178 The Colliery Guardian and Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades, July 17, 1914. CONTENTS OE VOLUME CVII Editorial. Baths, Pithead: A Question of a Comma...1134 British Columbia and its New Coalfields... 795 Calorific Test for Coal Gas...........1018 Canadian Coal Industry, Prospects of the 1134 Civil Service, The ................... 849 Coaldust Explosions.......i........... 359 Coaldust Treatment in Germany......... 905 Coal Mines Act, Proceedings under the ... 743 Coal Trade in 1913, The ............... 31 Education in South Wales, Mining ..... 253 Explosions, Two Recent................1249 Explosives List, The New Permitted.... 577 Exports in 1913, Coal................. 197 Factor of Safety......................1192 Gas Companies and the Price of Coal, The 413 Holly Bank, the New Developments at... 905 Hygiene in Coalmines ................. 633 Institution of Mining Engineers. The 1249 Institution of Mining and Metal urgy 690 Insurance Act and Colliery Maintenance Men, The ....................... 1485 Knighthood for the Chief Inspector ...1486 Lamp Researches, Safety................ 32 Legislation and Trade .................. 578 Londonos Electricity Supply and the Coal Trade ............. .. .............1017 Metallurgical Fuel....................1075 Minimum W age, The Miners and the 307 National Physical Laboratory, The ....1485 Nationalisation of Mines in Germany .. 689 New-World Strike, A ................ 1191 Oil Fuel.............................. 523 Oil Fuel for the Navy ................1399 Origin of Coalseams, The ............... 795 Output of British Coal, The........... 962 Parliament and Industry ................ 413 Plant Efficiency, Colliery ............. 359 Railways, The Autocracy of ............. 359 Relief, Colliery ....................... 198 Rescue Apparatus, Self-contained ....... 197 Rescue Appliances, The Use of.........: 469 Resources of Great Britain, The Coal .. 89 Safety Proposals in Mines .............. 307 Senghenydd Muddle, The ................. 89 Senghenydd Inquest, The ................ 143 Senghenydd Report, The.................. 961 Signalling and Explosives ............1399 South African Strike, Coal and the.... 143 Spontaneous Combustion Committee's Report............................ 254 Stallman and His Workman, The ........ 689 Stallman and Wages, The ..............1485 Stonedusting: Practical and Theoretical... 469 Support of Railways, The ............. 523 Support, Colliery Owners and the Law of ...1400 Trade Union, The Tyranny of the ......1309 Transmission Machinery in Factories .... 414 United States Bureau of Mines ........ 849 What is a Mine ?......................1075 World's Coal Production in 1912, The 744 Workmen's Compensation................1133 Yorkshire, The Minimum Wage in, 360, 634, 743 Articles, &c. Accidents, Colliery ................. 92 Accidents, A Comparison of Coalmine ... 79 Accidents in Mines During 1913, Fatal. 144 Air Compressors for Diesel Engines, Multi-Stage ...................... 841 Air Compressors, New Types of ........ 188 Air Compressors, The Testing of ......77,131 Analysis of Combustible Gases by Explo- sion, The ........................ 747 Arches in Mines, A Proposed New-Method of Making ........................ 243 Asbestos Coverings for Steam Pipes in Shafts ............................. 677 Baths at the Atherton Collieries, Lanca- shire, Pithead .................... 25 Bedwas Pit, Machine-Firing at the..... 622 Belgian Collieries, New Plant, &c., in . 569 Blackball Colliery ; The Sinking and Equipment of, for the Horden Collieries Limited ..........................1237 Book Notices, 38, 199, 368, 639, 683, 860, 1136,1202, 1418 Brake and Clutch Linings, Tests of ... 966 British Columbia, Coalmining in....... 585 Canton Automatic Mine Door ........... 