16 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 2, 1914. 13s. 6d.; ditto for January delivery at 13s. 6d.; 60,000 tons Tyne primes for shipment over 1914 for the Midi railways of France at about 13s. 6d.; 6,000 tons Bly th smalls for delivery over 1914 at 7s. 3d., and 15,000 tons at 7s.; best Bly ths for January-March delivery at 13s. 6d.; Tyne prime smalls for November shipment at 8s. ll|d., a second-hand sale; 25,000-30,000 tons Tyne seconds for November shipment to Alexandria, price not stated ; 15,000 tons Broomhill smalls for 1914 ship- ment at 8s. 6d.; a quantity of “ any ” Northumberland smalls sold by second-hand holders for delivery over 1914 at, it was reported, 6s., including Tyne dues. November.—12,000 tons best Bly ths for delivery over 1914 at 12s. 9d., a second-hand sale; 60,000 tons for the Moscow-Windau Railways, delivery over next season at about 13s. for Blyth bests; 36,000 tons Blyth bests, a second-hand sale, for delivery over 1914 at 12s. 9d.; 95,000 tons Northumberland and Durham steams for delivery to the Swedish State Railways from January to March at 17s. ll|d. c.i.f. Stockholm, for Lambtons; a large quantity of best Blyths for 1914 shipment at 13s. December.—500,000 tons locomotive fuel for the northern division of the North-Eastern Railway Com- pany, delivery over 1914, at from Is. to Is. 9d. below the expiring contract prices; 50,000 tons Blyth bests for January-March (mostly March) shipment at 13s. 6d. Gas Coal Contracts. Gas coal contracts included the following :— January.—195,000 tons Wear specials for March- December shipment to Copenhagen Gasworks, an order placed with Det Danske-Kulkompagni, 'as follows :— 80,000 tons Londonderry at 20s. 7Jd. per ton, c.i.f.; 80,000 tons Wearmouth at 20s. 7jd., c.i.f.; 25,000 tons Thornley at 20s. 4Jd., c.i.f.; and 10,000 tons Ryhope at 19s. 9d.; 30,000 tons Hetton for similar delivery to the same gasworks, an order placed with a local firm at 20s. ljd., c.i.f. February.—80,000 tons good Durhams for delivery until March, 1914, to the Konigsberg Gasworks at 18s. 3d., c.i.f.; 2,000 tons Wear specials, shipment to the Veile Gasworks over the Baltic season, at 20s. 6d., c.i.f.; 8,000 tons similar for like shipment to the Esbjerg Gas- works at 18s. 7Jd., c.i.f.; 80,000 tons best Durhams, 10,000 tons seconds, and 30,000-50,000 tons Yorkshires for the Danish Gas Light Co., over the year, at from 13s. to 13s. 3d. for Durham bests. March.—20,000 tons Durham bests, delivery over the Baltic season to the Old St. Petersburg Gasworks, at a price believed to be fully up to the level of recent similar business; about 3,000,000 tons of coal for delivery over the ensuing 12 months to the London Gas Light and Coke Company and the South Metropolitan Gas Com- pany, mainly drawn from Durham, although with a small portion of the order for Yorkshire and Derbyshire ; at from 12s. 9d. to 14s. for the Durham coal, with the bulk of the business at from 13s. to 13s. 3d. for seconds, prices which showed an advance of from Is. 6d. to 2s. per ton on the contract rates for the expiring 12 months; 5,000 tons Wear primes and 7,000 tons prime seconds for over-season shipment to the Riga Gasworks at about current prices. April.—40,000-50,000 tons New Pelton-Holmside for May-December shipment at 14s., a second-hand sale; 50,000 tons Durham specials for 1914 delivery at 14s.; 150,000 tons Durhams (including 50,000 tons Holmside or Boldon at 13s. 6d., a quantity of Lambtons at 13s. and the balance of Londonderrys or Wearmouths at 14s.) for delivery to the Union de Gaz of Paris from May 1913 to July 1914; 60,000 tons Durham seconds for delivery over 12 months to the Dublin Gasworks at from 13s. 9d. to 14s. May.