1070 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 23, 1913. CONTENTS. PAGE Editorial Article :— Incandescent Gas and Benzol ................. 1071 Articles The Cadeby Main Colliery Explosion............ 1057 Compressed-air Pit Locomotives ............... 1060 The Draft General Regulations................. 1063 The Forthcoming Mining Machinery Exhibition ... 1063 The Series-wound Electric Motor Working at Constant Pressure and with Constant Current ... 1064 Approved Safety Lamps ...................... 1065 Labour and Wages......................................... 1072 Mining and Other Notes ...................... 1073 Book Notices................................. 1073 Catalogues and Price Lists Received............ 1073 On the Kinetic Theory of Gases ............... 1075 The Cadeby Colliery Explosions ............... 1076 Notes from South Wales...................... 1077 The Freight Market ......................__ 1078 Open Contracts ..........................________ 1080 Abstracts of Patent Specifications Recently Accepted 1082 New Patents Connected with the Coal and Iron Trades.................................... 1086 Publications Received ........................ 1086 Government Publications .................... 1086 Continental Mining Notes .................... 1076 Coal, Iron and Engineering Companies ........ 1078 The Coal and Iron Trades....................1066—1069................. The By-Products Trade ...................... 1069 The Tin-plate Trade .......................... 1072 The London Coal Trade ...................... 1074 Miscellanea :— Hull Coal Exports ........................... 1060 Hull Coal Imports—Northumberland and Durham Miners’ Permanent Relief Fund .............. 1063 Grimsby Coal Exports ........................ 1065 Ambulance Work in Mines: The Wood Competi- tion ...................................... 1069 Maps of South Wales Coalfield................. 1072 Perchlorate Explosives—Partnerships Dissolved ... 1076 New Fife Colliery Village—The late Mr. W. H. Pickering : Memorial Unveiled at York ...... 1077 A Successful Relief Society.................... 1080 ___________________________________________ SUBSCRIPTIONS. ________ The Colliery Guardian is published at 2.30 p.m. on Friday, and includes the latest intelligence. The Annual Sub- loription is 24s.; but if paid in advance, 21s. In both cases the charge includes delivery free by post in the United Kingdom. Post free and prepaid to Foreign Countries, £1 7s. 6d. _______________________________________..... ADVERTISEMENTS. ________ ADVERTISEMENT DEPARTMENT. H. Grbvillb Montgomery, 43. Essex-street, Strand, London, W.C., and 27, Brasenose-street, Manchester. Advertisements are inserted on the last white page and leader page at the following rates:— Situations Vacant and Wanted : One Penny per word (which must be prepaid), minimum 2s. 6d. Other Advertisements : One insertion ... 10s. Od. per inch per insertion. Three insertions 9s. 6d. ,, „ Six insertions ... 9s. Od. ,, ,, A reduction of 25 per cent, is allowed on advertisements of second-hand machinery. ________ per insertion for each inch in depth. CONTRACT ADVERTISEMENTS. Prices for SPECIAL POSITIONS on application. Prices for ORDINARY POSITIONS :— Single Column (3 inches wide): For 52 insertions 2s. 6d. „ 26 „ 3s. Od. ,, 13 ,, 3s. 6d. Double Column (6 inches wide), double the above rates. Three Columns (9 inches wide), three times the above rates. Discounts or Commissions are paid to Auctioneer* and Advertising Agents. (A Classified List appears on page 1088.) •#*The offices of this Journal are at 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. Cheques, &c., to be made payable to the Colliery Guardian Co. Limited. All remittances should be crossed & Co. Postage stamps should not be remitted for amounts exceeding one shilling. Established 1866. Patents, Designs and Trade Marks. arris and Mills, Chartered Patent Agents, 34 and 35, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. Telegraphic Address—** Privilege, London.” Tel. No. Holborn 2763. Circular of useful information and prices for British and Foreign Patents post free. Chart of 187 Mechanical Motions with description of each, post free 6d. VENTILATING FANS AND ENGINES. See Advertitement appearing on front Cover of alternate Weekt. THE WADDLE PATENT FAN AND