1294 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. JtrNE 13, 1913. from Mr. W. S. Ross, the electrical engineer, at the Electricity Works. Retford, July 5.—8,500 tons of screened gas coal or nuts, for the East Retford Corporation. Forms from Mr. J. B. Fenwick, engineer and manager, Gas and Water Offices, Grove-street. Roscommon, June 23.—About 400 tons best double- screened gas coal, for the Directors of the Roscommon Gas Company Limited. Tenders to Mr. William Black, secretary. Ryde (I.W.), June 16.—Best household, kitchen, and Welsh steam coal, for the Royal Isle of Wight County Hospital, Ryde, for the Committee. Forms of tender from Mr. A. S. Gordon, secretary. Saffron Walden, June 18.—Coal and Beckton coke, for the Saffron Walden District Sub-Committee of the Essex Education Committee. Forms, Mr. W. Adams, clerk, 14, Church-street. Shrewsbury, June 20.—(1) Best rough slack and best engine slack, for the Lighting Committee of the Corpora- tion. Forms from Mr. C. M. Johnston, engineer and manager, electricity works; (2) best rough steam slacks to the waterworks, ditto Coleham pumping station, and best screened steam nuts to the baths, for the Sanitary, &c., Committee. Forms, Mr. W. Arnold Hewitt, water- works manager and mechanical engineer, waterworks. Slough, June 16.—For the supply of coal and coke to the workhouse, for the Eton (Bucks) Guardians. Sunbury, June 19.—3,500 tons of gas coal, for the directors of the Sunbury Gas Consumers' Company Limited. Swaffham, June 16.—90 tons best hand-picked hard coal, 90 tons good household coal, and 10 tons of coke, for the Guardians. Forms from Mr. Sydney Matthews, clerk to the Guardians. Swindon, June 17.—Coal and coke, for the Swindon and Highworth Guardians. Forms from Mr. John P. Kirby, clerk, union offices. Tredegar, June 17.—About 5,500 tons of small gas coal. Tenders to Mr. H. J. S. Shepard, clerk, Wakefield, June 16.—Coal to the Clayton Hospital Wakefield. Particulars from the Matron. Wallasey (Ches ), July 8.—Best steam coal, double- screened North Wales, Lancashire, or other steam coal, for a period of one, two, or three years from August 1, 1913, for the Corporation (Ferries Department). Forms from the General Office, Seacombe Ferry, Wallasey. Warminster, June 16.—90 tons of house coal, for the Guardians. Forms, F. G. Bradbury, clerk, Union Offices. Warwick, June 23.—Cobbles for engine purposes to the Warwick County Lunatic Asylum. Particulars, the clerk. Watford, June 17.—700 tons of best smokeless Welsh coal and 30 tons best hard steam coal, delivered to the two pumping stations at the Council's waterworks, for the Urban District Council. Also for 50 tons of house coal and 70 chaldrons of coke delivered. Forms from Mr. D. Water- house, engineer to the Council. Watford, June 17.—Coal and coke to the Watford Isolation Hospital, for the Watford Joint Hospital Board. Forms, the clerk to the Board, Watford-place. Wellington, June 19.—Coal and coke, for the Guardians of Wellington (Salop) Union. Forms/Mr. R. Gwynne, clerk, Egbaston House, Wellington. West Ham, June 16.—For the supply of fuel for use in the schools under the control of the Borough Council. Persons tendering for coal and coke must have depots in the borough of West Ham. Also for the supply of a good hard Derbyshire or Nottingham steam coal to the Technical Institute, Romford-road, Stratford, E. Whittingham (Preston), June 19.—Cannel, coke, and slacks, for the County Asylum, Whittingham, Preston, for the Committee. Forms from Mr. W. N. Baldwin, clerk and steward. Wigton, June 17.—For the supply of about 1,000 to 1,200 tons of washed nuts or gas coaJ, also a separate tender for suitable round coal, for the directors of the Wigton Gas Light and Coke Company Limited. Winchester, June 27.