20S THE COLLIERY GU ARMAN. January 23, 1914. THE FREIGHT MARKET. Outward freights have been active during the past week. On the north-east coast, rates are favouring owners to some slight extent. Coasting business is being done at from 3s. to 3s. 3d. to London, from the Tyne, and from 3s. 6d. to 3s. 7|d. to Hamburg. The Baltic is represented by 5s. 6d. to Reval. The Bay has been done at 5s. to Bordeaux. The Mediterranean has Genoa at from 7s. 7|d. to 7s. 9d. At South Wales, chartering has been brisk. Mediterranean rates are firmer, as are also figures for the Plate. The Bay and coasting ports are steadier. At the Clyde, business is slow and rates are easy. The Humber is rather more active, at rates which are a shade better. Homewards, a large number of fixtures is reported. The Black Sea is depressed, but indications are that there will be some revival with next month's shipments. Tonnage is in excessive supply. The River Plate is dull, with little doing for early loading, and tonnage is ample. The Australian market, also, is weak. The East Indies are easier. The Mediterranean and ore ports are moderately steady, as is also the Baltic. America has no overplus of waiting tonnage, and rates are fairly well maintained. Tyne to Azores, 1,600, 9s. 6d., March ; Aberdeen, 800, 2s. 4|d., f.d. ; Antwerp, 1,800, 3s. 9d. ; Algiers, 2,200, 6s. 3d., from Dunston ; 2,500, 6s., from Dunston ; Boulogne, 1,900, 3s. 10|d. ; Barcelona, 2,800, 8s. ; Bas-Indre, 3,900, 4s. 7|d. ; Bagnoli, 4,000, 7s. 9d ; Bordeaux, 2,200, 5s., 600 ; Cette, 3,000, 7s. 9d. ; Calais, 2,300, 4s., from Dunston ; Carthagena, 1,700, 7s. 91. ; Constantinople, 2,800, 8s., part cargo ; 5,000, 8s. 6d. ; 4,200, 8s. 6d., 400 ; 4,900, 8s. 6d., 5u0, from Dunston ; Cadiz, 1,800, 6s. 7|d. ; Cape Verds, 7s. 9d. ; Dieppe, 2,100, 4s. 3d. ; Genoa, 2,500, 7s. 6d., river loading ; 4,000, 7s. 6d. ; 3,300, 7s. 9d. ; 5,300, 7s. 7|d., river loading Hebburn and Wallsend ; Harstadt, 2,200, 4s. 6d., option coke at 6s. 9d. ; Hamburg, 2,000, 3s. 4|d. ; 1,800, 3s. 7|d. ; Havre, 1,500, 4s. 6d., from Elswick ; Hennebout, 1,400, 6s. 3d. ; Islands, 4,000, 7s., 250 ; London, 2,100, 3s. ; 1,600, 3s. 3d. ; 1,500, 3s. l|d. ; 3,000, 3s. ; Las Palmas, 3,300, 7s., from Dunston ; Leghorn, 3,600, 7s. 6d. ; Landscrona, 2,000, 4s. 4|d. ; Malta, 5,300, 7s. ; 3,000, 7s. ; 2,800, 7s., from Dunston ; Monaco, 1,300. 8s. 9d. ; Madeira, 2,800, 7s. 6d. ; Marseilles, 3,800, 7s. ; Norresundby, 1,600, 4s. 3d. ; Oran, 2,100, 6s. ; 2,500, 6s. 3d., 400 ; Port Said, 4,500, 8s. ; 5,300, 8s., from Dunston ; 6,000, 8s. ; 5,200, 8s. ; Porto Ferrajo, 4,000, 7s., from Dunston ; Pirseus, 6,000, 8s. ; Patras, 3,800, 9s. ; Reval, 2,900, 5s. 6d. ; Sigurdfjord, 2,200, 4s. 6d , option coke at 6s. 9d. ; St. Vincent, 2,000, 7s. 6d. ; St. Nazaire, 2.200, 4s. 9d., 600 ; Teneriffe, 2,800, 7s. 6d. ; 4,500, 7s. ; Venice, 5,500, 8s. 9d., 500 ; Zeebrugge, 3,000, 3s. Cardiff to Ancona, 4,000, 9s. 3d., 9s., 500; 4,400, 9s.