1124 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 30, 1913. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTRACTS FOR COAL. COHTENTS. PAGE Editorial Article — Mining Machinery........................... 1125 Articles :— Underground Conveying ...................... 1113 The Determination of Water in Coal............ 1115 The New Mines Act : Conference on General Regulations ............................... 1116 Two Groups of Veterans at the Cannock Chase Colliery .............................._____________ 1117 The Cadeby Main Colliery Explosion............ 1118 The Adamson - Davies Tubular ^Extension for Boilers.................................... 1119 The Price of Coal............................. 1123 Mining Machinery Exhibition ................. 1126 Standardisation of Electrical Machinery........ 1126 Approved Safety Lamps ...................... 1129 On the Kinetic Theory of Gases ............... 1129 Labour and Wages........................... 1130 Notes from South Wales...................... 1131 Mining and Other Notes ...................... 1132 Open Contracts ............................. 1134 The Freight Market ......................... 1135 Book Notices................................ 1138 Abstracts of Patent Specifications Recently Accepted 1138 Government Publications .................... 1142 Publications Received ........................ 1142 New Patents Connected with the Coal and Iron Trades.................................... 1142 ^Progress :— The Direct Production of Sulphate in the North of France—The Utilisation of Coke-oven Gas in the Ruhr District—Nitrogen in Coal—French Report on the Fleuss Apparatus—Price Formulse... 1127, 1128 Continental Mining Notes .............................. 1128 Coal, Iron and Engineering Companies ........ 1133 Monthly List of Recent Coal Literature...... 1136 The Coal and Iron Trades................1120—1123 The By-Products Trade ...................... 1125 The Tin-plate Trade ..............;....................... 1127 The London Coal Trade ...................... 1128 Report of Meeting:— South Wales Institute of Engineers ........... 1117 -Miscellanea :— Hull Coal Exports .......................__________ 1115 Geological Research in the Coalfields—Checking Underground Workmen .................... 1116 The Edward Medal—Action for Checkweighman^s Removal—Developments in the Barnsley District 1119 Proposed Mine Surveyors* Institute ........... 1127 Partnerships Dissolved—Yorkshire Coal Trade... 1133 Grimsby Coal Exports ....................... 1138 __________________________________________ SUBSCRIPTIONS. ________ The Colliery Guardian is published at 2.30 p.m. on Friday, and includes the latest intelligence. The Annual Sub- scription is 24s.; but if paid in advance, 21s. In both cases the charge includes delivery free by post in the United Kingdom. Post free and prepaid to Foreign Countries, £1 7s. 6d. _______________________________________ ADVERTISEMENTS. ________ ADVERTISEMENT DEPARTMENT. H. Greville Montgomery, 43, Essex-street, Strand, London, W.C., and 27, Brasenose-street, Manchester. Advertisements are inserted on the last white page and leader page at the following rates:— Situations Vacant and Wanted : One Penny per word (which must be prepaid), minimum 2s. 6d. Other Advertisements : One insertion ... 10s. Od. per inch per insertion. Three insertions 9s. 6d. ,, „ Six insertions ... 9s. Od. ,, ,, A reduction of 25 per cent, is allowed on advertisements of second-hand machinery. ______ -CONTRACT ADVERTISEMENTS. Prices for SPECIAL POSITIONS on application. Prices for ORDINARY POSITIONS Single Column (3 inches wide): For 52 insertions 2s. 6d. „ 26 „ 3s. Od. > „ 13 „ 3s. 6d. ) per insertion for each inch in depth. Double Column (6 inches wide), double the above rates. Three Columns (9 inches wide), three times the above rates. Miscounts or Commixsionit are paid to Auctioneers and Advertising Agents, (A Classified List appears on page 1144.) ___________________________________________________________ Established 1866. Patents, Designs and Trade Marks. arris and