ENGINEERING CO. LTD. Llanmore Works Llanelly. The Oldest Diamond Drill Company. Established 1872. JfrORING MINERALS. SPEED AND CERTAINTY. CYLINDRICAL “ CORES.” THE AQUEOUS WORKS and DIAMOND ROCK-BORING Co. Ltd Guildford St., York Road, Lambeth, London, S.E. Besides numerous other important Contracts, completed (in 1897) the Deepest Boring in the United Kingdom to 3,500 ft. Great Experience n Boring for WATER. LOCOMOTIVES For Sale or Hire. ALWAYS IN STOCK. QUICK DESPATCH. THO? W. WARD Ltd., Sheffield. Telegrams—“Forward.” Telephones—4321 (6 lines). HEAD, WRICHTSON AND CO. LTD., --------- FOR - COLLIERY PLANT. See Illustrated Page Advertisement in May 9 issue. The U.M.S. (Estab. 1883). men qualified to is conducted by T. A. SOUTHERN H. W. HALEAUM (late H.M.I.M.)' (Greenwell Medallist) ____________ prepare you for the highest mining positions. The U.M.S. is the sure road to promotion. Employers know that OUR PRACTICAL TRAINING FITS MEN FOR POSITION. That is why U.M S. men obtain and hold nearly all the best positions. 42 of H.M. Inspectors are U.M.S. men. LESSONS BY POST only. Syllabus free. Dept. A3, The U.M.S., CARDIFF. Briquette Machinery Ltd 161, Water Lane, LEEDS. Machinery for Briquetting Peat, Lignite, Coke, Coal, Iron, Copper, Nickel, Cement; Also Sawdust, Waste Cereals, Offals, Sewage. PATENT COAL DRIER. Demy Octavo, 176 pages, Cloth. 45 Original Photographs and Diagrams. _______ Price 6s. 3d. (post free). Miners’ Nystagmus: Its Causes and Prevention, By T. LISTER LLEWELLYN, M.D., B.S (Lond.), &c. WITH A PREFACE BY Professor J. S. HALDANE, F.R.S., M.D., AND A LEGAL APPENDIX BY DOUGLAS KNOCKER, M.B., Barrister-at-Law. CONTENTS. Description of the Eye—Anatomy : Physiology—(1) General Description of the Disease—(2) Frequency and Resulting Incapacity—(3) Historical Account of the Disease and Theories of its Causation—(4), (5) and (6) Conditions Determining the Occurrence of Nystagmus—(7) Diagnosis and Prognosis—(8) The Etiology of Nystagmus—(9) Pre- ventive Measures and Treatment—(10) Summary and Conclusions — With Appendices: Legal Information — Glossary—References and Bibliography—The Effects of Deficiency of Oxygen on the Light of a Safety Lamp— Test of Ceag Lamp. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN COMPANY LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. _______________________________________ NEW FORMS, &c.. RECENTLY ISSUED UNDER THE COAL MINES ACTS. ____ ____ - See Page 1079. - Lattice Girder Bridge as per illustration, 96 ft. long, 7 ft. by 7 ft. inside, in three lengths, has been across L. & N.W. Railway, FOR SALE—Apply, LEAMORE BRICK CO., Walsall. Clarke, Chapman & Co. Id., VICTORIA WORKS, ————— GATESHEAD. SPECIALISTS in Colliery Power Plant, Water Tube Boilers (“WOODESON” PATENTS), ________ - PUMPS------------ FOR ALL DUTIES, ELECTRIC AND STEAM. Haulage and Winding Gears. THE SOUTH WALES COALFIELD. PART II. By Henry K. Jordan, F.G.8. (Past President and first Gold Medallist of the South Wales Institute of Engineers). This Paper, which deals with the western part of the Coalfield, has just been published by the South Wales Institute of Engineers. It consists of 81 pages of printed matter with Sections and Diagrams. The largo drawings are issued separately and comprise:— 1. A Horizontal Section across the anthracite region of Llandybie and Pant-y-ffynnon, and via the Dulais Valley to the sea at Swansea. It is drawn to a scale of six inches to one mile, is 8 ft. in length, mounted on linen, and geologically coloured. 2. Comparative Sections of the Lower Measures in the following areas — (A) Neath Valley. (E) Ammanford. (B) Swansea Valley. (F) Loughor Valley. (C) Brynamman District. (G) Gwendraeth District. (D) Amman Valley. (H) Gwendraeth District. These are drawn on one sheet, about 35 by 30 in., mounted on linen, to- a scale of 200 ft. to 1 in. 3. A Map of Swansea District, on a scale of 6 in. to one mile, showing: the outcrops of the coal seams. A limited number of the above are for sale, and may be obtained from The Secretary, The South Wales Institute of Engineers, CARDIFF. Price £1 Is., Postage Extra. “ The South Wales Coalfield,” Part I., by Mr. H. K. Jordan, published in 1908, price £2.2s., dealt with the eastern half of the Coalfield, and may be obtained from the Secretary. __________________________________________ Railway Wagon Works Manager Wanted; only men holding similar positions need apply.