—House coal and steam coal at the workhouse, for the Guardians. Approximate quantities, 160 tons house coal and 230 tons steam coal. Forms from the clerk. Winchester, June 30.—Best house, steam, and anthra- cite coal and coke, for the Education Committee. Forms, Mr. D. T. Cowan, Director of Education, The Castle. Winsford, June 23.—Coal (suitable for household use and boilers) and coke required at their isolation hospitals at Da venham and Marbury respectively, for the North wich Rural and Northwich, Middlewich, and Winsford Urban Hospital Committee. Tenders, Mr. J. Holland, 62, High- street, Winsford, clerk to the committee. Witham, June 30.—Coal for their engines, for the Witham Urban District Council. Tenders, specifying descriptions (which must include Bestwood cobbles, New- stead hand-picked hards, and Portland hand-picked hards). Mr. W. Bindon Blood, clerk. Worthing, June 23.—Welsh and other steam coal for use at the electricity and water works in the 12 months ending June 30, 1914, for the Corporation—viz. : (1) 550 tons of Welsh coal, through-and-through (60 per cent, large), or (alternatively) washed nuts, of one of the following descriptions—Dynevor Duffryn, Powell Duffryn, Tredegar, or Cwmaman; (2) 700 tons of Linby hard steam or Shire- brook loco, hard steam; (3) 150 tons of Tredegar large steam. Particulars, Mr. J. K. Allerton, town clerk, Municipal Offices. The date given is ths latest upon which tenders can be received SOETRASTS OPEH FOR ERGIK£ERIHGI IROS AHO STEEL WORK, Ac. Aberavon, June 18.— Water Mains.—Construction of 3 in. and 6 in. water mains, about 4 miles in length, for the Corporation. Mr. J. Roderick, borough surveyor, Town Hall. Antwerp, June 20.—Rails, tyc.—(1) 2,600 m. (8,530 ft.) of steel rails ; (2) 3,500 cast iron chairs ; (3) 7,000 dog spikes ; and (4) 1,700 oak sleepers for the crane track of the canal basin. Information to be obtained at the 4th Bureau. New Malden, as and when required, and the dust not to exceed 10 per cent. Tenders are also invited for the supply of best Warwickshire Wyken slack fin., and also Pooley Hall nuts f in. to 11 in., or similar coal (approximate quantity 1,500 tons of each), for the same period, delivered at the Infirmary premises, Kingston. Chas. W. Dash, clerk to the Guardians. Lancaster, June 18. — Coals, to the various public elementary schools within the borough of Lancaster, for the Education Committee. Forms from the Secretary for Education, Town Hall. Limerick, June 30.—From 10,0000 to 12,000 tons of best gas coal, screened or unscreened, for the Corporation. Form from Mr. H. Hawkins, engineer and manager. London, June 16.—Coal and coke for the workhouse and infirmary at 42, Clifden-road, Lower Clapton, N.E.; local workhouse at Thavies-inn, the institution at No. 1, Bow- road, E , and their several offices, for the guardians of the City of London Union. The quantity required will be about 3,800 tons of coal and 133 chaldrons of coke. Forms, Union Offices, 61, Bartholomew-close. London, June 17.—Steam and household coal to the various establishments, for the Deptford Borough Council, Particulars at the Town Hall, New Cross-road, S E. London, June 18.—Coal to certain establishments of the union, for the Westminster Guardians. Forms, Mr. Thomas Worlock, temporary clerk to the Guardians, Prince's-road, Buckingham Palace-road, S.W. London, June 18.-6,000 tons best South Wales steam coal of, by preference, one of the following varieties, viz.:— Ferndale, Albion, Nixon's Navigation, Powell Duffryn, Insole's Cymmer, or National Merthyr, for the directors of the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway Company. Forms from the Company’s offices. London, June 18.—Such coal as may be required for the use of the several establishments, for the Saint Leonard, Shoreditch, G uardians. Forms, Mr. Robert Clay, clerk to the Guardians, Clerk’s Office, 213, Kingsland-road. London, June 19.