1216 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 6, 1913. THE FREIGHT MARKET. On the north-east ooast there is a considerable shortage of tonnage at present, and outward freights tend to advance. A moderate volume of chartering has been done. Coasting business is firmer at about 3a. 6d., Tyne tP London, and 3s. 10£d. to Hamburg. The Bay is advanced at 6s. 3d. to Bordeaux. The Baltic is substantially steady, at from 5s. 3d. to 5s. 6d. to Cronstadt. The Mediterranean is well maintained, at from 9a. 6d. to 9s. 9d. to Genoa. At South Wales the market has been brisk, but is now slower. Bates for handy-sized vessels are rather firmer Mediterranean- wise. There is a better tendency for Plate rates. The Bay is steady, and the coasting ports are active at stronger values. At the Humber the market is quiet, and the tone fairly firm. The Clyde is moderately active, at unaltered figures. Homewards, an average amount of chartering for the time of year is recorded. The Black Sea and district is slow and unchanged. The Danube market is quiet, with rates easy owing to limited offerings of cargo. The Medi- terranean and ore trades are firm. The Baltic is steady. America is without noteworthy alteration. At the Plate chartering is fairly brisk, but rates are in charters’ favour. The bulk of the business is for June loading, and later tonnage is in small demand at weak rates. The Eastern market is active and firm. The Baltic is unaltered. Tyne to Algiers, 3,500, 9s. 6d.; 3,000, 9s., from Pelaw Main; 2,600, 9s., 600; Aalborg, 2,000, 4s. 6d. ; Antwerp, 1,000, 4s. 9d., from Dunston; Bilbao, 1,800, 7s. 6d.; Bordeaux, 1,600. 6s. 3d.; Cronstadt, 1,900, 5s. 6d.; 5,100, 5s. 3d.; 3,100, 5s. 3d.; 5,000, 5s. 4jd. ; Carlshamn, 1,200, 5s. 6d.; Carthagena, 2,200, 12s. I jd.; 2,200, 12s. 3d. ; Christianiaf jord, 1,000, 5s.; Diedriksdorf, 1,200,5s. 6d., 300; Genoa, 3,900, 9s. 6d., from Dunston; 5,500, 9s. 9d.; 6,700, 9s. 6d., 800 ; 4.000, 9s. 9d.; Gibraltar, 2,500, 8s. 3d.; Hamburg, 1,700, 3s. 10|d. ; 2,000, 3s. 10jd., from Derwent- haugh ; Helsingborg, 1,350, 4s. 6d. ; Kiel, 1,000, 5s. 6d.; Konigsberg, 1,400, 5s. 3d.; Lisbon, 2,300, 7s. 10|d., 350 ; 3,000, 7s. 6d.; 1,700, 7s. 9d.; Lubeck, 1,400, 5s. 3d.; Las Palmas, 5,500, 9s. 3d.; London, 2,100, 3s. 4|d.; 1,700, 3s. 6d. j 2,000, 3s. 6d.; Marseilles, 4.000, 9s. 3d.; 5.500, 9s. 3d., from Dunston; 3,400, 9s. 6d.; 3,400, 9s. 3d. ; Mentone, 2,300, 13s.. from Dunston; North Norway 1,300, 5s. ; 2,200, 5s.; 1,150, 5s. fid. ; Oran, 3,900, 8s. 6d., 400 ; Porto Vecchio, 6,500, 9s. 6d.; Pillau, 2,000, 4s. 10jd., 600; Porto Ferrajo, 5,500, 9s. 6d.; Piraeus, 6,500, 10s. 6d. ; Higa, 1.700, 5s.; 2,100, 5s. ; Rouen, 2,700, 4s. 10|d.; Rotterdam, 3,000, 3s. 4|d.; Swinemunde, 1,250, 5s. ; St. Nazaire, 3,400, 5s. 9d.; 2,200, 6s.; Stettin, 1,200, 5s. 6d.; St. Petersburg, 3,000, 5s. 7fd. ; Savona. 5,500, 9s. 9d. ; 4,000, ps. 9d. ; Tuborg 1,200, 5s. 3d.; Trieste, 5,000, 10s. 6d., reported ; Wyburg, 1,200, 6s. ; Zeebrugge, 2,100, 3s. 4|d. Cardiff to Alexandria, 5,700, 9s. 10|d., June 7; 4,000, 10s.; 5.100, 10s. 3d., June 13; 5,700, 10s. 3d.; Algiers, 1,600, 11 fr.; 4,500, lOjfr.; 5,500, lOffr.; 2,600, 11 fr, June 9; 6,000, 10| fr., June 9 ; 3,800,11 fr.; Ancona, 7,500, Ils., 500, June 16 ; Bjorkoe, 2,200, 6s.; Brest, 1,200,4s. 6d.; Bordeaux, 3,400, 6| fr.; Ci vita Vecchia, 4,200, 10s. 6d.; Cronstadt, 4,500, 6s., June; 3,200, 6s.; Copenhagen, 2,200, 5s. 6d.; Colombo, 12s*. 