1176 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 6, 1913. THE Duplex ZE 2 me/1 PlaltE ft • * patent,Duplex (Patent) Valveless Gas Engine The simplest and most reliable Engine on the market. NO NO NO ADMISSION VALVES. EXHAUST VALVES. CAMS. NO NO NO SIDE-SHAFTS. VALVE POCKETS. INTRICATE CASTINGS. Full Automatic Forced Lubrication. Easy to Overhaul. Steady Running. The “Duplex” represents the highest standard of Gas Engine Construction. Its compactness in relation to the power it develops involves less initial cost in foundations and engine house than any other of equal rating It also effects substantial economies in running costs. EVERY = STROKE DRIVING = STROKE Our Staff of Engineers is at the service of colliery owners to investigate the conditions of any new works or extensions, and advise as to the advantages or otherwise of gas power. We invite you to avail yourself of their experience. WRITE FOR BOOKLET. Park Works Manchester Queen Anne's Chambers, London, S.W.