—Coal and coke to their several insti- tutions, for the St. Pancras Guardians.Forms from Mr. J. E. P. Hall, clerk to the Guardians, Guardians' Office, Town Hall, Pancras-road, N.W. London, June 19.—Coal to various establishments, for the Guardians of Greenwich Union. Forms, Guardians' offices, Board room, East Greenwich. London, June 23.—The Tottenham Education Com- mittee are prepared to receive tenders for the supply and delivery of best Wollaton hards, best Derby brights, and best gas coke (properly broken) to the various schools. W. Mallinson, clerk to the committee, Education Offices, Philip-lane, South Tottenham, N. London, June 24.—Coal and coke, for the St. Mary, Islington, Guardians. Forms, Mr. Edwin Davey, clerk, Guardians' Offices, St. John's-road, Upper Holloway, N. London, July 3.—About 350 tons (more or less) of best Silkstone coal, for the Bequests and Trusts Committee of the United Synagogue, in quantities of 2 cwt. and upwards, in such places in the metropolis as may be directed. Forms from Mr. P. Ornstien, secretary, St. James's-place, Aidgate, E.C. Londonderry, June 19.—Coal to the Asylum, for the Committee of Management. Form at the Asylum Office, Strand-road. Lowestoft, June 16.—Steam coal (Gedling cobbles), and cok, to Oulton Workhouse, near Lowestoft, for the Mutford and Lothingland Guardians. Tenders, Mr. E. S. Norton, clerk. Macclesfield, June 19.—Best house coal, seconds coal, and best smithy coal, for the Corporation (local merchants). Tenders to Mr. F. R. Oldfield, town clerk. Magherafelt (Ireland), June 19.—220 tons of screened coal, for the Guardians. Tenders, Mr. Wm. Hastings, clerk of the Union, Boardroom. Maidstone, June 16.—180 tons of coal, for the Edmett Charity Trustees. Forms, Mr. R. Hoar, clerk to trustees, 9, King-street. Maidstone, June 19.—Coal and coke, for the Guardians- Tenders, Mr. Robert Hoar, clerk to the Guardians, Union Offices, King-street. Maidstone, June 25.—Coal and coke for the infectious hospital, for the Rural District Council. Forms, Mr. Robert Hoar, clerk, Council Offices, King-street. Merthyr, June 16.—Large steam coal, for the Merthyr and Dowlais districts, for the Corporation. Forms, the Borough Surveyor, Town Hall, Merthyr Tydfil. Mountain Ash, June 17.—5,200 tons of coal, either large or through-and-through. Forms, Mr. W. G. Thomas, Town Hall. Neath, June 17.—The Gas Committee invite tenders for the large screened gas coal required at the above works during the year commencing July 1 next. Estimated quantity, 12,000 tons. Particulars, the gas manager, R. A. Browning, Esq., Neath. No forms of tender are issued. Newbury, June 16.—5,500 tons gas coal, screened or unscreened, for the Corporation. Forms, Mr. W. R. Davey, manager. New Mills, June 17—3,500 tons of best coal and 500 tons of cannel, for the Urban District Council. Form, the gas manager. Oldham.—Coals, for the Baths Committee of the Cor- poration. Particulars, the general superintendent, Central Baths. Omagh (Tyrone), June 30.—About 400 tons of screened steam coal, for the Tyrone County Council. Tenders, Mr. F. J. Lynam, County Surveyor's Office, Omagh. Oxford, June 16.—For the supply of about 40,000 tons of best screened gas coal or washed nuts, for the directors of the Oxford Gaslight and Coke Company. Prestwich, June 19.—Coal, for the Guardians. Forms from Mr. Edward W. Ogden, clerk to the Guardians, Union Offices, Cheetham Hill-road, Manchester. Redhill (Surrey), June 21.—Steam and house coal, for the Committee of the Royal St. Anne's Schools. Forms at the offices. Reigate, June 18.—Coal, for the Corporation, delivered on Pym's Siding, at the Electricity Works, Reigate. Forms Brisbane (Australia), June 20.—Wire Netting.—1,000 miles of galvanised wire netting, 42 in. wide, with 1| in. n^esh, for the Department of Public Lands, Brisbane. Broomfield (Essex), June 19.—Water Towers,