978 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 9, 1913. COAL COKE AND EXPORTED FROM PORTS IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES During the month of April 1913, compared with the corresponding month of 1912.* Port. April 1913. April 1912. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Increase. Decrease. Increase. Decrease. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle 867.547 13,508 208,048 2,348 659,499 — 11,160 — North Shields 67,573 898 45,798 303 21,775 — 595 — South Shields 143,173 237 26,259 1,266 116,914 — — 1,029 Sunderland 254,532 2,578 90,191 64 164,341 — 2,514 i ~ West Hartlepool 95,618 987 45,290 — 50,328 — 987 — Goole 129,577 2,871 19,644 — 109,933 — 2,871 — Blyth 332,076 1,514 131,614 160 200,462 — 1,354 — Newport 455,199 2,876 172,639 — 282,560 — 2,876 — Liverpool 28,693 475 6,865 181 2i,828 — 294 — Methil 210,574 57 109,814 — 100,760 — 57 — Glasgow • 180,036 5,609 89,331 1,311 90,705 — 4,298 — Kirkcaldy 8,465 — 5,320 30 3,145 — — 30 Burntisland 169,843 29 77,691 20 92,152 — 9 — Cardiff 1,753,619 5,732 341,736 — 1,411,883 — 5,732 — Borrowstoness 51,423 180 26,938 1,487 24,485 — — — Llanelly 16,271 — 2,071 — 14,200 — — — Middlesbrough 2,839 3,265 — 167 2,839 — 3,098 — Seaham 85,306 — 27,666 — 57,640 — — — Swansea 289,406 397 25,605 — 263,801 — 397 917 — Granton 10,127 1,118 2,795 201 7,332 — — Port Talbot 171,422 208 47,186 — 124,236 — 208 — Alloa 13,292 — 4,364 421 8,928 — — 421 Grangemouth 98,119 5,395 74,208 2,872 23,911 — 2,523 — Neath — — — — — — — Hull 396,013 2,188 60,256 — 335,757 — 2,188 — Amble 42,083 — 20,505 — 21,578 — — — Troon 8,353 — 5,498 — 2,855 — — — Grimsby 124,038 1,331 30,247 — 93,791 — 1,331 — Ayr 6,941 — 7,110 — — 169 — — Greenock — — 2,486 — — 2,486 — — Leith 131,928 — 38,490 — 93,438 — —* — Ardrossan — — 11,647 — — 11,647 — — Stockton — — — — — — — — Tannett-Walker the Official Receiver reported that the liabilities were expected to rank for dividend .£95,414 of which .£20,307 was owing to 64 unsecured creditors. The assets were estimated to produce .£233, and the deficiency was shown to be .£95,203. After the Glengarnock Iron and Steel Company come Messrs. Dorman, Long, and Co., as creditors, and the third largest, Messrs. Fairbairn, Lawson, Coomb, Barbour Limited, as the largest creditors of the company. Thompson and Southwick Limited.—This company has been registered, with a capital of £20,000 in £1 shares (15,000 preference), to take over the business of engineers, general and colliery ironfoundere, &c, carried on at Tamworth by a company of the same name, and to adopt an agreement with the said old company and H. H. Bloomer, the liquidator thereof. Minimum cash subscription, £2. First directors, A. Lead beater, J.P., C. Richards, and S. and F. Thompson. Qualification, .£300. Thornycroft (John I.) and Company Limited.—The report states that the position is as follows:—Balance brought forward from 1911, 423,591 ; trading profit for 1912, .£64 970; together, £68,561. Deduct depreciation on buildings, plant, machinery, patterns, drawings, &c., £18,435; directors' fees, £1,600; debenture interest to December 31, 1912, £13,500 ; leaving a balance of £35,026. The directors recommend a dividend of 5 per cent, on the ordinary shares, transferring to reserve account £10,000, leaving a balance to be carried forward of £5,721. Vitrified Coal Company Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £3,000 (2,600 10 per cent, cumulative preference shares of £1 each and 16,000 deferred ordinary shares of 6d. each), to carry on the business of manufacturers of vitrified coal, briquettes and patent fuel, &c., and to adopt an agreement with W. Smith and A. S. Esslemont. First directors, F. H. Haviland, W. Smith, A. Esslemont, T. A. Johnson and F. J. Broomfield. Registered office, Cromwell House, 6, Surrey-street, W.C. ABSTRACTS OF PATENT SPECIFICATIONS COAL AND COKE SHIPPED FOR LONDON AND OTHER PORTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM.* Port. April 1912. April 1913. Port. April 1912 April 1913. Coals. Coke. Coals. | Coke. Coals. | Coke. Coals. | Coke. Newcastle Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 241,582 42 390,033 1,366 Ayr 53,381 — 54,908 North Shields ... — — — — Irvine 6,678 — 7,365 40 South Shields ... — — 1,120 — Alloa 1,195 —. 2,478 Blyth 39,459 — 32,250 — Whitehaven 16,726 — 22,035 — Amble 9,060 — 7,769 — Liverpool 73.348 — 140,879 — Sunderland 65,423 — 113,920 — Grimsby 1,824 — 2,883 — Seaham 49,929 — 91,124 — Granton 12,854 — 18,795 — Hartlepool 27,190 — 47,929 — Borrowstoness .. 