1406 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 27, 1913 .£1,726 was brought forward. The directors recommend a dividend of 10 per cent, per annum, free of income-tax, £4,000, write off for depreciation on works £2,500 and depreciation on house property £1,500 and transfer to reserve fund £2,000, leaving £2,915 to be carried forward. Pilkington (E. B.) Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £1,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of coal merchants, &c. Table A mainly applies. Pioneer Pump Patents (1913) Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £10,000 in £1 shares, to take over the .business of a company with a similar title. Rothwell (J. T.) and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £2,000 in £1 shares, to take over the business of a boilermaker and repairer, ironfounder and engineer, carried on by J. T. Rothwell, at Bridge-street Boiler Works, Church, Lancs. First directors, J. T. Rothwell, W. Rothwell, and Mrs. M. A. Rothwell (all permanent). Qualification, £250. Snowdown Colliery Limited.—At an extraordinary meeting held at Dover last week, Mr. Arthur Burr, Mr. A. E. Ritchie, Prof. Galloway, Mr. H. S. Close, and Mr. J. J. Clark were elected to the directorate. It was decided that the remuneration of the directors be £1,600 per annum, divisible equally amongst them, frith an additional £100 per annum to Prof. Galloway, and that the directors be further paid 5 per cent, of the profits of the company, subject to the total amount of such remuneration and percentage of profits not exceeding £4,000 per annum in the aggregate. The following resolutions were also al opted :— “ That the directors of the company be and they are hereby authorised to increase the capital of the company at such time or times as they shall think fit from £251,250 to £301,250, by the creation of additional preferred ordinary shares of £1 each, not exceeding 50,000, ranking for divi- dend and in all other respects pari passu with the existing preferred ordinary shares in the capital of the company ” ; and “ that all or any of the said 50,000 additional preferred ordinary shares, when created by the directors, may be issued or disposed of by the directors at such time or times and upon such conditions as they shall think expedient in the interests of the company.” South Hill Ironstone Mines Limited.—This private com- pany has been registered, with a capital of £6,000 in £1 shares, to take over the business of coal and iron masters, smelters, engineers, ironfounders, &c. Table A mainly applies. Wagon Finance Corporation Limited.—The directors have declared an interim dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, free of income-tax, for the half-year ending June 30. Willesden Foundry and Engineering Company Limited. —This private company has been registered, with a capital of £6,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business indicated by the title. First directors: E. N. Gulick and E. Davies (managing directors) and R. C. Bingham. Qualification, £300. Wrathall (W.) Limited.—This private company has been registered with a capital of £2,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of iron and steel merchants, &c. Secretary, W. Heaps. Registered office, Blenheim, Sidcup, Kent. CONTRACTS 0PEH FOR COAL ARD COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Dartford, July 26.—The Urban District Council invite tenders for the supply and delivery to the electricity works, Dartford, of 3,600 tons of coal during the period ending June 30, 1914. Particulars of the coal required and forms of tender will be sent to any applicant on receipt of a stamped and addressed foolscap envelope. No tender will be considered unless it be upon the prescribed form. Sealed tenders, in the envelopes provided, must be delivered to the under- signed at the Council Offices, Dartford, Kent, not later than Saturday, July 26. The Council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. W. Kay, clerk to the Council, Council Offices, Dartford. Abstracts of Contracts Open. A beravon, July 1.