Presented to the Subscribers] Supplement to the Colliery Guardian and Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades. [of the “ Colliery Guardian." COAL WASHING and SIZING PLANT, ANTHRACITE PLANT _____ — Write for Catalogue. — SHEPPARD & SONS LIMITED The New Foundry, Bridgend. __________________________________ W. G. ALLEN & SONS (TIPTON) LTD Bradley Lane Works, Princes End, TIPTON. ______ COLLIERY AIR PIPES. - The olliery Guardian ESTABLISHED 1866. SPECIAL QUALITY. COKE OVEN BRICKS. The WITTON FIRE BRICK Co. Ltd., WEAR VALLEY JUNCTION, near DARLINGTON. 1 Almanac 1914 1 ] Price 10s. 6d. Post Free. 20th Edition Now Ready. Potts’ Mining Register and DIRECTORY fob the Coal and Ironstone Trades of Great Britain & Ireland. I. J. POTTS, Atlas Works, NORTH SHIELDS, Northumberland March JLpril May June I I MOON’S CHANGES. gib First 4th Ih 9m after. I Last 19th Oh 30m morn. Ill Full 12th 5h 9m morn. | New 26th 6h 34m morn. A MOON’S CHANGES. First 3rd lOh 33m morn. I Last 17th Sh 23m morn. Full 10th 5h 35m after. | New 25th Oh 2m morn. MOON’S CHANGES. First 5th 5h 3m morn. ] Last 18th Th 39m after. Full 12th 4h 19m morn. | New 26th 6h 9m after. MOON’S CHANGES. First 3rd 7h42m after. I Last 17th 7h 52m morn. Full 10th Ih 28mafter. | New 25th llh 22m morn. MOON’S CHANGES. First 3rd 6h 29m morn. I Last 16th 10b 12m after. Full 9th 9h 31m after. | New 25th 2h 35m after. MOON’S CHANGES. L First 1st 2h 3m after. I Last 15th 2h 20m after J Full 8th 5h 18m morn I New 23rd 3h 33m after, ‘l First 30th 7h 25m after._______f CLIMAX Patent Tub Pedestal THOUSANDS IN USE CHAINS MAKERS of Chains of all descriptions for Colliery Cages, Lashing, Hauling purposes, Crane Chains, &c. Also Makers of BOX BOLTS for Colliery Pit Tubs. TODD DROS St. Helens. Telegrams— * TODD, St. HELENS.” JOHN KING & CO H Renishaw explosion, 1871 Oxford Lent Term begins July Independence Day, U.S.A. ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, HISTORICAL NOTES, ETC. ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, HISTORICAL NOTES, ETC. Stock Exchange closed Leycett Colliery explsn., 1880 5th Sunday after Trinity Risca explosion, 1880. St. Swithin 18 6th Sunday after Trinity h i II 2 i ! ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, HISTORICAL NOTES, ETC. ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, HISTORICAL NOTES, ETC. ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, HISTORICAL NOTES, ETC. ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, HISTORICAL NOTES, ETC. ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, HISTORICAL NOTES, BTC. Lancashire. Telephones {^“j Briquette Machinery LIMITED. 161. Water Lane, LEEDS. ___________ Sowwd Patented Machinery for Briquettine Coal and SAFE! Suitable for all Mining Purposes. i .... Contain no Ammonite\RELIABLE!\ Nitro-Glycerine. CANNOT BE FIRED BY CONCUSSION OR FRICTION. \ No Poisonous SPECIALLY \ Fumes. ADAPTED 1 D° not Freeze. FOR ICartridges made tuumctiim/- I any weight or TUNNELLING. I diameter. ON SPECIAL NEW PERMITTED LIST AMMONITE N92 AMMONITE N9 3 Put up in Patent 1 Metallic Cartridge Cases. With or without Nipples. No deterioration during storage. Tests and Samples free on application. A Pamphlet treating upon these Explosives may be obtained on application. THE MINERS’ SAFETY EXPLOSIVE COMPANY LIMITED. Offices : 16. Great Georee St, Westminster BIRAM DAVIS BIRAM Anemometer Patent No. 17075. PATENTH: no:: Th F S S M Tu 2nd Sunday after Christmas Dividends due at Bank Epiphany. F S s M Tu W 1st Sunday after Epiphany Hilary Law Sittings begin 2 3 4 5 6 7 W 8 Th Cambridge Lent Term begins 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Th Hartley accident, 1862 16 F 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 0 26 |'| 27 Tu Ji 28 W | 29 Th l|* 30 F 1.1 