12,934 — 22,<29 — Stockton — — — — Burntisland 19,155 — 26,495 — Middlesbro’ 2,310 20 — 220 Kirkcaldy 1,816 — 2,777 — Hull 32.285 135 93,265 1,000 Methil 25,615 — 39,450 — Goole 38,329 — 117,024 — Port Talbot 3,032 — 11,107 600 pf Swansea 8,674 200c 930pf 43,963 — Glasgow 49,632 400 36,825 669c lOpf Cardiff 75,312 20c 525pf 235,604 1,420 Grangemouth ... 12,602 — 5,461 Llanelly 3,920 — 5,617 — Greenock 620 — 586 Newport 34,088 — 57,079 . — Neath 6,638 — Troon 15,656 9,867 — 18,333 Leith 11,181 6,653 Ardrossan — 4,258 — * From Browne's Export List, fully paid up in cash, and 250,000 of the ordinary shares have been issued and subscribed on terms that the same should be paid in cash. Phoenix Bridge and Iron Works Limited—Applications have been invited tor £154,10u (being the approximate sterling equivalent at £1 = 4 86f dole, of 750,000 dols.) 6 per cent first mortgage bonds at the price of 96 per cent., and 800,000 dols. (say, £164,383) common stock at 50 dols. (say, £10 5s. 5d.) per fully-paid share. The capitalisation of the company, which is incorporated under the laws of the Dominion of Canada, is as follows:—Common stock (in shares of 100 dols. each), authorised, 1,500,000 < ols.; issued, 800,000 dols; 6 per cent, first mortgage bonds, authorised and issued, 750,000 dols. The company is engaged in the business of manufacturing and fabricating structural steel for use in the construction of buildings and bridges, and also derives considerable profit from the erection of the manufactured products. Prospidnick Mining Company Limited. — This private company has been registered, with a capital of £5,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of miners, coal and iron- masters, &c., and to adopt an agreement with T. D. Merton, H. C. Hoover and T. J. Hoover. First directors, T. D. Merton, T. J. Hoover and D. Anderson. Registered office, Finsbury-pavement House, E.C. Smith (Durham) and Co. Limited.—This private com- pany has been legistered, with a capital of £5,000 in £1 shares (3,400 ordinary and 1,600 “ B ”), to deal in coal and coal by-products, &o , and to adopt an agreement with R. D. Smith. First director: R. D. Smith (qualification, £100). Star Engineering Company Limited.—The report for the year ended December 31 states that after depreciation, mortgage interest, &c., of £3,016 there was a trading profit in the motor section of £13,316, and after charging deprecia- tion, bad debts, &c., of £397 there was a profit in the cycle section of £622, which, with sundry receipts, made a net profit for the year of £14,206, making, with £1,838 brought forward, a total of £16,044. The directors recommend the payment of the 7 per cent interest on the preference and 5 per cent, for the year on the ordinary, the transfer of £6,500 to goodwill and patent rights, reducing that valua- tion to £48,500, and to carry forward the balance after payment of directors’ fees. Steel Company of Canada Limited.—The report for 1912 states that the net profits for the year, after expending 464,162 dols. for repairs, maintenance and improvements on plants and machinery, were 1,547,039 dols., an increase of 173,516 dols. These profits were dealt with in the following manner:—Interest on bonds and mortgage, 465,326 dols.; preferred stock dividends, 454,741 dols; credited to fund for depreciation, renewal and improvement of plants, 150,000 dols.; credited to profit and loss account, 476,971 dols. RECENTLY ACCEPTED. 8189 (1912). Improvements in Condensing Plant. The Hon. Sir C. A. Parsons, K.C.B., of Heaton Works, Newcastle-on- Tyne, Northumberland, and S. S. Cook, of Turbinia Works, Wallsend - on - Tyne, Northumberland.—This invention relates to improvements in condensing plant of the type described in the Patent Specification 28086 of 1910, in which a turbine or like chamber exhausts into a condenser having ordinary exhausting means connected thereto and to said chamber, and in which augmentor means for increasing the degree of vacuum in the condenser are connected to the conduit leading from the condenser to the ordinary Stokvis (R. S.) and Zonen Limited.