1098 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. Mat 30, 1913. _____________________________________ INDEX TO ADVERTISERS With AAAmemmmflio Ackroyd and Best Ld___...........Lamps, Morley ........... 1099 Alldays & Onions Pneumatic Engng. Co. Ld... Alldays, Birmingham Allen, Alfred, and Son La.........Allen, Lower Gornal....... 1110 Allen, W. G., & Sons (Tipcon) Ld____Allens, Tipton............. 1102 Alley and Maclellan Ld_____________Alley, Glasgow ........... — Appleton and Howard ................................__________ 1102 Aqueous Works & Diamond Book Boring Co. Ld....Aqueous, London — Asbestos and General Paint Co. Ld...Asbestos, Birmingham ... — Association of Private Owners of Bailway Bolling Stock ......... — Auld, David, and Sone Ld__________Beducing, Glasgow ....... — Avonside Engine Co. Ld...........Loco, Bristol ............. 1102 ....... Bagnall, W. G., Ld.................Bagnall, Stafford ......... — Bailey, Sir W. H., and Co. Ld.......Beacon, Manchester....... 1109 Baird, J. W., and Co................Baird, West Hartlepool ... 1124 Baxer, John, and Son .....................................______ 1097 Baker Oil Separator Co. Ld.........Exhaust, Leeds___________ 1099 Barclay, Andrew, Sons, and Co. Ld.... Barclay son, Kilmarnock ... 1147 Barns, W., and Son................Perforation, London ...Cov'i v Beiliss and Morcom Ld.............Beiliss, Birmingham....... 1103 Bennis, Ed., and Co .Ltd...........Bennis, Little Hulton ..... 1103 Bever, Dorling and Co. Ld..........Foundry, Bradford ....... — BTiam By. Car. A Wagon Co. Ld....Carriage, Smethwick, B’ham — Bleicherts Aerial Tra isporters Ld. ...Bleichert, London........ 1097 •• Board of Trade Journal" ................................. ____________ — Bradley & Craven Ld...............Craven, Wakefield......... ......... Bridge, David, and Co. Ld. ...Coupling, Castleton, Manchester ... 1110 Briquette Machinery Ld...........Briquette, Leeds ....................... — Bristol A South Wales By. Wagon Co... Finance, Bristol_______ 1097 ••British Clay-worker".............Clayworker. London....... 1097 British Explosives Syndicate Ld....Cordite, Glasgow .......Ckverii British H.E. Power Gas Eng. Co. Ld., &Fr iser & Chalmers Ld.... — British Insulated and Helsby Cables Ld....Insulator, Presoot ___ 1143 British Mannesmann Tube Co. Ld...Tubulous, London............__ 1143 British Oxygen Co. Ld.............Brins, Oxygen, London ... 1099 British Wagon Co. Ld..............Hart, Botherham.....1097, 1152 Brown, David, A Sons (Huddersfield) Ld. Gearing, Huddersfield ... 1110 Brown, W. B., and Co. (Bankhall) Ld.... Vires,Liverpool....... 1098 Bumsted and Chandler Ld..........Bags, Hednesford .......v&r ii Bute Works Supply Co. Ld..........Gething, Cardiff............ 1152 Butterworth Bros. Ld..............Glasses, Newton Heath... 1098 Cambrian Mining School ...........Mining School, Porth_____ — Cameron, John, Ld.................Original, Manchester ..... — Capell Fan Co................. Centrifuge, Newcastle-on-T. ... — *•• Ceag ’’ Electric Safety Lamp Co.Ld. Georgorum _____________ — Cham Belt Engineering Co.... ......Chainbelt, Derby.......Cov*»r iv Ohorley Bail way Wagon Co. Ld......Wagon, Chorley_____.............. 1097 Clarke, Chapman and Co. Ld. .....Cyclops, Gateshead ....... 1149 Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld. ...Solvay, Sheffield...........__ 1143 Cooke, Wm., and Co. Ld........ Cooke, Sheffield........... 1099 Oort, Arthur, and Co...............Cort, Camberwell, London... — Cotton Powder Co. Ld..............Tonita, London .......... — Glover, M., and Co..................Glovers, Leeds ___________ 1098 Glover, Wm. Jas., and Co...........Glover. St. Helens....... 1112 Gosforth Foundry Co. Ld..........Gosforth Foundry, Dronfield 1112 Great Mining Machinery Exhibition... Clay worker, London ..... 1098 Green and Boulding Ld...... .............Temperature, London..... 