June 6, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1241 Sugden’s Superheaters (PROTECTED BY 12 PATENTS) Save 10 to 20% in Coal. Adopted by the leading Collieries, Steel, Iron, and Tinplate Works. Approved by all the leading Boiler Insurance Companies. Wil * w L.... 7. ________ Sugden’s Superheaters have been at work for 10 years night and day without involving any expense. Thousands in use. Standard Superheater. Multiflow Superheater. Can be fixed in any down-take however limited, where hitherto it has not been possible to adopt Superheaters. South Wales Office : 129, Bute St., Cardiff. Representatives in all Principal Towns. For Illustrated Catalogue, List of Users, Testimonials, etc., apply to I’ L' 'a, ’bf .1 Sectional Superheater. T. SUGDEN Ltd Telephone—No. 186 Holborn. 180, Fleet Street, LONDON, E.C. Clarke, Chapman & Co. Ld., VICTORIA WORKS, " GATESHEAD. SPECIALISTS in Colliery Power Plant, Water Tube Boilers (“ WOODESON ” PATENTS), - PUMPS FOR ALL DUTIES, ELECTRIC AND STEAM. Haulage and Winding Gears. THE NORTHERN RUBBER CO., Telephone No. 1406. Sheffield. THE WICKER, SHEFFIELD. Agents £ y^ilTBY^ Makers of COAL-CUTTER HOSE Works—RETFORD, NOTTS. On Admiralty I^ist. Manufacturers of— INDIA RUBBER Sheets. Valves, Washers, Insertion, Tubing, Hose, &c., Air and Waterproof Goods. ASBESTOS Packing, Sheeting, Millboard Joints, &c. GUTTA PERCHA Sheets, Buckets, Strips, Washers, &c. PACKINGS : Cotton, Canvas, Hemp, Hydraulic, Soapstone, &c. BELTING : India Rubber, Leather, Hair, Cotton, &c.. Balater and Canvas. PATENT COMBINATION METALLIC JOINTS for H.P. Steam. “NORTHERN” SPIRAL LUBRICATIVE PACKING. “NORTHERN” H.P. HYDRAULIC and STEAM HAM- MER PACKING. Sole Makers of the Original Quality Blue-Line India Rubber Ring. Sole Makers of| LEATHERITE For H.P. Steam, Acids, Alkalis, Oils, &c.