> January 26 ; 5,400, 8s. 9d.; Algiers, 5,000,7i fr., January 24; 3.400, 7ffr. ; 3 300, 8fr.; Brest, 1,800, 3s. 9d.; 1,600, 3s. 10|d. ; Bombay, 5,100, 9s. 9d., January 26; 6,000, 9s. ; Barcelona, 3,600, 7s. 10|d.; Bordeaux, 2,500, 5-g-fr. ; 900, 6 fr.; 2,100, 5£fr.; Bombay and Colombo, 9s , January, Admiralty; Bahia Blanca, 5,000, 14s. 6d.; Bayonne, 2,200, 5| fr.; Colombo, 6,500, 9s. 6d., January; Chantenay, 1,000, 6 fr.; Cape Verds, 4,200, 7s. 6d., January 24; 2,000, 7s. 6d„ January; 2,400, 7s. 6d., February 2; Calais, 1,700, 3s. 9d.; 2,000, 3s. 7|d ; Cape Town, 7,000, 13s., January; Caen, 1.700, 4s. 3d.; Cagliari, 2,100, 8s.; Catania, 2,600, 7s. 3d., 600; Dieppe, 1,400, 4s. l|d.; 1,500' 3s. 9d.; Djibouti, 5,600,- 9s. 9d.,400, Is., January; 5,000, 9s. 9d.; Dakar, 2,700,7s. 6d.; 3,300, 7s. 6d., February ; 3,300, 7s. 6d.; Ferrol, 900, 6s., 250, March; Genoa, 5,000, 7s. 3d., 4,000, 7s. 3d., Jan.; several boats, 7s., Jan.-Feb.; 4,200, 7s. 3d., February 2 ; 5,100, 7s.; 2,800,7s. 6d.; 1,650, 7s. 9d. ; 3,300,7s. 6d.; 3,500, 7s. 3d.; Gibraltar, 3,300, 3s. 7id., Admiralty; Havre, 2,200, 4s.; 1,000, 4s. 6d.; 1,200, 3s. 9d.; 1,700, 4s.; Honfleur, 1,000* 4s. 6d.; 1,400, 4s. 3d.; Harfleur, 1,350, 4s. 3d.; Islands, 6 000, 7s.; 4,200, 7s., January 24; Leghorn, 5,500, 7s. 9d., 500; 1,650, 7s. 9d. ; Lisbon, 3,300, 5s., 500; 1,500, 5s. 4|d., 350; 3.300, 5s. 3d.; 2.800, 5s. l|d., 500; 2,200, 5s. 6d., 350; l,7u0, 5s. 4|d.; 1,700, 5s. 4|d., 350; Las Palmas, 3,600, 7s.; 6,000, 7s.; 2,100, 7s., January 24; Libau, 1,500,5s., f.d.; Malta, 5.400, 6s. 9d.; Madeira, 2,200, 7s., January; Marseilles, 3.200, 8f fr.; 4,300, 8f fr., January 22; 5,200, 8|fr., February 2; Monte Video, 5,500, 13s. 3d., March ; Naples, 5.500, 7s. 9d., 500; 5,500, 7s. 6d.; 4,600,7s. 9d., 500, January 24; Nantes, 1,600, 6fr. ; Oran, 2,800, 8fr.; Port Said, 5,700, 7s. 7£d., January 22; Palermo, 2,700, 8s.; 4 600, 7s. 9d., 500, January 24; Pembroke, 258, 2s. 9d.; River Plate, 5,000, 14s., March; 5,000, 14s. 3d , January 26; 4,000, 14s.; 5,000, 13s. 9d., February 1 ; 5,000, 13s. 9d., March ; 5.300, 13s. 9d., February ; 5,000,14?., early February; 5,000, 14s.; 5,000, 14s., January 25; Reggio, 3,700, 8s. 3d., 300, January 27; Rosario, 4,800, 15s.; 5,000, 15s., January 26; Rio de Janeiro, 5,400,14s.; 13s. 9d., January-February ; 14s , January; 4,600, 13s. 9d.; Savona, several vessels, 7s., January-February; 5,100, 7s.; 1,650, 7s. 9d.; Santos, 14s., January; St. Malo, 2,800, 3s. 10|d.; Spezzia, several vessels, 7s., January-February; 5,100, 7s.; 1,650, 7s. 9d.; St. Servan, 1,550, 4s.; Tunis, 4,000,9| fr.; Trouville, 900, 4s. 3d.; Teneriffe, 2,100, 7s., January 24 ; Venice, 4,500, 9s. ; 4,000, 9s. 3d.; 9s., 500; 4,400, 9s., January 26; 5,400, 8s. 9d. ; 5,000, 8s. 6d.; Vigo, 1.500, 5s. 9d.; Valencia, 1,300, 7s., 250, '96 tax; 1,400, 7s., 300, *96 tax. Newport