1098 Greene, Tweed and Co_____ .............Greene, Quancham. London 1100 Griffin, Chas., and Co. Ld...................... ............. — Guilbert-Martin....................Photophore, London....... ....... Haggie Brothers Ld______________.............Haggle, Gateshead ......... 1110 HauBy, A..................................................... 1097 Hann and IngTe................................................ 1149 Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld.... ........Hardypick, Sheffield... 1105, 1108 Harling, W. H.........__.............Clinograph, London __...... 1143 Harris and Mills ...................Privilege, London........................... 1124 Harvey, G. A., and Co. .....................Cheaper, Caar, London...... Cover i Haslam and Schontheil Ld..........“ Thor,” Cardiff........... — Hathorn, Davey and Co. Ld.........Hathorn, Leeds .........Cover i Hawthorn, Leslie and Co. Ld.... ......Locomotive, Newcastle-on-T. 1152 Head, Wrightsonand Co. Ld.... Teesdale, Stockton-on-Tees Coueri Heenan and Froude Ld______..............Heenan, Worcester __......-. — Henderson and Glass___________.....Vulcan, Liverpool.......Uo*erii Holland Drilling Co.......................Drillistic, London......... 1098 .... Holling rake and Son...............Hollingdrake, S .ockport___ — Hopxinson, J., and Co. Ld..........Hopkinson, Huddersfield .. 1141 Horsfield, J. and J., Ld..............Vulcan, Dewsbury...................... 1099 Hudson, T., Ld................. ...................Hudson, Coatbridge....... 1110 Hull Oil Manufacturing Co. Ld.....Homco, Hull ............. 1100 Humble, Stephen................................Stephen Humble, Westmin'r 1098 international Channelling Machines Ld .Cuttabit, She’d .......... — Isca Foundry and Engineering Co. ...Isca, Newport, Mon....... 1100 Jardine, John............. .......Jardine, Nottingham ..... — Kalbitum Paint Co. Ltd. ..........Kalbitum, Belvedere _____ — Keith Jame«, & Blackman Co. Ld. James Keith, Fleet, London 1107 Kelly’s Directories Ld__________....................................... 1147 Kenyon, William, and Sons Ld______Kenyon, Dukinfield....... — King, J< hn, and Co.................King, Leeds............... — Klein, A....................................................... 1109 Knowles Oxygen Co. Ld............Oxygen, Wolverhampton... 1097 Koppers Coke Oven and Bye-Product Co. ..Kochs, Sheffield ...... 1151 Lancashire A York. WagonCo.Ld.......Wagon, Heywood...........__ 1097 Lancaster and Tonge Ld...... ............Pistons, Manchester......... Covet i Latch and Batchelor La.............Latch, Hay Mills ......... — Leamore Brick and Tile Co__________Bricks, Walsall .................... H24 1145 1112 1109 1152 1097 ,.. 1107 1107 1097 Coveri Pryor, Edward, and Son .............Pryor, Sheffield........... — Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld......Pulsometer, London __............Covsri Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld. ....Pulsometer, Beading .........Cover i Queen's Hotel .....................Queen's Hotel, Manchester 1143 Badford B. Heber, Son, and Squire...Badtord, Sheffield _____ Reddaway, F., and Co. Ld...........Anchorage, Manchester .. Beavell and Co. Ld..................Beavell, Ipswich....... Benold, Hans, Ld...................Driving, Manchester ... Renton, B. M., and Co................Benton, Sheffield ... Bigley, William___________________Bigley, Bulwell ........ Bo bey and Co. Ld............ .................Bobey, Lincoln .......,, Boburite Explosives Co. Ld............Boburite, London ........... Boburite Explosives Co. Ld............Boburite, Gathurst .... Bolling Stock Company........__......Bolingstok, Darlington .< Boyles Ld............ ........................ Elyor, Cadishead........__ Bussell, John, and Co. Ld.............Alma, Walsall.................... “Scandinavia” BeltingLd.............Scandinavia, London ..... 1098 Scott, Walter, Ld........ ................Bessemer, Leeds_____ ___.... 