234 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 30, 1914. LONDON, WINCHESTER HOUSE, OLD BROAD ST., E.C ■i h STEWARTS* INSERTED JOINT. STEWARTS LOOSEFLANMINT. ALBION LOOSE FLANGE JOINT. WELDED FLANGE JOINT. See our page advertisement in Jan. 9 issue. APPROVED MINERS’ LAMPS, GLASSES. Colliery Stores. W. E. TEALE & CO. LTD. SWINTON, I.A\€. Telegrams—“Teale, Swinton, Lane.” Telephone—No. 124 Eccles. A CHEAP YET MOST EFFICIENT INSULATOR AGAINST HEAT RADIATION LfE* |\| SPECIALLY | | | Y| COMPOUNDED “KISOL” (REGISTERED) CEMENT Sample I cwt. bag sent carriage paid to any address for 7s. 6d. ASK FOR “HINTS" ON COVERING STEAM PIPES, BOILERS, &c. . . ---Post Free on Application.- WM. KENYON & SONS Ltd., DUKINFIELD, nr. MANCHESTER. Telegrams— "CUBITT, PENTRE.” Telephone— G.P.O., No. 5, PENTRE. ELECTRICAL HAULAGES -A- SPECIALITY. LLEWELLYN & CUBITT Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders and Boiler Makers, _■ • A 150 H.P. Electrical Haulage Set. Rhondda Engine Works, PENTRE, R.S.O., GLAM., YSTRAD STATION, TAFF YALE RAILWAY. WINDING ENGINES. Improved Self-contained Underground Hauling Engines. Horizontal & Vertical Stationary Engines. ENGINES SPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTING. AIR COMPRESSORS. VENTILATING FANS. STEAM FORCE PUMPS. COAL-CRUSHING MACHINERY. Lancashire, Cornish, Multitubular, and Vertical BOILERS. Wrought-Iron or Steel Pithead Frames Pithead Pulleys to 20 ft. diameter. And all kinds of Colliery Requisites. Makers of Machine-moulded Spur, Mitre and Bevel Wheels. Haulage Pulleys of all sizes. Pit Cages. Fangs. & Automatic Banking Arrangement. Coal-screens and Endless Chain Creepers. Makers of Automatic Expansion Gear for Winding Engines. combined are invited Years. References to users Established 50 We have Specialised in this class of Machinery, and have designed and made more than all other firms LTD., BRIDGEND. 50UTH WALES BREAKING SIZING AND WASHING PLANT ANTHRACITE COAL"