31 S S s M Tu IV Th F S s M 2nd Sunday after Epiphany [Hyde explosion, 1889 3rd Sunday after Epiphany Tylorstown explosion, 1896 Roachburn accident, 1908 Victoria Cross instituted, 1850 1 S 4th Sunday after Epiphany 2 M 3 Tu 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Tu 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Th 27 F 28 S Candlemas. MOON’S CHANGES. Ill Full 7th 2h 0m after. I New 23rd 2h 38m morn. Last 15th 7h 32m morn. | First 29th llh 51m after. E 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 W Dominion Day, Canada Th Blantyre explosion, 1879 THEODOLITES DIALS, LEVELS. ANEMOMETERS WATER GAUGES. SELF - REGISTERING WATER GAUGES. HYGROMETERS. THERMOMETERS. ___ MINERS’ SAFETY LAMPS. FLAME AND ELECTRIC. ____ ELECTRIC BLASTING APPARATUS. ___ ELECTRIC SIGNALS & TELEPHONES. SEND FOR LIST No. 40. _____________ JOHN DAViS & SON (DERBY) Ltd., All Saints Works, Derby, And 17, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W. _____ GUILBERT-MARTIN, 9, Edmund Place, ALDERSGATE, LONDON, E.C. Telephone—2799 Central. Telegrams—“Photophore, Cent., London.” “Beacon” Gqi/CE QL6Sses Showing through the water a broad, rich, red line, thus ren- dering the level very distinct. A large stock always on hand. *]* A D” Mark ; GflUce GLflsses For high pressure, and to withstand extreme variations of temperature. Are not affected by cold draughts. All glasses bear the Trade-mark, and have fire-polished ends of a deep claret tint. ___________________________ HEAD,WRICHTSON&Co.Ld. STOCKTON-ON-TEES. Cast Iron Pit Tubbing MARCUS SCREENS. COAL WASHERS. General Colliery Plant. _____________________________________ A BOON TO MASTER, MAN AND MACHINE of Imitations TAUFFER’S LUBRICANT” (Reg. Trade Mark) TANDARD MACHINE GREASE AVIBG™90"/.ll{«”IL “ Unbreakable" s.nrf “Tel STAUFFER LUBRICATORS Sole Makers—_____ TRIER BROTHERS OfFicB-Caxton House, WESTMINSTER, S.W. LONDON. Cumberland Works, CAMBERWELL, S.E. LONDON. 23 W Th Fire Insurance due F [Cadeby Main explosion, 1912 S National Colliery explosion, 1905 S M Tu W Th F S s M Tu Hay dock explosion, 1869 W Th Charles Colliery explosion, 1870 !l| 25 S f 26 S Y 27 M II 28 Tu (J| 29 W J] 30 Th I 31 F l|'» 1 I I ! 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I St. James 7th Sunday after Trinity [Game and Gun certs, expire Trinity Law Sittings end COAL STATISTICS PRODUCTION OF COAL, 1912. County. England:— Chester ...... Cumberland... Derby ........ Durham ...... Gloucester ___ Kent.......... Lancaster _____ Leicester _____ Monmouth ____ Northumberland. Nottingham ____ Shropshire ____ Somerset _____ Stafford _________ Warwick_______ W estmoreland... Worcester_____ York _________ Total ___ Wales:— Brecon ... Farmarthen Denbigh___ Flint ....__ Glamorgan ....... Pembroke ... W Th F S s M Llanerch explosion, 1890 Whitfield explosion, 1881 Septuagesima W Th F S Morfa explosion, 1870 S Sexagesima M Tu W Th F S S M Tu Shrove Tuesday W Ash Wednesday. West Stanley explosion, 1909 Ynyshir Colliery explosion, 1887 Quinquag esima. [Pentre explo., 1871 MOON’S CHANGES. Full 6th Oh 41m morn. I New 21st Oh 27m. after. Last 14thOh 56m morn. | First 28th 4h 53m morn. ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, HISTORICAL NOTES, ETC. s s M Tu W Lammas Day 8th Sunday after Trinity Bank Holiday 9th Sunday after Trinity 2 3 4 5 6 Th F S s M Tu Half-quarter Day W Grouse shooting begins Th Woodend Pits explosion, 1886 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 F Old Lammas Day 15 S 16 S 10th Sunday after Trinity 17 M 18 Tu Maypole explosion, 1908 19 W 20 Th Garswood explosion, 1867 21 22 23 24 25 Tu 26 W 27 28 29 30 31 F S s M Th F S S M 11th Sunday after Trinity [St. Bartholomew Park Slip explosion, 1892 12th Sunday after Trinity H.M. INSPECTORS OF MINES, &c. 1 s 2 M 3 Tu 4 