—For the supply of 7,500 tons of best gas coal (large, through, or nuts), for the Corporation. Tenders to Mr. M. Tennant, town clerk, Abera von, Glam. Antwerp, July 9.—-About 350 tons of coke to the Hdpital Sainte-Marie, Berchem-lez-Anvers. Information to be obtained from the Administration des Hospices Civils, Berchem-lez-Anvers, Belgium. Apperley Bridge (near Bradford).—House and engine coal and coke. Forms from the bursar, Woodhouse-grove School, Apperley Bridge, near Bradford. Bakewell, June 30.—Gas coal—1,300 to 1.500 tons—and 100 tons of cannel, for the Urban District Council. Forms from the clerk, Mr. V. R. Cockerton, Bakewell. Ballinrobe (Ireland), June 30.— About 100 tons of best Orrell, Whitehaven or Wigan house coal, for the Guardians. Tenders to Mr. R. J. Walsh, clerk of Union. Bath.—Coal for the Guardians. Forms from Mr. W. E. Winckworth, clerk, 3, North-parade, Bath. Belfast, July 1.—Best steam coal, for the Corporation. Forms obtained at the office of the city surveyor. Belfast, July 9.—For 1,500 tons (more or less) of best Welsh steam coal, from a South Wales colliery, and 120 tons (more or less) best English house coal, for the Hospital Committee. Further particulars obtainable from the super- intendent, at the Hospital, Grosvenor-road. Birmingham, June 30 —Engine coal, for the Corporation (Water Committee). Forms from Mr. E. Antony Lees, secretary, Council House, Edmund-street, Birmingham. Blackadon, June 30.—About 450 tons of large steam coal, 50 tons of large house coal, 150 tons of gas coal and 125 tons of coke, for the Visiting Committee of the Plymouth Borough Asylum. Forms from Mr. C. Lintern, clerk of the asylum, Blackadon, near Ivybridge. Bolton, July 1.—Yearly supply of either best slack or through-and-through coal—say, 10,000 tons—in equal daily supplies. Tenders, Deakins Limited, Belmont, Bolton. Brussels, July 1.—Coal required for the civil almshouses. Tenders to the Administration des Hospices Civils, Molen- beek-Saint-Jean, Bruxelles. Buxton, June 30.—Coal for the hot and natural baths, for the Urban District Council. Tenders to Mr. F. J. C. Broome, manager, baths and wells. Canterbury, June 30. — Coal for the Corporation. Quantities required, about 1,750 tons of small and about 350 tons of large Welsh steam. Tenders to Mr. Henry Fielding, town clerk, Canterbury. Chelmsford, June 30.—About 600 tons of best second or best Silkstone coal (well screened), for the Chelmsford and Moulsham Coal Club. Tenders to Mr. W. F. Catt, treasurer. Chelmsford, July 7.—For the Guardians: Portland hand-picked steam coal, 300 tons; Portland screened cobbles, 150 tons; Rockingham best selected, from Newton, Chambers and Co.'s Colliery, 30 tons. Forms from Mr. Arthur S. Duffield, clerk, 96, High-street, Chelmsford. Croydon, June 30.—For the Guardians, about 1,030 tons ot house coal, about 1,190 tons of steam coal, and about 400 chaldrons of coke. Mr. H. List, clerk, Union Offices, Mayday-road, Thornton Heath. Dartford, June 30.—For the Guardians, about 250 tons of house coal, best screened Hawthorne (Wallsend), Hettons Lyons (Wallsend) or Wear (Wallsend), from 600 to 650 tons of South Hetton screened nut coal, Nixon's or Ranton's washed nuts, or any description of suitable nut coal; about 25 tons of best bakers' coal, and about 10 tons of anthracite nuts; also about 30 tons of house coal, best screened, Haw- thorne (Wallsend), Hettons Lyons (Wallsend) or Wear (Wallsend); also from 200 to 260 tons of best broken gas coke. Forms from Mr. Eustace J. Hobbs, clerk, Guardians' Offices, West-hill, Dartford. Dawlish, June 30.—Gas coal or nuts, for the directors of the Dawlish Gas and Coke Company Limited, to the extent of from 1,600 to 1,800 tons, at buyer's option, of Yorkshire or Somerset, or other approved gas coal or nuts. Form from Mr. W. E. Thornhill, secretary, Lansdowne-place, Dawlish. Deal, July 2.