62 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 9, 1914. _______________________________________ INDEX T O ADVERT USERS TeletfrapSilo Addreaaeag .63,69 . 64 . 115 . 70 . 107 Ackroyd and Best Ld................Lamps, Morley ...........C Allen, Alfred, and Son Ld...........AUen, Lower Gornal.................. Allen, Edgar, and Co. Ld...........AUen, Sheffield ...................__ AUen, W. G., A Sons (Tipton) Ld____Allens, Tipton................ Appleton and Howard...............__....................__ Aqueous Works & Diamond Bock Boring Co. Ld....Aqueous, London Association of Private Owners of Bailway Rolling Stock . Auld, David, and Sons Ld..........Reducing, Glasgow ....... Avonside Engine Co. Ld............Loco, Bristol ................ Bagnall, W. G., Ld..................Bagnall, Stafford . Bailey’s Patents Ld......... Bailey, Sir W. H., and Co. Ld. ..... Baird, J. W., and Co......... Baaer, J ohn, and Son ............... .... Bakers (Leeds) Ld.................Exhaust, Leeds............................. Barns, W., and Son................Perforation, London... Cover iv Barry Sand and Gravel Co. Ld......Aitken, Cardiff ................. Beiliss and Morcom Ld.............Beiliss, Birmingham....... Bennett CoUege....................Bennett College, Sheffield ... Bennis, Ed„ and Co.Ltd____________Bennis, Little Hulton_____ Benthaus. D_______________________Benthaus, Sheffield ....... Best’s Safety Lamps Ld.....Best’s Safety Lamps Ld., Leeds... Bever, Dorling and Co. Ld..........Foundry, Bradford .................. B’ham By. Car. A Wagon Co. Ld.....Carriage, Smethwick, B’ham Bleicherts Aerial Transporters Ld. ...Bleichert, London....... Bradley A Craven Ld...............Craven, Wakefield......... Bradley Pulverizer Co............ Equestrian, London....... Brettell, Thos. A...........Brettell, Quarry Bank, Brierley Hill Bridge, David, & Co. Ld...Coupling, Castleton,^Manchester_____ Briquette Machinery Ld.............Briquette, Leeds .......... Bristol A South Wales By. Wagon Co...Finance, Bristol........... “British Clay-worker”..............Clayworker, London....... British Explosives Syndicate Ld.....Cordite, Glasgow .........__... British Insulated and Helsby Cables Ld....Insulator, Prescot ... British Mannesmann Tube Co. Ld...Tubulous, London............... British Oxygen Co. Ld.............Brins, Oxygen, London ... British Wagon Co. Ld..............Hart, Botherham:......................... Brown, David, A Sons (Huddersfield) Ld. Gearing, Huddersfield ... Brown, W. B., and Co. (Bankhall) Ld....Vires,Liverpool........ Bumsted and Chandler Ld..........Bags, Hednesford ......... ........... Burnside, George............................................... ............... Bute Works Supply Co. Ld..........Gething, Cardiff..................... Butterworth Bros. Ld...............Glasses, Newton Heath...... Cambrian Mining School ...........Mining School, Porth.................. Cameron, John, Ld.................Original, Manchester ..... Capell Fan (G. Fletcher & Co. Ld.)...Amarilla, Derby... Carron Co...........................Carronade, Falkirk . ..... Cawood. Walter, Ld_______________- Engexhibit. London. " Ceag ” Electric Safety Lamp Co.Ld. Georgorum.L’nd’n Ohorley Bail way Wagon Co. Ld......Wagon, Chorley...... Clarke, Chapman and Co. Ld.......Cyclops, Gateshead . Cohen, Geo., Sons and Co_______.............................. Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld.....Solvay, Sheffield.... Cooke. Wm.. and Co. Ld............Cooke, Sheffield........— ........... Copp6e Co. (Great Britain) Ld.....Evcopp6e, Westcent, London Cotton Powder Co. Ld...............Tonita, London . Coulson, M., and Co. Ld............C------------ . Oousland, Alex., and Son .............._______.. _____ Coventry Chain Co. Ld...............Chains, Coventry Cremer Lamp and Engr. Co. Ltd....Cremer, Leeds ... Cremer, Bichard ..............._____......