4|d., June; 5,500, 12s. 6d., June; Campana, 19s. 6d., July; 20s., June; Chatham, 2,300, 2s. lOfcd., Admiralty; 2 800, do., do.; Devonport, 2,800, 2s. 6d., Admiralty; 2,200, do., do.Felixstowe, 950, 4s.; Genoa, 4.700, 9s.; 5,500, 9s.; 8,800, 9s., June 15 ; 7,200, 9s.; Gulfo, 2.600, Ils. 6d.; Gibraltar, 1,350, 8s. 9d., June 13; Havre, 1.100, 5s.; 2,200, 5s. l|d.; 1,800, 5s. l|d.; Hong Kong and Yokohama, 6,600, 17s. 3d., June 15, Admiralty; Harwich, 1,000, 3s. 9d.; Islands, 4,200,9s , June 20; 5,500, 9s., June; Invergordon, 800, 4s. 9d.; Longhope, 2,300, 5s.; Lerwick, 280, 7s.; Leghorn, 5,200, 9s. with 800, 9s. 6d. with 500; Lisbon, 2,700, 7s. 4|d., 400 ; 3,000, 7s. l|d., 500; La Pallice, 3,200, 6 fr.; 1,900, 6| fr.; Lappvik, 1900, 6s.; Las Palmas, 4.500, 9s., June; Monte Video, 3,500, 18s., June; 5,200, 18s., mid-June; 4,500, 17s. 10|d., June 17; Marseilles, 5,000, 11| fr.; 4,200, ll|fr., June 10; 6,000, 11 fr., June 10; 3,400, 11| fr. and 12£fr., June 10; Malta, 3.800, 8s. 4|d., June 10; Madeira, 4,500, 9s., June; Malaga, 1.600, 9s. 6d; Naples, 5,200, 9s. with 800, 9s. 6d. with 500 ; 4,900, 9s.; 3,900, 9s., 800; Oporto, 900, 8s. 3d.; Piraeus, 4,800,10s., June 10; Port Said, 10s. 3d., June; 5,000, 10s., June 13 ; 6,000, 10s.; 5,500,10s.; 5,615, 9s. 6d., June 30; Port Nolloth, sail, 3,400 d.w., 28s. 6d., coke, July; Portland, 2.300, 2s. 7|d., Admiralty; 2,800, do., do.; Portsmouth, 2,300 and 2,800, do, do.; River Plate, 5,500, 19s., June 7; 4,200, 18s. 10£d., June 9; 4,800-5,200, 18s. 9d.; 6,000,19s.; 4,800- 5,200,19s., June; 5,500, 18s. 9d., June 15 ; 5,000, 19s.; 5,500, 19s., June 15; Rio de Janeiro, 5,500,16s. 9d., 300, June 15 ; 17s.; 5,000, 17s. 6d., June; Rosario, 4,200, 20s. fid.; 20s., July; Rouen. 1,700, 5s. 6d.; 1,400, 5s. 6d.; Savona, 8,800,9s., June 15; 4,700, 9s.; St. Servan, 1,500, 4s. 10£d.; 1,900, 5s. 3d.; Sheerness, 2,300, 2s. 10|d., Admiralty ; 2,800, do., do.; Syra, 4 700, 10s.; Spezzia, 4,800, 9s.; St. Nazaire, 6} fr.; St.John’s (N.F.), 1,900, 8s., June; Tarragona, 3,200, 10s.; Torre Annunziata, 4,200, 10s. 6d.; Venice, 4,200, Ils., June 15; Villa Constitucion, 19s. 6d., July; 20s., June; Zea, 4.800, 10s., June 10. Port Talbot to Algiers, 3,800,11 fr., June 6; Alexandria, 5.800, 9s. 10|d.; Genoa, 3,900, 12s. 3d., June 12. Swansea to Rouen, 1,180, 5s. 7|d.; 1,600, 5s. 6d.; Havre, 750, 5s.; Honfleur, 1,100, 5s. 6d.; 780, 5s.; Bond, 2,000, 15fr.; 2,000, 16fr., 400, fuel; Limerick, 4,050, 6s. 6d.; Cronstadt, 2,000, 7fr.; Spezzia, 2,400,10s.; Caen, 900,5s. 6d.; Marseilles, 4,700, ll|fr.; Venice, 3,900, Ils. 6d.; Charente, 1,050, 7|fr.; St. Malo, 1,350, 5s.; Oran, 1,600, 14 fr. and 15 fr.; Stettin, 2,100, 5a. 3d. Wear to Stockholm, 1,700, 4s. 10|d.; 2,100, 4g. 10|d.; Norrkoping 1,700, 5s.; Rouen, 2,700,4a. 10|d.; Pirseus, 6,500, 10s. 6d„ 500. Hull to Leghorn, 4,200, 9s. 7|d.; Genoa, 4,000, 9s. 3d., June 10; 4,000, 10s.; Pernau, 2,450,5s. 9d.; 1,400, 5s. l|d.; 1.300, 5s.; Halmstadt, 1,200, 5<. 