May 30, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARLIAH. 1103 -’S’- Ai'J 3 ■ ■ '7<" « * *i ... -*>; * A range of " Bennis ” self-cleaning furnaces of the type that will burn your waste material at a profit, keeping clear, strong fires, plenty of steam, and smokeless chimneys. The “Bennis” Patent Self- cleaning Furnace, arranged for hand-fring in Collieries. With this furnace pit rubbish, slats, bats, splints and tops and bottoms, usually thrown on the tip, may be used for firing, the result being clear, strong fires and increased boiler duty. The clinker and ash are carried automatically to the back of the grate and deposited in the clinker pit. For full particulars, write for ‘ Cheap Steam for Collieries ” pamphlets, to Ed. Bennis & Co. Ltd., Little Hulton, Bolton. London Office : 28, Victoria Street, S.W. Telegrams—“BELLISS, BIRMINGHAM.” Telephones—CENTRAL, 4480/1. Established 1852. London Office— 8, Victoria Street, S.W. BELLISS & M0RC0M LIMITED, Engineers, BIRMINGHAM, STEAM DRIVEN AIR COMPRESSOR. ./-/-J /—/ I I “BELLISS” SELF-LUBRICATING AIR COMPRESSORS One, two, three, or four stages. STEAM, MOTOR, BELT OR ROPE DRIVEN. From 250 to 15,000 c f. per min., for Collieries, Mines, Workshops, Rock Drills, Air Lifts. ENGLAND. J 1 ■ 4f> $K MOTOR DRIVEN AIR COMPRESSOR. FOR HANDLING OF SLIMES AND OTHER PURPOSES.