1st Sunday in Lent. St. David. Genwen explosion, 1907 Dover sinking accident, 1897 2nd Sunday in Lent [Barwood explosion, 1878 w Th F S S M Tu W Courrieres explosion, 1906 Th F S S M Brynmally accident, 1889 3rd Sunday in Lent Victoria Pit explosion, 1851 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Tu St. Patrick 18 W 19 Th Benwell explosion, 1907 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Th 27 28 29 30 31 F S S 4th Sunday in Lent M Tu W Annunciation; Lady Day F Cambridge Lent Term ends S [1912, passed S Coal Mines (Min. Wage) Act, M Tu MOON’S CHANGES. Full 4th 2h Im after. I New 19th 9h 53m after. Last 12th 5h 48m after. | First 26th Oh 3m after. ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, HISTORICAL NOTES, ETC. Tu Partridge shooting begins W Th Abertysswg explosion, 1902 F S s M Tu W 13th Sunday after Trinity [Moss Pit explosion, 1871 Seaham explosion, 1880 W Th F S 2 3 4 5 S 6 M 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 F 18 19 20 21 22 23 Th 24 F 25 S 26 27 28 29 30 Highbrook explosion, 1869 Tu W Th F S s M Tu W Th Oxford Lent Term ends Palm Sunday Dividends due at Bank Hilary Law Sittings end Fire Insurances Expire Good Friday. Pemberton accident, 1901 Easter Sunday Easter Monday, Bank Holiday Dukinfield explosion, 1874 Oxford Easter Term begins St. Helens explosion, 1889 Tudhoe explosion, 1882 Low Sunday. Primrose Day S s M Tu Easter Law Sittings begin W Si. George St. Mark 2nd Sunday after Easter S M Tu W Th Micklefield explosion, 1896 October MOON’S CHANGES. Full 4th 5h 59m morn. I New 19th 6h 34m morn. Last 12th 9h 33m morn. | First 25th lOh 44m after. ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, HISTORICAL NOTES, ETC. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 F SS. Philip and James S Baddesley explosion, 1882 S 3rd Sunday after Easter M Tu W 7 Th F S S M Tu W King’s accession, 1910 M Whit Monday . Tu Whit Tuesday W King George b., 1865 Th Half-quarter Day 4th Sunday after Easter [Middle Duffryn exjilos., 1852 F S s M w Th F S s Old May Day Scotch Quarter Day Rogation Sunday Rogation Day Ascension Day Universal explosion, 1901 Sunday after Ascension [Empire Day 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Th 15 16 17 18 19 Tu 20 21 22 23 24 25 M 26 Tu Queen Mary b., 1867 27 W Udston Colliery explosion, 1887 28 Th Oxford Easter Term ends 29 F Easter Law Sittings end 30 S Oxford Trinity Term begins 31 S Whit Sunday N o vember MOON’S CHANGES. Full 2nd Uh 49m after. I New 17th 4h 2m after. Last 10th llh 37m after. | First 24th Ih 39m after. ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, HISTORICAL NOTES, ETC. F S s M Tu W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Th 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Th 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 M 29 Tu 30 W F S S M Tu W Th F S s Ebbw Vale explosion, 1878 14th Sunday after Trinity 15th Sunday after Trinity St. Matthew 16th Sunday after Trinity Michaelmas Day Th Pheasant Shooting begins F S s M Tu W 8 Th 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Tu 21 W 22 Th 23 24 25 26 27 28 W 29 Th 30 F 31 S Jewish Year begins 17th Sunday after Trinity Dividends due at bank Marley explosion, 1872 S 21st Sunday after Trinity M All Souls Day [All Saints Tu W Th F S Oxford Michaelmas Term begins 18th Sunday after Trinity [Pemberton explosion, 1877 F s s M Tu Michaelmas Law Sittings begin W Fire Insurance due Th F S s M Morfa explosion, 1863 19th Sunday after Trinity [Wharncliffe explosion, 1883 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S M Tu W Th F S s M Tu W Altham explosion, 1883 22nd Sunday after Trinity [Ferndale accident, 1867 Martinmas. Half-quarter Day Radbod explosion, 1908 23rd Sunday after Trinity [Barrow accident, 1907 Rawdon accident, 