January 9, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 99 1,000,000 tons through one pipe line with no appreciable wear whatever. Witness admitted that in North Staffs they would probably have to drive to the dip and bring back to the rise. It would not be a very feasible thing to attempt to carry water and packing material 140 yards uphill. Supposing they had a mine sunk in the middle of the area and working to the rise of the shaft, the same thing could be done there if they drove the tunnel to catch the seam some 200 or 300 yards above the shaft. They could work that portion right away in the same way, of course advancing if they had a heading through for the pipes. They must have a roadway through for the pipes to come. Referring to the system in South Staffordshire, to obviate fires in the straight working roads, witness said he would not have these in solid coal working out long- wall 100 yards wide. The space between the roads should be filled with hydraulic material maintained with hydraulic packing on either side. It set just like concrete. In 24 hours they could take the boards away in a seam 6 ft. thick. He saw a road driven about 400 yards through a gob that had been made about eight years previously, and they had to blast it to get through. They were now working longwall in three stages in Silesia with a 40 ft. seam. They took 15 ft. at a time in those three lifts. They were really chambers. Witness said he would take the bottom 8 ft. out first. After that was driven and hydraulically stowed, he would begin and take another strip off in the same way, or bring one back on either side. (To be continued). A Moralists’ Birthday Book. Mark Meredith. Liver- pool. Deutsche Koklenzeitung Tschin Notizbuch, 1914. Berlin : Hugo Spamer Verlag. “ Fifteen Years’ Record of Highest and Lowest Sales, 1899- 1913, of Sheffield and Local Securities,” issued by Hart Moss and Co., Sheffield; “ Bulletin et Comptes Rendus Mensuels de la Societe de 1’Industrie Minerale” (tome 4, No. 12), December ; “Report of Royal Commissioner,” Mr. S. Price, on Coal Mining Disputes on Vancouver Island ” ; “ Monthly Circular of the British Chamber of Commerce, Paris” (No. 175), December; “Bulletin Mensuel de la S.cie’e Industrielle du Nord de la France ” (No. 198), November ; “ Employers’ Magazine ” (Vol. 1, No. 2), October, published by the Lehigh Valley Coal Company, Pa. ; “ The Journal of the South African Institution of Engineers” (Vol. 12, No. 5), December, price 2s.; “ Cassier’s Engineering Monthly ” (Vol. 45, No. 1), January, price Is. ; “ The I. C. S. Student ” (Vol. 6, No. 1), January, price 2d. GOTCRiilElT ^OBLIGATIONS. Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. List of Candidates who Passed the Examination in Science and Technology, 1913, lid. COAL MINES ACT, 1911 : Regulations and Orders, 1913 Edition, 3s. 4d. Boiler Explosion Reports: Britain Hall, Heywood, Lancs (No. 2250), 7|d. ; Bowling Ironworks, Bradford (No. 2260), 2|d. ; Boiler at Cwrt Sart, near Neath (No. 2269), 2£d- ; Pitch Pan at Spink well Mills, Dewsbury (No. 2270), 2|d. Trade and Commerce of Belgium, 1912-13, 4d. Pauperism Statement for November, l|d. MINES AND QUARRIES : General Report, with Statistics for 1912, Part 3, Output, Is. 9d. Trade Union xAct: Rules, 1913 (No. 1274), l|d. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy.—The Lord Mayor will open the new house of the institution on Tuesday, January 13, at 4 p.m. A general meeting will be held at the rooms of the Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W., on Thursday, January 15, 1914, at 8 o’clock p.m., when a paper on “ The Bereozovsk Gold Deposit, Ural District, Russia,” will be read by Mr. Chester Wells Paring ton. Statistics of Rainfall.—Messrs. John Davis and- Son Limited (Derby) report as follows on the rainfall at Derby and Duffield during 1913 :— Derby. Duffield. . ________ ____A___ Average / In. No. of rainy days. f In. No. of rainy days. for Derby 1884-1901 inclusive. January ... 4'16 . ... 20 .. . 3*65 . ... 22 ... 2*13 February ... ... 097 . ... 11 .. . 1*10 . ... 14 ... 1*57 March ... 4*01 . .. 23 ... . 4*17 . .. 27 ... 1*67 April ... 3*38 . .. 18 .. . 3*05 . ... 20 ... 1*78 May ... 1*84 . .. 14 .. . 2*10 . ... 16 ... 2*02 J une ... 