3d.; Cronstadt, 2,500, 5s. 4|d.; 2,000, 5s. 7|d., June 16; Haugerberg, 900, 7s. Hamburg to West Coast South America, sail, 18s. 6d., coke; Wilmington and Charleston, 5,600, Ils. 3d., June. Sharpness to Sydney and Newcastle (N.S.W ), sail, p.t. Garston to Genoa, 2,150, 9s. 6d., June 10. Seaham Harbour to Hamburg, 1,100,3s. 10|d.; St. Brieux, 600, 6s. 6d.; Fairwater, 2,000, 5s. 3d. Blyth to Cronstadt, 3,300, 5s. 6d.; 2,300, 5s. 6d.; Pirseus, 5.500, Ils. 3d.; 4,500, Ils. 3d.; Hamburg, 2,200, 3s. 10d.; Stockholm, 1,700,4s. 9d.; Christianiaf jord, 1,000, 5s.; Port Said, 4,600, Ils. Forth to Cronstadt, 2,750, 5s. 6d. Wales to Mexillones, sail, 17s. 6d. fuel; Port Nolloth, sail, 30s., coke; West Coast South America and home to United Kingdom-Continent, sail, 43s. in and out, nitrate, February. Newport to Pirseus, 4,700, 10s.; Syra, 4,700, 10s.; Zea, 4,700, 10s.; Alexandria, 5,800, 9s. 10|d.; Algiers, 1,600, 11 fr.; 6,000, 10$ fr.; 5,500, 10|fr.; Cadiz, 1,200, 9s. 6d.; Ibicuy, 5,400, 21s. 9d., June 10, with 900 tons goods 2s. 6d. extra; Bahia Blanca, 6,700, 19s. 3d.; Alexandria, 4,000, 10s.; Bilbao, 1,350, 8s. 9d.; Marseilles, 5,400, ll‘37|fr.; 4.200, 11|fr.; 2,700. lljfr.; 4,000, ll|fr.; La Pallice,3,200, 6fr.; St. Na zaire, 6|fr.; Huelva. 2,700, 8s. 3d.; Gibraltar, 2,600, 8s. 6d.; Sousse, 2,200, 16fr.; Oporto, 900, 8s. 3d.; Seville, 2,200, 9s. Hartlepool to Marseilles, 2,400, 9s. 6d.; Genoa, 3,800, 9s. 6d.; Cronstadt, 3,300, 5s. 4|d. Newport River to Sousse, 2,100,16 fr., fuel. Rotterdam to West Coast South America, sail, 21s., coke; Honfleur, 1,900, 4s. 9d.; Caldera, sail, 1,938 reg., 21s., coke; Fiume, 5,400, 10s. 3d., June; Marseilles, 4,800-5,000. 12| fr.; Bilbao, 3,300, 5s. 3d., June 13; Livorno, 4,200, 9s. 6d. coal, 10s. 3d. fuel, Ils. 6d. coke, June 5-15; 6,000, Ils. 10|d. coal, 12s. lOJd. fuel, 15s. 4|d. coke. - Liverpool to Penedo, sail, lump sump, 1,100, general. Grimsby to Gefle, 2,100, 4s. 6d. Partington to Barcelona, 10s. 9d., June. Boston to Cronstadt, 2 000, 5s. 6d. Glasgow and Liverpool to Calcutta, 23s. Glasgow to Naples, 8s. 9d.; Buenos Ayres, 17s. 6d., June reported. Llanelly to Rouen, 950, 5s. 7|d. Immingham to Pernau, 1,300, 5s. Liverpool to Aalborg, 6s. fid., salt. Fife port to Cronstadt, 2,100, 5s. 6d. Homeward charters:—Kherson, Nioolaieff, Odessa, Novo- rossisk, 6,400, Rotterdam 8s., Weser 8s. 3d., Hamburg 8s. fid., with 3d. less barley ; Novorossisk, 6,300, 10 per cent., Ham- burg 8s. 3d., with 3d. less barley ; Sulina, 4,400, 9s. 9d. n.c. or any, 10s. 3d. Hamburg, ppt.; 3,850, 9s. n.c. or any, 9s. 6d. Hamburg, June 7-16; 5,200, Drontheim-Copenhagen range, 8s. 9d. one port, 9s. two ports, 9s. 3d. three ports, spot; Burmah, two ports, 2,673 net, United Kingdom-Con- tinent, 27s., June-July ; Calcutta, 7,000, United Kingdom- Continent, Antwerp, Holland, 23s. 3d. one port, 24s. two ports, d.w. basis, June ; 2,506 net, Bombay or Kurrachee, Rs.7, June; Kurrachee, 3,168 net, Antwerp, 16s. 10|d. June; 7,000, 16s. 6d., June ; 3,703 net, Mersey 16s., Bristol Channel, two ports, 16s. 6d., July ; 2,305 net, Barcelona, about 18s. 3d., less 2 per cent., early June ; 2,750 net, United Kingdom- Continent, 17s. p.p., early June ; 2,034 net, 17s. 9d. p.p., 18s. 2d. o.c., 7s. 6d. p.p., 18s. o.c. ; San Lorenzo, 3,800, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 