1170 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 6, 1913. W. G. Allen a Sonstctipton) Ltd. S’ tipton TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS—"ALLENS, TIPTON." TELEPHONE—No. 37, TIPTON. HAULAGE CUP. SK J TEELOMRO Ni FOR ALL PURPOSE S —- —...— -....... ■......... -......... -. ................... -.....g'""” . .. 111 11 ."" " - 1,11 ■■"■!±"Sg We always carry a Large Stock of Ne'w and Second-Hand STEAM NAVVY, by Ruston hooter. — Cylinders each 8 in. diameter. WI Please let us have your enquiries. JOHN STRINGER <& SON, Dept. II, BLACKBURN BARKER’S PATENT IMPROVED SINGLE & TREBLE BOTTOM LOAD SHACKLE “KING” SAFETY DETACHING HOOKS. With Wrot. Steel Double Catchplates or Cast Steel Cylinders. Method of Attachment to the Bridle Chains. " NULLI SECUNDUS." Additional Security for High-speed Winding and Heavy Loads. SO MANY ACCIDENTS have occurred to the Pin of the Bottom Shackle of Safety Hooks at a Fast Overwind, or the Bull Ring has been fractured, owing to “ THE TERRIBLE BACKLASH” of the Bridle Chains, that any Improvement at this point should be welcomed, seeing that all Hooks made are subjected to the same ordeal, through the Cage by “ Momentum ” following on, thereby slackening the Bridle Chains, and, upon its dropping back, the Single Load Shackle Pin meets its “Waterloo.” IT MUST BE APPARENT TO EVERYONE that 3 Shackles and Pins are much better to rely upon for ABSOLUTE SAFETY than one Shackle Pin and Bull Ring only. It is most unlikely that all 3 Pins would Shear at one and the same time. In use at the Welsh Navigation, Coedeley, the Great Western, and other important collieries and in course of construction for the Modderfontein Gold Mines, for heavy loads and intense breaking strains. DAVIES & BARKER’S IMPROVED SINKING RIDERS ™ NEW it I. THE REQUIREMENTS All enquiries for this Improved Hook to be made to the Designer, Patentee, and Sole Manufacturer— J. F. BARKER, Engineer, 92, Hatfield Road, IPSWICH.