January 2, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 51 WOOTTON BROS. LD., COAL SCREENING & CONVEYING PLANTS. 'VeWV'°22. tto- S3 HI X. STEAM and ELECTRIC DRIVEN HAULING and PUMPING PLANTS. STRUCTURAL IRONWORK. General Castings and Smiths’ Work. Haulage & Shaft Pulleys. Friction Clutches. Turntables. Tanks. PIT HEAD GEAR Pit-Head Pulleys, Cages, TIPPLERS, ENGINES, For Winding, Hauling, &c STEAM & HYDRAULIC LIFTS. t ■ $5 Works: COALVILLE. CLAY WORKING PLANT. Brick Machinery. Grinding Pans. CHAIN & ROPE HAULAGE. STEAM and HAND Brick & Tile Presses. Ridge Tile & Sanitary Pipe Making Machines. GIRDERS. COLUMNS. ROOFS. BUILDINGS. LONDON OFFICE - 8, Masons Avenue, Basinghall Street. British Insulated & Helsby Cables Ld., ELECTRICAL CABLE MAKERS & ENGINEERS. REGD.t TRADE MARK. A If ENO WITH 0R W,TKOUT UWE UVfcHO RECUPERATORS (SEMET-SOLYAY SV STEM), AND DIRECT’ SULPHATE RECOVERY PLANT. Works: Prescot, Helsby & Liverpool. SEE LARGE ADVERTISEMENT EVERY FOURTH WEEK. THE COKE OVER CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., ".“rr SHEFFIELD. ONE S WILLCOX Patent HOSE The adoption of “ Jones-Willcox” Hose for so many purposes super- seding the use of rubber—owing to its many advantages—has given it a standard position where first-class flexible tubing is required for the conveyance of liquids. Unsurpassed as a suction hose, and equally admirable for delivery. For large and small pumps of all kinds, it is in great demand. As a Water Lifter Hose it is unequalled. Supplied in various makes and strengths for different purposes. W. H. WILLCOX & Co. Ld., 32-38 Southwark Street, LONDON, S.E. 3 This Hose contains NO rubber in its composition, and therefore cannot deteriorate or perish like ordinary “ rubber ” hose. Constructed of specially prepared and dressed material, and wired internally and externally in such a manner that it cannot possibly kink or collapse. The coils of the inside wire alternate with those of the outside, providing great strength and flexibility. It is well-known that rubber oxydizes with the action of air, but air has no harming effects upon “ Jones-Willcox ” Patent Hose. Our LIST describes the various qualities of this Hose. We shall be pleased to quote for your requirements. GRAVER’S PATENT A: /-■fc • * BRIQUETTING MACHINE. SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR PRODUCING LARGE BRIQUETTES FOR MARINE AND INDUSTRIAL USE. EXERTS HEAVIER PRESSURE and GIVES BETTER RESULTS than any other—either British or Continental. BRADLEY & CRAVEN Ltd., wakefield.