June 13, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1299 RECORD MINE RECOVERY OPERATIONS From a Paper read by J. R. L. ALLOTT, Esq., M.I.M.E., before the INSTITUTION OF MINING ENGINEERS, 5th JUNE, 1913, on the subject of The Re-opening of the Norton Colliery by Rescue Teams from the North Staffordshire Coalowners' Association's Rescue Station, Stoke-on-Trent (George H. Greatbach, Esq., President). Extracts from Mr. ALLOTT’S Paper. “ The type of Rescue Apparatus used was the “ c Proto " (Fleuss-Davis Patents J, made by Siebe, “ Gorman and Company Limited” “ The Rescue Brigades worked wearing the “ apparatus for 120 days, although the actual time “ worked in the recovery of the dips was only 85 “ working days, and actually lived on their oxygen “ 360 hours during this period.” “ This work at Norton in an atmosphere which “ was absolutely irrespirable constitutes a remarkable “ record. The atmosphere was practically devoid of “ oxygen, and in it no one could havie lived for many “ seconds without the use of breathing apparatus. “ There was not a single hitch due to any fault in the “ appliances.” “ The men who carried out the work were of ordinary physique and build, the lightest weighing 9 stone 8 pounds “ and the heaviest 15 stone 10 pounds. Their ages varied from 23 to 43, and their previous experience had been mainly “\that of the ordinary course of training at the Stoke centre, although several of the men had some little actual experience “at the Birchenwood, Jammage and Cannock recovery operations {where the 4 Proto" apparatus was exclusively used). “ They did their work cautiously and with good judgment, avoiding over-exertion in the laborious part, as also haste at “ critical times. Their success reflects great credit on themselves, on their training at Stoke, and on the apparatus.” “ The writer looks forward to the increased “ usefulness of self-contained breathing apparatus and “ its application for purposes at present not contem- “ plated.” Extracts from Discussion which followed the reading of the Paper. “Mr. A. M. HENSHAW said the work “ accomplished with Rescue Apparatus at the Norton “ Mine had never been surpassed, and it reflected the “ greatest credit upon everyone concerned.” “PROFESSOR CADMAN said the Norton “ Explosion could be classed amongst the great “ explosions of modern times so far as the devastation “ and damage done was concerned. It gave for the “ first time in the history of British mining a record of “ unparalleled interest and importance in the re-opening “ of the mine by means of self-contained breathing “ apparatus.” “ Mr. JOHN GERRARD {H.M.I.M.) referred to the extreme modesty of the writer of the Paper in view of the “ nature of the work carried out. The work which had been done was a remarkable justification of the efforts which “ had been made to bring about the use of breathing apparatus. He was glad that in his district, Lancashire, they were “ relying on the same apparatus (j Proto " Fleuss-Davis patents) which had done such good service in this case.” “Mr. HUGH JOHNSTONE (H.M.I.M.) said it used to be argued that the risks with rescue work were so “great that more lives would probably be lost than the number of men saved. It was quite true that there were risks, “ but the Paper showed, what could be accomplished with perfect organisation and proper care. There had been no “ mishap at all at Norton during the whole of the operations. Another argument was that owing to the apparatus “ being so cumbersome, good and efficient work could not be carried out by the men wearing it. He had, however, seen “ all the stoppings referred to in the Paper, and had no hesitation in saying that they would have done credit to the “men who erected them if they had been done in daylight and without the apparatus.” “ Dr. J. S. HALDANE also expressed his extreme admiration for the work which had “ been carried out at Norton. It was the biggest piece of work ever done with apparatus of 66 this kind, and the most important."" Full particulars and Bulletin of numerous serious cases where the “ Proto ” Apparatus has been employed, may be had on application to the Sole Makers :— SIEBE, GORMAN and CO. LTD., “NEPTUNE” WORKS, LONDON, S.E. Telegrams—“ Siebe, Lamb, London.” Telephone No.— 251 Hop.