January 23, 1914. THE COLLIEKY GUARDIAN. 171 JOHN SHAW LTD., Yorkshire Wire Rope Works, SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND. STEEL WIRE ROPES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. JOHN SHAW (AUSTRALIA) LD., 445, Kent Street, Sydney. WILLIAM COOKE & CO. LTD. Established 1866.:; TRADE MARK. Tinsley Steel, Iron & Wire Rope Works, Contractors to H.M. Government and English and Foreign Railways. LONDON OFFICEz llO, CANNON STREET, E.C. SHEFFIELD, MANUFACTURERS OF WIRE ROPES. GOLD MEDALS. Sydney, 1879. Mining, London, 1890. Melbourne, 1880. Naval, London, 1891. PARIS EXHIBITION, 1900, GOGD MEDAL. Lang’s Lay and other principles for Mining, Shipping, Cranes. &c., &c. Forged Hauling Rope Sockets or Capels. Guide Rods, Galvanised Strand and Signal Wire. Special Wire Rods for Rope, Spring, Card Wire, &c. Best Yorkshire Iron for Engineering and Colliery purposes. Bessemer Steel Bars and Rods. Channel Steels for Rubber Tyres. Horse and Pit Pony Shoes. For al! Exhaust Steam Installations BAKER OIL SEPARATORS VAST SAVING IN FUEL, LABOUR, WEAR & TEAR WITH MORE STEAM. Remarkably Durable, Efficient and Cheap Bakers (Leeds) Ltd. Hunslet, Leeds. should be specified to ensure the best possible results. ACKROYD & BEST LIMITED, MORLEY, near Leeds. Makers of all kinds of SAFETY LAMPS and LAMP ROOM EQUIPMENT. Send us your enquiries and orders (large or small) which shall have our best attention. Tel. No.—86 Morley. Tel. Address—“Lamps, Morley.” Codes used—A B C 5th Ed. & Lieber’s. CEMENT Most suitable Cement for hard and rough usage. NEARLY 5,000 USERS. “Eclipse1’ Belting Cream. “Climax” Boiler Fluid. Sole Makers: SUTCLIFFE BROS., Union Works, GODLEY, nr. Manchester. HIGH-PRESSURE Steam Boilers For any working pressure. J. & J. HORSFIELD LD., ------- BOILER MAKERS, - Constructional Engineers & Ironfountiers, DEWSBURY, YORKSHIRE.