___. j Curtis’s A Harvey Ld. Gunpr., London, A Curtis s, London ... Daglish, B., and Co. Ld.............Daglish, St. Helens Darlington and Co....... Davidson and Co. Ld. ... Davidson, J. S., and Son..................... Davis, E...........................Davis, Leeds ................................. Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld....Davis, Derby ......... Diamond Coal-Cutter Co............Diamond, Wakefield Dixon, Geo. N., and Co.............Tenacity, Liverpool . Earle, G. and T. (1912), Ld..........Cement, Hull .............. ..... Elliot, George, and Co. Ld..........Elliot Co., London . Eva,ns, D. Liewellin________________Brattice, Cardiff __................ Evans, Joseph, A Sons (Wolverh’pton Ld.) Evans, Wolverhampton Fairclough and Sons. Farnley ton Co. Ld. ............... .Beacon, Manchester... .Baird, West Hartlepool 88 , Coveriv Coveriv ... 88 ... 75 ... 63 67 116 67 61 71 115 61 61 111 105 105 115 61 111 62 61 111 116 105 88 104 Cover ii .... 61 105 63 109 _______________......................... 115 .Coulson Ld., SpennymoorCoveriii ... 62 Cover i 68 .Sirocco, Belfast 70 ... 75 ... 88 ... Hl ... H3 Cove* i ... 88 .Cover ii .... 116 FeU, 0. A................... Firth, William, Ld.......... Fletcher, George, and Co. Ld. Foot, Bowland, G., and Co. ... Foyle, W. and G.............. Fraser, Douglas and Sons... Frood, Herbert, Co. Ld..... .Farnley, Leeds . .Fell, Dronfield . .Bails, Leeds..... .Amarilla, Derby. ... 116 Cover i ... 76 ... 76 ... 104 ... Ill 105 .Friction, Chapel-en-le-Frith ... 72 Frost, Albert, and Co...............Alfro, Sheffield _____...................... 71 Purse. W .1........................Furse, Nottingham ....... — Gardam, Harry H., and Co. Ld................................. 116 Gillott, John, and Son .............Gillott, Barnsley __.................107,116 Glover, M., and Co....... ...............Glovers, Leeds .......... 62 Glover, Wm. Jas., and Co...........Glover, St. Helens..... .. . 76 Gosforth Foundry Co. Ld..........Gosforth Foundry, Dronfield 75 Green and Boulding Ld..............Temperature, London..... 62 Greene, Tweed and Co..............Greene, Quancham. London 71 Griffin, Chas., and Co. Ld______..................................... — Guilbert-Martin....................Photophore, London....... — Haggie Brothers Ld. .......................Haggie, Gateshead ....... 115 Hanley, A....................... .................................................... 61 Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld..........Hardypick, Sheffield..... 73,113 Harling, W. H_______....................Clinograph, London....... 105 Harris and Mills ..................Privilege, London......... 88 Harvey, G. A., and Co. (London) Ld Cheaper, Char, London ... Cover i Haslam and Schontheil Ld..........** Thor,” Cardiff........... — Hathorn, Davey and Co. Ld.........Hathorn, Leeds .........Cover i Hawthorn, Leslie and Co. Ld._______Locomotive, Newoastle-on-T, 116 Head, Wrightson and Co. Ld.........Teesdale, Stockton-on-Tees... 65 Heenan and Froude Ld..............Heenan, Worcester ....... — Henderson and Glass...............Vulcan, Liverpool .......Covei ii Hill, L. G_______________..................................................... - Hollingdrake and Son______________Hollingdrake, Stockport... — Hopxmson, J., and Co. Ld..........Hopkinson, Huddersfield ... 163 Horsfield, J. and J„ Ld.............Vulcan, Dewsbury......... 63 Howard, George ..................Metals, Warrington....... 116 Hudson, T., Ld...............................Hudson, Coatbridge... 61 Humble, Stephen................ Stephen Humble, Westmin’r 62 Hurst, A., and Co.................Vivifler, Smith, London... — International Channelling Machines Ld.... Cuttabit, Sheffield..... — Isca Foundry Co....... ...............Isca, Newport, Mon __...... Ill Jardine, John............ ______Jardine, Nottingham ..... — Johnson, Wm., A Sons (Leeds) Ld. .. Bonksley, Armley......... 76 Johnston, John.............................______ ........................................... 72........ Keirby. John E., and Sons Ld.....Keirby, Swinton. Manchester 62 Keith, James,& Blackman Co. Ld. James Keith, Fleet, L’nd’n... 69 Kenyon, William , and Sons Ld......Kenyon, Dukinfleld...........__ — King, John, and Co................King, Leeds.............. — Klein, A., & Co....................Ado, Sheffield......................................... 64 Knowles, John (Wooden Box) Ld. .. Knowles, Woodville....... — Knowles Oxygen Co. Ld............Oxygen, Wolverhampton... 75 Koppers Coke Oven and Bye-Product Co....Kochs, Sheffield ..... 113 K.S.B. ” Manufacturing Co.......Kleinpump, Sheffield ..... — Lancashire A York. Wagon Co.Ld....Wagon, Heywood..... 61 Lancaster and Tonge Ld............Pistons, Manchester.....Cover i ..................................... Latch and Batchelor Ld______..........Latch, Hay Milla __________ — Lawson, John, and Sons..................... -............... 75 Leech, Goodall and Co.............Vertical, Leeds ........... 72 Legard and Son...................Legard, Barnsley ......... 75 Lewis, Edwin, and Sons............Lewis, Wolverhampton ... Ill Lewis, William, and Son ..........Robert Lewis, Bilston..... 61 Lincoln Wagon and Engine Co. Ld. ...Wagon, Lincoln.......... 61 Llewellyn and Oubitt Ld............Oubitt, Pentre _____.................... — Lockwood, Crosby, and Son .......Crosby Lockwood, London — Longbotham, R. H., and Co. Ld.....Engineer, Wakefield....... 116 Lowmoor Co. Ld..............Ironworks, Lowmoor, Bradford ... — Liihrig Coal A Ore Dressing Appliances Ld....Nettoyage,L’nd’n... 64 Mann’s Patent Steam Cart A Wagon Co. Ld. Canning, Leeds Coveri Marple and Gillott Ld..............Ferric, Sheffield.......... 116 Mather and Platt Ld_______............Sprinkler, Manchester..... — Mavor and Coulson Ld.............Prodigious, Glasgow....... — Merryweather and Sons............Merryweather, London ... 70 Meyer, Rudolf, A.G_______________Ado, Sheffield............ — Middleton, Robert, and Co.........Hydraulic, Leeds ......... 72 Midland Ry. Car. A Wagon Co. Ld....Wagon, Birmingham ..... — Mining Appliances Co...............Conveyor, Sheffield ....... 66 Mining Engineering Co. Ld.........Meco, Sheffield............. — Mov, Thomas, Ld..................Moy, Peterboro’........... 61 Mudford, J. H., and Sons...........Tenting, Sheffield __...............Cover ii New Calyx Drill and Boring Co. Ld....Calyx, London ........... — Newton, Chambers and Co. Ld.......Newton, Sheffield......... 61 Nobel’s Explosives Co. Ld...........Nobel, Glasgow...,.......Oovariii Nortons (Tividale) Ld. ...........Screening, Tipton..... Oowriv Ormerod, Edward..................Ormerod, Atherton, Man’ter — Osbeck and Co. Ld.................Osbecks, Newcastle-on-Tyne 88 Pasley, Henry, and Sons ___________Brocco, Sheffield _____............... ... 107 Pearn, Frank, and Co. Ld...........Pumps, Manchester ... ___ — Peckett and Sons..................Peckett, Bristol_____116, Oovwii Penningtons ................................................ — Phillips, Charles D______.........._____Machinery, Newport ..... — Pillatt and Co. Ld............................Pillatt, Stapleford, Notts ... 76 Where the Numeral is absent the Advertisement does not appear in the present Issue. MEDALS. Paris. Cornwall. Glasgow. London. Newcastle. Chicago. Diploma of Honour, Brussels, 1887. MEDALS. Paris. Cornwall. Glasgow. Plowright Bros. Ld...................Plowright Bros., Ches’fleld 75 Protector Lamp and Lighting Co. Ld. ..Protector, Eccles........ 75 Pryor, Edward, and Son ............Pryor, Sheffield............ — Pugsley, Joseph .............__....................Piston, Bristol ............ — Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld. ......Pulsometer, London......Cover i Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld......Pulsometer, Beading......Cover i Queen’s Hotel ......................................Queen’s Hotel, Manchester 105 Beddaway, F., and Co. Ld.............Anchorage, Manchester .... 107 Beavell and Co. Ld.......... ................Beavell, Ipswich........... 76 Benton, B. M., and Co. .........Renton, Sheffield ......... 116 Bigley, William.............. ...................Rigley, Bulwell ......... 61 Robey and Co. Ld...................Robey, Lincoln __..................................— Rolling Stock Company_____........_____Rolingstok, Darlington ____ 61 Royles Ld.............. ..........................Elyor, Cadishead __....... Cover i Bussell, John, and Co. Ld, __........Alma. Walsall......________ ... — “ Scandinavia ” Belting Ld..........Scandinavia, London __................ 62 Scott, Walter, Ld........ .................Bessemer, Leeds__________ 69 Shaw, John, Ld....................Shaw, Sheffield........... 63 Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Oo. Ld...Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent.... 70 Sheppard and Sons Ld________________Sheppard, Bridger d ....Oovsriii “ Shipping World ”...................Shipping World, London ... 115 Siebe, Gorman and Oo. Ld..........Siebe, London ........... 76 Simon-Oarves Ld. .................Simcar, Manchester.......................__...... — Smallman, J, W, ........ .................. Smallman, Nuneaton ............ 61 Southern, T. A., and H. W. Halbaum .. Southern, Cardiff..... 88,116 South Wales Institute of Engineers.................................................. 116 Spencer and Oo. Ld.................Spencer, Melksham ....... — Spencer, John, Ld............ ...............Tubes, Wednesbury... 88 Spurr, Inman and Oo. Ld...........Spurinman, Wakefield..... 116 Standard Engineering Co. Ld.......Standard, Leicester.......Oovsriv Stanley, W. F., and Oo. Ld..........Turnstile, London...........__ — Stewarts and Lloyds Ld...............Lloyds, Birmingham... 74, Cover i Stewarts and Lloyds Ld______..........Lapweld, Glasgow.....74, Cover i Stringer, John, and Son.............Stringer, Blackburn__ 116 Sullivan Machinery Co..............Mikewal, London......... — Summerson, Thos., and Sons Ld. ...Summerson,Darlington ...Oovsrii Sutc iffe Bros......................Sutcliffe Bros., Hyde.......................... 63 Sutcliffe, Richard.......... ..............Sutcliffe, Horbury......... 75 Tangyes Ld.............. ......................Tangyes, Birmingham .......... — Teale, W. E., and Co. Ld...........Teale, Swinton, Lancs. ........ 64 Theedam, E. O., Ld.................Theedam, Dudley ... 107 Thomas and Bishop ...............Velcling, London .........................__ — Thomas, E., and Williams Ld.......Lamps, Aberdare __................__ 72 Thompson and Oo» ................Spiegel, Wigan ......................__..... Ill Thompson and Southwick Ld. .....Pulleys, Tam worth ... 70 Thompson, John_______...................Boiler, Wolverhampton... 116 Thomson Brothers (Dunfermline) Ld.... Minerals, Dunfermline 76 Thornton, A. G., Ld................Drawing, Manchester .... ... — Toope’s Asbestos Covering Co. Ld. ...Toopes, London................. 70 Treasure, J. B., and Oo.............Treasure, Liverpool_____Cove) ii “ Trefor ” Boring A Mining Oo. Ld....Trefor, Brussels....._____ — Trier Bros.........................Viscosity, London_____ ... 64 Tuck and Co. Ld....................Tucks, Liverpool ....................... — Tudor Accumulator Co. Ld.........Subconical. London....... — Turbon Patent Fan Co. Ld__________Fan, Llanelly ................................. 71 United States Metallic Packing Co. Ltd....Metallic, Bradford .... — Universal Mining School .................................... 