—Holmside, Thornley, Londonderry and Mickley coals for delivery to the St. Petersburg Gasworks over the season at 14s.; 300,000 tons Durhams for delivery over 12 months to the Newcastle and Gateshead Gas Company at about 13s. 3d., an advance of about Is. 6d. per ton on the expiring contract rates ; 12,000 tons best for delivery over 12 months commencing July to the Caen Gasworks at from 14s. to 14s. 6d. June.—20,000 tons bests for St. Gilles Gasworks, Brussels,, delivery over 12 months, at about 17s. c.i.f.; 40,000 tons Durham seconds for delivery over 12 months commencing July at 13s.; 20,000 tons bests for June- February shipment to the Padua Gasworks at an undi- vulged price; 17,000 tons bests for the Brussels Gas- works at 17s. c.i.f., delivery over 12 months. July.—22,000 tons Easingtons for shipment to the Aarhuus Gasworks over 12 months at 18s. 5d., c.i.f.; 80,000 tons seconds for shipment to Genoa over next year at 19s. 3d., c.i.f.; 20,000 tons Holmside at 13s. 6d., 5,000 tons Consett at 13s. 3d., 5,000 Easington at 13s. 8Jd., and 5,000 tons Londonderry at 13s. 9d., for delivery to the Christiania Gasworks over 12 months; 25,000 tons Tyne primes for delivery to the La Rochelle Gasworks over 12 months from October at 17s. 10|d. c.i.f.; bests for 1914 delivery at about 12s. 6d., and seconds at from Ils. 6d. to Ils. 9d. August.—30,000 tons Holm side for shipment over the first quarter of 1914 to the Naples Gasworks at rather under 13s.; 11,000 tons New Pelton-Holmside for ship- ment over September-October to the Magona Works, Porto Vecchio, at 24s., c.i.f.; 110,000 tons for shipment, chiefly over 1914, to the Aalborg Cement Works at about 17s., c.i.f., for Tyne primes and 16s. for seconds; about 450,000 tons of Durham bests, sold by the colliery to merchants for delivery in monthly quantities over 1914 at 12s. 6d. ; 100,000 tons Durham seconds for delivery over 1914 at Ils. 9d.; 35.000-40,000 tons Durham seconds for similar loading at 12s.; a large quantity of London- derrys for like delivery at 13s. 6d.; a quantity of bests for September shipment at 15s.; 60,000 tons bests for shipment to Genoa over 1914 at 20s., c.i.f. September.—16,000 tons Durham specials for shipment in four cargoes in 1913 and eight cargoes over 1914 to the Randers Gasworks at about current prices; 6,000 tons bests for similar delivery to the Horsens Gasworks at an undivulged price: 20,000 tons Tyne primes sold by producers over 1914 at 13s.; 60,000 tons bests, for shipment to Genoa over 1914 at 20s. 3d., c.i.f.; 20,000 tons specials, for shipment over 1914 to the Gothenburg Gasworks at 18s. 3d., c.i.f.; 400,000 tons, for delivery over 1914 to the Berlin Gasworks at 12s. 6d. for bests and Ils. 6d. for seconds; 250,000-300,000 tons bests, for delivery over 1914^ at 13s.; 100,000 tons Wear specials, for March-December shipment at 13s. 6d. ; 30,000 tons New Pelton-Holmside and Londonderry, for shipment to the Malmo Gasworks over 1914 at 13s. for bests and 13s. 6d. for specials; 60,000 tons Durham seconds, for 1914 delivery at 12s. 3d. October.—10,000 tons seconds, for October-December shipment, at 14s.; 15,000 tons Wear specials, for similar delivery, at 15s. 6d.; 15,000 tons Old Pelton, for October- January shipment to the Trieste Gasworks at 14s. 4Jd.; 15,000 tons bests, for November-January shipment at 15s. lid.; 30,000 tons bests, for 1914 delivery to the Dantzic Gasworks, price not mentioned; 8,000 tons bests, for the Trondhjem Gasworks at 17s. 10|d.. c.i.f. November.