to Vigo, 1,400, 5s. 9d.; Nantes, 2,600, 54fr.; Genoa, Savona or Spezzia, several vessels, 7s., January- February ; Santos, 5,000, 17s., February 2; Tone Annun- ziata, 1,800, 8s., end January; Algiers, 5,000, 7| fr.; Bahia Blanca, 5,000, 14s. 6d.; Corunna, 1,000, 6s. ; Nantes, 2,600, 5|fr.; Genoa, 5,100, 7s.; Spezzia, 5,100, 7s.; Salerno, 2,600, 8s. 3d.; Torke, 1,800, 8s.; Villa Real, 1,000, 8s. 3d., February; Venice, 5,200, 8s. 9d., 500, January 22; ditto, ditto, January 27; Bilbao, 2,400, 5s.; La Pallice, 1.300, 5| fr. Swansea to Venice, 4,400, 9s.; Genoa, 2,700,8s.; Savona, 2.700, 8s.; Calais, 1,500, 4s. l|d.; 1,000, 4s. 3d ; Boulogne, 1.500, 4s. lyd.; Rouen, 1,400, 5s.; 700, 5s. 3d,; Bayonne, 1,250, 7 fr.; Valencia, 1,400, 8s.; Brest, 1,300,4s. 6d. and 5s.; Alexandria, 1,900, 8s. 3d.; Volo, 3,000, 8s. 9d. and 9s. 6d.; Gandia, 1,000, 7s. l|d., '96 tax; Bordeaux, 1,300, 6 fr.; Honfleur, 780, 5s.; Valencia, 1,000, 7s. l|d., '96 tax; 2,000, 7s. coal, 7s. 9d. fuel; Caen, 1,100, 4s. 6d.; Chantenay, 2 200, 6 fr.; Havre, 1,200, 4s. 6d.; Rouen, 1,200, 5s. 3d.; 780, 5s. 3d.; London, 2,100, 3s. 9d., end January; Sables, 1,200, 64 fr.; Calais, 1,500, 4s. 3d. Wear to Dieppe, 2,100, 4s. 3d.; Algiers, 2,300, 5s. 7|d., 600; Rio de Janeiro, 4,500, 14s., January; Landscrona, 2;000, 4s. 4|d. ; Hamburg, 1,800, 3s. 7id. Wales to direct nitrate port, sail, 17s.; Callao, sai], 17s. 9d. Port Talbot to Nantes, 2,300, 5| fr.; Dieppe, 800, 4s. 7|d. Hull to Barcelona, 2,000, 7s. 9d., end January; Odense, 1.500, 4s. 9d.; Bordeaux, 2,000,4s. 10|d.; Carthagena, 1,750, 7s. 9d. ; Libau, 2,000, 4s. 6d.; St. Malo, 1,000, 4s. 10|d.; Aalborg, 1,400, 4s. 9d.; Antwerp, 2,100. 3s. 9d. Glasgow to East Norway, 1,200, 5s., Baltcon; Genoa, 3,600, 7s.; Savona, 3.600, 7s.; Leghorn, 3,600, 7s.; River Plate. 5.300, 13s. 9d., February. Llanelly to Caen, 1,050, 4s. 9d. Seaham Harbour to Carthagena, 1,700, 7s. 9d., 250. Grangemouth to Algiers, 1,800, 6s. 3d.; Rotterdam, 1,000, 3s. 9d. Hamburg to San Diego, sail, 20s., stiffening North 13s. Hartlepool to Leghorn, 3,800, 7s. 7|d. Fife port to Middlefahrt, 1,500, 4s. 6d. Blyth to Constantinople, 2,800, 8s., part cargo; Reval, 2,900, 5s. 6d.; Sigurdfjord, option Harstad, 2,200,4s. 6d., coal, option coke, 6s. 9d. Antwerp to Caldera, sail, 20s. Glasgow and Liverpool to Bombay, 18s. 6d., February. Burryport to Rouen, 1,000, 5s. 3d. Forth to Bruges, 850, 4s. 3d. Methil to Genoa, 2,500, 7s. 9d ; Savona, 5,200, 7s. 9d.; Leghorn, 2,500, 7s. 9d. Grimsby to Kallundborg, 1,350, 5s. Garston to Genoa, 2,700, 6s. 6d. Barrow and Cardiff to Bombay, Ils., 2,000 tons rails, balance coals, January. Rotterdam to Bagnoli-Porto Ferrajo, 5 000, 6s. 9d.; 5,000, 6s. 10|d., January 26-28; Bombay, 6 400, 10s.; Savona, 3,200, 7s. 3d. ; Marseilles, 4,000, *8f fr., 600, 8| fr., 900, January 26; 3,800, 8| fr., 600, 8f fr., 900; Porto Vecchio, 3.500, 7s. 61.; La Rochelle, 3,900, 4s. l|d.; Boucan, 3,200, 4s. 4|d., January 24; Rouen, 1,450, 4s. 9d., beginning of February ; Porto Vecchio, 4,800,7s. 6d.; Novorossisk, 4,100, 8s. 4|d., February 5. Emden to St. Nazaire, 2,600, 4s. l£d. Homeward Charters.