1907 F S S M Tu Trafalgar Day, 1805 Blantyre explosion, 1877 20th Sunday after Trinity [Seaham explosion. SS. Simon and Jude Pelton explosion, 1866 PERMITTED 1871 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Th 20 21 22 23 24 Tu Old Martinmas 25 W Whitehaven explosion, 1897 26 Th 27 F 28 S 29 S 30 M F S s M 24th Sunday after Trinity [Walker accident, 1862 Marianna explosion, 1908 Advent Sunday St. Andrew Total Quantity 1912. Tons. 274,461 2,133,563 16,567,927 37,890,404 1,567,701 1,099 22,788,737 2,765,103 13,391,742 13,381,641 11,122,832 772,205 1,072,356 13.666,886 4,577,758 1,347 516,090 38,491,493 Total Quantity 19 il. Tons. 306,180 2,296,254 17,164,490 41,718,916 1,436,200 150 23,674,634 2,860,497 13,798,747 14,682,427 11,623,250 815,194 1,161,023 14,047,758 4,893,483 1,185 615,353 39,135,418 Chief Inspector of Mines: E. A. S. Bedmatnb, Esq., C.B., Home Office, Whitehall,London. Electrical Inspector of Mines: Robert Nelson, Esq., Home Office, Whitehall, London. Private Secretary to Chief Inspector: Granville Poole, Esq., Home Office, Whitehall, London. Secretary to the Board for Mining Examinations: W. W. Ware, Esq., Home Office, Whitehall, London. a EXPLOSIVES On the Home Office List for use in Gaseous and Dusty Mines. ..180,983,345 ...190,231,139 736,221 2,217,927 2,547,378 703,371 33,727,100 43 274 77*,486 2,115,311 2,679,686 763,392 33,463,974 46,209 Total .......... Scotland :— Argyll, Dumfries, Kinross, Peebles, and Sutherland ... Ayr .............. Clackmannan ..... Dumbarton ....... Edinburgh _______ Fife.............. Haddington_______ Lanark ........... Linlithgow ...... Renfrew ........ Stirling .......... Total Ireland ............. 39,975,271 ... 39,845,058 524,607 3,935,949 343,123 483,747 3,064,887 8,435,516 1,050,686 16 624,363 2,038,121 186,559 2,831,071 1 2 3 4 5 F | 6 S 7 S Trinity Sunday 8 M [Haydock explosion, 18781 9 10 11 12 13 14 S 15 M 16 Tu Bedwellty explosion, 1865 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Tu Prince of Wales b., 1894 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Tu Trinity Law Sittings begin Ferndale explosion, 1849 Corpus Christi Dukinfield accident, 1866 W Th F S u 1st Sunday after Trinity ' [Victoria Pit explosion, 1866| W Th Clifton Hall explosion, 1885 F S S 2nd Sunday after Trinity M W Midsummer Day. John Baptist Th F I S I S 3rd Sundazj after Trinity | M St. Peter Tu MOON’S CHANGES. A Full 2nd 6h 21m after. I New 17th 2h 35m morn. T Last 10th llh32m morn. | First 24th 8h 25m morn.Lj 38, BOAR LANE, LEEDS. Telegrams— “ Daglish, St. Helens.” Telephone No. 23. Established 1798. ROBT DAGLIS8 & Co. Ltd ENGINEERS. Sole Makers of DAGLISH’S PATENT SIMPLEX OVERWINDER AND OVERSPEEDER _________ St. Helens Foundry Engine & Boiler Works. ST. HELENS, LANCS. ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, ____________________________________________________ HISTORICAL NOTES, BTC. S s M Tu W 1 Tu 2 W 3 Th 4 F 5 6 7 8 9 10 Th 11 F 12 S 13 S 14 M 15 Tu 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Tu 23 W 24 Th 25 F 26 27 28 29 30 31 W Th F S S M Elemore Colliery accident, 1886 Powell Duffryn accident^ 1875 . [Monongah explosion, 1907] Swaithe Main explosion, 1875 l|- I ||| Black Game and Grouse 1 [shooting endsT Oaks Colliery explosion, 1866 3rd Sunday in Advent |.