTLY DEALT WITH. _____ _ ___________ GTFs C6.LT5 900, . . • ■ The LUHRIG COAL t ORE DRESSING APPLIANCES Ltd. Engineers and Contractors for COAL WASHING, STORAGE, AND ORE DRESSING. The LxxLirig Process of Washing Coal Extensively Adopted. OVER 200 PLANTS ERECTED, and in course of Erection. Capacity from 150 tons to 2,000 tons per day of 8 hours. DESIGNS SPECIALLY PREPARED TO SUIT LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. Inspection of Plants working invited. ALL MACHINERY OF BRITISH MANUFACTURE. Disintegrators. Tipplers. Screens. Picking Tables. Loading Belts. Conveyors. Elevators. Pumps. Crushing Rolls. Head Office—32, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W. Tel. No. —160 Victoria. Tel. Address—“Nettoyage, London.” 2 MOST IMPORTANT POINTS to have in mind when purchasing Machine-cut Gearing. THE GENUINE DOUBLE HELICAL GEARS Offer all this and more. Made from specially selected material, with teeth accurately cut in one continuous piece direct from the solid—they are an ideal drive for heavy power transmission. SILENT RUNNING. David Brown & Sons mi Ltd., Huddersfield FOUNDED 1895. THE QUARRY, The Orban ok the Stone, Marble, Slate, Lime, Clay and Cement Trades. ClBCULATINO AMONGST QUARRY OWNERS and MANAGERS, ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, STONE MERCHANTS, &c. Price— 6d. monthly. Annual Subscription, 7s. 6d. post free (payable in advance). Offices— 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C.