1*45 . .. 11 .. . 1*24 . ... 10 ... 2 10 July ... 0*94 . .. 9 .. . 0*72 . .. 7 ... 2*47 August ... 1*96 . ... 12 .. . 1*80 . ... 11 ... 2*67 September.... ... 1*58 . .. 15 .. . 1*68 . .. 15 ... 1*80 October .. 2*75 . .. 15 ... . 3*37 . .. 17 ... 2 60 November .... .. 2*52 . .. 20 ... . 2*75 . .. 22 ... 2*06 December .... ... 1*15 . .. 14 .. . 1*28 . .. 13 ... 2*43 -n , —_ —.. ■ . —— - Total .. 26*71 . .. 182 ... . 26*91 . .. 194 .... 25*30 moi od Eitsi^ramG companies. Atkinson Bros. Limited.—This company has been regis- tered, with a capital of .£15,000 in .£1 shares, to acquire the business carried on at Milton Works, Sheffield, under the style of “ Atkinson Bros.,” and to carry on the business of steel manufacturers and converters, engineers, and iron- masters and founders, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with T. C. Parkin, who is included in the first directors, residing at 36, Bank-street, Sheffield. Minimum cash subscription, .£8,000. Qualification, .£250. Remuneration, .£50 each per annum. Bloxham Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of .£500 in .£1 shares, to carry on the business, in England and elsewhere, of dealers in all kinds of machinery, tool steel, tools, founders, and smelters, &c. First director, Edgar Bloxham. Registered office, 37, Surrey-street, Sheffield. Brightside Foundry and Engineering Company Limited. —The dividend warrants on the 5 per cent, preference shares have been posted. British Coke Ovens Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of .£21,000 (20,000 preferred ordinary shares of .£1 each and 20,000 deferred ordinary shares of Is. each), to carry on the business of coke-oven constructors, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with F. M. N. Schuster. Signatories: Thomas Ward, 16, Bolingbroke-grove, Wandsworth-Common, S.W.; and H. Peake, 7, Princes-street, Westminster, S.W. Registered office, 7, Princes-street, Westminster, S.W. British Insulated and Helsby Cables Company Limited. —The warrants for the interest to December 31 on the 4i per cent, first mortgage debenture stock and 5 per cent, mortgage debenture stock have been posted. Cambrian Collieries Limited.—Shareholders of the above company have received a distribution in shares of the Con- solidated Cambrian Limited of .£1 15s. per share in respect of the realisation of the assets of tae Cambrian Trust Limited, which owned the controlling interests in the other colliery undertakings in the Cambrian Combine prior to the formation of the new owning company, Consolidated Cam- brian Limited. This payment is in addition to the allot- ment of shares previously made to the extent of £2 10s. per share, making a return to date upon the old Cambrian ordinary £1 shares of £4 5s. per share. The distribution takes the form of three-fourths of one £1 fully-paid ordinary share and one £1 fully-paid 6 per cent, cumulative prefer- ence share in Consolidated Cambrian Limited in respect of every £1 ordinary share in Cambrian Collieries Limited. Cammell, Laird and Co. Limited.—Warrants have been posted for the half-year’s interest, less tax, on the 4 per cent, first mortgage debentures. Chandler and Son Limited.—This private company has been registered, with & capital of £6,000 in £1 shares, to acquire the business of colliery proprietors now carried on by A. Beresford, H. Foster and W. A. Fox at Marsh-lane Colliery, Eckington, Derby, under the style of Chandler and Son. First directors : A. Beresford, Marsh-lane, Eckington ; H. Foster, Marsh-lane, Eckington; W. A. Fox, Ridgeway, near Sheffield ; and E. Pent, Halfway, near Sheffield. G.H.A.R. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a-capital of £3,300 (3,000 ordinary shares of £1 each and 6,000 deferred shares of Is. each), to carry on the business of ironfounders, mechanical engineers, &c. Signatories: H. Peake and A. Newman. Registered office, 7, Princes-street, Westminster, SW. Coaling' Agency Limited.—This company has been registered, with a capital of £12,024 (2,400 ordinary shares of £5 each and 480 founders’ shares of Is. each), to carry on the business indicated by the title. Minimum cash sub- scription, 5 per cent, of the share capital. First directors : A. Risso, E. V. Risso, R. Franco, A. Gazes, S. Haim, L. Gattegno, G. Kalin, J. Moulia and J. Scialom. Registered office, 8, Serjeants-inn, Fleet-street, E.C. Cooke (William) and Co. Limited.