June 6, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1155 STONE DUST For Prevention of Coal Dust Explosions. SPECIAL PLANT For the Production of Correct Fineness of Dust. ROBEY & CO. LIMITED, Globe Works, LINCOLN. CURTIS’S &, HARVEY’S ------- NEW —------- PERMITTED EXPLOSIVES SUPFR-FXCFUITE. A Powerful Explosive, suitable for Ripping and Hard Coal. SUPER-KDUX. For Coal Getting. particulars”-111^ CURTIS’S & HARVEY LTD., Cannon Street House, London, E.C., Or any of their Agencies. COLLIERIES. TOUGHENED LAMP GLASSES. Tested a.nd Passed l>y H.IVE. Honxe Office. THE ONLY BRITISH GLASS ON THE APPROVED LIST UNDER THE NEW REGULATIONS. Also Manufacturers of HIGH PRESSURE GAUGE GLASSES and LUBRICATORS. BUTTERWORTH BROS. LTD., Newton Heath Glass Works, MANCHESTER WIRE SCREENS ALL MESHES OF ANY GAUGE OF WIRE BiW ■■IMWiM'V saiHaiHKBiii ALEX. COUSLflND & SON 3.MUCHELL ST, GLASGOW THE ISCA FOUNDRY COMPANY LTD., RAILWAY PLANT &■ GENERAL ENGINEERS, Switches, Crossings, Turntables, Water Cranes, Girders, Bridges, a-Roofs, Pipes, Pumps, Wagons, Tanks, Engines, Boilers, Cranes, Works: NEWPORT, MON. London Office: 16 & 17, Devonshire Sq. Bishopsoate St., E.C. HAGGIE BROS. Ltd. Gatest** ead - on - Tyn «„ Established 1800. MANUFACTURERS OF IMPROVED PATEN5 Flat and Round Wire and Remp ROPES OF ANY LENGTH FOR COLLIERIES AND RAILWAYS, FROM EITHER BEST SELECTED CHARCOAL IRON, IMPROVED PATENT OR PLOUGH STEEL WIRE, Flexible Galvanized Steel Hawsers (all guaranteed is Lloyd’s test), with Winches or Reels and Stopper,4. Wire Signal Lines for Railways and Collieries. Copper Lightning Conductors, complete. Galvanized Fencing Strand. Galvanized Wire Rope for Ships’ Rigging. Galvanized Wire Rope fitted up to order. Picture and Sash Cord made from Copper, Brass Plated or Galvanized Wire. Crane Ropes, made to suit small Drums and Pulleys. We have Crane Ropes working or. the same Barrels a, Chains,. Wire Rope Springs; Wire Rope Pulleys. Wire Rope Composition or Grease. White Block Ropes and general Hemp Cordage. Chains of every description. Wire Ropes made specially to suit small Pulleys. We can guarantee uniformity of all ovr Bopea, as we draw our own Wire from Special Rods, got up to our own specification. Ovnna to our “ Special Quality,’’ have Haulage Ropes running 14 years and Winding Ropes 6J years Haggle, Gateshead." WALKER’S PATENT DETACHING HOOK For the Prevention of Overwinding. For particulars, apply to— THOS. WALKER A SON LTD., 58, Oxford Bt., BIRMINGHAM HAULING ENGINES (Own Manufacture). 3 Three, Six, & Six REPEAT ORDERS from different Collieries for this type of Engine. This Photo is taken from 8 in. x 12 in. stroke double cyls. “ G ” type, single drum, 2 ft. 6 in. dia. x 15 in. wide, flanges 9 in. deep. Double drum, each drum being 2 ft. 6 in. x 12 in. wide between flanges, flanges 9 in. deep with H elical Steel Gearing. Steel side frames. Friction-Driven Winding Gear (Own Manufacture). The motive power is taken through a friction coupling, and can be coupled either to Steam, Diesel, Oil, or Gas En- gine. The drums are also operated by heavy friction clutches put in and. out of gear by quick screw and lever attach- ment. Photo is taken from 25-30 b.h.p. Gear work- ing off a Diesel Engine and hauling at the rate of 8 ft. per second. Two drums each 2 ft. 6 in. dia. x 12 in. wide, 9 in. depth of flange, running on heavy gunmetal bushes. Powerful foot brakes. Built on w.i. girders 6in. x 14in. section, and braced together with cast iron distance pieces. CHARLES I). PHILLIPS, Emlyn and Central Engineering Works and Foundry, NEWPORT, MON., England. THE ORIGINAL FIRM-ESTABLISHED 1867. Tel. No.—86 Morley. Tel. Address—“ Lamps, Morley.” Codes used—A B C 5th Ed., Lieber’s and Private. ACKROYD & BEST LIMITED, THE WORLD’S SAFETY LAMP EXPERTS, MORLEY, near LEEDS. Makers of all kinds of SAFETY LAMPS and LAMP ROOM EQUIPMENT. IRON LAMP-FILLING AND CLEANING BENCHES. CLEAN, NEAT, RIGID AND STRONG. The lamp-filling benches are provided with drain tank in which to catch the overflow oil. Lamprooms fitted out with our iron benches have a neat and uniform appearance. Send us j our enquiries and orders, which shall have our best attention.