June 6, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN, 1175 Glasgow Office— Messrs. EDMISTON BROWN & CO., 219, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. Telegrams— Telephone No.— “ Economical, Glasgow." Central 1189 and 1190 (2 lines). Birmingham Office— Mr. B. PARDON, “Danemoor,” Upper Clifton Road, Sutton Coldfield. Newcastle Office— Mr. T. H. OUGHTON, 3, Lorraine Terrace, Low Fell, Gateshead-on-Tyne. Cardiff Office— Mr. S. R. CLAY, Telephone No. 1096. 23. Victoria Avenue, Cardiff. Lancs, and Yorks. Representative— Mr. W. J. HOSKINS, Little Houghton, nr. Barnsley. Rescue Apparatus The only apparatus which combines all the well- known advantages of the Injector, without the disadvantage of negative pressure. Mouthjet fits comfortably on the month. Slight weight taken up by skull cap, which ensures against mouthpiece being pulled out of the mouth. This is accomplished by fitting a pressure equalising bag to the ordinary efficient apparatus. Positive Pressure is thus guaranteed in all parts of the apparatus with consequent safety. Regenerator has largest possible carbon-di-oxide absorbing capacity. Separated from back of wearer by broad straps, causing him no discomfort by heat. Cooling System is so arranged that purified air is cooled along a long length of tubing. The Air Capacity of the apparatus thereby increased, with consequent great comfort to the wearer. Breathing Bags of ample dimensions so constructed that circulation cannot be impeded should wearer lie flat on his chest or climb over a bar. Any Leakage is at once detected when the apparatus is first put on, so that the use of defective apparatus is prevented. Helmet is the lightest and strongest on the market. Constant flow of Oxygenated air sweeps across the face of the wearer. Perfectly air-tight fitting, safe and comfortable. Circulation of 60 litres per minute of cool, fresh, richly oxygenated air is guaranteed during the whole of the two-hours working period. Illustrated Catalogue containing complete descrip- tion and numerous interesting illustrations will be sent off immediately upon receipt of your postcard. Write at once, and if you require prompt delivery, place your orders immediately. B Mining Engineering Co. Ltd., Meco Works, Moorfields, SHEFFIELD Telegrams—“Meco, Sheffield.” Telephone—4530 Central (2 lines).