—The directors decided not to pay an interim dividend on the ordinary shares for the second half of 1913. Court Works Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £2,003 in £1 shares (1,000 preference). Objects; To carry on the business of mechanical engineers, coal and iron masters, smelters, iron tool and brass metal workers, and iron and steel con- verters, also to enter into an agreement with Thomas Parker. Signatories: Thomas Parker and Charles H. Parker. Registered office: Court Works, Madeley, Salop. Dalmeny Oil Company Limited.—The report states that the year’s operations have resulted in a profit of £4,461. After extinguishing the debit of £1,361, the balance of £3,100 has been carried to depreciation. The opening up of the extended mineral area leased from Lord Rosebery has been continued during the year. This area brings into the leasehold seams on the north of a great fault involving the opening up of a new field with different minerals. No dividend was paid on either category of shares last year. Dudley North and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £1,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of coal and coke merchants, &c. First directors: G. A. Warren, Russell, Coote, Ed. L. Warren, Geo. H. Coote, H. Coote, F. M. Warren, and John H. Warren. Registered office, Dashwood House, New Broad- street, E.C. East Indian Coal Company Limited.—For the half-year ended October 31, 1913, after making ;usual allowance for depreciation, there was a profit of £9,629, and £2,118 was brought forward, making £11,747 for disposal. The directors recommend a dividend of 7 per cent, (free of income tax) for the half-year, £8,400, to add to general reserve account £2,000, and to carry forward £1,347. The output was 219,415 tons, as compared with 218,788 tons for the half-year ended October 31, 1912. The loss of coal by exhaustion of workings was 40,713 tons, and additional coal won 41,340 tons, making the net gain of output 627 tons. The inclines Nos. 2 and 4 at Bararee, in No. 15 seam, have now been burning for two years. The three pits at Kendwadih are still closed. A third attempt to reopen them has failed. During the two years to October 31,1913, the company has lost in raisings 278,782 tons of coal by fire and exhaustion of workings. During the same period the coal won from new sources amounted to 310,307 tons. The output from No. 15 seam in Kirkend (the old Khoirah Syndicate property) will cease in about 12 months. At the present time six new pits, from about 300 to 650 feet deep, are being sunk, and two pits are being deepened. Edwards and Armstrong Limited.—This private com- pany has been registered, with a capital of £10,000 in £1 shares, to acquire and carry on the business of electrical and mechanical engineers now carried on by James H. Edwards and A. L. Stephens at 127, Victoria-street, Bristol, under the style of “ Edwards and Armstrong ”; also to enter into an agreement with J. H. Edwards and A. L. Stephens. First directors, J. H. Edwards and A. L. Stephens, both of 127, Victoria-street, Bristol. Frodair Iron and Steel Company Limited.—Warrants in respect of the half-yearly dividend at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, due December 31, 1913, on the cumulative preference shares have been posted. Hadfields Limited.—Dividend at the rate of 4| per cent, per annum, less tax, has been paid on the £10 preference shares to December 31. Harrington (Cumberland) Coke Ovens Limited.—The directors have declared an interim dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum for the half-year ended December 31. Harvey (G. A.) and Co. (London) Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £10,000 in £1 shares (50,000 5 per cent, cumulative preference), to carry on the business of metal perforators, sheet iron workers, galvanisers, zinc and copper workers, and brass and iron founders; also to enter into an agreement with G. A. Harvey, who is the managing director, residing at Osborne House, College Park, Lewisham, S.E. Jordan (Hy,) and Go. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £5,000 in £10 shares, to carry on the business of coal merchants and contractors, formerly carried on by Edwin Jas. Cook and Cha©. Barrett, under the style of H. Jordan and Co., at 12, Promenade, Cheltenham; also to enter into an agreement with H. Jordan, of 8, Royal Parade, Cheltenham. First directors, H. Jordan (chairman), Edwin Jas. Cook and Chas. Barrett. Registered office, 12, Promenade, Cheltenham. Knott (James) Sons and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £50,000 in £1 shares, to acquire and carry on the business of coal merchants and exporters, &c., formerly carried on by J. Knott and J. L. Knott, under the style of James Knott and Son. First directors : J. Knott, J. L. Knott and H. B. Knott, all of Milburn House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Knott (William) and Son Limited.—This private com- pany has been registered, with a capital of £2,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of ironfounders, mechanical engineers, toolmakers, brassfounders, metal workers and metallurgists, &c.; also to carry on any business relating to the winning and working of minerals. Signatories : Sam Knott and Annie E. Knott, both of Moss Bank, Slade-lane, Levenshulme, Manchester. Manvers Main Coliieries Limited.—Interim dividend of Is. 6d. per ordinary share for the past six months. Fitters Ventilating and Engineering Company Limited. —This private company has been registered, with a capital of £30,000 in £1 shares (12,000 pref, part), to carry on the business indicated by the title. First directors: W. C. Fitter, 33, Nightingale-vale, Woolwich, S E.; and S. C. Trefusis and P. G. Clegg, both of 20, Bishopsgate, E.C. Sayers (Jas.) and Sons Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £4,000 in £5 shares. Objects: To acquire the business of coal and other merchants, now carried on by Jas. Sayers at Chichester under the style of Jas. Sayers ; also to enter into an agree- ment with J. Sayers. First directors : J. Sayers, C. J. Sayers and W. Hy. Sayers. Registered office, 4, Southgate, Chichester. Steel Company of Canada Limited.—The directors have declared the usual quarterly dividend of 1| per cent, on the preference shares. Wood (Isaac) and Sons Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £1,500 in £1 shares, to acquire the business of colliery proprietors, formerly carried on by Isaac Wood under the style of Isaac Wood and Sons at Thornton, Bradford ; also to enter into an agreement with Isaac Wood, whois one of the first directors, residing at High Streamhead, Thornton, Bradford. An ordinary general meeting of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers will be held in the Meeting Hall of the Institution on Friday evening, January 16, at eight o’clock. The following paper is to be read and discussed:— “Commercial Tests of Internal Combustion Engines” by W. A. Tookey. The “Thomas Hawksley ” lecture, “ Water as a Mechanical Agent. ” will be given by Mr. Ellington during the current month as follows:—Birmingham: Thursday, January 22, at 7.30 p.m., in the Medical Theatre of the University, Edmund-street. Leeds: Wednesday, January 28, at 7.30 p.m., in the Philosophical Hall, Park Row (near both railway stations). Liverpool: Friday, January 30, at 8 p m,, in the Engineering Theatre of the University, (entrance in Brownlow Hill). Manchester Geological and Mining Society. — The ordinary meeting of the members of the Manchester Geological and Mining Society will be held in the Geological Lecture Theatre, Beyer - building, at the Manchester University, on Tuesday, January 13, 1914, at 6 p.m., when James Lomax, A.L S., will give a description and demon- stration of the preparations, sections, &c., made from the various seams of coal mentioned in his recent paper on “ Further Researches in the Microscopical Examination of Coal, Especially in Relation to Spontaneous Combustion.” The Dow seam will be specially given, also other coals which contain bodies and structures of a suspicious character, and hitherto unrecorded. The lecture will be illustrated by micro-lantern sections and lantern slides (coloured). The council have decided to nominate Prof. Harold Bailey Dixon, M.A, Ph.D., F.R.S., for election as an honorary member of the society.