-—Poti, 3,300, East Coast United Kingdom, 8s. 3d , ppt.; Nicolaieff, 3,500, 10 per cent., 8s. n. c. or any, 8s. 6d. Hamburg, ppt.; Varna or Bourgas, 5,500, Antwerp or Rotterdam, 6s., option 200 tons bran 3s. extra, ppt.; 5,100, 6s. one port, 6s. l|d. both ports loading, 150 tons bran 3s. extra, 31. less barley upto 1,000 tons; Odessa, 6,700, Weser or Hamburg;, 6s. 3d., with 3d. less barley, ppt.; Australia, 6 000, Hull, 31s., January-February; Burmah, 2,262 net, United Kingdom-Continent, 22s. 6d. o.c., 22s. Holland, 21s. 6d. Trieste, February-March; 2,900 net, United Kingdom-Continent, 21s. 9d. p.p., cleaned rice, March-April; Madras Coast, 5,000, Marseilles - United Kingdom-Continent, basis 23?., net terms, February-March; Bombay, 2,679 net, United Kingdom-Continent, two ports, 17s. 6d. on d.w., 6d. extra Dunkirk, spot; 2,666 net, 17s. one p.p., 17s. 6d. two pp., on d.w, February; 2,492 net, 17s. 9d. one p.p., 18s. 3d. two p.p , on d.w., March ; 17s. 3d. two ports, on d.w., option 17s. 6d. Dunkirk; Savannah, 2,721 net, U.K. Cont., 28s. 9d , February ; Mobile, 700 stds., 10 per cent., Genoa and Algiers, 96s. 3d., option Algiers and Alexandria 97s. 6d., February-March ; La Plata, 4,200, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 9s. 6d. o c., less 6d., less further 3d. if London or Rotterdam, January- February ; 4,700, 10 per cent. 9s. o.c., ex France, no reduc- tion direct, seed Is. extra, ppt.; Philadelphia, 170.000 cases, 10 per cent., Japan and/or Korea, 20| c. one or two ports, 21 c. if three, February-March ; Norfolk, 5 000, Buenos Ayres or La Plata, 15s. 6d., February; Atzew, 4,800, Middlesbrough, 5s. 3d., ppt.; Bougie, 3,100, Stockton, 5s. 3d., ppt.; 2,800, Middlesbrough, 5s. 6d.,early February ; B zerta, 3,500, Newport River, 5s. 3d , ppt.; Algiers, 4,000, Cardiff, 4s, ppt.; Bilbao, 2,750, Newport, 4s. l|d., ppt.; Dicido, 2,800, Rotterdam, 4s. 6d., ppt. ; 3,200, 4s. 4|d., ppt.; Almeria Pier, 3 700, Heysham, 5s., ppt.; San Lorenzo, not above, 5,300, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 15s. o. c., less 6d., May; 4.000, 10 per cent., 11s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., January 25; 4,000, 10 per cent., 15s. o c., less 6d. May 10- June 20; 4,500, 10 per cent., 15s. o.c., less 6d., May 25- June 25 ; Valparaiso, sail, 25s., Genoa or Savona, scrap iron ; New York, basis 2s. 9d., Mediterranean, February; Bul- garia, 6,200, Antwerp or Rotterdam, 6s. l|d. one port, 6l 3d. two ports, 6s. 4|d. three ports loading, option 150 tons bran 3s. extra, ppt.; Marbella, 3,000, Rotterdam, 6s. 6d, f t, January; Baltimore, 5,000, Marseilles, Ils. 9d., February; Gulf, 4,500, Denmark, 13s. one port, 