1028 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 16, 1913. Carthagena or Borman, 5,500, Rotterdam, 5s. 7id., May; La Goulette, 4,200, Rotterdam, 8s., May; 3,100, West Hartlepoal, 6s. 6d., ppt.; Kherson, Nicolaieff, Novorossisk or Theodosia, 4,500, Rotterdam 9s. 3d., Antwerp 9s. 6d., Ham- burg 9s. 91., ppt.; New York, 2,874 net, Rotterdam, 2s. 9d., May; sail, 20| c., Australia; Newcastle, N S.W., sail, 21s., direct nitrate port, July; time charter, Baltic trade, 530 stds, .£525, six months; Kherson, Nicolaieff or Odessa, 4.800, London, Hull or Rotterdam, 9s., with 3d. less barley, ppt.; Poti, 5,440, Rotterdam, Ils., 800-800, ppt.; Melbourne or Geelong, 2,990 net, United Kingdom-Continent, 31s. 3d., less 6 i., May ; New Caledonia, about 6,000, 34s. 6d.; Septem- ber ; New York, 2,253 net, River Plate, basis 27 c. one port, June; Gulf timber port, 1,749 net, West Italy, basis 127s. 6d. one port, June; San Lorenzo, 4,500, 10 per cent., Genoa, 16s 91., ppt.; 4,400, 10 per cent., 16s. 6d. o.c., less 6d., June; 5,300, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 16s. o.c., less 6d., option Denmark, Is. extra one port, Is. 3d. two ports, Is. 6d. three, May; 4,500, 10 per cent., Dublin or Belfast. 16s. one port, 16s. 3d. both ports, May; Huelva, 3,600, Rotterdam, 7s. 6d., f.d., May ; Riga, 800 stds, Rouen, 30 fr., d.b. and b.; time charter, one or two round trips, delivery and redelivery United Kingdom-Continent, vid States, 4s. 3d.; Bay of Fundy, 950 stds., West Britain or East Ireland, 53s. 9d.; Campbeltown, 50s, Dublin, June; Nicolaieff, 1.663 net, Cardiff, 8< 3d., ore, May; Bulgaria, Kustendje, 4.900, Antwerp or Rotterdam, 10s. one port, 10s. l^d. two ports, 10«. 3d. three ports, ppt.; Kosichang, 7,700, Continent, 29s one p.p., 29s. 6d. two p.p., option part meal, 2s 61. extra, June; 8,100, Antwerp, Holland, Bremen or Hamburg, 28s. 61., June; La Plata, 2,614 net, London, Antwerp or Rotterdam, 14s., May; 5,500,10 per cent., Rotter- dam, 13s 9d., May-June ; Bahia Blanca, 5 600, 10 per cent., Genoa, 17s. 6d , ppt.; 6,700, 10 per cent., L.H.A R , 15s., for 2,000 tons wheat, balance oats 2s. extra, May 26- June 10; Carthagena, 3,000, Rotterdam, 7s. 7|d., t.t., May ; 2.800, Glasgow, 6s. 10|d., option, Ayrshire, 6s. 7|d., 1,SOO- SOO, May; Garrucha, 4,000, Rotterdam, 8s., f.t., May; Algiers, 3,600, Tyne Dock, 5s. 6d., May ; Adelaide, sail, 28s. 9d., United-Kingdom-Continent, option 26s. 3d. Cape; nitrate ports, sail, 24s., United Kingdom-Continent; Bombay, 21s. 6d. one port, 22s. two ports, United Kingdom-Continent; time charter, American trades, 5s. 4|d., 5s. 61.; 6s. 0|d., about six months, delivery north of Hatteras, redelivery Australia or Pacific, via West Coast Smth America; San Lorenzo, 3 600, 10 per cent., United Kingdom-Continent, 16s. 9d. o.c., less 6d., June; 4,200, 17s. o.c., less 6d., June; Santa Fe, 2,800, 10 per cmt., United Kingdom-Continent, 17s. o.c., less 6d., May-June; Colastine or Santa Fe, 1,885 net, Continent, 22s, Quebracho, June; Port Breira, 4,500, Sunderland, 5s. 6d., ppt.; time charter. Transatlantic trade, 4s. 3d., one round trip, delivery and re-delivery United Kingdom-Continent, via United States: Kherson, Nicolaieff or Odessa, 7,200, Rotterdam, 9s. 3d., Weser or Hamburg 9s. 6d., on d.w., ppt.; 3,400, 19s. n c., May; 5,200, Rotter- dam 8s. 6d., Antwerp 8s. 9d., Hamburg or Weser 9s., with 3d. less barley, ppt.; Novorossisk, 6,500, Weser or Hamburg, 9s., ppt.; Calcutta, 6,000, Bombay, 7 rs., early June; New York, 2,436 net, Brazil, basis 27|c. one port, June. CMTRACTS OPES FOR COAL AHO COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Belfast, May 26.—The Tramways and Electricity Com- mittee of the Belfast Corporation invite tenders for—(A) The supply of about 40,000 tons of coal; (B) the supply of 2,000 tons ndditional for special delivery; (C) lighterage. Forms of tender and conditions of contract may be obtained from Mr. T. W. Bloxam, city electrical engineer, East Bridge-street, Belfast. Duplicate 2 cwt. samples of the coal offered to be delivered, properly labelled, at the Elec- tricity Works, Belfast, not later than May 26. Sealed tenders endorsed “ Tender for Coal (or Lighterage), Elec- tricity Department,” must be lodged in my office not later than 10 a.m. on Monday, May 26, 1913. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A tender if sent by post must be registered; if delivered by hand, an official receipt must be obtained for it, otherwise the undersigned will not be responsible. R. Meyer, town clerk. Carlisle, May 28.