16s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., June; 4,500, 10 per cent., 15s. 9d. o.c., less 6d., spot; 4,300, 10 per cent,, 16s. o.c., less 6d., June 16 ; 3,800, 10 per cent., 16s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., with Northern options, June 10; 4,600,10 per cent., 15s. 6d. o.c, no reduc- tion, 3d. less if Villa Constitution loading, 3d. less if Belfast discharge, June 7; 5,400, 10 per cent., 16s. o.c., less 6d., less further 3d. if p.p., option below bar 2s. less, June ; 4,000, 16s. 7|d. o.c., August; 5,300, 10 per cent., 15s. o.c, less 6d., spot; 5,000, 10 per cent., 15s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., June 25- July 25 ; 15s., Genoa Is. extra; Pensacola, 1,500 stds., 10 per cent., Buenos Ayres or La Plata, 152s. 6d., August; Rosario, 4,200,10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 16s. o.c., no reduction, 6d. less if Bristol, June 10; La Plata, 5,600,10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 14s. o.c., less 6d., option Denmark, basis Is. 6d. extra one port, June; New York, 1,526 net, Mediterranean, four ports between Italy and Bulgaria, basis 24c. one port, June; Bougie, 3,700, Middlesbrough, 6s., early June; Archangel, 48s. 6d., Cardiff, d.b. and b., June; Bilbao, 2,500, Middlesbrough, 5s. 4jd., ppt.; 650, Glasgow, 5s. 3d., ppt.; 2,000, Newport, 5s., ppt.; 3,100, West Hartlepool, 5s. 6d., ppt.; nitrate ports, sail, 30s. 6d., United Kingdom-Continent; 30s. 9d.; Miramichi, 55s., United Kingdom-Continent, 56s. 3d. Manchester, June; Black Sea, 2,563 net, Rotterdam 7s. 9d., Hamburg 8s., ppt., berthed; Calcutta, 2,068 net, Colombo, Rs. 5*8, four voyages commencing June; 2,127 net, Rs.513, June; 2,297 net, United Kingdom - Continent, p.p., 24s. 6d. one port, 25s. 3d. two ports, d.w. basis, June; 2,326 net, Bombay or Kurrachee, Rs. 7, June; Saigon, 5,800, France, 28s. 6d. rice, 31s. meal, June-July; 5,700, Bordeaux and Nantes, 32s. 6d., rice, June-July; 7,500, United Kingdom-Continent, p.p., 29s. one port, 30?. two ports, rice, meal, August 1-15; 1,600, Ardrossan, 4s. 6d., ppt.; Hornillo Bay, 3,500, Middlesbrough, 6s. 6d., early June; 3,900, Glasgow, 6s. 9d., ppt.; Vivero, 5,000, Rotterdam, 5s. Ojd., ppt.; Portland, 3,004 net, United Kingdom-Continent, two ports, 31s. 3d., wheat-barley, June; time charter, 5s. 6d., one trip, North Pacific to Australia; time charter, States and West Indies, about 4s. 3|d., one round trip, delivery and re-delivery north of Hatteras; time charter, Australian trade, <£1,750, one round trip, delivery and re-delivery United Kingdom-Continent; Kherson, Nicolaieff, Odessa, Novorossisk, Theodosia, 6,000, Rotterdam, basis 9s. 6d., July- August ; Burmah, 3,714 net, United Kingdom-Continent, p.p., 25s., less 6d. Holland; Ching-Wong-Tao, 2,764 net, Singapore, 7s. 6d., June-July ; Madras Coast, 7,000,10 per cent., Marseilles and or Nantes, 27s. one port, 28s. 3d. both ports, option part unshelled 52s. 6d., June-July ; Newcastle (N.S.W.). 