136 Carbon-Monoxide in Air, The Determina- tion of...........................1068 Carbon Monoxide from Air, and Methods of Estimation in Mines, Removal of ...1420 Catalogues and Price Lists Received, 50, 104, 159, 322, 476, 648, 691, 808, 864, 920, 976, 1032, 1148, 1264, 1324, 1500 “Ceag" Lamp for Royal Princess, Silver 967 Cement Grout in Water-Bearing Fissures 733 Coal and the Chemistry of its Carbonisa- tion .............................1195 Coal and Coke Coastwise and Foreign During 1912 and 1913, Shipments of ... 155 Coal and Coke Exported from Ports in England, Scotland and Wales, 154, 370, 588, 804, 1086, 1319 Coal, Coke and Manufactured Fuel from the United Kingdom, Exports of, . 100, 369, 587, 803, 1085, 1320 Coal and Coke Shipped for London and other Ports in the United Kingdom, 154, 370, 588, 804, 1086, 1319 Coal Cutter. The Jeffrey Chain Machine, A New Type of Longwall............ 514 Coaldust and its Dangers ............. 736 Coaldust Experiments, Austrian........ 134 Coaldust Experiments at Tirpentwys Colliery ......................... 735 Coaldust Explosions, Wet Peat Zones for Arresting ........................ 403 Coal Mine < Act, 1911; An Amending Bill 734 page Coal Mines Act During 1912, Working of the ............................. 39 Coal Trade of 1913, The ............. 15,96 Coke and Briquettes in 1912, Production of 147 Cokemaking in the United states ....... 627 Coke - Oven Carbonising and “ Otto " Direct Ammonia Recovery to Gasworks Requirements, The Application of ... 1476 Co-partnery at French Collieries....... 894 Del Monte Process; Improved Methods of Coal Shale Distillation, The....... 516 Depths, with Special Reference to Ventila- tion, Mining at Great ............. 514 Distillation of Coal, Formation of Ammonia, and Hydrocyanic Acid in the 1124 Distillation of Coal in a Vacuum....... 850 Distillation at Low Temperatures, Separa- tion of the Gaseous Paraffins by Fractional........................1119 Distillation in Partial Vacuum, Coal... 624 Doors for Coalmines, Safety Air ....... 788 Drawing Pen, A Patent Swivel Nib....... 1199 Dust, On Electrification Produced During the Raising of a Cloud of..........1301 Economics ; Some Notes and a Suggestion, Mining............................. 842 Education in 1912-13, Mining............ 84 Electricity in Mines ............... 35, 313 Electric Motors, Speed Control of ...... 347 Electric Shock, Resuscitation from..... 36 Examinations in Coalmining, The Board of Education........................ 567 Examinations, Mine Managers and Surveyors'......................... 456 Examinations, Mine Managers'......1244, 1424 Examinations; A New Rule, Mining....... 854 Exhibition at Manchester, Forthcoming Colliery and Mining ............... 852 Exhibition Opened at Manchester, Second Northern Colliery and Mining ......1381 Explosions in Mines .................... 349 Explosions, The Prevention of Dust and Gas ................................ 625 Explosives in Coalmines New Order, 470, 90?, 1189, 1421 Fans, The Testing of................... 570 Ferro-Concrete in Mining, The Use of ..1303 Firedamp Indicator, The Low ........... 787 Fires, An Experimental Chamber for the Study of Mine ..................... 678 Flame Phenomena Observed on Firing Permitted Explosives in the Mortar ... 837 Garforth, A Knighthood for Dr........... 35 Gas-Engine Practice for Collieries, Modern 244 Gas-Engine in England and Its Adaptation to the Generation of Power at Collieries and Ironworks, The Development of the.................................... 300 Gases by Coal, The Absorption of ...... 680 Gas Lighting and Coke Oven Industries, The Correlation of the .........189, 246 Gas Testing, A Few Practical Observations on.................................1185 Gas and Town Supply, Coke Oven ........ 464 Gear, The “ Jumper" Control............1008 Gear, The Protection of Electric Haulage... 1183 Gears, The Carron Haulage ............. 349 Gears, Laminated ....................... 