—The council is prepared to receive tenders for the supply of 7,000 tons of small steam coal. Specification with general conditions and form of tender may be obtained from the undersigned at the Electricity Offices, Victoria Viaduct, Carlisle, upon payment of a deposit of 10s., which will be returned after the tenders have been adjudicated upon, provided a bona fide tender is sent in by the date specified and not withdrawn. Sealed tenders endorsed “ Tender for coal supply ” must reach the under- signed not later than the first post on Wednesday, May 28, 1913. Fredk. W. Purse, city electrical engineer, Electricity Offices, Victoria Viaduct, Carlisle. Cork, May 28.—The Cork Steamship Company Limited are prepared to receive tenders for supply of best steam coal, as follows: About 500 to 650 tons per week, delivered trimmed in steamers’ bunkers in dock, Liverpool. Tenders should state the price for any portion of the coal that the company may elect to take at the Herculaneum Dock Tips, Liverpool, tipped on board. Also about 400 to 550 tons per week (1) tipped on board in Manchester Ship Canal; (2) trimmed in steamers’ bunkers in docks, Manchester, ex lighter. From July 1, 1913, to June 30, 1914. The com- pany do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. No special form of tender is required, but a separate tender should be made for each port. Terms, cash monthly. Tenders to be lodged with the Cork Steamship Company Limited, 4, South Mall, Cork, not later than Wednesday, May 28, and to be addressed to the secretary, Wm. E. Lloyd. London, June 4.—The Commissioners of H.M. Works, &c., are prepared to receive tenders from colliery owners or the sole sale agents of collieries for the supply at pit of house coal, Midland hard steam coal, Midland small steam nuts, and anthracite, during a period of one year from July 1, 1913. Forms of tender, conditions of contract, and all particulars may be obtained on application to the Controller of Supplies, H.M. Office of Works, 18, Queen Anne’s-gate, Westminster, S.W. The Commissioners do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Tenders must be delivered before 11 a.m. on Wednesday, June 4, 1913, addressed to the Secretary, H.M. Office of Works, &c., Storey’s Gate, London, S.W., and endorsed “ Tender for house coal ” or “ Tender for Midland hard steam coal,” &c., &c., as the case may be. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Ardfert (Tralee).—For the supply of coal, delivered at their creameries, Ardfert, Listrim, and Banemore, for 12 months, commencing June 15, 1913, for the Ardfert Co-operative Agricultural and Dairy Society Limited. Barming and Chartham (Kent), June 3.—For supply of about 4,000 tons of steam coal, 1,200 tons of household coal, 950 tons of gas coal, and 105 tons of baker’s coal to the asylums at Barming Heath (near Maidstone) and Chartham (near Canterbury), for the Kent County Asylums Committee. Barrow-in-Furness, May 20. — For the supply of screened gas coal and cannel, for the year ending June 30, 1914, for the Corporation. Belfast, May 22.—For one year’s supply of steam coal for the Municipal Technical Institute (amount required from 400 to 500 tons), for the Corporation. Birkenhead, May 19.—For the supply of washed slack or washed email coal, for the Corporation, delivered at the Corporation’s electricity generating stations, situate in Bentinck-street, Craven-srreet, and New Chester-road respectively, for a period of 12 months commencing July 1 and ending June 30, 1914. Mr. W. Wyld, M.I.M.E., M.I.E.E., borough electrical engineer Craven - street, Birkenhead. Bootle (Lancs.), May 28.—For the supply of coal for the six months ending December 31, 1913, and the 12 months ending June 30, 1914, for the Corporation. Brighton, May 26.—For the supply to the Corporation electric power station, Southwick, near Brighton, during the 12 months commencing July 1,1913, of not less than 20,000 or more than 24,000 tons of single washed nuts, or, alternatively, for the supply of a like quantity per year during the three years commencing on the aforesaid date, for the Corporation. Chester, May 21.—For the supply of slack, for the directors of the Chester Waterworks Company, required by the company, for six and 12 months, from July 1. Colchester, May 23.—For the supply and delivery of steam coal at the Waterworks, Balkerne Hill, during one year, commencing July 1, for the Corporation. Colchester, May 27.