—JOHN BAKER & CO. (ROTHERHAM) LTD., Brinsworth Works, Roth-rham. XX T anted, a thoroughly competent Colliery V V ENGINEWRIGHT, one who has had experience in sinking, pumping arrangements, and constructional work : aee 33 to 38 years of age. —Apply with references, stating salary required, to STUBBS & BROWN, Mining Engineers, Market-place Chambers, 74, High-street, Sheffield. VXT anted for Colliery near Barnsley, a V y CLERK experienced in patent by-product coke oven costs and accounts ; no others need apnly.—Applications, stating aee, experience, references, &c., to Box 5243, Collier j Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival- street, Holborn, London, E.C. XXTanted for a small developing Colliery, ▼ V an ASSISTANT ELECTRICIAN thoroughly accustomed to the lay out and upkeep of colliery installations, surface and underground, on the direct current system.—Apply, stating age, experience, and full particulars, to Box 5245, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 St 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. Situation Wanted as Loco. Driver, twelve- years’ experience on railway locos., excellent references. — C HOWSLEY, Potters Bar, Middlesex. TXT'anted, a Post hy competent Man as T ▼ LEDGER CLERK or TRAVELLER; 20^ years’ experience.— Apply, “ B.A.C.T.,” Box 5092, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival- street, Holborn, London, E.C. XX anted hy a Competent Accountant, ▼ ▼ age 56, position as BOOK-KEEPER or CLERK: highest references as to character and ability.—Reply, “B.A.C.T.,” Box 5107, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. House Coal.—Traveller covering portion of the south and west of England, seeks part-time appointment as REPRESENTATIVE for a first-class colliery. Box 52 46, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. A Patent Lock Nut has now been invented called the “ Perfloc,” the title of which is registered. This nut is a perfect locking nut, and has been used in some of the largest and most important works, railways, coalmines, &c., in England and Scotland. This nut is of standard size and automatic in action, capable of being easily removed when required. All kinds of experiments have oeen made, and it has now been brought to the state of perfection to put upon the market generally. Applications for agencies have been received and are being con- sidered ; further applications will also be considered. Only first-class manufacturing engineers or firms having large connection in this class of business need apply for agencies within restricted areas in the United Kingdom.-Address, the ENGINEERING IMPROVEMENT CO. LTD., 39, St. James-street, S.W. TENDERS FOR COAL SUPPLY. rVhe Cork Steam Ship Co. Ltd. are pre- 1 pared to receive TENDERS for supply of best STEAM COAL, as follows — About 500 to 650 tons per week, delivered trimmed in steamers’ bunkers in dock, Liverpool. Tenders should state the price for any portion of the coal that the Company may elect to take at the Herculaneum Dock Tips, Liverpool, tipped on board. Also, about 40J to 550 tons per week— 1. Tipped on board in Manchester Whip Canal. 2. Trimmed in steamers’ bunkers in docks, Manchester, ex lighter. From 1st July, 1913, to 30th June, 1914. The Company do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. No special form of tender is required, but a separate tender should be made - for each port. Terms, cash monthly. Tenders to be lodged with the Cork Steam Ship Co. Ltd., 4, South Mall, Cork, not later than Wednesday, 28th May, and to be addressed to the secretary, WM. E. LLOYD. ____________ Renders are invited for the Driving of JL two STONE HEADS about 650 yards each. Only those experienced in this class of work need apply. Specification and form of tender may be obtained from the BUTTERLEY CO. LTD., Loscoe Fields, Codnor, Derby. CONTRACTS FOR COLLIERY TIMBER AND OILS. rUhe South Hetton Coal Co. Ltd. invite > TENDERS for the supply of all kinds of COLLIERY TIMBER and OILS from 1st July, 1913, to the 30th June, 1914. Forms of tender, with full conditions, may be obtained on application to Mr. J. R Lambert, South Hetton, near Sunderland. Tenders addressed to the SOUTH HETTON. COAL CO. LTD., South Hetton. near Sunderland, will be received up to 7th June.