43 General Electric Co., The Witton Works of the ........................ 1412 German Collieries in 1913, The Financial Results of ........................ 838 German Colliery Plant, A Modern. 891,965,1021 German State Mines in 1912, The Working of the ............................ 734 Gob Fires and Blackdamp................ 463 Haulage, An Internally-driven Compressed- air................................ 955 Haulage Engine, New Oscillating Cylinder 1067 Haulage Engines, Some New Types of 517 Helium in Firedamp and the Radio- Activity of Coal .................. 677 Home Office Prosecution in Yorkshire, Important.......................... 148 Hull Coal Trade, The ...............'... 209 Hull, The New Joint Dock at ...........1474 Hydraulic Stowing, Modern Developments in ................................1121 Hygienic Aspect of Coalmining Industry, The ....................457, 511, 563, 621 Indicator, An Electrical Colliery...... 624 Inspection of Mines, The .............. 311 Insulation of Electric Conductors, The Action of Acid Mine Water on the...1125 Insurance, Unemployment........... 1407, 1489 International Congress of Mining, Metal- lurgy, Engineering and Economic Geology, London, 1915 .............575, 1250 Iron and Steel in 1913, Exports and Imports of ................................. 132 Kapp Vibrator, Tests on a............... 784 Kent Coalfield, The Geology of the .1242, 1314 Killingworth Colliery (New South Wales) Explosion, The .....................1480 Knighthood for the Chief Inspector.......1479 Lamp Glasses, Approved Safety ........ 1121 Lamps, Approved Safety, 843,897, 968,1009,1069 Lamps, Design and Maintenance of the Miners' Electric................... 401 Lamps in 1912, Safety .................. 78 Lamps, Testing of Safety ............... 37 Lamp, The Hailwood Combustion Tube Oil 956 Lamp, The Clifford ..................... 626 Legislation, A Review on Mining....... 1313 L.C,C. and its Coal, The............ 1492 L.C.C. Experiment, Coal Direct from the Collieries ........................ 840 Microscopical Examination of Coal, The... 192 Minimum Wage Act, The : Deputation to the Premier .......;............... 311 Mining Association of Great Britain, the New President .................... 733 Mixing Plant for Coking Coals.......... 623 PAGE Monthly List of Recent Coal Literature 261, 477, 697, 915, 1204, 1495 Motor Lorries.............................1414 Nationalisation of Mines and Minerals..... 512 Obituary, 44, 93, 148, 195, 314, 480, 532, 691, 745 797, 855, 916, 959, 1198, 1301, 1430, 1488 Output and Value of Coal in 1912 ..... 80 Output of Minerals Under the Coal Mines Acts During 1913 ........... 909 Pittsburg, New Experiment Station at ... 738 Power by Ropes, The Transmission of .1065 Power Production in the United Kingdom, 295, 406 Power Generation at Collieries, Develop- ment of the Internal - Combustion Engine for.............. :........1253 Props : The Preservation of Pit, The Aczol Process ........................ 624 Prop Tapering Machine, A Pit..........1123 Pulleys, Fast a"d Loose ................ 677 Rail Fastenings, Pit..................1414 Railway Commission, The................. 362 Railway Fuel Consumption ............... 680 Relief, Miners' ......................1422 Relief of Distress from Fatal Colliery Accidents ......................... 191 Rescue Apparatus, Important Report on 201 Rescue Apparatus in Mines, The Use of ... 461 Rescue Apparatus, Some New Types of ... 675 Rescue Apparatus, “Draeger" Self-...... 84 Rescue Brigades, Training of ......... 782 Rescue Regulations, The Amended........ 851 Rescue Rules : An Illinois Code ......1412 Rescue Wagon, Most Up-to-date......... 533 Rescue Work in 1912.................... 36 Safety Catch, A New .................. 897 Safety, Factor of ................... 