| [Talk-o’-th’-Hill accident, 1866( | Coal Mines Act, 1911, passed Urpeth explosion, 1906 Abram explo., 1881; Darr, 1907 h| Cethin Cyfarthfa accident, 1865 A Michaelmas Law Sittings end [St. IViomasT Mardy explosion, 1885 S s M Tu W Th Christmas Day L) St. Stephen. Bank Holiday A 1st Sunday after Christmas , Holy Innocents [St. JbhnT 9 GEORGE BURNSIDE, BORING TOOL WORKS, Shiney Row, Fence Houses, co. DURHAM. Safety Boring Apparatus. Used most successfully in tapping old mine workings up to 287 lbs. RECORD BORING MADE 702 FEET. — Also Eye Guards for Pit Ponies. — George Elliot & Co. Ld. George Elliot & Co. since 1864, and previously Glass, Elliot & Co.. Makers of the First Atlantic Cable. WIRE ROPE Manufxs -works—Bute Docks, Cardiff, and Sheaf Steel and Wire Mills, Keeley, Sheffield Chief Office: 16, Ct. Ceorce St.. Westminster, London. PATENT LOCKED WIRE ROPES The advantages of Locked Wire Ropes are STRENGTH, SPLENDID WEARING SURFACE, FLEXIBILITY, ABSENCE OF TWIST, &c., &c., and the consequent VERY LONG DURATION. ________________________ H.M. INSPECTORS OF MINES, &c. COAL STATISTICS PERSONS EMPLOYED, ACCIDENTS, &c., UNDER COAL MINES ACT. Persons employed. Under ground. 676,746 . 684,683 . 691,112 . 709,545 . 757,887 . 796,329 . 818.381 . 848.381 . 863,512 . ... 878,759.. , . . , (Number of mines at work in 1912, 3,265). (c) G. B. Harrison, Esq., Shamrock, Worsley Road, Swinton, Manchester; F. N. Siddall, Esq., 18, Albert Road, Bolton. R. W. Corless, Esq., 191a, Downhall Green Road, Bryn, near - Wigan; W. Roberts,Esq.,37, Binley Street, Newton-le-Willows. (e) Rhys Williams, Esq., 2, Garfield Terrace, Garth Road, Bangor. (/) D. Morris, Esq., 232, Wigan Boad, Bryn, Wigan. 5. — South Wales Division. (a) W. N. Atkinson, Esq., LL.D., I.S.O., 123, Cathedral Road, Cardiff. (b) J. Dyer Lewis, Esq., 2, St. Helens Crescent, Swansea ; F. N. White, Esq., 30, Stow Park Ave., Newport, Mon.; A. Pearson, Esq., Llandaff,/ (c) J. M. Carey, Esq., Caerlon, Newport, Mon. ; I. Greenland Davies, Esq., 128, Westbourne Road, Penarth, Cardiff; J. S. Foor, Esq , Bridgend, Glamorgan ; E. S. Rees, Esq., 23, Marlborough Road, Cardiff; P. T. Jenkins, Esq., Newport, Mon. (d) W. J. Owen, Esq., 66, College Hill, Llanelly; T. D. Davies, Esq., 37, Station Road, Llandaff, North, Cardiff; R. Morgan, Esq., 20, Windsor Hoad, Newport, Mon.; T. Waldin, Esq., Hill Sid % Mount Pleasant, Neath. (e) W. J. Stbphfns, Esq., 80, Brunswick Street, Canton, Cardiff. (/) T. L. Evans, Westgate, QuareHa Road, Bridgend, Glam. 6. —Midland and Southern Div. (a) Hugh Johnstone, Esq., 3, Priory Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. (b) W. Saint, Esq.. Glent- worth,, Stafford; H. Walker, Esq., Walden, Widcombe Hill, Bath. (c) W. H. Hepplewhite, Esq., Chestnut House, Kettle- brook Road, Tamworth ; J. R. Felton, Esq., 298, Pershore Road, Birmingham; — Clivr, Esq., Springfield House, New- castle, Staffs; T. Boydell, Esq., 7, Tr^yew Road, Truro; P. S. Lea, Esq , 296, Pershore Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. (d) T. H. Bull, Esq., 172, Lower Chaplin Road, Longton, stoke-on-Treut; H. Morgan, Esq., 14, Castle Street, Dudley; E. Rowley, Esq., 57, Wick Roao, Brislington, Bristol. (e) Richard King, Esq ,Rane- lagh Roan, St. Austell; T. R. Rees, Esq., 185, Holly Road, Hansworth, Birmingham. (/) J. Evans, Esq., 56, Hugh Rd., Small Heath, Birmingham. Tear. Separate Deaths fatal acci- dents. .. 1,036 ..1,017 ... 963 .. 1,065 .. 1,162 .. 1,138 .. 1,182 .. 1,242 .. 1,212 .. 1,151 caused by the acci- dents. .. 1,072 . 1,055 . 1,159 .. 1,142 . 1,245 . 1,308 . 1,453 . 1,775 . 1,265 . 1,276 Above ground. 165,320 . 165,870 . 167,261 . 172,800 . 182,731 . 191,484 .. 195,617 .. 201,026 .. 203,701 .. 210,331 . Total. ,. 842,066 .. 847,553 ,. 858,373 .. 882,345 . 940,618 . 987,813 .1,013,998 .1,049,407 .1,067,213 1,089,090 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 I I The leading Permitteds are On the New List. No Detonator The Largest Sale of any Permitted. Charge Limit. The best High Permitted for Coal Getting For Hard Coal, Ripping, Brushing, &c. Also “ SUPER KOLAX ” and “ SUPER EXCELLITE." BOBBINITE MAKERS OF ROUND STEEL WIRE ROPES, Made with the Wires in the Strands and the Strands in the Ropes laid inthe same direction, generally known as Ropes made on Lang’s Lay Principle 1 1 1 I required. No (a) Inspector; (b) Senior In- spector; (c) Junior Inspector; (d) Sub-inspectors of Mines; (e) Sub-inspectors of Quarries; (/) Inspectors of Horses. 