—For the supply and delivery of about 5,000 tons steam coal at the Electricity Supply Works, Osborne-street, for a period of 12 months from July 1, 1913, to June 30, 1914, for the Corporation (Electricity Supply Committee). Colchester, May 31.—For the supply of coal and coke to the Essex County Hospital, Colchester, for the Committee, from July 1, for 12 months. Coventry, May 28.—For good household coal or cobbles to be supplied to Bond’s and Ford’s Hospitals lor one year, commencing July 1, for the Church Charities. Also for the supply in the month of December next of about 60 tons, to be delivered within the city in half-tons to recipients from Cockesonnes’ and Chambers’ Charities. Croydon, June 10.—For the supply of coal and coke, for the Waterworks, Borough Hospital, Mental Hospital, Educa- tion Committee, and other places, for the year ending June 30, 1914, for the Corporation. Douglas (Isle of Man), May 19.—For the supply and delivery on Douglas Quey of one cargo of about 190 tons of good steam coal, double screened, suitable for the engines of the cable tramway, for the Tramways Committee. Dover June 2.—For the supply of about 380 tons of household coal, 1,800 chaldrons of coke, 130 tons of fine coal, 10 tons of steam coal, for the Corporation. Downham Market, June 6.—For the supply of about 60 tons of Annesley hard hand-picked coal, for the Down- ham Drainage Commissioners. Dublin, May 26.—For the supply of 55,000 or 110,000 tons of locomotive coal, to be delivered over six months or 12 months, from July 1, for the directors of the Great Northern Riilway Company (Ireland). Egremont (Cumberland), May 23.—For the supply of 2,000 tons of best screened gas coal during the year ending June 30, 1914, for the Urban District Council. Epsom, May 27.—For the supply of 450 tons of Nixon’s Navigation large washed nuts, or a similar class of coal, to the Electricity Committee, for the Urban District Council. Evesham, May 29.—For the-supply of from 500 to 3,500 tons (or less if required) of best screened gas coal during the year ending June 30, 1914, for the Corporation. Earn worth, May 21.—For the supply of 16,000 tons of screened coal or nuts, for the directors of the Farnworth and Kearsley Gas Company. Gainsborough, May 24.—For the supply of 8,000 tons of best gas coal (screened, unscreened and nuts), for the Urban District Council. Glasgow, May 27.—For the supply of such quantity of ell coal and furnace fuel as may be required for the Municipal Buildings for one year from June 2, for the Corporation. Great Dunmow, May 21.—For the supply of coal and coke, for the Essex Education Committee (Dunmow District Sub-committee), viz.:—Coals, either Annesley, Newstead or Watnal screened cobbles; best gas coke. Greenock, May 23.—For the supply of coal required for one year from July 1, for the Corporation. Ipswich.—For the supply of coal, smith’s breeze and coke, for the Corporation Education Committee. Johnstone (Scotland), June 3.—For supply of coal for 12 months from July 1, to be delivered at the gasworks, Johnstone, for the Gas Committee. King’s Lynn, May 30.—For supply of best Portland hards or other good engine coal, at per ton of 20 cwt., to be delivered at the new Wiggenhall goods siding, Great Eastern Kailway, for the Magdalen Drainage Com- missioners. Lancaster, June 2.—For the supply of house coal and slack to the Koyal Infirmary, for the Committee. Larne (Ireland), May 21.—For supplying the work- house with 300 tons Broughton Moor, St. Helens, Oughter- side, or North Wales (house) coal, best quality (screened), at per ton, for the Guardians. Leith, May 19.—For the supply (a) during the period of three months from June 2 next of 3,500 tons washed singles; or (b) during the period of 12 months from said June 2 of 11,000 tons washed singles, for the Corporation (Electricity Department). London, May 29.—For the supply of coal to the various establishments, as well as coal (out-relief), for the ensuing 12 months, for the Southwark Guardians. London, May 29.—For supplying their several establish- ments m Bancroft-road, London, E., and elsewhere, for period ending March 31, 1914, with steam coal, house coal, coke, bakers’ nuts, and smiths’ coal, for the Mile End Board of Guardians. London, May 31. — For the supply of good house- hold coal of suitable quality for burning in school grates (also anthracite) and best broken gas coke to the schools, &c., in certain areas, for the Kent Education Committee. Loughton, May 24.—For the supply of coal (Warwick- shire cobbles) and broken coke to the schools in the Epping district for one year from June 24, for the Essex Education Committee (Epping District Sub-committee). Mansfield, May 21.