—About 350 tons of best hand-picked steam or washed coal, for the Deal and Walmer Joint Water Board. Tenders to the offices of the board, Queen-street, Deal. - Derby.—Steam coal, for the Corporation (Electricity Department). Particulars from the borough electrical engineer, Full-street, Derby. Ealing, June 30.—For Town Council, household coal, coke. Particulars, Mr. C. Jones, Town Hall, Ealing, W. Eastry, June 30.—Coals, and best coke at per chaldron, delivered in sacks, for the Guardians. Edmonton, July 1.—Coal and coke at the various elementary schools in Edmonton, for the Education Com- mittee. Forms of the Architect, Town Hall, Lower Edmonton. Epsom, July 1.—For about 280 tons of best Powell Duffryn, Fforchaman, or about 280 tons of Hill's best large Plymouth Merthyr steam coal, for the Guardians. Forms from Mr. A. G. Ebbutt, clerk, Gynsdale, Waterloo-road, Epsom. Goole, June 30.—About 8,000 tons of gas coal, or portions thereof, and supply of 800 tons of steam coal, for the Goole Urban District Council. Particulars and forms from Mr. J. Fazakerley, gas and water manager, Gasworks, Goole. Halifax June 30.—Coal and gas engine oil, for the Cor- poration. Further particulars at the Education Offices, 22, Union-street. Hamilton, July 9.—About 350-400 tons washed singles, for the Lanark County Council (District of the Middle Ward). Tenders to Mr. W. E. Whyte, district clerk, Hamilton. High Wycombe, July 8.—Best anthracite coal, for the Chopping Wycombe Corporation. Specification at the engineer's office, 77, Easton-street. Limerick, June 30.—From 10,0000 to 12,000 tons of best gas coal, screened or unscreened, for the Corporation. Form from Mr. H. Hawkins, engineer and manager. Limerick, July 8.—For the District Lunatic Asylum, 220 tons best Four-foot Orrell coals. Forms from the store- keeper's office. London, June 30.—For the Council of the Metropolitan Borough of Stepney, about 29,000 tons, consisting of Welsh smokeless coal, hard bituminous steam coal (large and small), house coal, and coke. Forms from Mr. Wm. C. P. Tapper, M.I.E E., the borough electrical engineer and manager, at 27, Oeborn-street, Whitechapel, E. London, July 3.—About 350 tons (more or less) of best Silkstone coal, for the Bequests and Trusts Committee of the United Synagogue, in quantities of 2 cwt. and upwards, in such places in the metropolis as may be directed. Forms from Mr. P. Ornstien, secretary, St. James's-place, Aidgate, E. C. Lincoln —Cobbles and slack to the electricity, water, sewage and other works, for the Corporation. Particulars at the Electricity Works, Brayford Side North, Lincoln. Nottingham, June 30—Coal for the Education Com- mittee. Forms from Mr. J. B. Ward, Education Office. Omagh (Tyrone), June 30.—About 400 tons of screened steam coal, for the Tyrone County Council. Tenders, Mr. F. J. Lynam, County Surveyor’s Office, Omagh. Ossett (Yorks.), June 30.—14,000 tons of screened coal or ni^ts, for the Gas Committee. Forms from Mr. A. E. Mottram, engineer and manager, Gasworks, Ossett. Paignton, July 10.—From 4,500 to 5,500 tons of best approved gas coals, for the directors of the Paignton Gas Company. Particulars from Mr. C. G. Dawson. Portsmouth.—Supply of 1,200 tons of steam coal, either Middle Duffryn small nut, Pentre small, Powell Duffryn washed peas, or Bwllfa washed peas; also for supply of 100 tons of house coal, either Trimdon Grange, South Hetton Hawthorn, Hetton Lyons Main, Newmarket Silk- stone, Ashington Wallsend, Wheldale Diamond Silkstone, or Hardwick cubes. Tenders, addressed to the Chairman of the Committee of Visitors. Retford, July 5.—8,500 tons of screened gas coal or nuts, for the East Retford Corporation. Forms from Mr. J. B. Fenwick, engineer and manager, Gas and Water Offices, Grove-street. Rotherham, July 3.—Good screened houseicoal, for the Corporation. Tenders to Mr. Jas. A. Mair, secretary to the Education Committee, Education Offices, Rotherham. Salford, July 2.—Coal for the sewage works, for the Corporation. Particulars from manager, Sewage Works, Weaste, Salford. Salisbury, June 30.