1.—Scotland Division. (a) W. Walker, Esq., Tyne Lodge, Grange Loan, Edin- burgh. (b) R. McLaren, Esq., Drum- clair House, Airdrie, near Glasgow ; R. G. M. Prichard, Esq., Braemount, Liberton, Edinburgh. (c) J. Masterton, Esq., 72, St. Leonard’s Road, Ayr; A. H. Steele, Esq., 5, Talbot Terrace, Scotstounhill, Glasgow ; W. E. T. Hartley, Esq., 5, Pitt Ter- race, Stirling ; J. A. S. Ritson, Esq., 5, Marchmont Road, Edin- burgh ; H. J. Humphrys, Esq., Canmore Street, Dunfermline. (d) P. MclLHENNY, Esq., 130, Almada Stieet, Hamilton; W. Loudon, Esq., Aerial Bank, Hunter Street, Dunfermline; T. Meek, Esq., Dickson’s Buildings, Waterside Street, Kilmarnock, G. Rankin, Esq., Edinburgh. (e) L. R. Sowerby, Glasgow. (/) A. McArthur, 17, Hill- side Street, Edinburgh. 2.—Northern Division. (a) J. R. R. Wilson, Esq., Westfield Drive, Gosforth, Newcastle-on-Tyne. (b) F. H. Wynne, Esq. (c) W. Leck, Esq., Cleator Moor, Cumberland; W. J. Charlton, Esq.. 32, Western Hill, Durham ; G. Poole, Esq., 13, Woodbine Avenue, Gosforth, New castle-on. Tyne; T. Ashley, Esq., 4, Sanderson Road. Jes- mond, Newcastle - on - T.i ne ; Douglas Hay, Esq., Abbey- View, South Street, Durham*; H. T. Foster, Esq., 25, Queen’s Terrace, Newcastle - on - Tyne ; G. Cook, Esq., Oakbank, Whitehaven. (d) W. Wainwright. Esq., 6, Fieldhouse Terrace, Western Hill. Durham; W. Bbown, Esq., 45, Stanton Street, West- gate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne; W. Goodin, Esq., 11, Emerald Street, Saltburn-by-the-Sea ; T. Brown, Newcostle-on-Tyne. (e) R. W. Ball, Esq., New- castle-on-Tyne. (/) R. L. Layfield, Esq., 7, Flass Street, Durham. 3 — York A North Midland Div. (a) T. H. Mottram, Esq., Doncaster. (b) C. L. Robinson, Esq., The Knolls, Wedgewood Grove, Roundhay, Leeds; H. A. Abbott, Esq., 18, Priory Road, Sharrow, Sheffield. (c) J. Mellors, Esq., 14, St John’s North. Wakefield; H.M. Hudspeth, Esq., 3. Imperial Crescent, Doncaster; E. H. Fraser, Esq., 24, CaledouRoad, Sherwood, Nottingham ; C. D. Mottram, Esq., 81, Rustlings EXCELLITE. RIPPITE. ACCIDENT DEATH-RATES IN COALMINES (Per 1,000 employed.) All causes. Curtis’s 6 Harvey’s “ Dragon Brand ” Electric Detonators and Powder Fuses specially recommended. PRICES, &c.. FROM SOLE MANUFACTURERS- CURTIS’S & HARVEY Ltd Head Office : CANNON ST. HOUSE, LONDON, E.C. Above E.XP10- Falls, sions. * Shafts. Below and ground, below ground. 1883-92 .. 0-32 ... 1-00 . .. 0’19 . .. 2’01 .. . 1 81 1893-1902. .. 0’18 ... 0-76 . .. 0’13 . .. 1-52 .. .. 1-39 1903 .. .. 0’02 ... 0 84 . ... o-io . .. 1’35 . .. 1’27 1904 . 0-03 ... 0-75 . .. 0’12 . .. 1-34 .. .. 1*24 1905 ., .. 0’26 ... 0’75 . .. 0*09 . .. 1-49 .. 1’35 1906 .. 0-08 ... 0-78 . .. 0’10 . .. 1-42 .. ,. 1-29 1907 .. 0’06 ... 0*76 . ... 0-13 . .. 1’46 ,. 132 1908 .. 0*16 ... 0’74 , ... 0’10 . .. 1’46 .. .. 1’32 1909 . .. 0’28 ... 0’74 , ... o-io . .. 1-61 . . 1’43 1910 . .. 0’59 ... 075 . ... 0’10 . .. 1’91 .. . 1*69 1911 . .. 0*04 ... 0 71 , ... 0’11 . .. 1’29 .. .. 1’19 1912 . .. 0*14 ... 0’64 ... 0-08 . .. 1*25 . .. 1*17 493,634 ________ 4,204,813 414,746 559,121 3,038,868 9,037,790 1,021,169 17,504,906 2,178,827 151,350 3,112,939 39,518,629 ... 41,718,163 90,307 ... 84,564 Total United Kingdom...260,567,552 ...271,878,124 POSTAL INFORMATION Inland Letters.—Letters not exceeding 4oz., ld.; and 4d. for every additional 2 oz. Not to exceed 2 ft. in length, 1 ft. in width, and 1 ft. in depth. Post Cards.—Inland.—Stout (4| in. by 3$ in.) £d., 6d. for 11; thin (5| in. by 3| in.) jd., 6d. for 12; 5s. per packet (110) stout; 10s. per packet (240) thin. Double or reply, double above rates. Private cards of same dimensions as post cards, with a half penny stamp, may be used as post cards. Foreign.