June G, 1913 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1187 WALLACH BROS. LIMITED. This firm show examples of their quick opening and closing full-way ‘’Pat ” valves and “Pat” cocks; an “Adjustable” attachment for lathe face-plate; a “ Double Grip ” tool holder suitable for heavy cuts ; “ Evertrusty ” wire embedded gauge glass protectors, draught indicators ; “ Amabestine ; high pressure jointings; high grade leather beltings, acid proof; machines for spraying ankylocide and other disinfec- tants ; new Shamrock “ Evertrusty ” rescue apparatus ; oxygen first aid cases ; “ Evertrusty ” aluminium respirators, asbestos suits, flexible tubing, and tools. MINING APPLIANCES COMPANY. Messrs, the Mining Appliances Company (32, Church- street, Sheffield) are the makers of the Eickhoffi under- ground trough conveyor, and two lengths are shown on the stand, driven respectively by electric motor and compressed air motor. The feature of this conveyor is the special shape of the roller path, which is shown in Eickhoff Conveyor : Longitudinal Section showing Roller Path. automatically extinguished within a few seconds after being enveloped in an explosive atmosphere. The usual gauzes are entirely dispensed with, and perforated plates substituted, a chimney being provided for the escape of the products of combustion. It is also fitted with a double glass, so that in the event of the outer glass being broken, the inner glass, combined with spring joint arrangement, preserves the lamp in a safe condition. The illuminating power is notably high, the range of light being very great, owing to the design of the bottom. All these double gauze lamps are designed in such a manner that it is impossible to lock the lamp if either gauze be absent. The lamps are also provided with an efficient locking device which prevents the oil vessel, glass ring, or bonnet, from being removed by unauthorised persons. The glass cannot possibly become slack after it has been tightened home, until the oil vessel has been unlocked, and screwed off the lamp top. The tightening of the glass is effected by an ingenious ratchet gear, which can be operated without removing the lamp base. HOBDELL, WAY AND CO. LIMITED. Messrs. Hobdell, Way and Co. Limited (London, E.), show one or two small machine tools together with a general assortment of every engineering requisite for steam users, comprising steam fittings, magnesia coverings, “ Durite ” leather and “ Balata ” beltings, asbestos cement sheets, asbestos slates ; and an assort- ment of hand tools, such as spanners, hammers, wrenches, twist drills, &c., “Durite” jointings, “ Hob- waylite ” sheeting and asbestos packing. ANDERSON, BOYES AND CO. LIMITED. Messrs. Anderson, Boyes and Co. Limited (Mother- well, N.B.), exhibit two of their electric enclosed gear disc coal-cutters, one of these being their 20-j in. machine for A.O. current, and the other their 16) in. machine for D.C. current. They also exhibit an electric enclosed gear chain coal cutter—namely, a 16) in. machine for D.C. current, as well as examples of their gate-end boxes. The disc coal-cutter is of a very compact design, being designed to suit thin seams and to occupy the minimum of width. The under part of the machine is designed to serve as skids and the machine is arranged to cut close to the floor. It possesses several distinctive features, most of which are patented. The motor starters are of the drum type and the resistances are of the grid type. Both the starters and the resistances, also the trailing cable plugs, are insulated solely with mica. The trailing cable plug is of the all-metal type and is designed to provide reliable means for efficiently earthing the machine. The arrangement of the driving gear and shafts is exceedingly compact and efficient. The gear case is of cast steel of substantial design formed internally with bearing brackets, which are fitted with bushes of the best phosphor bronze. Covers are provided where necessary for convenient access to the internal parts. The lubrication of the driving gear and of all internal bearings is performed automatically. Effective means are provided for preventing the passage of oil from the gear case and the bearings to the interior of the motor, thus affording protection to the windings, even when the machine is working on a gradient of 1 in 3 with the motor at the lower end. The driving gear is of steel machined from solid blanks, with machine- Eikhoff Conveyor: Section and Plan showing an arrangement of Motor. .(Mining Appliances Company ) -H4 Compressed Air Motor for Conveyor. (Mining Appliances Company.) cut teeth and case-hardened. The wheels are all of very ample proportions, whilst the shafts are all of sub- stantial proportions, and the cutting wheel is of best selected cast steel. The pick pockets are drifted to gauge size so as to ensure a uniform fit for the picks. The race is of substantial design, and runs on a steel sweep faced with gunmetal. The cutting wheel is provided with a gunmetal centre brass of specially large propor- tions, and the centre of the jib to which the cutting wheel is attached is made specially strong, being pro- vided with four centre bolts in place of one as usually employed. Provision is made for continuous lubrica- tion of the cutting wheel centre bearing while the wheel is in its cut, the lubrication being conducted through a duct in the jib plate, which is so designed as to permit of its being readily cleaned out. The chain machine has been designed for use in exceptional conditions which are unsuitable for a disc machine, cutting in hard material as the disc machine, but where the circumstances are favourable for a the accompanying sketch. The conveyors are capable of an exceptionally high output, and will work under wide ranges of speed and inclination. The minimum over-all height is 9 in. The firm, who are makers of a large variety of mining machinery, supply, in connection with these conveyors, a small compressed air motor. This motor is fitted with a special device rendering it possible to alter the piston stroke while the motor is in operation, thus permitting the cylinder charge to be regulated to suit the variable air-pressure for the power required. The motor can be arranged almost in any position in relation to the conveyor. Other specialties of this firm include haulage pulleys, winding and haulage engines, brakes, &c. BEST’S CONTRACT CO. Messrs. Best’s Contract Co. (Morley, Yorks) show a selection of miners’ safety lamps and accessories. In the “Excelsior” No. 1, double gauze, and fast bonnet lamp, the copper rings are combined with the gauze in such a manner as to avoid either punching or riveting. This lamp has recently passed the Eskmeals tests. It is provided with a special approved D.S/4 lamp glass, at each end of which are fitted corrugated joint rings. These rings embed into a flexible washer, in place of the usual asbestos washer, at each end of the glass. Best’s “Excelsior” No. 2, double-gauze lamp, is similar to the above, except that it is provided with a screw-off bonnet. The “ Excelsior ” No. 3, patent fireman’s lamp is fitted in combination with an emergency electric lamp. Should the lamp flame become extinguished, the emer- gency lamp can be used for the purpose of furnishing a light, so that the user may see his way to the relighting station. The “ Lifeguard ” safety lamp is constructed in such a manner that the lamp and gas flame become L Electric Motor Drive for Conveyor. (Mining Appliances Company.)