JANUARY 16, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 165 The Genuine Glass bears this Trade Mark Insist on having it. DON’T BE SATISFIED with AS GOOD AS, but insist on getting APPROVED Resisto cw.) Glass Miner Lamp Glasses. .. RESISTO MINER LAMP CL ASSES Eave passed the British Ho me Office Heat, Chill and Drop Tests at Eskmeals. REGISTERED TRADE MARK. ” They are Sr0Und Perfectly trUe and accurate, ro RESISTO MINER LAMP CLASSES are always of uniform quality and, therefore, never fail, r RESISTO MINER LAMP CLASSES can be supplied promptly in large quantities at the rate of 20,000 pcs. per week. RESISTO MINER LAMP CLASSES are always to be relied on, and all consignments will conform with the Home Office regulation. PRICES FOR RESISTO MINER LAMP CLASSES compare favourably with other makes on the market. If you wish to reduce cost of maintenance and avoid complaints, use RESISTO MIMER LAMP CLASSES exclusively. FOR FULL PARTICULARS AND PRICES- Apply to the Miner Lamp Manufacturers of Great Britain. Books on Coal Mining. Specimen copies can be seen at the Offices of the “Colliery Guardian.” s. d. Analyses of British Coals and Coke. By Allan Greenwell, F.G 8., and J. V. Elsden, F.G.S., D.Sc. (Lond.) ....IO O Annals of Coalmining: and the Coal Trade. By R. L. Galloway. First and Second Series, 16s. each net, or the two volumes together ...................................... net 25 O Coal-Cutting1 by Machinery in the United Kingdom and America. By Sydney F. Walker and A. S. E. Ackermann. Two vols., 10s. net, or separately..................... 5 0 Coal Dust Experiments, British. A Record of the First Series of Experiments conducted by the Committee appointed by the Mining Association of Great Britain ... (by post, 10s. 7d.) IO O Coal Dust Experiments, French. Abstracted Translation. (By post. Is. ljd.) ................................... 1 O Coal Dust Experiments, American. Abstract. (By post, Is. lid.) 1 O Coal Dust Experiments, Austrian. Abstracted Translation. (By post, Is. lid.) ................................ 1 O Coal. Being a Digest of Evidence given before the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies. Edited by Allan Greenwell, F.G.8., Assoc. M.Inst. G.E. Complete in three vols., bound in cloth............................................. net 40 O Colliery Manager’s Calculator. By W. Fairley .......... 2 0 Colliery Manager’s Catechism. By W. Fairlev ........... 2 O Colliery Manager’s Pocket Book, Almanac and Diary. Published annually in November ... Cloth 2s., Roan 3s., Calf 4 6 Electric Circuit Problems in Mines and Factories. By E. H. Crapper ......................................... 3 6 Electricity as Applied to Mining. By Lupton, Parr and Perkins 12 O Falls of Stone and Coal. Abstract of the Report of the Prussian Commission on Timbering 191 diagrams ............... 1 O Mechanical Engineering of Collieries. By T. C. Futers. Vol. 1. 21s. net; Vol. 2, 10s. 6d. net; Supplementary Vol., lOs. 6d. net (postage extra). Miners’ Nystagmus: Its Causes and Prevention. By T. Lister Llewellyn, M.D., B.S. (Lond.) ....(post free) 6 3 Practical Stone Quarrying. By A. Greenwell, Assoc. M.Inst.C E., and J. V. Elsden, D.Sc.(Lond.), F.G.S............. net 12 6 Practical Coalmining. By T. H. Cockin ................. 4 6 Ready Reckoner for Tubs and Scores. By J. Wilson..... 2 0 Recovering Coalmines after Explosion and Fires. By W. E. Garforth................ Cloth Is. 6d., Leather 3 6 Ventilation (Colliery). By J. Stanley James............ 2 O Ventilation Made Easy. By W. Fairley .................. 0 6 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, Loudon, E.C. Kep-Arrangement pistes' on “ System Beien.” Unsurpassed in Easy and Absolute Reliable Working. Strong and Durable Construction. No Breakdowns I Hundreds in Use ! Moderate Prices. Apply to D. BENTHAUS, 45, Bank Street, Sheffield. D. Liewellin Evans PROPRIETOR OF THE Cardiff Brattice Cloth Company, 120, BOTE ST., CARDIFF. AGENT FOR Nobel's Explosives. The “ALLIGATOR” Pit Prop Drawer. Have you Tested it ? 10 Days’ Free Trial. Costs very little. Ensures absolute safety. Mechanically sound & simple. Full Particulars from— Bailey’s Patents Ltd., COLLIERY ENGINEERS, Saxon Road, Heeley, SHEFFIELD. 208 pages f’cap folio. Over a hundred illustrations and 60 plates (coloured). PRICE IQs. (IQs. 7d. post free). RECORD OF FIRST SERIES OF THE BRITISH COAL DUST EXPERIMENTS CONDUCTED BY TME COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY THE MINING ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN, A Record of the Experiments carried out during 1908 and 1909 at the Altofts Experiments Station. PUBLISHED BY — THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C.