—15,000 tons Holmside and 15,000 tons Boldon, for shipment over December-February at 23s. 9d., c.i.f., Genoa; 20,000-30,000 tons Holmside, for delivery over 1914 to the Palermo Gasvorks at 22s., c.i.f.; 8,500 tons seconds, for delivery over the first half of 1914 to the Klagshamn Cement Works at 16s. 7Jd., c.i.f.; a quantity of New Pelton-Holmside, for March shipment at 14s. 4ld. Chart showing the maximum and minimum quotations of Northumberland and Durham coals for each month in 1913. 2^- 27/- .8/- >V- 12/- -% //ortho/nbedand dteom Coa/s /Bowers, 8c}/Bab Bvne) do. Sma/t do ’ do 7 December.—500,000 tons seconds, stated to have been sold to the Paris Gasworks, for delivery over 1914 on the basis of 21| fr. per ton, c.i.f., Rouen ; seconds, for January-February shipment at 12s. 9d. Bunker Sales. The year’s bunker sales comprised the following :— Jamiary.—6,000 tons ordinary unscreened Durhams, January-July delivery, at 14s.; 5,000 tons ditto, for deli- very over the year, at 13s. 6d.; 50,000 tons good seconds for shipment over the next two years, at Ils. 10|d. February.—7,000 tons Durham seconds, delivery over 1913, at 13s., a second-hand sale; a quantity of ordinary Durhams for March-December shipment, at 13s. 4§d., a second-hand sale. March.—12,000 tons good North-West Durhams, for fairly early delivery, at 15s. April.—20,000 tons best Durhams, for delivery to coaling stations over the remainder of the year, at 15s.; a quantity of ordinaries for similar delivery at 14s. 3d. May.—A quantity of inferior Northumberland and Durham mixed coals, for delivery over the rest of the year, at 13s. June.—25,000 tons good Durhams, for delivery over 1914, at 13s. 6d.; 15,000 tons similar, for June-October delivery, at 13s. 6d.; a further quantity for delivery over the next half-year at the same price; a quantity of Durham specials, for delivery over twelve months, at 15s.; and 15,000 tons ordinaries, for similar delivery, at 14s.; ordinary Tyne brands, for delivery in regular monthly quantities to the end of the year, at 13s. l|d.; 60,000 tons Durham special, fully-screened sorts, for delivery in the Tees from July to December, at 17s., with the option of partially-screened coals at 15s. July.—Ordinary Tynes for delivery over 1914 at from 12s. 3d. to 12s. 9d.; 6,000 tons best Durhams for July-December shipment at 13s. 3d.; 13,000 tons ordinary Durhams for delivery over 12 months at a little over 12s.; similar fuel for delivery over 1914, 12s.; a quantity of ordinary Durhams for August-October delivery at 13s. 3d.; 18,000 tons similar for shipment over 12 months at from 12s. 7^d. to 12s. 9d.; from 25,000 to 30,000 tons for delivery over 1914 at Ils. 3d. Augzist.—A number of small lots of Durhams, aggre- gating about 10,000 tons, for shipment over 1914, at from Ils. l|d. to Ils. 3d. for ordinaries, and 12s. to 12s. 6d. for better sorts; 15,000 tons good ordinaries for similar delivery at 12s. ; about 30,000 tons for 1914 delivery at Ils. 6d. for ordinaries and 12s. 6d for bests. September.—20,000-30,000 tons best South Durhams for delivery to the end of 1914 at 14s. ; 150,000-200,000 tons bests for shipment over 1914 to the coaling stations at 12s. 6d.; good Durhams for shipment over 1914 at from Ils. 1-Jd. to Ils. 6d.; ordinary Tynes for shipment to the end of J913 at 12s. 9d.; 25,000 tons ordinary Durhams for 1914 delivery at Ils. 9d.; 30,000 tons best Durhams for 1914 delivery at 13s.; several lots of Durham best unscreened, in parcels of from 20,000 to 30,000 tons, for 1914 shipment at 13s.; good ordinaries for shipment to the coaling stations over 1914 at 12s. 6d.; 10,000 tons similar for delivery over 1914 at Ils. lOJd. October.—About 200,000 tons best unscreened Durhams for delivery to the coaling stations over 1914 at from 12s. 3d. to 12s. 6d.; a quantity of fairly good Northum- berland coal for shipment to the end of 1913 at Ils. 9d.; 500,000 tons of Towneley unscreened for delivery to Mediterranean and Western Islands coaling stations over 1914 at about 15s.; 50,000 tons superior West Tynes for 1914 delivery at 14s. 6d. November.