—Best Derby brights, for the Salis- bury Municipal Charities. Tenders, Mr. H. Fulton, clerk to the trustees, 12, Rollestone-street, Salisbury. Shoreham-by-Sea, July 1.—About 1,300 tons of steam coal, for the Steyning Guardians. Forms from Mr. Arthur Flowers, clerk to the Guardians, Union Offices, Shoreham- by-Sea. Skipton, June 30.—House coal, engine coal, and coke, for the Guardians. Tenders to Mr. M. R. Knowles, clerk. Sligo, July 7.—Supply of 1,300 tons of best screened Scotch splint coal, and of 200 tons of best screened Wigan coal, for the Committee. Tenders to Dr. Thomas Gilcriest, acting resident medical superintendent. Southend-on-Sea, July 1.—Coal and coke for the Rochford Hundred District Education Committee (Elemen- tary). Forms at the offices of the Committee, County- chambers, Weston-road, Southend-on-Sea. Stafford, July 9.—Coal, coke and slack for the Stafford- shire Education Committee. Forms from Mr. Graham Balfour, Director of Education, County Education Offices, Stafford. Stoke-on-Trent.—Coal and slack to be used for the purpose of steam raising at the electricity works, for the Corporation. Forms from electrical engineer, St. Peter's- chambers, Glebe-street, Stoke-on-Trent. Teignmouth, June 30.—Supply of 5,000 tons of clean, dry, fresh-wrought gas coals, for the Urban District Council. Tenders to Mr. A. Percival Dell, clerk to the Council, Town Hall, Teignmouth. Torpoint, July 2.—About 100 tons of the best house double-screened coal, for the St. Germans Guardians. Particulars from Mr. D. Granger, Master, Workhouse, Torpoint. Tunbridge Wells, July 1.—Coal, coke and firewood, for the Corporation. Forms from the borough surveyor at the Town Hall, Tunbridge Wells. Uxbridge, July 2.—Coal and Coke, for the Middlesex Education Committee (Uxbridge Division). Forms from Mr. A. Ambrose Bane, divisional clerk, W hitehall School, Cowley-road, Uxbridge. Wallasey (Ches.), July 8.—Best steam coal, double- screened North Wales, Lancashire, or other steam coal, for a period of one, two, or three years from August 1, 1913, for the Corporation (Ferries Department). Forms from the General Office, Seacombe Ferry, Wallasey. Westport (Ireland), July 3.—Supply of 200 tons of best double-screened Wigan or Orrell coal, for the Guardians. Tenders to Mr. E. J. Gallagher, clerk of Union, clerk's office, Westport. Whitecroft (I.W.), July 1.—House and steam coal and coke, to the Isle of Wight County Asylum, for the Com- mittee. Forms from Mr. Jas. H. Green, clerk to the Visitors, Whitecroft, I.W. Winchester, June 30.—Best house, steam, and anthra- cite coal and coke, for the Education Committee. Forms, Mr. D. T. Cowan, Director of Education, The Castle. Witham, June 30.—Coal for their engines, for the Witham Urban District Council. Tenders, specifying descriptions (which must include Bestwood cobbles, New- stead hand-picked hards, and Portland hand-picked hards). Mr. W. Bindon Blood, clerk. Woodford (Essex), July 1.—Coal and coke, for the Woodford Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. W. Farrington, surveyor, Council Offices, Woodford Green. York, July 7.—Gas coal, for the directors of the York Gas Company. Tenders to Mr. Harold E. Bloor, secretary. Gas Offices, Davy gate, York. date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received COITRACTS OPEH FOR EHGIHEERIRG, IROR ARD STEEL WORK, Ac. Durban (South Africa), July 1.—Coaling Plant.— With reference to the tenders for the supply and erection of additional coaling appliances at Durban Harbour, it is notified by the Imperial Trade Correspondent at Johannes- burg (Major C. A. C. Tremeer, D.S.O.) that the time for the receipt of tenders in this connection has been extended to July 1. Tenders, on the proper form, will be received by the secretary to the Tender Board, South African Railway Headquarters Offices, Johannesburg. Copies of the specifi- cation and form of tender can be obtained at the office of the High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa, 32, Victoria-street, London, S.W. Eccles, July 12.—Engine Room,