June 6, 1913 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1249 STEPHEN HUMBLE’S PATENT IMPROVED KING S HOOK, WITH INSTANTANEOUS AUTOMATIC LOWERING GEAR. Solid Forged Thickened Inner Plates. Full Bearing on Shackle Pins. For High Speed Winding and Heavy Loads. e u Stephen Humble’S PATENT ■ , ILONDON | -n1 I In Working Order. 7,000 in use throughout the Mining World IMPOSSIBLE TO FAIL TO ACT. Adopted and Recommended by all the chief Colliery Managers and Engineers for its great simplicity, absolute security, and certainty of action under all conditions. r© / Stephen Humble’s O'r. /!' i,i‘U , \\ PATENT , / / II I;— ill Detached and Suspended. STEPHEN HUMBLE’S patent “ KING’S ” HOOK still holds the premier position in DETACHING HOOKS. NO EXTRA SETS OF CATCHES REQUIRED. NO LOCKING GEAR REQUIRED. OVER 300 HOOKS on ORDER for working loads of from 2 up to 25 tons. SOLE MAKER STEPHEN HUMBLE, 9, VICTORIA STREET, WESTMINSTER, LONDON, S.W. Telegraphic and Cable Address :—“ STEPHUMBLE, LONDON.”