— Single, Id., Reply, 2d. Newspapers. — Inland.—Registered newspapers may be sent to any part of the United Kingdom at a uniform rate of id. each. Foreign, id. for 2 oz. Halfpenny Packets.—Inland.—Not exceeding 2 oz., id.; exceeding 2 oz., unconditionally at letter rate. Dimensions as for letters. Parcel Post.—Parcels not exceeding 1 lb. 3d., 21b. 4d., 31b. 5d., 41b. 6d., 5 1b. 6d., 6 ]b. 7d., 71b. 7d., 81b. 8d., 9 1b. 9d., 10 lb. 10d., 111b. lid. No parcel to exceed 11 lb. in weight, and 3 ft. 6 in. in length, or 6 ft. in length and girth combined. Express Letter, Packet or Parcel Service.— 3d. per mile, not exceeding ten packets by same messenger, 3d. for first, Id. each for remainder. Money Orders.—Not exceeding £1, 2d.; £3, 3d.; £10, 4d. ; £20, 6d.; £30, 8d.; £40, lOd. Telegraph Money Orders.—Sameas for ordinary money orders, plus cost of telegram and supple- mentary fee of 2d. Postal Orders.—Orders up to and including 2s. 6d., |d.j 3s. to 15s., Id.; los. 6d. to 21s., lid. Telegrams.—6d. for twelve words; beyond these, id. per word. Addresses charged. Registration Fee for each inland letter, parcel or other postal packet to any place in the United Kingdom, 2d. in addition to the postage. No compensation is given in respect of com spondence compulsorily registered. If containing coin, the Y letter must be enclosed in a special Registered 1’1 Letter envelope sold at all post offices. 1 I I 1 II SISKOL COAL-CUTTERS AND HAMMER DRILLS _______________________ International Channelling Machines Ltd., SHEFFIELD. Road, Sheffield ; A. L. Flint, Esq., 25, Hilton Road, Harehills, Leeds; Herbert Danby, Esq., 13, Victoria Crescent, Doncaster. (d) H. J. Burden, Esq., 72, Dodworth Road, Barnsley; J. Hobson, Esq., 25, Inglewood Ten-ace, Leeds; J. Gawthrope, Esq., 45, Junction Road, Sheffield: J. Hall, Esq., 203, Sheffield Road, Barnsley. (e) S. H. Lomas, Esq., 80, Sharrow Lane, Sheffield. (/) R. Baxter, Esq.,6, Guest Road, Sheffield. 4. — Lancashire, North Wales and Ireland Division. [The amalgamation of the Manchester and Ireland, and Liverpool aid North Wales Districts, to form the Lancashire, North Wales and Ireland Division, is postponed for the present.] 1.—Manchester and Ireland District. (a) John Gebhard, Esq., Worsley, Man- chester. OUTPUT OF BRITISH COAL, 1892-1912. (Including coal raised from quarries.) Tons. 1892.. .181.786.871 1893. ---------- 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. , . 1898.. .202.054.516 .164,325,795 .188,277,525 .189,661^62 .195,361,260 .202,129,931 Tons. 1899.. .220.094.781 1900. — 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905.. .236.128.936 .225,181,300 .219,046,945 .227,095,042 .230,334,469 232,428,272 Tons. 1906.. .251.067.628 1907. — — — 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911__________ 1912.. .260.416.338 267,830,962 .261,528,795 .263,774,312 .264,433,028 .271.891,899 EXPORTS OF BRITISH COAL IN 1912. 1912. 1911. Average Average Quantity, value Quantity, value Tons. ,. 2,547,712. .46,539,983. .10,559,845. ,. 1,639,571_______ . . 3,157,893...10 H-4. Large..........36,369,844... 14 3 2. 1 hro’-and-thro’13,247.902...10 8 8. Small__________14,827,258...10 0 1. Coal Anthracite Steam ____ Gas ..... Household Other sorts per ton. s. d. .16 0'9... .12 11 0... .10 8’8... .11 11'4... Tons. 2,454,523. 47,119,017. 10,504,172. 1,540,710. 2,980,844. per ton. s. ...15 ...11 ... 9 ...10 ... 9 d. 21 70 90 6'5 6'7 36.952.418.. .12 10'6 13,035,28V.. 9 7’7 14.611.565.. . 8 9'7 Total&average64,445,004...12 6 8... 64,599,266... 11 3 7 Coal shipped in bunkers ______18 291,370... — From Tons. Bristol Channel ports...26,125,744. North western ports ... 