January 9, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN, 61 SPECIAL QUALITY. Telephone No. 72 Bilston. RESOLUTION FOR 1914-: “The Safety of my Cages and Shaftmen are worth the trifling cost of HANLEY’S CAGE and Shaftman Arresters, I’ll order them from A. HANLEY, 21, ALPHA ROAD, BRISTOL.” COKE OVEN BRICKS. THE WITTON FIRE BRICK CO. LTD., WITTON JUNCTION, nr. DARLINGTON. r ancashire & Yorkshire Wagon Company JU LIMITED (Established 1862) RAILWAY WAGON WORKS, HEYWOOD, NEAR MANCHESTER. MANUFACTURERS of RAILWAY WAGONS of every description, for cash and on deferred payments extending over three, five, or seven years. Railway Wheels and Axles, Axle Boxes, Cast and Wrought Ironwork of every sort made to pattern or drawings; Wagons repaired; Wheels turned vp or re-tyred. Second-hand WAGONS Let out on simple Hire. PHett on Awlteation. GEO. H. ROBINSON, Secretary. • • • • • • t ><• • • •• • • • •••! PERFORATED PLATES FOR COAL SEPARATING PROCESS. THOMAS HUDSON LTD., Sheepford Iron Works, COATBRIDGE. THE Rotherham for EVERYTHING • IN ~ CONNECTION-WITH RAILWAY WAGON5 NEWTON, CUMBERS & Co. Ltd., THORNCLIFFE IRONWORKS, near SHEFFIELD. ESTABLISHED 1793. TANK in Cast Iron or Steel. GENERAL CASTINGS, CONSTRUCTIONAL STEELWORK. CONTRACTORS to the ADMIRALTY, WAR OFFICE, and CROWN AGENTS for the COLONIES. Telegrams—‘‘NEWTON, SHEFFIELD.” Telephone No. 2200 Two Lines. THE BRISTOL AMO SOUTH WALES RAILWAY WAGON CO. LTD. NEW OB SECOND-HAND WAGONS PURCHASED AND BE-SOLD FOB PAYMENT OVER THREE, FIVE, OB SEVEN YEARS. Ornois: BRISTOL. JOHN BICKNELL, Secretary. THOMAS MOY Limited,, RAILWAY WORKS, PETERBORO’, BUILDERS OF RAILWAY WAGOMS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS 701 CASH, P USCHASH LB ASH, OS ON SIMP LB HISB. Makers of Wagon Ironwork, Wheels, Forgings, Iron and Brass Casting!. CONTRACTORS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF WAGONS. ZV utomatlo Detachment The 1911 lever has large lateral stops and • wedge-shaped head. Drop-forged shells (two sizes), levers (foa> sizes), catches and couplings. SMALLMAN HAULAGE CLIPS New Model: Nine Sizes, Patented 1902, 1906 and 1910. THE ROLLiHG STOCK COMPANY, DARLINGTON, WAGON OWNERS. Railway Wagons of all descriptions Let on Simple or Purchase Hire. Wagons bought and sold. THB LINCOLN WAGON AND ENGINE COMPANY LIMITED. 0 Illustrated Catalogue. Clips can be had without catches. Patentee and Sole Manufacturer;— JAMES W. SMALLMAN. NUHEATON. Englace NEW WAGONS supplied for CASH or on PURCHASE LEASE. If desired, old Wagons taken in part exchange. New and Second-Hand Wagons Financed, GOOD BIGHT- and TEN-TON WAGONS let on Simple Hire tenancy REPAIRS CONTRACTED FOR IN ALL PARTS. John LodgC, Managing Director and Secretary, Lincoln. Bleichert Ropeways * ■ Automatic Telphers, Conveyors, etc. Loading and Unloading Appliances. More than 3,000 Bleichert Plants HAVE BEEN SET TO WORK IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD, UNDER ALL CLIMATIC AND GROUND CONDITIONS. Bleichert Ropeways with Double Carriages HAVE BEEN CONSTRUC- TED FOR SINGLE LOADS UP TO 4 TONS AND FOR CAPACITIES UP TO 500 TONS PER HOUR. WRITE FOR DETAILS. Bleichert’s Aerial Transporters Ltd., Egypt House, 36, New Broad Street, London, E.C. WILLIAM HIGLEY, Forest Wagon Works, Bulwell, NOTTINGHAM, BUILDER of RAILWAY WAGONS for Cash or on Hire Purchase. Repairs by Contract. Reconstruction and Conversion of Old Stock a Speciality. ZSs Wigan Wagon Co. I^d., SPRINGS BRANCH, WIGAN. Manufacturers of RAILWAY WAGONS of every description for cash and on deferred payments. Dead buffer wagons converted into self-contained Spring Buffer wagons Colliery Pit Tubs, Wagon Ironwork Cast and Wrought, Brass Bearings, Springs, Wheels and Axles, Bolts and Nuts, &c.» &c. Loco and Wagon Wheels turned up and re-tyred. WAGONS BEPAIBED, PAINTED AND LETTERED. Telegrams—” Wagon. Chorley." Telephone—No. 26. Private 127. The CHORLEY RAILWAY WAGON CO. LTD., ■ horley, LANCASHIRE. Branch Works—SPRINGS BRANCH, WIGAN. Builders of Railway Carriages, Wagons, & Rolling Stock of every description for Cash, Purchase Lease, or on Simple Hire. Wagon Ironwork, Wagon Wheel., Forgings. Stampings, lr.n- and Brass Foundry Work. Wag.ns maintained In Repair by Contract or otherwise. H. W. HITCHBN, Managing Director. COLLIERY OWNERS MANUFACTURING BRICKS SHOULD SUBSOBIBB TO THE BRITISH CLAY-WORKER The Organ of the Brick and Tile Trades. Published. Monthly. Subscription: 8s. per annum, post free. Send lor Specimen Copy to the Publisher, THE BRITISH CLAY-WORKER, 48, ESSEX-ST., LONDON, W.C. MINE VENTILATING r-" a wi for reversing FANS a DIRECT COUPLED ENGINES WITH ADJUSTABLE CUT OFF and Forced Lubrication. ENGINES FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER. HAULAGE GEARS. CEMTRIFUGAL PUMPS. For Coal Washing, &c. BUMSTED t CHANDLER Ltd. Founders and Enrflneei?Bs HEDNESFORD, STAFFS.