Mills, Chartered Patent Agents, 34 and 35, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. Telegraphic Address—“ Privilege, London.” Tel. No. Holbom 2763. Circular of useful information and prices for British and Foreign Patents post free. Chart of 187 Mechanical Motions with description of each, post free 6d. __________________________________ VENTILATING FANS AND ENGINES. See Advertitement appearing on front Cover of alternate Weeksi THE WADDLE PATEHT FAN AND ENGINEERING CO. LTD. Llanmore Works Llanelly. THQ F0R minerals, JjVJtiJnjJLllJljJLyO WATER AND BRINE, Boreholes for Prospecting in Underground Workings a Speciality. VIVIAN’S BORING COMPANY, PARKSIDE, CLEATOR MOOR. OVER 82 MILES OF BORINGS COMPLETED. Established 40 years. Largest experience. Telegrams—** Vivians, Parkside, Cleator Moor.” BORING for MINERALS, Ao. Solid Specimens of the Strata obtained. Established 1888. Reference if required. APP1y T0 ---- Work guaranteed. J. S. DAVIDSON & SON, St. Bee.. CUMBERLAND. ________________________________________ YEADONS’ LATEST PATENTED BRIQUETTE MACHINERY, For Coal, Coke, Iron and other Ores. ________ YEADON, SON & CO., • • • Engineers, LEEDS. World-wide Reputation. 35 Years’ Experience. AND ACCESSORIES. v WAGONS ALWAYS IN STOCK. QUICK DESPATCH. THO® W. WARD Ltd., Sheffield. Telegrams—“Forward.” Telephones—4321 (6 lines). ThO TT M £ is conducted by lllu U.ln.O. T, southern h. w. halbaum (Estab. 1883). (late H.M.I.M.) (Greenwell Medallist) men qualified to prepare you for the highest mining positions. The U.M.S. is the sure road to promotion. Employers know that OUR practical training fits men for position. That is why U.M S. men obtain and hold nearly all the best positions. 42 of H.M. Inspectors are U.M.S. men. LESSONS BY POST only. Syllabus free. Dept. A3, The U.M.S., CARDIFF. Demy Octavo, 176 pages, Cloth. Price 6s. 3d. 45 Original Photographs and Diagrams. (post free). _____ Miners’ Nystagmus: Its Causes and Prevention, By T. LISTER LLEWELLYN, M.D., B.S. (Lond.), Ac. WITH A PREFACE BY Professor J. S. HALDANE, F.R.S., M.D., AND A LEGAL APPENDIX BY DOUGLAS KNOCKER, M.B., Barrister-at-Law. ___________________ CONTENTS. Description of the Eye—Anatomy : Physiology—(1) General Description of the Disease—(2) Frequency and Resulting Incapacity—(3) Historical Account of the Disease and Theories of its Causation—(4), (5) and (6) Conditions Determining the Occurrence of Nystagmus—(7) Diagnosis and Prognosis—(8) The Etiology of Nystagmus—(9) Pre- ventive Measures and Treatment—(10) Summary and Conclusions — With Appendices: Legal Information — Glossary—References and Bibliography—The Effects of Deficiency of Oxygen on the Light of a Safety Lamp— Test of Ceag Lamp. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN COMPANY LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. _______________________________________ VA7 anted, Colliery Manager, First Class ▼ V Certificate, for permanent and responsible situation ; must have practical experience of thick coal workings in South Staffordshire.—Apply by letter to J. C. ABBOTT A CO. LTD., Princes-chambers, Corporation- street, Birmingham ; envelope marked Colliery Manager. BOROUGH OF SOUTHWARK. TENDERS FOR COAL. rphe Council of the Metropolitan Borough JL of Southwark are prepared to receive TENDERS for the supply of COAL to the Manor-place and Lavingtomstreet Baths, to be delivered at the rate of about 25 tons and 20 tons per week respectively at the Public Baths. Tenders, duly signed, must be sent in under cover endorsed “ Tender for Coal,” and addressed to the Town Clerk not later than Tuesday, the 11th June, 1913. Forms of tender may be obtained on application at the Town Clerk’s office as under. The Council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or anv tender. Southwark Town Hall. p. h. GRAY, Wai worth-road. S.E., Town Clerk. 26th May, 1913. CONTRACT FOR GAS COAL. The Maryport Urban District Council: invite TENDERS for the supply of GAS COAL for the ensuing i year, to be delivered as required at their Vault on the Maryport and Carlisle I Railway, near the Harbour. The quantity used last year was 4,620 tons. Tenders will be considered tor Best Screened, Single Screened, I Unscreened. Washed Nuts, Washed Peas, or Dry Small, the tenders to 1 specify any limitation of quantities of every description. Sealed tenders, endorsed!