Januaky 16, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 155 SHIPMENTS OF COAL AND COKE COASTWISE AND FOREIGN DURING 1912 AND 1913 * Shipped from Total quantities of coal and coke sent to London and other ports in the United Kingdom from the undermentioned ports. Total exports of coal and coke to foreign ports from the undermentioned ports. 1912. 1913. 1912. 1913. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle 4,191,623 7,427 4,469,546 6,325 9,626,179 221,314 10,625,509 257,743 North Shields 4,241 — 214 — 932,629 8,455 950,672 7,994 South Shields 57,731 — 4,760 — 1,421,059 23,509 1,665,699 11,596 Blyth 366,626 — 319,393 30 3,429,199 11,004 3,959,552 12,540 Amble 89,499 — 73,883 — 463,877 — 488,888 — Sunderland 1,341,119 — 1,451,227 — 2,714,670 44,096 2,955,311 41,390 Seaham 943,974 — 940,666 — 833,399 1,070 969,435 324 Hartlepool 475,974 37 717,877 5 1,282,720 12,023 1,182,728 11,846 Stockton 20 20 — 390 — — — — Middlesbrough 7,555 1,519 167 1,050 19,452 30,174 16,160 24,695 Hull 974,262 1,126 1,012,764 3,005 3,663,351 51,091 4,697,702 77,428 Goole 1,276,815 1,466,896 1,066,722 24,748 1,306,462 24,961 Swansea 322,558 4,186 379,784 305 2.995,372 10,093 3,471,248 12,177 Cardiff 2,832,007 7,698 3,036,604 10,028 17,252,014 57,440 19,328,833 88,512 Llanelly 61,351 — 61,795 143,669 — 237,999 2 Newport 678,153 890 726,353 67 4,036,254 16,163 4,62 ,847 14,346 Troon 225,178 33 202,6t 2 11 86,595 155 116,318 — Ardrossan 126,613 14 66,503 66,283 51,423 — Ayr 768,973 370 713,681 60 49,255 — 80,315 — Irvine 74,319 120 74,180 40 299 — — — Alloa 26,667 — 26,510 — 155,893 421 140,546 100 Whitehaven 237,502 — 225,999 45 — — Liverpool 1,752,703 764 1,592,080 1,193 368,681 12,985 418,924 19,659 Grimsby 62,448 — 36,548 — 1,231,900 4,688 . 1,160,073 11,347 Granton 188,065 — 205,832 — 95,411 22,028 105,002 23,574 Borrowstoness 159,355 554 213,415 28 572,270 12,936 525,559 11,800 Kirkcaldy 22,677 — 41,976 103,070 131 103,905 — Burntisland 403,183 — 263,477 — 1,737,988 11,463 1,864,038 11,291 Methil 254,929 — 416,639 — 2,135,021 11,564 2,579,295 8,683 Glasgow 465,362 9,476 372,377 7,824 1,661,845 36,665 1,941,685 47,199 Grangemouth 198,645 2,360 102,646 4,390 1,446,871 92,763 1,444,147 69,583 Greenock 12,480 648 12,619 537 18,339 30 5,646 Port Talbot 157,194 1,893 142,686 3,140 1,621,285 5,416 1,88 ,090 4,231 Neath 118,102 102,643 126,861 146,468 Leith 95,708 100 80,785 43 1,585,327 334 1,442,048 198 From Browne's Export List. acres of coalmining lands in Russia, the purchase price being finally agreed at £306,493 and paid in cash shares and debentures. Debentures to the extent of £165,000 were issued, but the efforts of the trustees to obtain full official recognition in Russia of the stock were unsuccessful, and it is alleged that under Russian law such debentures did not form an effective charge. Owing to the unsatisfactory position in which the company was placed, a new company was registered as the Russian Anthracite Collieries Limited in September 1912, and pending the settlement of various matters in dispute, Sir William Plander, F.C.A., has been appointed by tr e Court as manager to carry on the business. The accounts filed under the liquidation show total liabili- ties £418,092, with assets valued at sufficient to yield a surplus of £53,526 beyond that sum, but a deficiency of £148,973 as regards contributories. The Chairman reported that he had received claims to the amount of £237,451, and with them special proxies, amounting to £207,805, were in favour of the appointment of Sir William Plender to the post of liquidator. Other special proxies, amounting to £2 933, contained instructions to vote for Mr. F. W. Pixley, F.C.A., and it rested with the meeting to submit a resolu- tion. A vote having been taken. Mr. Frank Stobart, Mr. Scott Lings and Mr. F. H. Hamilton were nominated members of the committee of inspecticn. The chairman announced that the result would be reported to the Court. Wagon Finance Corporation Limited.