June 6, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1171 CURTIS’S & HARVEY’S PERWIinED EXPLOSIVES ' I , SUPER-EXCELLITE. A Powerful Explosive, suitable for Ripping and Hard Coal. SUPER-KOLAX. For Coai Getting. Samples and full particulars— CURTIS’S and HARVEY LTD., Cannon Street House, London, E.C., or any of their Agencies. LL _ - THE _.. podgare PERFECT EYE & HEAD SHIELD. Light ! Comfortable ! Durable ! Reasonable ! A Boon to Pit Ponies. Made in Various Shapes & Sizes. Sole Agents: LEGARD & SON, Pit Pony Harness Makers and Contractors, ’Phone 11. B ARNSLE Y.