*Tender for Coal, Gas Department,’’Ispecifying ! the pits at which the same will be raised, to be sent to the undersigned not I _________________________________________________________________ later than Saturday, the 7 th June next. I The Council do not bind themselees to aceept the lowest or any tender. Town Hall, Maryport, F. KELLY, 27th May, 1913. Clerk to the Council. ( The Asylums Committee of the London County Council invite TENDERS from Colliery Proprietors (or their accredited sole agents) for the suppl v and delivery at the railway stations nearest to the respective Asylums, of HOUSE, STEAM, and GAS COAL, as required from 16th July, 1913, to 15th July, 1914, for the Loudon County Asylums, viz..— 1. Banstead Asylum (Belmont, L. B. and S. C. R.). 2. Bexley Asylum (Crayford, S. E. and C. R.). 3. Cane Hill Asylum (Coulsden, S. E. and C. R. or L. B. and S. C. R.). 4. Clay bury Asvlum (Woodford, G. E. R ). 5. Colney Hatch Asylum (New isouthgate, G. N. R.). 6. Hanwell Asylum (West Ealing, G. W. R.). 7. Horton Asylum (Epsom, L. B. and S. C. R. or L. and S. W. R.). 8. Loner Grove Asvlum (Ewell. L. and S. W. R.). 9. The Manor Asylum (Epsom). 10. The Epileptic Colony (Epsom). 11. Central Electric Lighting, &c., Station, Horton (Ewell, L. & S. W. R.). For the supply of GAS COAL to Hanwell Asylum, TENDERS are also invited (alternatively) for delivery by barge at the Asylum dock (Grand Junction Canal), including unloading into the Stores. Printed forms of tender (upon which alone tenders will be received), with conditions of contract and particulars of estimated quantities required, can be obtained at the office of the Asylums Committee, 6, Waterloo place, Pall Mall, 8.W. Tenders must be delivered not later than 11 a.m. on Friday, 13th June, 1913. The Asylums Committee may accept any tender as regards any one or more of the items included therein, but do not bind themselves to accept any of the tenders in whole or in part. London Asylums Committee Office, 6, Waterloo-place. S.W., 30th May, 1913. H. F. KEENE, Clerk of the Asylums Committee. TOTTENHAM URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. TO COLLIERY OWNERS. COAL AND COKE MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS. r Phe Council invite Tenders for the supply JL of GOAL and GAS COKE for the period of twelve months from the 24th June, 1913. Eorms of tender can be obtained on application to the undersigned at the Council Buildings, the Green, Tottenham, any day during office hours. Persons tendering will be required to deposit with the Treasurer when handing in their tender s, in a Bank of England note or cash, the sum of £5 in respect of each tender, which will be forfeited by the person whose tender is accepted if the contract be not executed within seven days from the date he is informed it is ready for signature, otherwise it will be repaid. This deposit will be repaid to the parties tendering who are unsuccessful. The Contractor will be required to pay all workmen on the Council’s work the recognised trade union rate of wages. Canvassing members of the Council is strictly prohibited, and if any members, agents, or representatives of firms tendering for this work inter- view or canvass members of this Council, tenders sent in from such firms will be immediately disqualified. Sealed tenders on the form supplied, endorsed ** Tender for -as ______ the case may ba, to be delivered to me by twelve o’clock noon on Tuesday, the 10th June, 1913 No other form of tender will be received. Security will be required for the due performance of the contract The Council will not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender, and reserve the right to accept a part only of any tender received. Tottenham. By order, 30th May, 1913. E. CROWNE, Clerk of the Council. _______________________________________________________________ THE PENRIKYBER NAVIGATION COLLIERY CO. LTD., PENRHIWCEIBER, R.S.O. GLAM. rphe Directors of this Company are 1 prepared to receive TENDERS for the following curing a period of twelve months from 1st July, 1913. Tenders to be in not later than Wednesday, June 4ch, 1913. Forms of tender may be obtained on application to the Secretary. No. 1. Iron and Steel. 