May 23, 1913. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1053 2 GRANDS PRIX. i Diplome d’Honneur. Kgl. Preussische. International Exhibition, Brussels, 1910. Staatsmedaille, 1911. Dusseldorf, 1902. HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSORS. COMPRESSED AIR HAULING LOCOMOTIVES up to 3,000 lb. per square inch. High Pressure Pipes. Valves and Charging Apparatus. Low Pressure Compressors and Turbo Compressors. COMPRESSED AIR HAMMER DRILLS holding WORLD’S RECORD for work done in Loetschberg Simplon Tunnel = 327 yards S inches in Limestone in one month. 276 yards 20 inches in Granite in one month. AU COMPRESSED AIR TOOLS for Mining, Quarrying and Excavating. Shaft Sinking, Tunnelling, Drifting, and all kinds of Mining Work undertaken by Contract with our own men and tools. Write for Estimates to our Sole Agent for Great Britain— A. KLEIN, Mining Engineer, Dronfield, near Sheffield. RUDOLPH MEYER A.G., MullieiinRiihr. Ito not miss Stand *2*2, Kow C. at the Minin fj Machinery Exhibition, Hoyal Agricultural Hall, London, May 29 to June 1913. STEAM AND ELECTRIC HOISTS. WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN ALL KINDS OF WINDING ENGINES BOTH STEAM AND ELECTRIC. FRASER & CHALMERS. l‘P LONDON & ER.ITH. IS - Electric Hoist with Cylindro-conical Drum installed,in South African Colliery. FRASER & CHALMERS LTD. 3, London Wall Buildings, E.C. Works—ERITH, KENT. TELEGRAMS—“ VANNER, LONDON.”