—In their report for the year ending December 31, the directors state that during the period under review the abnormally high price of coal wagons has been unfavourable to the business carried on by the ccmpany. The result of the operations, after providing for inteiest on debenturesand loans, and the whole of the brokerage, and including the balance brought forward from last year, shows a profit of £13,604 15s. 5d., which the directors recommend should be appropriated as follows ;—In an interim dividend of 5 per cent, paid June 30, £5,000; a further dividend of 6 per cent., making a total dividend of 11 per cent, for the year, free of tax, £6,000; to reserve fund (making it £10,000), £2,000; balance carried forward, £604 15s. 5d. Regret is expressed at the death of Sir Charles Stoddart. In his place the directors have elected the Right Hon. Lord Aberconway, P.C., to a seat upon the board, and the share- holders will be asked to confirm the appointment. early February; Geraldton,sail, 29s., United Kingdom-Conti- nent, cancelling March 31 ; Tampa, 1,884 net, Helsingborg, 14s. 6d., February ; Pensacola. 1,075 stds. max., West Italy, Sicily, three ports, 96s. 3d., February 20-March 20; Gulf, 1,100 stds., 10 per cent., Rotterdam and Greenock, 82s. 6d., cancelling January 31 ; Huelva, 3,000, Middlesbrough or Stockton, 6s. 6d., f.o.b. and 3 pesetas tax, February 1-15; San Juan, 2,100 max, Rotterdam, 6s.; Castro Alen, 1,800, Rotterdam, 4s. 6d., ppt.; Laimes, 5,000, Rotterdam, 5s., 800-800, January; Porman, 3,400, West Hartlepool, 5s. 3d , ppt.; La Calera, 3,000, Middlesbrough, 6s. 3d., ppt.; Hornillo Bay, 3,000, Ayr, 5s. 4|d., ppt.; Kohsichang, 2,679 net, United Kingdom-Continent, p.p., 24s. 6d., January- February ; Eupatoria anc /or Theodosia, 4,400, Marseilles, 8 fr. one port, 8| fr. two ports loading, ppt.; Rio de Janeiro, 4,600, Fleetwood or Mostyn Deeps, about 13s. 3d., February ; Gray’s Harbour, sail, 60s., Hobart; Eureka, sail, 50s., Mollendo; nitrate ports, 21s. 3d , United Kingdom-Continent or United States; Bay of Fundy, 38f. 9d., West Britain or East Ireland, two voyages; Madras coast, 23s. 9d.. Mar- seilles, with option, net terms, February - March; San Lorenzo, 12s. 3d., United Kingdom-Continent, o.c., seed 6d. extra, ppt. COAL, IROM AMD EMCIMEERIMG COMPOSES. British Coalite Company Limited.—In the Chancery Division on Tuesday, Mr. Justice Astbury sanctioned the reduction of capital of the British Coalite Company Limited from .£2,000,000 to .£400,000. The proposed reduction was part of a scheme for the reorganisation of the company’s capital, involving both sub-division and consolidation. The company had issued 720,372 ordinary shares, which were fully paid, and 710 ordinary shares, which had been forfeited for non-payment of calls. The whole issue of 500,000 deferred shares were fully paid. The company alleged a loss of .£976,866, and to provide for this it was proposed to cancel two ordinary shares, £2 ; to write 16s. off 721,080 issued ordinary shares, £576,864; and to write 16s. off 500,000 issued deferred shares, £400,000. Canadian Explosives Limited.—Dividend of If per cent, on the 7 per cent, cumulative preferred shares for the quarter ended December 31, 1913. Cefn Morfydd Colliery Company Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £4,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of colliery and mine owners, and coal contractors, &c. First directors: John Thomas, Daniel L. Jones, and G. R. Lewis. Registered office, 2, Church-place, Neath, Glamorganshire. Clay (C. L.) and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £40,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of exporters of coal, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with Chas. L. Clay. First directors: Chas. L. Clay, Crossways, Chepstow; and David A. Thomas, Merthyr House, Cardiff. Eltringham (Jos. T.) Limited. — This company has been registered, with a capital of £50,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of shipbuilders, engineers, boiler makers, iron and brass founders, &c. Minimum cash sub- scription, £25,000. First directors : Durham W. Fitzgerald, Geo. Renwick, Hy. M. Grayson, H. Eltringham, and A. F. Fitzgerald. Qualification, £1,000 each. Registered office, Willington Quay, Northumberland. Ferrum Limited.