2. Castings. 3. Bolts, Nuts. Rivets, Iron Washers and Nails. 4. Electrical Fittings. 5. Rubber, Waste, Wick, Brattice. Felt, Packing and Yarn. 6. Steam, Water and Gunmetal Fittings, &c. 7. Ironmongery, Files, Saws, Gauges, Colliers’ Tools, Helves, Shovels, and Sundry Stores. 8. Paints, Drysalteries, Brushes, Brooms. Glass, &c. 9. Pitch Pine Deals, Red Pine, best quality American Birch Boards and Deals, Poplar and Elm Curbs, Elm G and T Match and Flooring Boards and Hardwood Sprags. 10. Wire Ropes. 11. Lime and Cement. 12. Oils. Tallow and Grease. 13. Steel Rails and Sleepers. CONTRACT FOR STEAM COAL. The Mary port Urban District Council invite TENDERS for the supply of WASHED NUTS, suitable for steam purposes, in such quantities as may be required at the Waterworks Pumping Station for the ensuing year. The quantity used last year was 820 tons. The tender to specify the price net ton delivered at the Railway Station, Cockermouth, and to name the pit from which the coal will be taken. Tenders endorsed “Tender for Coal—Water Department,” to be sent to the undersigned not later than Saturday, the 7th June next. The Council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Town Hall, Maryport, F. KELLY, 27th May, 1913. Clerk of the Council. KINGSTON UNION. HOUSE AND STEAM COAL WANTED. The Guardians of the Kingston Union invite TENDERS for the supply of HOUSE COAL (approximate quantity 800 tons) for the year ending 30th June, 1914, to be delivered on the Workhouse and Infirmary Premises, Kingston, and at the Branch Work- house, Kingston-road. New Malden, as and when required, and the dust not to exceed 10 per cent. TENDERS are also invited for the supply of best Warwickshire Wyken SLACK, |in., and also POOLEY HALL NUTS, tin. to IJin., or similar COAL (approximate quantity 1,500 tons of each) for the same period, delivered at the Infirmary Premises, Kingston. Colliery certificate in each case to be forwarded immediately a consign- ment leaves the pit. Tenders are further invited for the supply of about 60 tons of best Welsh SMOKELESS STEAM COAL, and about 50 tons of best KITCHEN COAL, to be delivered as and when required at the Branch Workhouse, New Malden. Samples of coal to be sent to this office. Sealed tenders endorsed “ Tenders for Coal,” which should specify the quality to be supplied. mu-t reach me not later than Monday, the 16th prox. The Guardians are not pledged to accept any tender. The persons whose tender is accepted will be required to enter into a contract with two sureties for the faithful performance of same. Forms of tender can be obtained at my office on receipt of stamped addressed foolscap envelope. Union Offices, CHAS. W. DASH, Kingston-on-Thames, Clerk to the Guardians. 28th May, 1913. For Sale, two 6-wheeled Locos. 12 and 13 in. evlinders, just rebuilt, Leeds make.—Apply, Box 5257, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn. London, E.C. The Colliery Ready Reckoner and Wages CALCULATOR. By JAMES IRELAND. “Will be the means of preventing many disputes between pay clerks and colliers.”—Mining >'ownxl. Colliery Guardian Office, 30 A 31, Furnival-street, Holborn. London. E C Cloth limn. price Is. 6d.; post free. Is ?d. TUBES & FITTINGS. IRON AND STEEL. Tubes for Gas, Water, Steam, and Compressed Air. Electric Tramway Poles, Pit Props, High Pressure Steam Mains, Ac. JOHN SPENCER LTD., Globe Tube Works, Wbdnesbubt. J. W. BAIRD AND COMPANY PITWOOD IMPORTERS, WEST HARTLEPOOL, YRARUT CONTRACTS KNT1RKD INTO WITH COL LIB RIER OSBECK & COMPANY LIMITED, PIT-TIMBER MERCHANTS, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. SUPPLY ALL KINDS OF COLLIERY TIMBER. Txlxgrams—•* Osbxcks, NxwoASTiaroN-T'nsrx.” %• For other Miscellaneous Advertisements see Last White Page,