January 30, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 261 No. 34. MONTHLY LIST OF RECENT COAL LITERATURE The following is a list of abbreviations used below :— Ann. Belg. = Annales des Mines de Belgique. Berg- Huttenmann. Rdsch. = Berg- und Huttenman- tnische Rundschau. Bergb. = Bergbau. Bl. Diam. = Black Diamond. Braunk. = Braunkohle. Bull, of the Imperial Inst. = Bulletin of the Imperial .Institute. Canad. Min. JI. — Canadian Mining Journal. Chem. Z. = Chemische Zeitschrift. Coal and Coke Op. = Coal and Coke Operator. Coal Tr. Bull. = Coal Trade Bulletin. Colliery Eng. = Colliery Engineer. Colliery Guard. = Colliery Guardian. Color. Sch. Min. Mag. = Colorado School of Mines ^Magazine. El. Kraftbetr. = Elektrische Kraftbetriebe und Bahnen. Engin. Min. JI. = Engineering and Mining Journal. Eng. Mag. (N.Y.) = Engineering Magazine (New York). Eng. News = Engineering News. • Gen. Civil = Genie Civil. ■ Geol. Soc. = Geological Society. JI. Chem. Soc. = Journal of the Chemical Society. JI. Chem. Soc. S. Africa = Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa. JI. Gasbeleuchtg. = Schilling's Journal fur Gasbeleuch- tung und Wasserversorgung. JI. Gas Light. = Journal of Gas Lighting. JI. Mon. Colliery Officials' Assoc. = Journal of the Mon- mouthshire Colliery Officials' Association. Kohle Erz = Kohle und Erz. Manch. Geol. Min. Soc. = Manchester Geological and Mining Society. Manch. Jun. Gas Assoc. = Manchester Junior Gas Association. Min. Eng. World = Mining Engineering World. Mitt. Material-pruef. = Mitteilungen aus dem Kgl. Materialpruefungsamt Gross-Lichterfelde. Montan. Rdsch. = Montanistische Rundschau. Montan-Zi^g. = Montan-Zeitung. Oesterr. Z. Berg- Huttenwes. = Oesterreichische Zeit- schrift fur Berg- und Hiittenwesen. Bract. Eng. = Practical Engineer. Proc. Eng. Club (Phil.) = Proceedings of the Engineers' Club of Philadelphia. Rev. Univ. Min. Met. = Revue Universelle des Mines et de la Metallurgie. Sibley JI. = Sibley Journal. Techn. Bl. = Technische Blatter. Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. = Transactions of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Trans. Min. Geol. Soc. of India = Transactions of the Mining and Geological Society of India. Trans. N. Engl. Inst. Min. Meeh. Eng. — Transactions of the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. U.S. Bur. of Mines = United States Bureau of Mines. U.S. Geol. Surv. = United States Geological Survey. Verh. Ver. Befoerd. Gew. Abh. = Verhandlungen des Vereins zur Befoerderung des Gewerbefleisses, Abhand- lungen und Sitzungsberichte. Z. Berg.- Kutten Salinenwes. = Zeitschrift fur das Berg- Hiitten- und Salinenwesen im Preussischen Staate. Z. Oberschles. Berg- Kutten- Ver. — Zeitschrift des Oberschlesischen Berg- und Huttenmannischen Vereins. Z. Schiesswes. = Zeitschrift fur das Gesamte Schiess-und Sprengstoff wesen. We shall be glad to obtain for readers, where possible, copies of the papers referred to at the prices named, which are inclusive of postage. I.—General. [Prussia’s Mining Industry and Mine Administration in 1912. (Die Bergwerksindustrie und Bergverwaltung Preussens im Jahre 1912.) “ Z. Berg-Kutten Salinenwes.,” vol. 61, 3, p. 403. 2s. 6d. ^Production of Coal in the United States from 1814 to the close of 1912. E. W. Parker. U.S. Geol. Surv. Statistics of Persons Employed in Prussian Mines in 1912. (Nachweisung der beim Bergbau im Jahre 1912, beschaftigten Personen.) “ Z. Berg-Kutten Salinenwes.,” vol. 61, 1, p. 16-17. 2s. 6d. ■ Statistics of Prussian Miners’ Wages in 1912. (Statis- tische Mitteilungen ueber die beim Bergbau Preussens im Jahre 1912, Gezahlten Arbeitsloehne.) “ Z. Berg- Hiitten Salinenwes.,” vol. 61, 1, p. 18-40. 2s. 6d. •Collecting Accurate Statistics of Coalmine Accidents. F. W. Horton. “Min. Eng. World,” 1913, p. 925. Is. 6d. •Output of Prussian Mines in 1912. (Produktion der Bergwerke und Salinen Preussens im Jahre 1912.) “ Z. Berg-Klitten Salinenwes.,” vol. 61, 1, p. 1-14. 2s. 6d. ‘Coalmine Accounting Systems. J. B. L. Hornblower. “ Coal Age,” vol. 4, 18, p. 653-4. Is. 6d. Big Business and Industrial Prosperity. C. R. Van Hise. “ Coal and Coke Op.,” 1913, p. 563. Is. 6d. Belief of Distress from Fatal Colliery Accidents. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 107, 2769, p. 191. (Mansion House Conference.) 6d. Trade Fluctuations and Reserves. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 106, 2765, p. 1331. 6d. The Coal Trade in 1913. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 107, 2766, p. 15 ; 5 diag. 6d. Mining Accidents in 1912. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 106, 2765, p. 1324. (From Part II. General Report on Mines and Quarries.) 6d. Mining Labour in 1912. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 106, 2765, p. 1324. (From Part II. General Report on Mines and Quarries.) 6d. A Comparison of Coal Mine Accidents. F. W. Hopton.- “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 107, 2767, p. 79 ; 7 figs, and 5 tables. (From “ Bull 69 U.S. Bur. Mines.”) 6d. Output and Value of Coal in 1912. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 107, 2767, p. 80. (From Part III. General Report Mines and Quarries, 1912.) 6d. Fatal Accidents in Mines during 1913. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 107, 2768, p. 144. 6d. Production of Coke and Briquettes in 1912. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 107, 2768, p. 147. (From Part III. General Report, Mines and Quarries, 1912.) 6d. II.—Education. Mining Education in 1912-13. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 107, 2767, p. 84. (From Part II., General Report, Mines and Quarries, 1912.) 6d. III.—Geology. Chemical Reactions in the Formation of Coal. (Chemische Umsetzungen waehrend der Bildung der Steinkohle.) O. Simmersbach. “ Berg- Huttenmann. Rdsch.,” vol. 10, 3, p. 29-34; 4, p. 43-9. 5s. Sections of the Sydney Coalfields, Cape Breton, Special Edition, International Geological Congress, Twelfth Session, 1913. J. G. S. Hudson. “ Canada Dept, of Mines,” 6 p. The Coals of Canada. “Bull, of the Imperial Inst.,” vol. 11, 3, p. 496-513. Geology of the Kent Coalfield. E. A. Newell Arber. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 106, 2765, p. 1325. (Abst. paper read before Geol. Soc.) 6d. The Investigation of the Earth’s Interior by Means of Electrical Waves and Oscillations. (Die Erforschung des Erdinnern mittels elektrischer Wellen und Schwingungen.) G. Leimbach. “ Kali Erz und Kohle,” 1913, p. 1107. 2s. 6d. Note on the Geological Resurvey of the Raniganj Coal- field, Bengal, India. H. Walker. “ Trans. Min. Geol. Soc. of India,” 1913, p. 226. Microscopical Examination of Coal. J.Lomax. “Colliery Guard.,” vol. 107, 2769, p. 192. (Before Manch. Geol. Min. Soc.) 6d. The Coal Resources of Great Britain. “ Colliery Guard.,” vol. 107, 2767, p. 89. 6d. VI.—Working of Minerals. Coalmining in British Columbia. W. F. Robertson. “ Canad. Min. JI.,” vol. 34, 21, p. 671-2. Is. 6d. Strip-pit Mining in Kansas. B. E. Scobee. “ Coal Age,” vol. 4, 17, p. 606-8; ill. (The field is 35 miles in length, and the coal averages about 3 ft. in thick- ness. Mining costs vary from 80 cents to 1 dol. a ton, according to the thickness of overlying cover.) Is. 3d. Working Steep and Flat Seams on the Goaf-packing System. (Abbau steil- und flachgelegter Steinkohlen- floeze mit Bergemitteln.) Scholtze. “ Kohle Erz,” 1913, 41, p. 2005-10 ; ill. 2s. 6d. Mining Low Seams of Anthracite. H. Archibald. “ Coal Age,” vol. 4, 17, p. 609-12 ; ill. (A discussion of the methods and difficulties of working thin seams of anthracite, with particular reference to the adapta- bility of machines.) Is. 3d. Mining Two Coalseams under the Pacific Ocean. E. W. Cage. “ Bl. Diam.,” 1913, p. 17 ; ill. Is. 6d. Working on the Rising Longwall System with Face Con- veyors at Koenig Ludwig Pit. (Schwebender Strebbau mit maschineller Abbaufoerderung auf Zeche Koenig Ludwig.) A. Gerke. “ Berg,” vol. 26, 44, p. 721-5 ; ill. (Old and new methods of working, output and cost in rising-longwall work.) 2s. 6d. Recent Installations of the Compagnie des Mines de Bethune, Pas-de-Calais. (Installations recentes de la Compagnie des Mines de Bethune.) H. Schmerber. “ Gen. Civ.,” vol. 63, 23, p. 445-51; ill. (Hauling plants, compressors, fans; upkeep of 5,000 lamps.) 3s. VII.