13s. 3d. two ports, 13s. 6d. three, 13s. 9d. four, February 1-20; 2,338 net, United Kingdom-Continent, Ils. 3d., February; nitrate ports, 2,757 net, Londoner Rotterdam 6 s. 6d , Weser 6s. 9d., Hamburg 7s., ppt.; 2 954 net, United Kingdom-Continent or United States, 22s., February 1-20; 3,027 net, 21s. 6d., January; 5,500-8,000, 21s. 6d., February ; 5.700-6,000, United Kingdom-Continent, 22s., January-February ; Novorossisk, 4,000, Marseilles, 8fr., ppt.; 6,300, Rotterdam 6s., Antwerp, Emden or Weser 6s. 6d., Hamburg 6s. 9d., with 3d. less barley; Carthagena or Porman, 3,500, West Hartlepool, 5s. 3d., January-February ; 3,300, Mary port, 5s. 6d., January; Mauritius, 2,317 net, Calcutta, 9| annas, February; Calcutta, 2,312 net, Colombo, Rs. 4, February 15- March 10; time charter, Transatlantic trade, reported at 4s. 10|d., one trip, delivery Charleston, re-delivery United Kingdom - Continent, early February; 6s, one trip, delivery States, re-delivery Mediterranean; 5s. 9d. one trip, delivery United States, re-delivery Mediterranean; time charter, Eastern trade ; 3s. 3d., one round trip, delivery Copenhagen, re-delivery United Kingdom-Con- tinent, via Siam, spot ; Wilmington, 27s. 6d., Liverpool or Bremen, February ; Sydney, N.S.W., Melbourne or Geelong, 13s., Hull, cancelling February 10 ; Kustendje, 5,600, Mar- seilles, 7 J fr.; option 1,000 tons oats 1| fr. extra; Moji, 4,000, Australia, two ports, 14s., ppt. ; Saigon, 6 000 max,, Marseiles, Havre, Dunkirk, or Hamburg, 23s. 6d., option 2,000 tons meal 2s. 6d. extra, February ; Bombay, 5,600, United Kingdom-Continent; ex. Hamburg and France, 17s. 6d. for two ports discharge, option Dunkirk 17s. 3d. on d.w., February ; 3,139 net, United Kingdom-Continent, p.p., 17s. 3d. one port, 17s. 9d. two ports on d.w., spot; Carthagena, 4,300, Emden, 6s. 9d., f.t., ppt. ; Bahia Blanca, 5,800, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, Ils. o.c., less 6d., January-February ; Newcastle, N.S.W.,saii, 20?., direct port West Coast South America, March ; nitrate port, sail, 23s., United Kingdom-Continent, new season; Cuba, 2 260 net, Liverpool or Greenock, 12r, February ; Bahia Blanca, 5,200, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 10 o.c., no reduc- tion direct, January; Huelva, 4,700, Charleston or Savannah, 8s. l|d., Tinto terms, f.d., 600-400, early February ; New York, 25,000 qvs., 10 per cent., Dunston-on-Tyne, Is. 9d., January - February ; Novorossisk or Theodosia, 4,700, Rotterdam 6s., Antwerp or Weser 6?. 