1254 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 6, 1913. DEXINE VALVES for Air Pump, Circulating or Straight Lift. g z: a ) < AW »» '< W‘ . " g». <9*-.. * 'r ; "i- AWMSA. ffl . :W' is A WAS A'l- _.... A;'.::.-" -AA'Al® ,-. .■ ■ ■ Longer Life than India-rubber. a DEXINE PUMP BUCKETS for Deep Well, Borehole, Boiler Feed and General Service Pumps. - ' X' ‘ Cl ^^1 I^4 ■ , An Ideal Bucket. Needs no Attention. Write for List L : DEXINE Ltd., Stratford, London, E. Telegrams : Dexine, Stratford, London. Telephone : Strattord, 355.