—Boring, Shaft Sinking, and Tunnelling. Free Piston Gasoline Rock Drill. “ Eng. News,’’ vol. 70, 19, p. 913 ; ill. (Description of new drill con- sisting of a two-cycle three-port gasoline engine of the valveless type.) 2s. On Bits for Rock Drilling Machines. (Ueber Bohrer Fuer den Bergbau.) A. Gerke. “ Z. Oberschles. Berg- Huetten. Ver.,” 1913, p. 396 ; ill. 2s. 6d. Self-registering Plumb Bob. (Das selbstschreibende Anschlusspendel.) Fr. Koehler. “ Oesterr. Z. Berg- Huttenwes,” vol. 61, 48, p. 690-3; fig. 2s. 6d. Exploring Coal Measures with the Diamond Core Drill. W. M. McKee. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” 1913, p. 46 ; ill. Is. 6d. Will it be Possible in the Future to Raise the Efficiency of Rock Drilling Machines? (Wird die Leistungs- faehigkeit der Gesteinsbohrmaschinen auch in Zukunft gesteigert werden koennen ?) “ Berg,” 1913, p. 673. 2s. 6d. Safety in Tunnelling. Brunton and Davis. “ Coal Tr. Bull,” 1913, p. 30. The Sinking and Lining of Shafts. F. Donaldson. “ Proc. Eng. Club (Phila.),” vol. 30, 4, p. 341-58 ; 6 fig. The Cementation Progress of Sinking Shafts. S. F. Walker. “ Colliery Eng.,” vol. 34, 4, p. 234-5. 2s. 6d. VIII. —Explosives, Blasting. Electric Blasting. W. Cullen, T. Donaldson, and W. Waters. “JI. Chem. Soc. S. Africa,” vol. 14, 4, 174-92; 14 fig. The Selection of Explosives Used in Engineering and Mining Operations. C. Hall and S. P. Howell. “ U.S. Bur. of Mines,” 8vo., 50 p.; ill. Wesley. Nitrocellulose or Nitroglycerine Powders ? (Nitro- cellulose- oder Nitroglyzerin-Pulver.) A. Buisson. “ Z. Schiesswes,” 1913, p. 368 and 393. 5s. IX. —Timbering, Packing, &c. Primary and Secondary Pressure Effects in Coal and Lignite Mining. (Primaere und sekundaere Druck- wirkungen im Stein- und Braunkohlenbergbau.) “ Z. Zentr. Berg. Betrbsl. Oest.,” 1913, p. 559; ill. 2s. 6d. Influence of Mining Operations on Buildings, Street Railways, and Means for Reducing Damage. (Ein- wirkung des Bergbaues auf Gebaeude, oeffentliche und besonders Strassenbahnanlagen, sowie Massnah- men zur Minderung der Schaeden. Nolden. “ El. Kraftbetr.,” vol. 11, 30, p. 613-5 ; ill. 2s. 6d. Technical and Economic Advantages of Oval as Com- pared with Circular Pipes in Hydraulic Packing. (Die technischen und wirtschaftlichen Vorzuege des ovalen Rohrquerschnittes gegenueber dem kreisrunden beim Spuelversatzbetrieb.) O. Puetz. “ Kohle Erz,” 1913, 35, p. 865-82 ; ill. 2s. 6d. The Methods and Means for the Conservation of Wood. Die Holzkonservierungsmittel.) G. Scholtze. “ Kohle Erz,” 1913, 30, p. 745-8. 2s. 6d. Intermittent Timbering in the Flaming-coal Section in the Reden Pit. (Wandernder Grubenausbau im Flammkohlenfeld der Zeche Reden.) K. Sticker. “Berg,” vol. 26, 42, p. 692-5; 43, p. 708-10; ill. (Erecting and recovering intermittent timbers. Comparison of cost with that of continuous timbering.) 4s. The Heidkamp Pit Prop in Brown-Coal Mining. (Anwendbarkeit des Heidkampschen Stempels im Braunkohlenbergbau.) Kegel. “ Braunk.,” vol. 12, 33, p. 563-5 ; ill. 2s. 6d. X. —Surface Arrangements. The Madison Coal Corporation Mine No. 9. J. Taylor. “ Coal Age,” vol. 4,18, p. 640-2 ; ill. (Brief description of the surface plant and underground arrangement.) Is. 3d. XI. —Winding and Haulage. The Largest Mine Locomotives. “ Coal Age,” vol. 4,17 p. 605 ; ill. Is. 3d. Thirty-ton Electric Mining Locomotive. “ Eng. News,” vol. 70, 18, p. 869; ill. (Description of Baldwin- Westinghouse “ bar-steel ” type recently installed at the Charleroi, Penn., coalmine of the Carnegie Coal Company.) 2s. Relative Cost of Horse and Benzine-locomotive Haulage. (Prix de Revient du Transport de la Tonne kilome- trique par Locomotives a Benzine on par Chevaux.) O. Ledouble. “ Ann. Belg,” vol. 18, 4, p. 1169-73. 5s. Haulage with Benzine Locomotives at the La Louviere and Sars-Longchamps Collieries. (Emploi des Loco- motives a Benzine aux Charbonnages de La Louviere et Sars-Longchamps.) D’Haenens. “ Ann. Belg,” vol. 18, 4, p. 1109-13 ; ill. 5s. Auxiliary Hoist for Loading Triple-deck Cages. (Char- bonnage d’Hornu et Wasmes. Balance Auxiliare pour Chargeages a Trois Etages.) Anciaux. “ Ann Belg,” vol. 18, 4, p. 1160-2; ill. 5s.