1111 Shaw, John, Ld....................Shaw, Sheffield..............................__ 1099 Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Co. Ld...Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent.... 1110 Sheppard and Sons Ld..............Sheppard, Bridgend.....................Oov*v iii " Shipping World "...................Shipping World, London ... 1149 Siebe, Gorman and Co. Ld............Siebe, London.................... 1112 Simon-Carves Ld. .................Simcar, Manchester .................. — Smallman, J. W....................Smallman, Nuneaton _____1151 Southern, T. A., and H. W. Halbaum..................................... 1124,1152 South Wales Institute of Engineers_______________________ 1151 ...... Spencer and Co. Ld.................Spencer, Melksham . — Spencer, John, Ld_______............_____Tubes, Wednesbury ........... 1124 Spurr, Inman and Co. Ld.___..........Spurinman. Wakefield ........ 1152 Standard Engineering Co. Ld.......Standard, Leicester__.............__ 1102 Stanley, W. F., and Co. Ld______........Turnstile, London......... 1100 Stewarts and Lloyds Ld_____...........Lloyds, Birmingham .....Cover i Stewarts and Lloyds Ld..............Lapweld, Glasgow ...............__...Cow** i Stringer, John, and Son....... ...........Stringer, Blackburn .... ... 1152 Sullivan Machinery Co......................................... — Summerson, Thos., and Sons Ld. ....Summerson,Darling^ ... rJovw ii Sutcliffe, Bichard...................Sutcliffe, Horbury.......................... 1102 Sweet and Maxwell Ld..............Subjicio, London ... Talbot, Clement, Ld........ ..............Clemtal, London . ... Tangyes Ld.........................Tangyes, Birmingham ..... Theedam, E. 0., Ld________...............Theedam, Dudley ...... Thomas and Bishop .............Velcling, London ....................... Thomas, E., and Williams Ld............Lamps, Aberdare _____........ .... 1107 Thompson and Co. ................. ...........Spiegel, Wigan .......__ Covvrii Thompson and Southwick Ld. .....Pulleys, Tamworth ............ 1149 Thomson Brothers (Dunfermline) Ld.... Minerals, Dunfermline .. 1112 Thornton, A. G., Ld................Drawing, Manchester .... ... — Thomewill and Warham Ld____Thornewill’s, Burton-on-Trent Cover iii Treasure, J. B., and Co....... ..........Treasure, Liverpool ....... ’ * “Trefor ” Boring A Mining Co. Ld....Trefor, Brussels........... Trier Bros..........................Viscosity, London............................... Tuck and Co. Ld.___.'..................Tucks, Liverpool ..... Turbon Patent Fan Co. Ld.........Fan, Llanelly ......... Underfeed Stoker Co. Ld....... ..........Underfeed, London ....... United States Metallic Packing Co. Ltd....Metallic, Bradford .. ... Universal Mining School _______...............................__ 1124,1152 Uskside Engineering Co. Ld. .....Uskside, Newport, Mon............ 1105 Vivian’s Boring Co..............Vivians, Parkside, Oleator Moot 1124 WaddlePatentFanAEngineeringCo. Ld....Fan, Llanelly_____........... 1124 Wailes, Dove and Co. Ld..... ...........Bitumastic, Newcastle-on-T. 1111 Wakefield, 0. O., and Co............Cheery, London ____________ — Walker Brothers (Wigan) Ld........Pagefleld, Wigan __..................__ — Walker Hill and Co______________„_____________________________ “ 1145 Coulson, M., and Co. Ld.......Coulson Ld., Spennymoor.......Oov«t iv Oousland, Alex,, and Son __.................................... .............. — Cren er Lamp and Engr. Co. Ltd....Cremer, Leeds...........Cot'fi Curtis's A Harvey Ld. Gunpr., London, A Curtis's, London....... 1104 Daglish, B., and Co. Ld.............Daglish, St. Helens ...................__ — Darlington and Co_____________.............................._________ 1147 Davidson and Co. Ld...............Sirocco, Belfast ........... 1111 Davidson, J. S., and Son................................._______ 1124 Davis, E...........................Davis, Leeds ............. 