June 27, 1913 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1377 “The Pioneers and Largest Makers in the World of Electrically Lit Miners’ Lamps ’’ -SAFETY LAMPS Buyers TSTote. THE PRESTWICH PATENTED PROTECTOR MINERS’ LAMPS HAVE Passed Mil Home Office Tests? TOGETHER WITH OUR Specially Toughened Glasses. QUOTATIONS given for every description of Lamproom Installations, Enamelled Iron Colliery Notice Plates, Etc. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE T PROTECTOR LAMP& LIGHTING “o, ECCLES, Near MANCHESTER. ’Phone: No. 13 ECCLES. Telegrams: "PROTECTOR, ECCLES.” the Makers: Buy from CUTTER PICKS, HOLLOW DRILL STEELS AND TWIST DRILL STEELS READY FOR USE IN ALL MAKES OF MACHINES. THE HARDY PATENT PICK CO. L° SHEFFIELD. HAULAGES AND THREE-THROW PUMPS TO DRIVE BY Modern Mining Efficiency is the keynote in most mines at the present day. This means that production must be increased to the maximum, and the cost of production be reduced to the minimum. To accomplish this, many points about the plant will have to be considered, not the least important of which is that of power transmission. A form of drive which offers unequalled advantages is that of Air, Steam or Electricity. BRIQUETTE MACHINERY. IRON * STEEL FORCINGS. HAMMERED SHAFTS IN STOCK up to 16 in. diameter. THE FT"’ ' A ’ - Ask USKSIDE ENGINEERING CO. LTD., Newport, Mon. The three main types of chains used in collieries are the Silent, Roller, and Block. The Silent Chain is used chiefly for main Haulage Drives, Pumps, &c. Its greatest advantages are a constant efficiency of 98 per cent., which is maintained until the drive is worn out, and a high ratio of reduction combined with the high speed at which it can be run. The Roller Chain is an extremely valuable type for Colliery work and one which is being extensively used for driving Tipplers, Screens, Picking Belts, Inspection Belts, Scraper Conveyors, Washing Plants, &c., &c. It is a highly efficient form of drive, and one in which there can be no slip—an important consideration for screening purposes. Another great advantage of the roller chain is that it saves space owing to chains being so much narrower than belts, sprocket wheels being so much smaller than belt pulleys, and shorter centre distances being practicable. Block Chains are mainly used in adapted forms as Creeper, Haulage, Elevator and Conveyor Chains, and for one hundred and one other purposes to which they can be adapted. Write for our 130-page illustrated book, “ Renold Driving Chains and their Use; ” also pamphlet ref. 1/64, “ Renold Driving Chains for Collieries.” Free from Department 66 : HANS RENOLD LTD., MANCHESTER.