674,234. North-eastern ports ...20,851,308. Humber ports ________ 6,769,356. Other ports on east coast 321,590. Other English ports..... 340. East Scotland ports ...7,795,518. West Scotland ports ... 1,906,914. Irish ports Total.. ... 19,264,189... - 1911. 1910. Tons. Tons. 25,199,786...25,222,257 711,703. — — 21,716,027. 6,264,063. 325,179.. 197. 8’43,321. 2,138,990. . 687,707 .18,981,423 . 6,598,145 336,010 1,388 . 8,180,772 . 2,075,852 1,922 ___________ ___________ .. 64,445,004...64 599,266,. 62,085,476 ____ PRICES OF FUEL EXPORTED 1901 TO 1912. 8. d. 8 d. 8. d. 1901 .. 13 10*3 1905 .. 10 6*7 1909 .. 11 3*6 1902 .. 12 3*4 1906 .. 10 10*8 1910 .. 11 8*6 1903 .. 11 7*9 1907 .. 12 9*0 1911 .. 11 5’1 1904 .. 11 1*6 1908 .. 12 9*2 1912 .. 12 8’4 During 1912, 67,036,457 tons of fuel were exported from the U.K., as compared with 67,271,833 in 1911, at respective values of £42,581,774 and £38,447,354. _____________________________________________________ MAGNETIC DECLINATION, 1914. The variation at Kew on January 1 1914, is about 15Q 40' W. Lang’s Lay Wire Rope when New Lang’s Lay Wire Rope when Worn. 9 1 1 1 i!i 1 1 I I II 1 ill 0 I II II CAMERON HASTIE & CO. LTD i BOILER and PIPE COVERERS and INSULA TING SPECIALISTS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii ELLIPTICAL WIRE ROPES, Introduced to give great flexibility and to obviate spinning whilst at work. Strongly recommended for Cranes, &c. __________________________ THE “PROTO” (Fleuss-Davis Paten'.) RESCUE APPARATUS IS THE SAFEST APPARATUS ON THE MARKET. Exclusively adopted by the Coalowners’ Associations of Lancashire, Cheshire, North Staffordshire, South Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Worcestershire, North Wales. ______________________ Also Makers of— SMOKE HELMETS for extinguishing Gob Fires and for short distance work in collieries. Oxygen Reviving Apparatus, Gas Analysis Apparatus, and Diving Apparatus of every description, including self-contained type (no pumps or tubes) for flooded mines and other difficult situat ons. _____________________________ SIEBE, GORMAN & CO. LTD., “Neptune” Works, & 187, Westminster Bridge Road, Lambeth, LONDON, S.E. Telegrams—** Siebe, Lamb, London.” Telephone No —Hop 251. BORING FOR SI MINERALS, WATER, &c BY MOST APPROVED METHODS ___________ Patent Improvements in Pumping Plants. Can he applied to Existing Arrangements. ___________ COULSON, King’s Norton, Birmingham. 4 Shamrock House. DURHAM ____________________A____________________ 1912 CLIP JOHN THOMPSON Lead Sealed Pelican Brand of EARLE’S CEMENT Manufactured hy— BRANCH WORKS By Appointment to the Late KING EDWARD VII. Tel. Address— “NELSON, MOTHERWELL.” Chatsworth Wagon Works, near CHESTERFIELD. Bridgend Wagon Works, BRIDGEND, Glamorganshire. Swansea Wagon Works, SWANSEA. Cardiff Office: London Office: Gordon Chambers, 31, Queen St. 14, Leadenhall St., E.C. B G8A.LIERY .■ fcCMPAlYL’ - AhTTHRiAClI 526 ; Heapstead and Screening Plant at Messrs. BOLCKOW, VAUGHAN & Co.’s Ltd. New Leasingthorne Collieries, erected by ROBERT WILSON & SONS, Bishop Auckland JAMES W. SMALLMAN NUNEATON. ■‘It ’(III) ml .1®, hi ALFRED ALLEN & SON LTD Lower Gornal, nr. Dudley. Tl o’l o r- 1 ' m J' ^!,j ji' Tl a m ii \ ' -i 'I .Jiiiiiii 1 "•> HURST, NELSON & CO. Ltd Registered Office and Chief Works :— The Glasgow Rolling Stock & Plant Works, MOTHERWELL. DISH-ENDED BOILERS, SUPERHEATERS, ECONOMISERS, and COMPLETE BOILER HOUSE PLANTS. Wolverhampton, Eng. Makers of Most Modern Headgears, Heapsteads, Coal Screening and Cleaning Plants. WILSON’S famous BORING MACHINES for Coal, Stone, and for Boring against Water and Gas. Glasgmu Office: 40, West Nile St.l Printed by The Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. G.&T. EARLE (1912)Ltd WILMINGTON, HULL ESTABLISHED 1811.