—This private company has been regis- tered, with a capital of £25,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of ironmasters, steelmakers, and converters, miners, smelters, engineers, tin-plate makers, and ironfounders, &c. First directors : Geheimer Baurat Hermann, Rumschottel, Berlin ; Commerzienrat Dr. Otto Niedt, Gleiwitz, Germany ; Commerzienrat Martin Boecker, Friedenshutte, Germany; Justizrat Dr. Paul Wattkowsky, Berlin; Dr. Siegmund Nathan, Berlin; Dr. Max Loeser, Gleiwitz, Germany ; and Ernst A. Rehder, 29, Mincing-lane, E.C. Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Limited.—The directors have declared an interim dividend for the half-year ended November 30 last at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, less income tax. Jones (Fred.) and Co. (Newport) Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £2,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of coal, coke, and patent fuel factors, &c. First director, Fred. Jones. Registered offices, 86, Dock-street, Newport, Mon. Loxley Steel Works Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £15,000 in £1 shares, to acquire the business now carried on under the style of the Loxley Steel Works, at Wisewood, Sheffield, and elsewhere, and to carry on the business of manufacturers of rollers, filters, and forgers of iron, steel and other metals, boiler makers, metal workers, metallurgists, &o. First directors : Wm. Hall Wood, John Henry Sharman, and Edward Boothby. Qualification, one share. Registered cffice, Loxley Steel Works, Wise wood, Sheffield. Mansfield Engineering Company Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £10.000 in £1 shares, to acquire the business of mechanical and electrical engineers, toolmakers, boilermakers, iron and brass founders, &c., now carried on by Jas. Wm. Houfton and Chas. Albert Houfton, at Mansfield, Nottingham, and elsewhere, under the style of Mansfield Engineering Company; also to enter into an agreement with Jas. W. Houfton and Chas. A. Houfton, who are the first directors. Registered office: Recreation-street, Mansfield, Nottingham. Pure Coai Briquettes Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £3,000 in £1 shares, to acquire and exploit all patents, rights, &c., taken out by Henry Joshua Phillips and Arthur Phillips; to acquire and carry on the business of manufacturers of all kinds of briquettes ; also to enter into an agreement with Henry Joshua Phillips and Arthur Phillips. First directors : D. T. Thornes, Llanwern, near Newport; Archibald Mitchelson, Sketty-grove, Victoria-road, Penarth ; and Henry J. Phillips, The Rock, Tintern, Mon. Rhymney Iron Company Limited.—An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Rhymney Iron Company was held on Thursday, 8th inst., at the Cannon- street Hotel, London, Mr. John Varley, chairman, presiding. The meeting had been convened to lay before the share- holders certain resolutions relevant to the proposed rearrangement of the company’s capital. The main resolu- tions before the meeting were:—(1) That each of the existing 200,000 shares of the company of £5 each be subdivided into five shares of £1 each ; (2) that the capital of the company resulting from such subdivision be reorganised. The resolutions were agreed to, only two shareholders dissenting, and will be submitted to a subsequent extraordinary general meeting for confirmation. Taskers’ Hiring Company Limited.—This private com- pany has been registered,with a capital of £6,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of agricultural and general engineers, millwrights, boilermakers, iron and brass founders, smelters, and iron and steel converters, &c.; also to enter into agree- ments with Fredk. Wm. Talbot and W. Tasker and Sons Limited. First director, Fredk. Wm. Talbot. Registered office, Waterloo Ironworks, Clatford, Andover, Hants. Tchamli Coals, Marine and General Company Limited. —This private company has been registered, with a capital of £45,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of coal merchants, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with J. T. Guichas. First directors : J. T. Guichas, Constantinople; Dr. L. F. Murri, 40, Rue de Brousse, Pera, Constantinople; and G. J. Guichas, Constantinople. Vagliano Anthracite Collieries Limited.