1110 Davis* John, and Son (Derby) Ld....Davis, Derby ....;.........__ 1100 Diamond Coal-Cutter Co...............Diamond, Wakefield.....Oo*«r i ........... Earle, G. and T. (1912), Ld..........Cement. Hull ................... 1100 Electric Blasting Apparatus Co. Ld...Blasting, Serridge Junction — Elliot, George, and Co. Ld.........Elliot Co., London .....Oooer ii Evans, D. Llewellin.................Brattice, Cardiff __......................Cover ii Evans, Joseph, A Sons (Wolverh’pton Ld.) Evans, Wolverhampton — Ewart's Chain Co....................Ewarts, Derby .........Cover iv Exol Company ..... Fairclough and Sons. Farnley Iron Co. Ld. Fell. O. A.................. Firth, William, Ld............ ■Fletcher, W. J............. Foot, Rowland, G., and Co. Foyle, W. and G........... Fraser and Chalmers Ld.... ........................................... 1105.......... ............ ........................................._____________ 1152 ...............Farnley, Leeds .........Cover i Frood, Herbert, Co. Ld. Frost, Albert, and Co... Furse. W. J............ Gillott, John, and Son .. .Fell, DronfieJd ........... 1105 .Bails, Leeds..............__ 1112 .Fletcher, Vet, Wrexham ... 1107 ............................. 1102 ............................ 1143 Vanner. London __.............. — ..........Friction, Chapel-en-le-Frith ... 1104 ............Alfro, Sheffield ........... 1106 ............Furse, Nottingham ....... — ............Gillott, Barnsley_____ 1145,1152 Leech, Goodall and Co..............Vertical, Leeas........... 1149 Legard and Son....................Legard, Barnsley ...........................__ 1111 Lewis, Edwin, and Sons.............Lewis, Wolverhampton ... 1110 Lewis, William, and Son ...........Robert Lewis, Bilston __............. 1097 Lincoln Wagon and Engine Co. Ld. ...Wagon, Lincoln........... 1097 Llewellyn and Cubitt Ld............Cubitt, Pentre ........... — Lockwood, Crosby, and Son .......Crosby Lockwood, London — Longbotham, B. H., and Co. Ld.....Engineer, Wakefield....... 1152 Lowmoor Co. Ld.............Ironworks, Lowmoor, Bradford ... — Liihrig Coal A Ore Dressing Appliances Ld....Nettoyage, London... 1145 Mann’s Patent Steam Cart A Wagon Co. Ld. Canning, Lee is ... 1143 Marple and Gillott Ld..............Ferric, Sheffield...................... 1152 Mather and Platt Ld...............Sprinkler, Manchester..... —• Mavor and Coulson Ld______.............Prodigious, Glasgow.......__ — Merryweather and Sons.............Merryweather, London ... 1110 Meyer, Budolf, A.G________________________________.......................................... 1109 Middleton, Bobert .................Hydraulic, Leeds ......... 1097 Midland By. Car. A Wagon Co. Ld....Wagon, Birmingham ..... — Mining Appliances Co..............Conveyor, Sheffield ....... 1139 Mining Engineering Co. Ld........'..Meco, Sheffield................ 1101 Mov, Thomas, Ld...................Moy, Peterboro’...........................__ 1097 ... ..... M.S. Electric Gas Detonator Lamps .......................... 1107 Mudford. J. H., and Sons......... Tenting, Sheffield ...............Oovarii New Calyx Drill and Boring Co. Ld....Calyx, London ........... — Newton, Chambers and Co. Ld.......Newton, Sheffield......... 1112 Nobel’s Explosives Co. Ld...........Nobel, Glasgow .......Ovvet iii Northern Bubber Co___...............Rubber, Sheffield .......Cover iv Nortons (Tividale) Ld...............Screening, Tipton..... Oov«riv Orenstein & Koppel—Arthur Koppel...Alightirg, London ........ 1147 Ormerod, Edward...............................Ormerod, Atherton, Man'ter — Osbeck and Co. Ld............. Osbecks, Newcastle-on-Tyne 1124 Pearn, Frank, and Co. Ld...........Pumps, Manchester....... — Peokett and Sons____________...............Peckett, Bristol... Covwii, 1152 Penningtons _____ ........................................... 