January 30, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 263 COfiL, IROS AMD EESGIKEEMC C0H8PMIES. Carleon Electrical Company Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of .£20,000 in £1 shares, to carry on business as electrical and gas engineers, manufacturers of dynamos, motors, &c. First directors: G. Beeching, G. Inrig, G. J. Mills, A. Braid, AV. S. Dufius, and G. F. Beeching. Qualification, £1. Registered office, 569, Garratt-lane, Earlsfield, S.W. Colliery Investment Trust Limited.—This private com- pany has been registered, with a capital of £1,200 in £1 shares (600 6 per cent, preference), to carry on the business of coal merchants, coke manufacturers, and mer- chants, miners, smelters and engineers. First directors: H. R. Evans and A. E. Gardner. Registered office, 13/14, King-street, Cheapside, E.C. Dominion Steel Corporation Limited.—Dividend (No. 8) at the rate of 1| per cant, on preference. Dunderland Iron Ore Company Limited.—In their report for the year ended September 30 last, the directors state that the scheme of arrangement received the sanction of the Court on September 10, 1913, and on September 26, 1913, the new Dunderland Company was registered in com- pliance with the scheme. The capital to be raised under the scheme of arrangement, will, it is anticipated, provide for the installation of a complete section of the Ullrich wet magnetic separation plant, capable of treating 500 tons of crude ore per day. while it is expected that the erection of the plant will occupy about 12 months. Foggin (R. and J.) Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £100 in 5s. shares, to -carry on the business of wire workers and weavers, engineers, manufacturers of and dealers in any articles into the composition of which metal, &o., enters. First director, T. Barker. Registered office, White Hart-yard, Cloth Market, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Grierson Brothers Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £10,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of ironfounders, mechanical engineers, manufacturers of agricultural implements and other machinery, toolmakers, brassfounders, metal workers, boilermakers, millwrights, iron and steel converters, smiths, metallurgists, electrical and water supply engineers, &c. Signatories include: M. L. Hall, Oaklands, Stalybridge ;