88, 116 Uskside Engineering Co. Ld.........Uskside, Newport, Mon____ — Vivian’s Boring Oo................Vivians, Parkside, Cleator Moor 88 Waddle Patent Fan A Engineering Oo. Ld....Fan, Llanelly......... 88 Wailes, Dove and Oo. Ld............Bitumastic, Newcastle-on-T. 71 Wakefield, 0. 0., and Oo. ..........Cheery, London ______ — Walker Brothers (Wigan) Ld........Pagefleld, Wigan ...................... — Ward, T. W„ Ld. ...............Forward. Sheffield....... 88,116 Waterfall, H. and B., and Barber....Niagara, Sheffield .......Coveriv Wellington Tube Works Ld.........Vigilantia, Tipton.......Cover ii White, Geo..............................................White, Saddler, Normanton — Whittaker, 0., and Oo. Ld..........Bricks, Accrington ............. Cover i Wigan Wagon Oo. Ld. __.........Wagon, Wigan ......... 61 Wild, M. B., and Co. Ld............Hauling, Birmingham...... — Willcox, W. H., and Oo. Ld..........Willcox, Southwark an.... 105 Witton Fire Brick Oo. Ld________.......................................___ 61 Wolf Safety Lamp Co. ... .__________Lupus, Sheffield........... — Wollescote Galvanizing Co. _______Wollescote Co., Brierley Hill — Woolley, James, Sons and Co. Ld....Pharmacy, Manchester...... 71 Wood, John, and Sons Ld....... Haulage, Wigan .... 68 Wootton Brothers Ld...............Wootton, Coalville .........................._ — Worsley Mesnes Ironworks Ld......Engines, Wigan........... — Wright’s Forge A Engineering Co. Ld.... Wright, Tipton .....Cover ii Yeadon. Son and Oo...........................Yeadon, Leeds ....................... 88 Yorkshire Engine Oo. Ld............Engine, Sheffield........... 116 Yorkshire Hennebique Contracting Co. Ld....Ferro, Leeds _______ 62 Youngs________________............................Oldens, Birmingham ... — Classified List on Page 106. London. Newcastle. Chicago. A STEPHEN HUMBLE’S PATENT IMPROVED “KINGS" HOOK, WITH AUTOMATIC LOWERING ARRANGEMENT, SOLID FORGED THICKENED INNER iPLATES and FULL BEARING on SHACKLE PINS. For High-speed Winding and Heavy Loads. Sole Malcei— STEPHEN HUMBLE, Westminster Chambers, 9, Victoria St., LONDON, S.W. ________________________________________________ ___________________________ A AtOfnilO11*1 profitably utilised by Wft Will I Wk I GLOVER’S PATENT BRI- WH WW UUV I QUETTING MACHINERY. PATENTED PROCESSES WITH CHEMICAL BY-PRODUCTS. UNIVERSAL DEMAND FOR FIRELIGHTERS. A splendid business to run with the Coal Trade. M. GUtOV E2R &, CO., Saw Mill Engineers, LEEDS. (Patentees “ Ideal ” Saw Guard and Safety Circular Cutter Blocks.) __________________ “BUFFALO’INJECTOR Operated Entirely by One Handle. Overflow Jjudi |Ej Telegrams: “ Temperature, London.” Telephone: 12455 Central. IHusrrated Price List on application to GREEN & BOULDING LD., 28, New Bridge St., LONDON, E.C. Agents—THOS. HILL & CO., 66,68, Robertson St,gGlasgow. Class A lifts 24 ft. Class B lifts 12 ft. WIRE ROPES W. B. BROWN & Co (BANKHALL) Ltd., Telegrams—“ VIRES, LIVERPOOL.” AGENTS FOR YORKS, NOTTS, DERBY and LEICESTER- Teleplione—Central 285. YEADON, SON & CO., ALBION PLACE, LEEDS. FERRO-CONCRETE CONSTRUCTIONS. Buildings of every description, Water Towers, Bridges, Pile Foundations, Headgears. Yorkshire Hennebique Contracting Co. Ld., Kirkstall Road, LEEDS. SLINGS F 59, Southwark 5t., London,5. Phone. 979, Central. Teleg.Scandinavia Globe Works, Liverpool. Telephones—213 445 Rootle. “Spade” Washers For the Scottish Tube Co.’s Tubes and others, and for ordinary Steam and Water Pipes. JOHN E. KEIRBY & SONS lm., SWINTON, near MANCHESTER. Telegrams: “Keirby/3 Swinton, Manchester. Estab. 1864 (The word “SPADE” is a Registered Trade Mark.) _______________________________________ SILENT SERVICE IN COLLIERIES. “ COVENTRY "Vm^SCMAINS FOR POWER TRANSMISSION. Managers installing new or replacing old plant should consult our expert. Send for TREATISE C/a. “The Coventry” Chain Co. Ltd., COVENTRY, ENGLAND.