8 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 2, 1914. NEWTON, CHAMBERS ™ & Co. Ltd., THORNCL1FFE IRONWORKS, near SHEFFIELD. ESTABLISHED 1793. Telegrams— " NEWTON, SHEFFIELD.”___ Telephone—No. 2200 (Two Lines). MANUFACTURERS OF ■■■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ PIPES & FITTINGS For Gas, Water & Steam. STRUCTURAL STEELWORK Girders, Roofs, Bridges. TANKS In Iron or Steel. HIGH-CLASS CASTINGS For Machinery and Engine Cylinders. WHEELS BAR WEIGHTS PUMPS ALFRED ALLEN & SON Matters o± JL.TE>. Allen’s Special Plant for making STONE DUST COLLIERY AIR PIF =ES“| u (EF and COLLIERY TUBS In IRON, STEEL and WOOD. Lower Gornal, nr. Dudley. Telegrams—“Allen, Loweb Gobnal.” Telephone—106 Dudley. Read the following note on the use of Stone Dust for preventing Colliery Explosions:— It is Strange indeed to find how great a difficulty many colliery officials have had, and have, of grasping the ease of application of this preventive. They have no difficulty whatever in coining to an understanding about water, but with dust it seems quite another thing, whereas in principle the two may be looked upon in exactly the same light. If, mentally, incombustible dust is substituted for water, and regarded as a quencher, the whole difficulty disappears. Pour a stream of water upon a fire, and the flame is put out. Pour also a stream of dust upon it, and the same result follows. Moisten coal-dust with water, and it cannot be inflamed. Do so with incombustible dust, and there is the same effect— with this important difference, however : coal-dust wetted with water will dry again ; but when “ wetted ’’ with incombustible dust it will be safe for ever. By the rapid absorption of heat both water and incombustible dust become quenching agents, and act as oxygen excluders. The use of water depends on the continued care of human agency, which may, and does fail, but the guarding care of incombustible dust is automatically constant. Let every cranny and ledge in both roof and sides therefore contain incombustible dust rather than coal-dust, and when once the first-named is in place, there will be no room for the latter ; it will remain always on guard, a perpetual watcher against the miners’ fiery enemy.— Mr. W. C. Blackett, Inst. Mining Engineers, April 12th, 1913. Merry weathers’ Patent “HATFIELD PUMP MER9YWEATHRB LONDON For Fire Protection, Boiler Feeding, Draining, &c. COMPACT. LIGHT. ECONOMICAL. Can be driven by any motive power. An Engineer writesI am pleased to inform you that the ‘ Hatfield ’ Pump is working splendidly. I have never had the least trouble with it in any way since it was fixed.’’ write for pamphlet 193p. MERRYWEATHER & SONS, Don’t delay, write at once for full particularsI Edgar Allen & Co. Limited, IMPERIAL STEEL WORKS, SHEFFIELD. WTAPS of the British Coalfields. -*■*-*■ 1. Scotland. 2. North of England. 3. South Wales. 4. North Midlands. 5. South Midlands. Sheet, 4s. each; Mounted on Cloth on Rollers, or in Case. 6s. each.—THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD. 50 & 31 Fumival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. J.B. , TREASURE f €rC° HUGE PRESSURES- VflUXHRLL R?, .LIVERPOOL tflUGE CLR55 WH5HER5 LUBRICflT0R5-ETc L/5T5 o/r PPPL/CPr/O/t. LASSES