—For 1,000 tons of cannel and 14,000 tons of best screened gas coal, delivered at Mansfield Station for one year from July 1, 1913, to June 30, 1914, for the Corporation. Margate, May 20.—For the supply of coal to the Royal School for Deaf and Dumb Children, Margate, for the Committee. Marple (Ches.), May 26.—For the supply of gas coals as required at the Gasworks, Marple Bridge, for the Urban District Council. Middleton (Lancs), May 28.—For the supply of coal, for the Corporation, to the Gasworks. Mitchelstown (Ireland). May 22.—For a supply of 120 tons of best coal, for the Guardians. Nenagh (Ireland), May 22.—For supplying the work- house with 50 tons of best double-screened Scotch coal, delivered and weighed, for the Guardians. Newry, May 23.—For the supply and delivery of about 4,500 tons of gas coal (screened and unscreened), for 12 months, for the Urban District Council. Newtownards, May 27.—For 'the supply of 3,000 tons of good coking coal, nuts, or slack (washed or otherwise) ; also 2,000 tons of slack or washed material for steam pur- poses, for the Urban District Council. Omagh, May 28.—For the supply of 2,000 tons (or part thereof) of best gas coal (screened and unscreened), for the Urban District Council. Rawmarsh, May 19.—For the supply of 3,000 or 6,000 tons of screened and unscreened gas coal or washed nuts, for the Urban District Council. Richmond (Surrey), May 30.—For the supply of about 1 500 tons of the best smokeless steam coal, for the Corpora- tion, delivered in barges of about 40 tons alongside the wharf, opposite the Waterworks, Richmond, for one year. Rochester, May 21.—For the supply of 34,000 tons of gas coal, for the directors of the Rochester, Chatham and Gillingham Gas Company. Rotherham, May 21.—For the supply and delivery of coal, at the gasworks, Rotherham, for the Corporation. Saffron Walden, May 24.—For the supply of coal and coke, for the Essex Education Committee (Stansted District Sub-committee). St. Albans, May 22.—For the supply of house coal, steam coal, nutty slack and coke to the Union Workhouse, for the Guardians. Salford.—For the supply of coal to the various depart- ments of the Corporation. Sheffield, May 22.—For the supply and delivery of coal for use at the Kelham Island Power Station during the year ending June 30, 1914, for the Tramways Committee of the Corporation. Skipton, May 31.—For the supply of 8,000 tons of gas fuel; also about 100 tons of sulphuric acid, for the Urban District Council. Smethwick, May 22.—For gas coal and nuts, for the Corporation. Stockport, May 19.—For a three or six months’ supply of best engine slack and house coal, for the Corporation. Swindon, May 26.—For the supply from June 30, 1913, to June 30, 1914, of best through-and-through steam coal (40 per cent, large) and best kitchen coal, for the Swindon and District Hospital Board. Tiverton, May 30.—For the whole or part of 4,000 tons of freshly wrought gas coal, screened or unscreened, including nuts, for the Corporation. Wellington, May 24.—For the supply of any quantity up to 5,000 tons of screened or unscreened gas coal, for the directors of the Wellington (Salop) Gas Company. Wigton, June 17.—For the supply of about 1,000 to 1,200 tons of washed nuts or gas coal, also a separate tender for suitable round coal, for the directors of the Wig ton Gas Light and Coke Company Limited. Woolwich, May 21.—The Council of the Metropolitan Borough of Woolwich invite tenders for the supply of steam coal for their Public Baths for the year commencing June 25, 1913. The amount required will be about 1,900 tons. Arthur B. Bryceson, town clerk, Town Hall, Woolwich. Wrexham, June 4.—For supply of 11,000 tons of best approved gas coal, to be delivered during the year ending June 30, 1914, in such quantities and at such times as may be required, and to weigh 20 cwt. to the ton over the gas company’s weighbridge, for the Wrexham Gas Company. The date given is the latest uvon which tenders can be received GORTRACTS OPEI FOR EHGIHEERIHG, IRQ! AID STEEL WORK, Ab. Adelaide (Australia), May 27. —Weighbridges. — The Imperial Trade Correspondent at Adelaide (Mr. J. K. Samuel) reports that tenders, on the proper forms, will be received by the chairman of the Supply and Tender Board, Adelaide, South Australia, up to 3 p.m. on May 27, for the supply of (1) four weighbridges, each of 30 tons capacity, for 5 ft. 3 in. gauge railway ; and (2) interlocking apparatus, known as N.E.R. (S.D.) pattern.