854 “Schoeller" Patent Gas Indicator for Miners' Lamps, The................1009 Senghenydd Disaster, The. 82, 136, 248, 311, 352, 419, 464 Senghenydd Explosion, Report on the, 900, 949, 1011 Senghenydd Explosion from the Medical Standpoint .......................1181 Shafts in Westphalian Mines, Depth of ...1397 Shaft Deepening by a Pise Method ..... 788 Shipments during November, 1913, Coast- wise ............................... 43 Shipments during December, Coastwise ... 260 Shipments during January, Coastwise 527 Shipments during February, Coastwise ... 799 Shipments during March, Coastwise.....1077 Shipments during April, Coastwise ....1255 Shot-firer, Self-testing Electrical .. 568 Signal Bell, Parkin s ............... 1180 Signal Boxes in German Mines, Under- ground Central ...................1184 Signalling Apparatus ................. 352 Signalling in Coal Mines... ...........1 06 Signalling and Explosives ............1399 Signalling System, B. E. M. Company...1477 Signalling System, “ Adnil" Mine Shaft... 517 Simplex Valve Reseating Machine.......1413 South Staffordshire Coalfield,Geology of the 455 South Wales and Monmouthshire School of Mines, The...... ........... 239 Spark, Influence of Electrical Resistances on the Igniting Capacity of the ...1411 Spontaneous Combustion in Coalmines, 43, 97,153,260, 315, 368,423, 475, 533, 585, 642 Spontaneous Combustion: First Report of the Departmental Committee ........ 242 Spontaneous Explosion, Concerning the Probability of a ................. 187 Sprinkling Machine for Use during Shot- firing ............................ 133 Staffordshire, An Important Undertaking in South........................... 895 Steam for Collieries, Ironworks, &c., and the Cost of Electric Current Generated, The Utilisation of Exhaust ........ 786 Steel Manufacture, By-products of ....1079 Stock and Share List, The “ Colliery Guardian" ....152, 418, 638, 856, 120 , 1408 Stonedust, The Distribution of ... ... 404 Stonedusting ......................... 198 Stonedusting in Collieries............ 894 Stonedusting at Bentley Colliery: A Report to the Doncaster Coalowners' (.Gob < Fires) Committee................. 457 Storage of Coal .....................1180 Syndicate and the Kohlenkontor, The Rhenish-Westphalian ...............1080 Teaching of Mining Science, The..... 678 Technical Training for Underground Workmen ......................... 367 Theodolite, The “ Eagle " ..........1479 Theodolite. A New Mining Transit....1068 Thermal Phenomena in Carbonisation...1478 Thomas, Mr. D. A., on American Competi- tion ......................... 1406 Three-shift System in Northumberland, The ............................. 796 Tilmanstone Colliery, Electric Pumping Plant at......................... 565 Timbers, Comparative Experiments on the Impregnation of Pit ..............1120 Tin-plate Plant, Some Notes towards Standardisation of............... 787 Tyne Dock, New Coaling Station at ......1005 Valuation of Mineral Properties, New Interest Tables for the............. 406 Ventilation, Reversing the.............. 350 Ventilation, Reversing the, The Keith Mine Fan ........................... 299 Wagon Brake, A New Railway ............. 352 Wagons, The Upkeep of Private Owners'... 185 Wales, Mr. Henry T. .................... 241 Winder, A Large Electric ............... 678 Winding Ropes on Drums, The Coiling of...1179 World's Coal Production and Consumption 736 Yorkshire Collieries, Two Modern West ...1063 Supplements. PAGE Colliery Guardian Almanac for 1914...January 2 Colliery Guardian Coalfields Map .. January 2 Flame Phenomena Observed in Firing Permitted Explosives ........April 17 Meetings. Institution of Mining Engineers, 1015,1247,1297 Institution of Mining and Metallurgy .. 147 Iron and Steel Institute.............853, 1079 Manchester Geological and Mining Society 192, 350, 571, 788, 853, 1126, 1302 Midland Counties Institution of Engi- neers.............................. 