—The report for 1912 states that, after providing for contingencies and adding the amount (£5,578) brought forward from last year, there is a credit balance on revenue account of £64,451, to which must be added £30,210, being surplus on sale and revalua- tion of investments, making a total of £94,662. The directors propose to pay a dividend of 15 per cent, on the ordinary shares for the year, to transfer to special reserve fund (1) proportion of year’s profits as required by the articles £13,531, and (2) additional amount this year to make up the full £50,000 required by the articles £17,045, to pay managing directors’ commission £7,416, to write off loss on final disposal of old properties £2,409, carrying forward £22 071. In revaluing the investments as on December 31, 1912, the directors have allowed a margin of about 20 per cent, below the full market price, equal to a sum of upwards of £12,500. Tannett-Walker and Co. Limited—A meeting of the creditors was held at Leeds on the 1st inst., when Mr. Douglas, representing the Glengarnock Iron and Steel Com- pany, the largest trade creditors, was voted to the chair. Mr J. W. Close, receiver for the first debenture holders and liquidator of the company, made a statement showing the position of the company, which was formed in 1898 with a share capital of £450,000. The profits in 1899 amounted to £47,271, and in 1900 to £29,545. From that date up to the present time, with the exception of one year, there had been nothing but losses, the deficiency for last year being £28,547, and for the first three months of this year £4,598. The deficiency from 1901 to the present makes an aggregate of £162,891. The goodwill has figured in successive balance- sheets at £135,429, and the debenture stock has been increased from £100,000 to £150,000. A sum of £4,309 is due to debenture holders that have specific securities, and £10,790 is owing to unsecured creditors over £10. The cash creditors represent £95,944, and the preferential creditors £2,384. On the asset side the debts due to the company ar© £735, work in progress amounts to £4,000, general stock £8,069, land and buildings (as valued in 1898) £79,087, machinery and plant £149,050, loose plant, moulding-boxes, etc., £46,872, models £7,600, due from Mr. F. W. Tannett- Walker, but subject to a reduction for certain royalties, £19,678. The liquidator stated that the works only remained open for the purpose of completing a few of the contracts, and would be closed at the end of the month. A resolution was carried confirming the appointment of Mr. Close as liquidator.—At the meeting of the creditors of Frederick William Tannett-Walker, managing director, held the same day, the Official Receiver stated a ‘ ’ had been proposed to carry on the works. ______________ o statement of affairs showed the liabilities amounted to £85,295, and the assets to £2,051, leaving a deficit of depends from the top of the chamber to nearly half the £83,244. At a meeting of the creditors of Arthur Tannett depth of the chamber and forms a water seal, past which ing director, * composition The debtor’s exhausting means at the level to which the condensed fluid is permitted to rise within the said chamber. In such an arrangement, when the condensed and non- condensed vapours delivered from the augmentor means are withdrawn by the ordinary exhausting means, it is found that the non-condensed vapours are liable to return to the inlet of the augmentor means instead of passing to the ordinary exhausting means, thus reducing the efficiency of the plant. The invention consists in a con- densing plant in which a device such as a liquid seal is provided in the conduit between the outlet from the augmentor means and the inlet to the ordinary exhausting means to prevent the return of the non-condensed vapours to the inlet of the augmentor means. One method of carrying the invention into effect is illustrated by way of example as applied to the condensing plant illustrated in sectional elevation in the accompanying drawing. (Two claims.) 12641 (1912). Improvements in Apparatus for Making Observations on the Gas Caps of Miners' Safety Lamps. The Wolf Safety Lamp Company Limited and R. Cremer, both of 37, York-place, in the city of Leeds.—The object of this invention is to provide means whereby the proportion of gas can be readily varied and at the same time indicated, and also so that the behaviour of the flame of the lamp, more particularly of the gas caps, can be at the same time observed. The means for supplying air as above mentioned consists of a chamber closed except that an opening is provided in the top of the chamber and is connected with a supply of water at a comparatively constant pressure. The I connection of the water-supply pipe to the top of the chamber is formed so as to serve as an aspirator, the falling water drawing air with it into the chamber. A trap funnel