1194 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 6, 1913. UNIT SECTIONAL BRIDGE COMPANY. The firebridge illustrated in the accompanying sections has been placed upon the market by the Unit Sectional Bridge Company. of Weston Park, Thames Ditton, Surrey, and we recently inspected an example fitted to a Lancashire boiler at the St. Thomas’s Hospital, S.W. It will be observed that when assembled the firebridge consists of a number of sections or webbed bars of cast iron adapted to fit close together, with two end or closing plates shaped to fit the furnace walls. The sections and end plates are tied together by a bolt which passes through the whole bridge. Air is taken from the ash pit and passes in the direc- tion of the arrows up the front of the bridge, gathering speed as it nears the top, it then passes down again and, expanding, drops any debris into the damper, from whence it can be removed at a convenient time. It then flows upwards again into the fire zone at a great temperature ready to combine with the hydrocarbons Unit Sectional Bridge. View of Boring Installation. (Trefor Boring and Mining Company Limited.) plants the F.P.M. rope boring machine is employed, the borer being united to a long plumb line. More lately the Trefor Company have acquired a special appliance for boring holes for the cementing and freezing process, which differs from that first mentioned in that it makes provision for diamond boring also. The company also possess several plants for boring with steel shot. PROTECTOR LAMP AND LIGHTING CO. LIMITED. The exhibit of the Protector Lamp and Lighting Company Limited, Eccles, near Manchester, comprises a complete lamproom installation consisting of miners’ safety lamps with single and double glass (which have passed all Home Office tests) to burn colzalene, oil or spirit, fitted with the latest approved unpickable magnetic, lead plug or other fastening. A feature of the new “ Protector ” lamp is that in lighting, the actual lighter can be carried in the waistcoat pocket. There are several other specialities, including various types of castings and machine work, Hawgood’s patent reversible spring hinges, citadel door fasteners, climax valves, &c. A. C. POTTER AND CO. This firm show cores obtained from boreholes; direct-acting steam engines and pumps ; photographs, lineprints, blueprints, &c. of direct-acting steam engines and pumps ; air lift pumps ; geared pumps adaptable to various conditions of drive and lift, and of various capacities. THOMAS AND BISHOP. “ Cling-Surface,” the speciality of this firm, is a belt filler and preservative which will permanently stop the slipping of belts without making the belts sticky, permit belts to run easy instead of tight while carrying their full load, increase their transmitting capacity, and Section of the Unit Sectional Bridge. (Unit Sectional Bridge Co.) passing over the bridge. Incidentally, the air passing through the bridge keeps it from burning, and prevents clinker sticking to it. The firebridge lends itself to variations in detail, and in some cases a reversal of the units may commend utsclf JNO. GILLOTT AND SON. Messrs. Jno. Gillott and Son (Lancaster Works, Barnsley) show an improved rotary coal-cutting machine (E class) for holing in coal or moderately hard fireclay, arranged on sleds to cut at floor level. This machine is now fitted with a removable bracket for changing gear, whilst the haulage gear has been strengthened and an improved design of eccentric is now used. A similar machine of the C class is also shown for undercutting in very hard fireclay, arranged to work either on sleds or rails to cut at floor-level, or to take out a pricking between two coals. In addition there are on view Miners’ Lamp and Igniting Device. (Protector Lamp and Lighting Company Limited.) ■duplicate parts of above for renewals, and special crucible steel castings and gearing for use in these machines, and for general mining purposes. These ■castings are produced at the firm’s Saxilby steelworks. “TREFOR” SOO. ANON. DE FORAGE ET ENTREPRISES MINIERES. | contact is made within the lamp, whilst unscrewing the This Brussels company show two interesting series of oii chamber automatically lowers the wick to the point (plans and diagrams illustrating sinkings by cementation of extinction. For purposes of inspection the flame may and compressed air at Bethune and Giraumont, in < be lowered to the requisite dimensions by unscrewing to France. The latter sinking is now in progress. The a stop, whilst the flame cannot be raised above the •company use machines of different types. The Vogt maximum set by the lampman. Some of the lamps machines, which have been extensively used in the are fitted with a new style of inner gauze, with a Campine, ai'e useful for borings of large diameter and flange on the inner circumference, which necessitates great depth, and at Beeringen 1,491m. (4,890 ft.) were very accurate fitting in the glass. There are also bored by this method. The Vogt machines enable drilling lamproom fittings, including lamp stands, motors, with water-flush, as well as diamond boring. The dynamos, re-lighting machines, low-tension, magnetic company also employ the Sullivan machines and the ’ unlocking machines, cleaning machines, filling machines Brejcha machines. According to the latter patents, the \ (automatic and otherwise), accumulators, coils, rivet diamonds are set in hot steel blanks fixed in holes in the I moulds, brushes, mops, gauzes, glasses, &c ; also crown, very small diamonds being used. A further I enamelled iron notice plates, tablets, number plates, feature is the replacement of the boring tubes by a I &c. The patented relighter is one of the novel features coating of cement. In connection with the Brejcha I of the exhibit. There is no danger of sparking, and the make and keep them pliable, elastic, waterproof and in perfect condition. The exhibit is arranged in the most careful way honestly to show ordinary conditions of belt transmission, and the possibilities following the use of Cling-Surface. It consists of a 10-horse power motor, from which run two 4 in. leather belts, 7 ft. 6 in. centres, driving two 4-kw. Dick-Kerr generators. These latter are mounted on movable trucks arranged to show the initial and working tensions on the belts. The belts are identical, from the same roll of belting. One is treated with Cling-Surface, while the other runs just as it came from the makers. The belt treated with Cling-Surface is under an initial tension strain of 50 lb., and when loaded it runs so slack that the top side barely clears the lower or driving side. The untreated belt is under an initial strain of 150 lb., and runs tight on both sides. The output of the generators is delivered by