3d., with 3d. less barley, 2,000 tons barley guaranteed, 3d. extra both loadings, ppt. ; Poti or Batoum, 4,000, Philadelphia or Baltimore, 11s. 6d., f.t., early March ; Sydney, N S.W., 3,021 net, United Kingdom-Continent, 31s. 9d., with options, February ; South Australia, 6,000, United Kingdom-Con- tinent, 28s. 9d., with options, March ; West Australia, 3,200 loads, London, 48s. 91., jarrah, mid-February ; Port Pirie, 3,038 net, Antwerp, 27s 6d., ore, March ; New Zealand, 2,851 net, United Kingdom-Continent, 26s. 3d., early February ; Koshichang, 2,587 net, U.K -Cont., 24s., 1 p.p, 24s. 6d. two p.p., February ; Pensacola, sail, 15 dols., Concepcion and or Paysandu, March-April ; South Australia, sail, 27s. 6d., United Kingdom-Continent, March-April ; time charter, States and West Indies, .£2,050, .£625, nine months, delivery March, in continuation ; time charter, European trade, .£300, 10 months, February-December ; Philadelphia, 20| c., Japan and or Korea. COAL, AHD EriOTEMMG CMFMIES. Blackett, Hutton and Oo. Limited.—This private com- pany has been registered, with a capital of .£5 000 in J>1 shares, to carry on the business of ironmasters, iron and steel founders and merchants, smelters, colliery proprietors, engineers, metal workers, brassfounders, and galvanised iron makers, &c. First directors : John Thomas BUckett, Ivy House, Gainsborough, Yorkshire, and William Hutton, 67, Redcar-road, Gainsborough. Qualification, .£25. Collins (Janies) (Birmingham) Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of .£15,000 in .£1 shares, to acquire the business of general brassfounders and manufacturers, carried on by the late James Tertius Collins, and since by his executors, at Cumberland-street, Birmingham, under the style of James Collins, and to carry on the business of ironfounders, &c. ; also to enter into an agreement with William Johnson, Charles Henry Dunn, and Valentine Eyre. First directors, Charles Hy. Dunn and Valentine Eyre. Registered office, 26, Cumberland- street, Birmingham. Consett Iron Company Limited.—An interim dividend of Is. 6d. par share. Consett Spanish Ore Company Limited.—An interim dividend of 2s. 6d. has been declared. Electric Construction Company Limited.—The directors have declared an interim ciiviuend at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum on the preference shares for the half-year ended November 30 last. Furness, Withy and Co. Limited.—The directors announce an interim dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum (6d. per share), free of income-tax, on the ordinary shares for the past quarter. Harrison (Arthur E ) Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of .£10,000 in shares (3,000 6 per cent, cumulative preference), to carry on the business of merchants, factors, importers and exporters of coal, coke, and fuel, &c. Signatories: A. E Harrison, Geo. H. Jeff, and James Carter. Registered office, 48, Mark- lane, E C. Invincible Steel and Tool Company Limited.—This private company has been registered, witn a capital of .£1,000 in shares, to carry on the business of manufac- turers, importers, and exporters of and dealers in iron and steel of all descriptions, ironmasters, smelters, &c. First directors : Tom White, James McKane, and Frank Brindley. Registered office, Providence Works, Brown- street, Sheffield. Lancashire and Yorkshire Wagon Company Limited.