—Meetings of the creditors and shareholders of the Vagliano Anthracite Collieries Limited (in liquidation) were held recently, Mr. W. J. Warley, official receiver, presiding. The company was formed in November 1908, with a nominal capital of £202,500, its principal object being to acquire some 8,000 CONTRACTS OPEK FOR COAL AMD COKE. . For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages Abstracts of Contracts Open. Cairo, January 26.—Newcastle, Cardiff and anthracite coal and coke, for the Central Administration, Department of Public Health, Cairo. Forms from the Director-General, Department of Public Health, Cairo. Dukinfield, January 21.—Hard sound gas coke, for the Stalybridge and Dukinfield Joint Sewerage Board. Par- ticulars from Mr. W. H. Barker, clerk, Market-place^ Ashton-under-Lyne. Dundee, January 21.—Coal, for the Harbour Trustees. Tenders to Mr. J. Hannay Thompson, M.Inst.C.E., M.So.„ general manager and engineer, Dundee. Leeds, January 20.—Coal, Ac, for the Property Com- mittee of the Corporation. Forms from the town clerk’s office, 26, Great George-street. Nenagh, January 22.—About 50 tons of best double- screened Scotch coal, for the Guardians. Tenders to Mr. H. J. Sheehan, clerk. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, &c. Adelaide (Australia), February 3-March 11.—Bore Casing and Testing Machine.— renders will be received by the Chairman of the Supply and Tender Board, Adelaide, South Australia, for the supply of (1), 10,000 ft. of swelled joint, lap-welded bore casing, and (2) a testing machine.. A copy of each of the specifications can be seen at the office of the South Australian Inspecting Engineer in London,. 85, Gracechurch-street, E C. Antwerp, January 26.—Cranes.—Tenders are invited by the Municipal authorities of the above city for six electric cranes for the Bassin-Canal extension.* Auckland (New Zealand), March 6.—Pump.—The Auckland City Council is calling for tenders for the supply and erection of a high-lift centrifugal pump coupled direct to a direct-current motor, and capable of delivering 45,000 gallons of water an hour against a vertical head of 180 ft. Particulars from the Town Clerk, Auckland.* Belchamp, January 27.—Well Sinking.—The Belchamp Rural District Council invite tenders for the sinking of a well in the parish of Otten Belchamp, Essex. Specification from the surveyor, Mr. A. Allpress, Sudbury, Suffolk. Bradford, January 22. — Condensing Plant.— Surface condensing plant required for use in conjunction with a 5,000 kw. live steam turbo-generator, for the Corporation. Specification from Mr. Thomas Roles, city electrical engineer and manager, Electricity Offices, Town HaU,. Bradford, on payment of the sum of one guinea (returnable). Cairo, January 26.—Boring Plant.—Tenders will be received by the Under Secretary of State, Ministry of the Interior, Cairo, not later than noon on January 26 for supply of boring plant for irrigation work at Kharga Oasis, Assiut,. Madiria. Conditions of tender on application to the Personnel and Equipment Department, Ministry of the Interior, Cairo. Canea (Crete), February 9.—Motor Stone Crushers.— Tenders are invited by the Cretan Government for the supply of three motor stone crushers.* Chesterfield, January 26.—Pipe-laying.—Laying and. jointing of 3,834 yards or thereabouts of 5 in. cast iron pipes from Tupton to Temple Normanton, for the Chesterfield Rural District Council. Specifications from Mr. G. Frith, waterworks engineer, Rural District Council Offices, Chester- field, upon payment of £1 Is. (returnable). * Specifications, particulars, &c., may be seen at the. Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C.