January 9, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 115 PREVENT COLLIERY EXPLOSIONS. Don’t delay, write at once for full particulars of Allen’s Special Plant for making STONE DUST. Edgar Allen & Co. Ltd., IMPERIAL STEEL WORKS, SHEFFIELD. “The Shipping World.” Weekly. Illustrated. Sixpence. THE issues of January 7th and 14th, 1914, very much enlarged, constitute the 31st Annual Illustrated Report. The two numbers are profusely illustrated, and THE STORY OF THE YEAR MAY BE READ FROM THE ILLUSTRATIONS ALONE. They contain articles on:— The Worlds Shipbuilding in 1913. A Review of the Industrial Year 1913. A Survey of Ship Construction and Propulsion in 1913. •Concerning the Panama Canal. Anti-Rolling Tanks. Aeroplanes and Hydroplanes. Armed Merchantmen. Ships Launched in British Yards for H.M.’s Navy and Foreign Governments in 1913. Marine Engineering and Subsidiary Industries during 1913. Reports from the Shipbuilding Centres for 1913. Marine Insurance in 1913 The Shipowner and Freights in 1913. Ship Sales and Contracts in 1913. The two enlarged numbers, in the United Kingdom, 1/2; To Foreign Countries, 2/- including postage. The “SHIPPING WORLD” Offices, Effingham House, Arundel Street, Strand, London, W.C. OXYGEN. THE BRITISH OXYGEN CO. LTD., The oldest and most extensive Oxygen producing and distributing business in the World. Factories In all Industrial Centres equipped exclusively with modern liquid air plants producing Oxygen of unrivalled purity, the only residual being a trace of nitrogen, as sanctioned and recommended by the Home Office Order of Hay 4th, 1912, for use with RESCUE APPARATUS. ADDRESSES OF THE COMPANY’S WORKS : LONDON.... Elverton Street, Westminster, S.W. ,, ... Tunnel Avenue, East Greenwich, S.E. BIRMINGHAM Saltley Works. CARDIFF ... East Moobs. MANCHESTER Great Marlborough Street. SHEFFIELD Celtic Works, Savile Street. NEWCASTLE- ON-TYNE... Walker Gate. GLASGOW ... Rosehill Works, Polmadie. Friction Clutches & Hauling Installations JK. 8PECIAMTY. ___SEE ADVERTISEMENT LAST ISSUE, PAGE 59._ Pa Sole6 Makers— DAVID BRIDGE & CO. LTD., Haulage Works, CASTLETON, Manchester. HAGGIE BROS. Ltd. Gateshead-on - Tyne. Established 1800. MANUFACTURERS OF IMPROVED PATENT Flat and Round Wire and Hemp ROPES OF ANY LENGTH FOR COLLIERIES AND RAILWAYS, FROM EITHER BEST SELECTED CHARCOAL IROH, IMPROVED PATENT OR PLOUGH STEEL WIRE. . . Flexible Galvanized Steel Hawsers (all guaranteed to Lloyd’s test), with Winches or Reels and Stoppers* Wire Signal Lines for Railways and Collieries. Copper Lightning Conductors, complete. Galvanized Fencing Strand. Galvanized Wire Rope for Ships’ Rigging. Galvanized Wire Rope fitted up to order. Picture and Sash Cord made from Copper, Brass Plated or Galvanized Wire. Crane Ropes, made to suit small Drums and Pulleys. We have Crane Ropes working on the same Barrels as Chains. Wire Rope Springs; Wire Rope Pulleys. Wire Rope Composition or Grease. White Block Ropes and general Hemp Cordage. Chains of every description. Wire Ropes made specially to suit small Pulleys. We can guarantee uniformity of all our Ropes, as we draw our own Wire from Special Rods, got up to our own specification. Owing to our “Special Quality,” have Haulage Ropes running 14 years and Winding Ropes years. Peleerrams Haggie, Gateshead.” NEW PERMITTED LIST, HELLING POWDER. For Ripping and Coal Getting. UPLEES POWDER. For Coal Getting and Light Ripping. Two Safety Explosives for all classes of work in the mine. We also supply MVBRSHAM POWDER, REXITE, NORMANITE & SW ALITE. THE COTTON POWDER CO. LTD., 24, Walbrook, LONDON, E.C.