January 2, 1914 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 5 COLLIERY SYPHON PUMPS 4 --------- A SPECIALITY. ---- LARGE STOCK for Immediate Delivery. Single Plunger Type. Bucket Type. Bucket Type with Guide Motion. Double Bucket Type. Write for “SYPHON” Pump List ----------TO- JOSEPH EVANS & SONS WOLVERHAMPTON X.TD), Culwell Works, WOLVERHAMPTON. Telegrams—“ Evans, Wolverhampton.” Telephone—Nat. 39. LONDON OFFICE: Salisbury House, London Wall, E.C. DEPOTS: Glasgow, Newcastle=on Tyne, Cardiff. Double Plunger Type. COAL, COKE & ORE BRIQUETTING *nd CEMENT MAKING PLANT, BRICK & TILE MACHINERY, ___ GRINDING MILLS. WNWOMPACT. GROUND AND PREPARED TO A VARYING FINENESS IN ONE SPECIAL MACHINE ONLY. WM. JOHNSON & SONS,(leeo3) LTDJ! Arm ley, Leeds ECONOMICAL DRYING PLANT, CRUSHING, GRINDING & SCREENING PLANT, GENERAL ENGINEERING. SULLIVAN “IRONCLADS (MOST MODERN COAL CUTTERS). For Ease of Handling Use “ IRONCLAD” Longwall Machines. *1 At beginning of cut jib cuts itself under the coal by power. VJ Machine holds itself up to face without assistance from props. VJ Feed can be instantly reversed without stopping motor. At end of cut machine is turned around by its own power. This is being done regularly in less than 15 minutes at a prominent colliery in the North of England. May we send Catalogue 3063 K, with full details ? SULLIVAN MACHINERY CO. (ESTABLISHED 1850), SALISBURY HOUSE, LONDON, E.C.