—6,000 tons good ordinary Durhams for delivery over 1914 at Ils.; a considerable quantity of good Durhams for delivery over 1914 at Ils. 7|d., with ordinaries at Ils.; 200,000 tons of Marley Hills, sold direct by the colliery mainly in renewal of old contracts, for delivery over 1914 at from 12s. 6d. to 13s.; 50,000 tons superior West Tynes for shipment to coaling stations over 1914 at a price stated to be somewhat above that secured recently for that class of coal for like delivery ; 150,000 tons superior South Durhams for 1914 shipment at from 12s. 6d. to 13s. December.—12,000 tons good ordinary Durham for January delivery at 12s. 7Jd.; 12,000 tons superior sorts for delivery over 1914 at 12s. 6d.; 30,000 tons good Durhams for like delivery at 11s. 9d.; 250,000 to 300,000 tons North-West Durhams for 1914 delivery at Ils. 9d. for ordinaries, 12s. for Priestman’s, Consett and Burn- hope, and 12s. 6d. for Morrison’s, Marley Hill; a number of other parcels of bunkers for like loading at from Ils, 9d. to 12s. 6d., according to quality ; a con- siderable quantity of Durham unscreened bests for 1914 delivery at 12s. 6d. Coking* Coals. Coking coal sales included the following :— January.—40,000 tons best Durham unscreened at 15s., shipment over the year ; 13,600 tons, half Whorlton and half Beaumont, for January-February delivery, at prices estimated to leave fully current selling values ; 125,000 tons best Durhams for delivery over five years to new works at Belgium at 11s. 7d. ; 20,000 tons Durhams for January-February delivery at 15s. 6d. ; 20,000 tons Durham for the Paris, Lyons and Mar- seilles Railways for February-August ' shipment at 30*90 fr. per ton delivered into trucks at Rouen, a price estimated to leave about 14s. 6d. April.—11,000 tons best Durhams for May-June delivery to the Magona Works, Porto Vecchio, at 27s. 6d. c.i.f. July.—255,000 tons best Durhams for shipment over the ensuing 12 months to the Altos Hornos Works, Bilbao, at from 13s. to 13s. 3d. ; 10,000 tons bests for August delivery at 13s. 6d. September.—A good quality for 1914 delivery at 12s. 6d.; a large quantity of primes for delivery over 1914 at 17s., c.i.f. Hamburg; 100,000 tons for 1914 delivery to the Paris, Lyons and Marseilles Railways at 26 29 fr. per ton, delivered into wagons at Marseilles; 60,000 tons best unscreened for shipment to Bordeaux, mainly over 1914, on account of the Midi Railways of France, at 16s. 9d. c.i.f. November.—25,000 tons Durhams for delivery over 1914 to Rouen, on account of the Paris, Lyons and Marseilles Railways, price not divulged; a large quantity for November-June delivery at 11s. 6d. Coke Sales. Coke sales during the year included the following:— April.—A quantity of blast furnace coke for delivery at Middlesbrough over the next six months at from 24s. to 25s. May.—Best blast furnace coke for delivery at Middles- brough over the second half of the year at 24s., with inferior sorts at 22s. June.—10,000 to 15,000 tons blastfurnace coke to be supplied to Cumberland Ironworks at about 25s. per ton delivered, a price equal to about 20s. at Middlesbrough. July.—21,000 tons of gas coke for August shipment at 17s. 6d. August.—6,000 tons gas coke for October-March delivery at 17s. 6d. November.—Considerable quantities of blastfurnace coke over the next three months at Middlesbrough at 19s.; 12,000 tons foundry coke for delivery over 1914 at 20s. 6d. Freights. Coal freights from the Tyne, Blyth, or Wear, averaged as follows during the year as compared with those for the two previous years:—London, 3s. 5d. in