1152 Phillips, Charles D.................Machinery, Newport ..... — Pillatt and Co. Ld..................Pillatt, Stapleford, Notts ... 1112 Plowright Bros. Ld.............. Plowright Bros., Ohes’fleld 1111 Primus Patents Co..................Primordial, Oldham....... — 1149 1100 1102 Walker, Thos., and Son Ld............Shiplog, Birmingham __............................ —• Ward, T. W., Ld......................Forward. Sheffield....................................1124,1152 Waterfall, H. and B., and Barber___Niagara, Sheffield......................... Cover iv Wellington Tube Works Ld...........Vigilantia, Tipton........Cove* ii White, Geo.............................White, Saddler, Normanton Whittaker, O., and Co. Ld_____..........Bricks, Accrington...................Coveri Wigan Wagon Co. Ld........ ......................Wagon, Wigan ____________ 1097 Willcox, W. H., and Co. Ld. .........Willcox, Southwark St. ____..... 1143 Witton Fire Brick Co. Ld.... ••••••••••••»»••••••••••••»•••••••••••••eveesvasoai•••••• 1097 Wood, John, and Sons Ld. .........Haulage, Wigan _........................_____ 1106 Wootton Brothers Ld..................Wootton, Coalville ......................................_ — Wright’s Forge A Engineering Co. Ld. ..Wright, Tipton ...................._ 1100 Yeadon. Son and Co_________......................Yeadon, Leeds _______ 1124 Yorkshire Boiler Co. Ld_______................Steam, Bradford............. Yorkshire Engine Co. Ld..............Engine, Sheffield..._____........................... 1152 Yorkshire Hennebique Contracting Co. Ld. ..Ferro, Leeds ...... 1098 Youngs.................................Oldens, Birmingham............ — Classified List on Pass 1144 Where the Numeral 1« absent the Advertisement does not appear In the present issue. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Diploma ol Hoooim, Brussels, 188?. MEDALS, MEDALS Paris. Cornwall. Glasgow. London, Newcastle. Chicago. Paris. Cornwall. Glasgow. London. Newcastle Chicago. STEPHEN HUMBLE'S PATENT IMPROVED “KING'S” HOOK, WITH AUTOMATIC LOWERING ARRANGEMENT, SOLID FORGED THICKENED INNER PLATES and FULL BEARING on SHACKLE PINS. For High-speed Winding and Heavy Loads. Sole Matter— stephen humble, Westminster Chambers, 9, Victoria St., LONDON, S.W. ________________________________ A BUSINESS^^l \ Chips and Sawdust FIRELIGHTERS. 4 \ ‘ Glover’s Patent Machinery. k S ENORMOUS PROFITS. < V IVI. GLOVER & CO., Saw Mill Engineers, LEEDS.S ________________________________ ___________________ “BUFFALO’’INJECTOR Operated Entirely by One Handle, Steam Buotiqn , Telegrams: “Temperature, London." Telephone: 12455 Central. F"*.I Class A lifts 24 ft. Class B lifts 12 ft. Illustrated r-XftBoitta price List on application to GREEN & BOULDING LD.. 28, New Bridge St, LONDON, E.C. Agents—THOS. HILL A CO., ___ 66, 68, Robertson St.,Glasgow. WIRE ROPES ______ W. B. BROWN & Go. (BANKHALL) Ltd Globe Works, Liverpool Telephone-Central 285. YEADON, SON & CO., ALBION PLACE LEEDS. Telephones—213 8f 445 Bootle. __________________ FERRO-CONCRETE CONSTRUCTIONS. Buildings of every description, Water Towers, Bridges, Pile Foundations, Headgears. ______________ THE Yorkshire Hennebique Contracting Go. Ld., Kirkstall Road, LEEDS. _______ THE HOLLAND DRILLING CO., HEERLEN, HOLLAND. CONTRACTORS for deep Barings for Oil, Coal, Gas and. Minerals—Contractors to the Datcu Government. SPECIALISTS in Shaft Sinking through Quicksands by freezing systems. MANUFACTURERS of combined Rotary and Percussion Drilling Plants for all depths to 6.000 feet, with Mud or Saline Flush. THE HOLLAND CORE BARREL enables Cores to be extracted from soft formations and mineral deposits. For/urfTier particulars apply to— The Manager, Department “C,” JOHN WELLS, Cross Keys House, 56, Moorgate Street, London, E.C. Telephone—2273 Wall. Telegrams—“ Drillistic, London.” PATENT RE INFORCED CABLE SLINGS FOR SUSPENDING ELECTRIC CABLES __________________________________________ COXJJLilEZRTESS. BUTOUOHEN