6,000, Java, 15s. 9d., 500, June; 15s. 6d.; 24s. 5d.; Valparaiso, Pisagua Range, January- February ; Gulf, 8,800, Antwerp, Rotterdam or Hamburg, 14s. 6d. one port, 14s.9d. two ports loading, June; 700stds., 10 per cent., Genoa, 123s. 9d., June; Bahia Blanca, 4,000, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 15s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., with options, early June; Buenos Ayres, 1900, Rotter- dam, 7s., ppt.; Carthagena, 3,000, Ayr, 6s. 6d., ppt.; 7,200, Rotterdam, 5s. 6d., ppt.; 3,800, Middlesbrough, 6s. 3d., ppt.; Porman, 2,800, West Hartlepool; 6s. 9d., f.d., ppt.; 5.200, Barrow, 6s. 3d., ppt.; La Goulette, 3,909, Rotterdam, 6s. 3d., ppt.; Pensacola, sail, 18 dole., Monte Video or Buenos Ayres, August-September; Gulf port, sail, 19 dole., Paysandu, July-August; Poti, 5,000, Rotterdam, 9s. 9d., Middlesbrough 10s., ppt.; 4,300, Antwerp or Middlesbrough, 10s., mid-June; Azof, 3,500, 10s. 6d. n.c. or any, Ils. Hamburg, ppt.; Nicolaieff, Odessa, 7,500, Weser or Ham- burg, 8s., with 3d. less barley, ppt.; Bombay, 6,200, United Kingdom-Continent, two ports, 21s. 6d. on d.w., end June; Buenos Ayres or La Plata, 4,000, 10 per cent., United Kingdom Continent, 13s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., ppt.; Carthagena or Porman, 3,300, Maryport, 7s. 9d., ppt.; Rio de Janeiro, 5,000, Stettin, 15s. 3d., ore, June; Hastings Mills, sail, 76s. 3d., South Africa; Norfolk, 19s., Bio de Janeiro. ■IHIHG AID OTHER I0TES. The directors of the Windsor Steam Coal Company (1901> Limited have appointed Mr. E. B. Insole, son of Mr. G. F. Insole, the chairman, a director of the company. Mr. James Aitken, colliery manager, of Motherwell, has been offered and accepted a more important appointment at Bothwell Castle Colliery, Lanarkshire. At Pontefract on Saturday Thomas Bell, pit corporal, Moorthorpe, was charged with cruelty to a pony. Mr. Gichard, who prosecuted for the Frickley Colliery Company, said that the defendant, who was the “ doggie in charge of the pony-drivers, came across a young pony which had turned stupid and would not do its work. He tied a chain round its neck, hitched another pony to it and drove the latter off, with the result that it was thrown to the ground. The defendant struck the animal several times with a hammer while it was on the ground, raining blows on the neck and shoulders. The pony, in consequence, had lost the sight of one eye. A fine of «£5 was imposed. The establishment of another new industry on Teesside was foreshadowed at the monthly meeting of the Tees Conservancy Commission, over which Sir Hugh Bell, Bart., presided on Monday, when the general manager (Mr. J. H. Amos), reported that enquiries for sites for works had been received from firms desirous of establishing tank instal- lations for the storage of benzol, &o., and exporting cargoes in bulk. The late under-manager of the Maltby Main Colliery, Mr. Thomas Davis, was presented with a gold watch and purse of gold on Saturday. The following firms have been elected members of the British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’ Association:— The Wilson-Wolf Engineering Company Limited; Tilgh- man’s Patent Sandblast Company Limited. The following firm has been elected an associate *.—Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg, AG. We understand that the statement, as contained in our issue of the 30th ult., that the Butterley Company have commenced sinking at the Birchwood Colliery to the Kilburn seam, is incorrect. On April 22 last an accident occurred to the winding engine at the Butterley Company’s Birchwood Colliery, Derbyshire, owing to the bursting of a cylinder cover, causing a sudden rush of steam into the engine-house. The winder, Jacob Godfrey, fortunately was able to keep control of the engine, and with considerable presence of mind safely lowered the cage full of men back into the pit bottom, which he had commenced raising to the surface, and at the time of the accident the engine had reached about full velocity, the cage being four or five revolutions- of the drum from the bottom. The directors of the* Butterley Company Limited have now presented Godfrey with an inscribed marble timepiece as a small record of their esteem and regard of the manner in which he per- formed his duties. It must be particularly gratifying to the men engaged at the colliery to feel that they have a* man of Godfrey’s calibre in charge of the lever when they are descending and ascending, and it is a well-known fact that the winding enginemen of this country are men selected from amongst the best and most reliable class of men, and considering the responsible duties which they have to perform, it is most important that they should be* able to keep thorough control of themselves in time of emergency, such as occurred at the Birchwood Colliery on April 22 last. Fire was discovered on Monday night to have broken out in No. 2 Cawbeam mine, belonging to the Broxburn Oil Company Limited, Broxburn, Linlithgow, and despite all efforts continued to spread. The mine has been damped down, and will probably remain closed for a week or two. Developments are proceeding in East Lothian. A new pit is now being sunk by the Edinburgh Colliery Company to the south of Elphinstone, and a large output is being arranged for. An installation of electric power and lighting is being conveyed from the principal colliery at Prestonlinks,. a distance of nearly eight miles. This prosperous company are lessees of four coalfields—Prestonlinks (for working coal under the sea), Bankton, Tranent and Elphinstone. Housing accommodation for miners is much desired and new buildings are in course of erection. The Udston Coal Company are lessees of three coalfields in East Lothian—Biggonhead St. Germains and Penston—covering about three miles of land. Owing to scarcity of men, the output, although large, is not able to supply the demand. Negotiations are in progress for the acquiring of the Bed Hills Villa estate, at Durham, by the Durham Miners’ Association for the purpose of building a miners’ hall, offices and agents’ houses. Red Hills Villa is at present tha residence of Mr. A. D. Nicholson, H.M. inspector of mines A deputation of the Ocean Colliery, Ebbw Vale, workmen,, are making a visit to Germany to investigate the working of baths in that country. Over the grave of the late Mr. W. H. Pickering, in Doncaster cemetery, there has just been erected a handsome cylindrical cross, with two bases and kerb, in unpolished Creetown granite. It was made to the design of Mrs. W. H. Pickering. Two new branch lines of railway, to serve important collieries in the Doncaster district, are foreshadowed. At present, Messrs. Logan and Hemingway (who are engaged