— The directors declare an interim dividend tor the past six months of 6s. per <£10 share, free of tax. Lidgerwood Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of .£100 000 in .£1 shares, to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in machinery, structural iron and steel work, engineers, &c. Signatories: M. N. Lidgerwood, 1, Albert H-ill-mansions, Kensington, S W.; and George Watson, Caxton House, Westminster, S.W. Newthorpe Collieries Limited.—The statutory general meeting was heid on the 15th mst., Mr. Benjamin Brook- man presiding. The chairman said the company was brought out on Oct ober 15, the week of the terrible colliery disaster in South Wales, and no doubt this influenced the flotation adversely. In the circumstances the vendor syndicate had made a handsome concession in the purchase price of .£11,500. Work was started on December 15 in search of the outcrop of the Waterloo seam, and this was struck after two days' working. The coalseam is over 3 ft. in thickness. Access to the Great Northern Railway is to be by means of a tramway from the mouth of the tunnel. Mr. Wright further states that he is confident he will be producing coal for sale at the tunnel mouth within a month. The financial position showed that after the necessary dis- bursements they had some .£500 in hand, and the calls— some due and one to be made—amount to £7,000. Pentre Broughton Colliery Limited. — This private company have been registered, with a capital of £2,000 in £1 shares, to acquire the business now carried on at Black- lane Colliery, and to carry on the business of colliery proprietors, ironmasters, steelmakers and converters, engineers and tin-plate makers, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with Major Robert Allison Brown, Edith Mary Kayser, and Dame Elsie Maud Skipwith. First directors : Major Robt. Allison Brown, Major Frank Kayser, and Sir Grey Humberston d'Eitateville Skipwith. Registered office: The Pentre Broughton Colliery, Broughton, near Wrexham, Denbighshire. Hull Goal Export.- The official return of the exports of coal from Hull for the week ending Tuesday, January 13, 1914, is as follows :—Amsterdam, 621 tons ; Antwerp, 1,030; Alexandria, 4,036; Bremen, 1,542; Copenhagen, 600; Carlscrona, 1,011; Christiania, 1,174 ; Drammen, 327 ; Drontheim, 220; Fredericia, 1,220; Gefle, 3,266; Gothen- burg, 301; Ghent, 2,213 ; Hamburg, 6,334 ; Harburg, 2,391; Halmstadt, 908; Hoganas, 366; Husum, 723; Harlingen, 604; Jersey, 365; Landscrona, 1,115; Libau, 361; Malmo, 1,394; Naples, 1,913 ; Oxelosund, 2,112 ; Oscarshamn, 1,117; Oporto, 2,379 ; Rotterdam, 650 ; Riga, 7,109; Reval, 3,878 ; Rouen, 6,122; Skier), 398; Stockholm, 1,305; Trieste, 480; Uddevalla, 762—total, 60,347 tons. Corresponding period January 1913, 64,826 tons.