351 Midland Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers ........315, 457, 679 Mineral Owners' Association of Great Britain ......................... 843 Mining Association of Great Britain, The 144, 690, 1186 Mining Institute of Scotland... 408, 839, 1413 National Association of Colliery Managers 1127 North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers.....404, 463, 785, 1415 North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers.....313, 351, 789, 1064 South Staffordshire and Warwickshire Institute of Mining Engineers ..... 899 South Wales Institute of Engineers, 297. 787, 1254 Law Cases. Bar well v. the Newport-Abercarn Black Vein Steam Coal Co. Limited...... 256 Beard and Othets r. Moira Colliery Co. Limited ..........................1024 Blair (E. H.) v. Dalmellington Iron Co. Limited .......................... 43 British Portland Cement Manufacturers Limited and Charles Nelson and Co. Limited v. Great Eastern Railway Co., Midland Railway Co. and London and North-Western Railway Co..............1084 . Campbell v. Robert Addie and Sons ... 524 Carlberg (H.) v. Wemyss Coal Co...... 151 Coyle or Brown v. John Watson Limited... 1023 Dannatt v. Wright and Co. ...........1199 Edinburgh Collieries Limited v. J. and W. Wood ....................... 642 Evans v. Gwendraeth Anthracite Colliery Co............................... 571 Fairbanks r. Florence Coal and Iron Co ... 419 Gibson (George) and Co. v. Peter Wishart... 1139 Laws r Consett Iron Co. Limited .....1024 Lloyd (by his Next Friend) v. Powell-Duff ryn Steam Coal Co. Limited ........ 799 London Traders' Shipping Co. Limited v. General Mercantile Shipping Co. Limited ..................... 1023 Marquis of Linlithgow and Young's Paraffin Oil Co. v. the North British Railway Co.......................1023 Milligan (J.) and Co. Limited v. Ayr Harbour Trustees ................1406 Nunnery Colliery Co. v. Stanley......1199 Pilling v. South Kiikby, Featherstone and Hemsworth Colliery Co. .......... 687 Rees ^Trustees of the late P.) v. Lord Merthyr of Senghenydd ........... 1084 Robinson v. Morewood................. 1199 Smith v. Fife Coal Co. Limited.......1023 Smith v. Medhurst and Others......... 524 Stanton v. The Newsham Colliery Co. Limited ..........................1406 Tredegar Iron and Coal Co. Limited v. Trechmann, Carrick and Co......... 753 Turnbull (G. V.) and Co. Limited v. Darn- gavil Coal Limited...............1406 United States Steel Products Co. v. the Great Western Railway Co......... 799 Vipond (J.) and Co. Limited v. The Blaenavon Co. Limited ........... 855 Williams Brothers v. Ed. T. Agius Limited .......................419, 524 Woodman v. The Pwllbach Co. Limited ..1023 Letters to the Editor. Advertisement—Engine Governors ........1252 By-product Coke Ovens in America . ...1134 C O, The Determination of .......... 1483 Certificate, Working Miners and the Manager’s..............584, 637, 681, 744 Clanny Safety Lamp, The Senghenydd Explosion and the Bonneted ....417, 531 Examinations, The Report of the Board of 204 Explosions in Coalmines, Prevention of ... 149 Explosives in Mines and Signals..... 1183 Factor of Safety.......................1415 Hailwood Combustion Tube Oil Lamp,The 1070 Horses and Sparking ..............;.. 531 Ignition of Explosive Mixtures by Electric Sparks.............................1070 Inert Dust Treatment.......1.........1483 Lamp Collieries, Fatalities at Electric 855 Lamps, Flame r. Electric Safety, 204, 247, 308, 417, 530, 584, 637, 681 Lamps, The Home Office and Electric .. 43 Lamps for Mines, Approved Safety ....1199 Lamps in Mines, Electric ............1199 Longwall Coal-cutter, A New Type of...637, 681 Rescue Apparatus, Dr. Haldane's Beport on............................... 248 Schoeller Miners' Lamp Gas Detector, The 1070, 1134, 1199 Senghenydd Explosion, The............1070 Senghenydd Report ...................1199 South Hiendley Pit Fire..............1312 Staff Engineers' Association, The ... 637