May 30, 1913 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1109 2 GRANDS PRIX. i Diplome d’Honneur. Kgl. Preussische. International Exhibition, Brussels, 1910. Staatsmedaille, 1911. Dusseldorf, 1902. HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSORS. COMPRESSED AIR HAULING LOGOMOTIVES up to 3,000 lb. per square inch. High Pressure Pipes. Valves and Charging Apparatus. Low Pressure Compressors and Turbo Compressors. COMPRESSED AIR HAMMER DRILLS holding WORLD’S RECORD for work done in Loetschberg Simplon Tunnel =327 yards 8 inches in Limestone in one month. 276 yards 20 inches in Granite in one month. AU COMPRESSED AIR TOOLS for Mining, Quarrying and Excavating. Sil cl ft Sinking, Tuim611in^, Drifting, and all kinds of Mining Work undertaken by Contract with our own men and tools. Write for Estimates to our Sole Agent for Great Britain— A. KLEIN, Mining Engineer, Dronfield, near Sheffield. RUDOLPH MEYER A.G,, Mu 1 heini~Ruhr. Ho not miss SUmd 37, Rom E, at the Mininy Machinery Exhibition, Royal Agricullurtil Hall, London, May 39 to June 7, 1913. Renold Chain Drive to 150 h.p. Haulage Gear at Pease & Partners, Waterhouse Colliery, Durham. ■J r 1 : • W’i k L*’ ! I__________ ,. ...... ■ u •' Renold Chain Drives in Collieries are rapidly increasing in favour because of the decided advantages this form of transmission possesses over all others. Chain Drives being positive, tension is not required to make the chains grip the sprockets as is the case with belts and pulleys. Because of this, journal friction is reduced to the minimum, and owing to the entire absence of slip there is little waste of power. Chain Drives solve with an added efficiency the difficulties of drives in cramped or awkward positions, and are often the only satisfactory method where heat, oil or moisture are present. In addition to the foregoing advantages, Benold Silent Chains run silently, smoothly and sweetly, without any racking to pieces of either driving or driven machinery. Because Renold Silent Chains transmit S8 per cent, of the power, not merely when first Installed, but until the chain, after long life, is absolutely worn out : they are at once the most economical and efficient means of power transmission. Write us about your power transmission difficulties and at the same time ask for our 130 page illustrated*book “ Renold Driving Chains and their 'Use," free on application. HANS RENOLD Ltd., Progress Works, MANCHESTER. ’ E 198. Class L.—“ Koster ” Two-Stage Compressor. BAILEY’S “KOSTER” AIR COMPRESSOR. Steam, Belt, or Electric Driven. In all sizes for ail purposes. HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL. Fitted with the Pioneer of all Compressor Piston Valves. HIGHEST EFFICIENCY. . SIMPLEST CONSTRICTION. LOWEST UPKEEP. Fewer moving parts than any other. Only one Outlet Vak */ Some of the Principal Users. Indian Government (four Compressors); Manchester Corporation Hydraulic Power Station; Wynnstay Collieries, Buabon; Pearson & Knowles Coal and Iron Co. Ltd., Lancs.; Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron and Coal Co. Ltd., Moss Hall Colliery Co. Ltd Wigan, &c.; South Eastern and Chatham Railway Company ; Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co., &c. See oar Special List I*io. 1311. Sm W. H. BAILEY & CO. LD., IX. Salford, Manchester. OF HIGHEST ECONOMY. HOLDS THE RECORD FOR DURABILITY. “ The Pump with the Simplest Slide Valve I ” USES 50 PER CENT. LESS STEAM THAN ORDINARY PUMPS. ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE IN ACTION. VERTICAL OR HORIZONTAL. "V-A.1 h O - - — - Fig. Id.—“ Davidson ” Boiler Feed Pump. For any Pressure with Pistons or Earns. BAILEY’S “DAVIDSON” PATENT STEAM PUMP